550 research outputs found

    Persuasion in the Health Field: Framing the Message for Attitude Change

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    The process of persuasion, the changing of a person’s attitudes, has often been applied to health communications designed to promote healthy behavior. Manipulation of aspects of the persuasive message can influence persuasion and the likelihood of attitude change. For a long time, the existing persuasion research had yet to examine how different types of message framing and intervention targets directly and in interaction with one another act as predictors of health attitude change. Therefore, this thesis addressed this lapse using an online survey to assess participants’ attitude towards the health issue of hypertension after reading a health message. This health message was manipulated in how it framed the problems of high blood pressure and how it prescribed changes in behavior to have healthy blood pressure levels. It was hypothesized that negative message framing, the interrogative verb mood and a facilitation target would have greater influence over attitude and behavioral intention compared to their alternatives. The same pattern of results was expected for elaboration save for the hypothesis that an inhibition intervention target would result in greater elaboration than a facilitation target. This thesis may further the field of psychology’s understanding of persuasion as well as help create a better informed and healthier society

    The Conditionality of Political Short‐Termism: A Review of Empirical and Experimental Studies

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    Political short-termism prioritizes short-term net policy benefits over long-term benefits and thus can hinder policy investments that impose short-term costs to society to address long-term policy challenges. This literature review explores when political short-termism can be driven and mitigated in a democratic system by reviewing empirical and experimental studies and identifying the various factors that can influence policy investments: elections, economic conditions, power-sharing arrangements, partisanship, the presence of compensation schemes, and media coverage among politicians; discounts of future policy benefits, policy trade-offs, political ideology, and socioeconomic and demographic factors among voters; and compliance costs, power-sharing arrangements, compensations, and long-term political signaling from governments among special interest groups. Finally, I discuss the findings and provide suggestions for future research

    The Need for a Personal Assistant: My Case of an Unmet "BENEFIT"

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    Produced by The Center on Disability Studies, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawai'i and The School of Social Sciences, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas for The Society for Disability Studies

    On the Formation of Spatiotemporal Metaphors in Japanese

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    交差するレトリック : 精神と身体、メタファーと認知第二部交差するレトリッ

    The Japanese ‘X wa Y o shiteiru’ pattern as simple stative expressions

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    This paper discusses the Japanese ‘X wa Y o shiteiru’ form, which represents the simple state or property of an object. After illustrating the basic features of the linguistic pattern, the paper examines how the pattern is formed by focusing on the conceptualizer’s cognition regarding objects. To conclude, the paper argues that the simple stative interpretation of the pattern derives from the process of subjectification proposed in the field of cognitive grammar

    Using High-Rising Cities to Visualize Performance in Real-Time

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    For developers concerned with a performance drop or improvement in their software, a profiler allows a developer to quickly search and identify bottlenecks and leaks that consume much execution time. Non real-time profilers analyze the history of already executed stack traces, while a real-time profiler outputs the results concurrently with the execution of software, so users can know the results instantaneously. However, a real-time profiler risks providing overly large and complex outputs, which is difficult for developers to quickly analyze. In this paper, we visualize the performance data from a real-time profiler. We visualize program execution as a three-dimensional (3D) city, representing the structure of the program as artifacts in a city (i.e., classes and packages expressed as buildings and districts) and their program executions expressed as the fluctuating height of artifacts. Through two case studies and using a prototype of our proposed visualization, we demonstrate how our visualization can easily identify performance issues such as a memory leak and compare performance changes between versions of a program. A demonstration of the interactive features of our prototype is available at https://youtu.be/eleVo19Hp4k.Comment: 10 pages, VISSOFT 2017, Artifact: https://github.com/sefield/high-rising-city-artifac

    Sumber-Sumber Motivasi Belajar Dari Rumah Peserta Didik Kelas VII SMP

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    The corona virus pandemic that has hit the world requires everyone to follow health protocols to protect themselves and others from disease transmission. This has also led to many new policies made by the government, especially in education, one of which is a learning system from home for formal education. Education during the pandemic is carried out online, although not all students can learn online effectively because there are various differences in the learning atmosphere compared to the pandemic period, amid the limitations that exist, student still follow the learning which is believed to be driven by various of motivation. This study aims to determine the sources of motivation learning from home of grade VII students at Junior High School 2 Warkuk Ranau Selatan in 2020/2021. This research uses descriptive quantitative method. The data were collected using a questionnaire of sources of motivation learning from home. The populations in this study were students of class VII at Junior High School 2 Warkuk Ranau Selatan in 2020/2021 with a sample size 51 respondents from total population of 103 people. The sampling technique is done through random sampling. The results of the data analysis conducted were 8 students (16%) choose Intrinsik Process Motivation, 11 student (21%) choose Instrumental Motivation, 14 student (28%) choose Eksternal Self-Concept Motivation, 12 student (23%) choose internal self-concept Motivation, and 6 student (12%) choose Goal Internalization. Eksternal self-concept Motivation be the most chosen indicator and Goal Internalization be the least selected indicator.


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    First, in order to use as an inlet condition for turbulent simulation, a method is presented which produces numerically an artificial turbulence, namely, a series of velocity fluctuations of which frequency is Gaussian, and energy spectrum and root mean square correspond to the given ones. Besides, the fluctuation data are determined by the characteristic parameters of turbulent flows such as the inlet mean velocity, the kinematic viscosity, the Kolmogorov scale and the integral time scale. Our examples show excellent accuracy and flexibility of the method. Secondly, the vortex method has been studied to see the ability of the method to deal with turbulent flows. It is found that the energy spectra produced by this agree well with the ones given as the inlet condition, and that the vortex method is able to produce turbulent flows with the given parameters described above