353 research outputs found


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    Road traffic fatalities (RTFs) in Ghana have adverse effect on the dependency ratio and economic growth in the formal sector of the economy. To analyse the pattern of road traffic deaths in Ghana, fatalities of road traffic accidents by age group from 2001 – 2010 were obtained. Using published road traffic accident statistics from the National Road Safety Commission of Ghana, the pattern of RTF in the ten (10) geographical regions in Ghana was obtained, using moving average analysis. The pattern of the road traffic fatality data displays 10 distinct yearly cycles over a 10- year period, with the underlying trend showing a steady marginal increase overall, as well as in each particular region. Based entirely on the moving average trend of the past data, the values of the number of RTFs are projected for each of the 10 geographical regions. The number of road traffic fatalities in Ghana are predicted to rise from 1 986 in the year 2010 to 3 526 in the year 2030, an increase of about 77.5%. This finding is consistent with one of the key findings on global trends and projections presented in the World report on road traffic injury prevention, which revealed that road traffic deaths are predicted to increase by 83% in low-income and middle-income countries

    A Moving Average Analysis of the Age Distribution and the Pattern of Road Traffic Fatalities in Ghana, From 2001 - 2010

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    Road traffic fatalities (RTF) in Ghana have adverse effect on the dependency ratio and economic growth in theformal sector of the economy. To analyse the pattern of road traffic deaths in Ghana, fatalities for road trafficaccidents by age groups from 2001 – 2010 were obtained. Using published road traffic accident statistics fromthe National Road Safety Commission, the pattern of RTF with respect to age was obtained, using movingaverage analysis. The pattern of the series data displays 8 distinct yearly cycles over a 10-year period, with theunderlying trend showing a steady increase overall, as well as in each particular age group.Based entirely on the trend of the past data, the values of the number of RTFs are projected for each of the 8 agegroups. The number of road traffic fatalities in Ghana is predicted to rise from 1 987 in the year 2010 to 3 677 inthe year 2030, an increase of about 85%.Key Words: Age, Fatality, Trend and Forecas

    On Sensor-Based Ore Sorting

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    The high cost of mineral processing in mining industries keeps rising. Sensor-based ore sorting is key in helping the mining industries to sort out ore to help reduce the processing and production costs. With the implementation of sensor-based ore sorting at the primary stage, it assures of separating larger volumes of the barren gangue from the conveyor-transported ore before excessive handling and mixing occurs. Hence, this paper investigated and evaluated the deployment of the colour camera and the dual energy X-Ray sensors. The successful operation at 2.8 m/s and 3.2 m/s of conveyor speed, and relatively extreme positions of the air jet-based separation mechanism for the sorting proved robustness in separation of barren gangue from the ore feed

    Design of an Integrated Anti-Hardening System for Carbon-In-Leach Tanks

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    Slurry density monitoring is of paramount importance in the industrial world. Most industries, especially cement and mineral processing industries, employ this method to obtain good quality products. However, most Carbon-In-Leach (CIL) tanks of gold processing industries do not use slurry density monitoring systems. As a result, many a time, agitation difficulties occur when the slurry begins to harden. This paper, therefore, seeks to design an integrated anti-hardening system for CIL tanks, with the aid of a microcontroller, to monitor the density of the slurry in order to prevent it from hardening. Slurry density measurement was achieved with the help of a strain gauge pressure sensor and a couple of level sensors. Atmega 328p  microcontroller board was programmed to continuously compute the density of the slurry from values of pressure and level of slurry in the tank indicated by the pressure and level sensors, respectively. The microcontroller responds to slurry hardening by activating a light emitting diode and triggering the piezo buzzer when a set point is reached. The designed circuit was successfully simulated using Proteus 8.2 design suite software to ascertain its functionality. Based on the results obtained, the light emitting diode and piezo buzzer activated when the set point was reached. It was concluded that the anti-hardening system is effective for constantly monitoring the density of the slurry to prevent it from hardening. It was also recommended that the mining industries could employ the designed system to monitor the density in order to prevent hardening of slurry in CIL tanks. Keywords: Carbon-In-Leach Tanks, Slurry Densisty, Strain Guage Pressure Sensor, Microcontrolle

    The black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae): Trapping and culturing of wild colonies in Ghana

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    The larvae of the black soldier fly (BSF), Hermetia illucens L. (Diptera: Stratiomyidae), are promising candidates to be utilized in alternative organic waste management and for fish and livestock feed production. The scalability of this technology in Ghana will depend on a steady source of large numbers of BSF larvae. The objectives of this study were to identify the most attractive organic manure dumps or heaps in the study area for trapping wild BSF egg clutches and assess the effect of local environmental conditions on the trapping and laboratory rearing of BSF. The study compared the number of egg clutch trapped at different microhabitats including piggery, chicken and sheep waste dumps and on a compost heap. The piggery dump waste was the most suitable site for trapping BSF egg clutches. No egg clutch was deposited nearby poultry and sheep waste microhabitats. Results showed no differences in temperature between microhabitats during egg trapping but relative humidity differed between poultry, sheep and compost, however this did not have any effect on egg clutch trapping. No significant differences in temperature and humidity were observed during larval rearing. Significant differences in weight and length of larvae from both piggery and compost sites were observed on days 5 and 10 after egg hatch. A small scale laboratory colony rearing has been successfully established in Ghana. The design of the larval breeding system appears to be suitable for respective up-scaling that could provide sufficient larval quantities for composting organic waste and producing feed components for livestock and fish

    A Bayesian Model for Predicting Road Traffic Fatalities in Ghana

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    Bayesian model for predicting the annual regional distribution of the number of road traffic fatalities in Ghana is derived, using road traffic accident statistics data from the National Road Safety Commission, Ghana Statistical Service and Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority. The data span 1991 to 2009. Since the parameters are assumed to vary across the various regions, they are considered to be random variables with probability distributions. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling techniques were used to draw samples from each of the posterior distribution, thereby determining the values of the unknown parameters for each region based on a given data. The study has shown that population and number of registered vehicles are predominant factors affecting road traffic fatalities in Ghana. The effect of other additional factors on road traffic fatality such as human error (due to the driver, passenger and/or pedestrian), vehicle (its condition and maintenance), environmental/weather and nature of the road cannot be ruled out.

    Dietary acrylamide-linked burden of cancers in four sub-sahara African countries:A review and data synthesis

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    Acrylamide (AA) is a food processing byproduct that forms at high temperatures and is classified as a probable human carcinogen. Previous studies have linked AA to kidney, uterus, and ovary cancer burdens, but its study in African countries remains underexplored. This study systematically used six recent articles on dietary AA concentration data from scholarly databases using specific search terms. We also collected health metrics secondary data from the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation and other sources for the period 2015-2019. We used a Monte-Carlo simulation to integrate the dietary AA exposure, risks, and health metrics to estimate the cancer burdens. The results showed that the modal healthy life years lost ranged from 0.00488 (Ghana) to 0.218 (Ethiopia) per 100,000 population. The median statistic indicated 1.2 and 26.10 healthy life years lost for Ghana and Ethiopia, respectively, due to the three cancer types. The four-country study areas' total disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) were 63.7 healthy life-year losses. Despite the limitations of the non-standardized age-related food consumption data and the few inclusive articles, the probabilistic approach may account for the uncertainties and provide valid conclusions

    Dietary acrylamide-linked burden of cancers in four sub-sahara African countries:A review and data synthesis

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    Acrylamide (AA) is a food processing byproduct that forms at high temperatures and is classified as a probable human carcinogen. Previous studies have linked AA to kidney, uterus, and ovary cancer burdens, but its study in African countries remains underexplored. This study systematically used six recent articles on dietary AA concentration data from scholarly databases using specific search terms. We also collected health metrics secondary data from the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation and other sources for the period 2015-2019. We used a Monte-Carlo simulation to integrate the dietary AA exposure, risks, and health metrics to estimate the cancer burdens. The results showed that the modal healthy life years lost ranged from 0.00488 (Ghana) to 0.218 (Ethiopia) per 100,000 population. The median statistic indicated 1.2 and 26.10 healthy life years lost for Ghana and Ethiopia, respectively, due to the three cancer types. The four-country study areas' total disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) were 63.7 healthy life-year losses. Despite the limitations of the non-standardized age-related food consumption data and the few inclusive articles, the probabilistic approach may account for the uncertainties and provide valid conclusions

    Characterization of fine particulate sources at Ashaiman in Greater Accra, Ghana

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    AbstractThe sources of airborne fine particles in PM2.5 range influencing air quality at Ashaiman, a semi–urban town north of Tema in Ghana had been investigated. Nuclepore and quartz fiber filters were used for the air particulate loadings and analyzed for elemental and carbonaceous compound (EC and OC) concentrations in the 8 carbon fractions using X–Ray spectrometry system and IMPROVE/Thermal Optical Reflectance method respectively. Positive matrix factorization (PMF) was utilized to identify the following eight sources; industrial emissions (11.4%), fresh sea salt (15.5%), diesel emissions (18.4%), biomass burning (9.5%), two stroke engines (5.1%), gasoline emissions (15.8%), aged sea salt (6.2%), and soil dust (17.7%). Source locations were verified by means of Conditional Probability Function (CPF) plots that utilize wind directions. The source contributions revealed the high influence of fossil fuel and biomass combustion on the air quality in Ashaiman. The presence of the harbor and the industries located at Tema were seen to have substantial impacts on respirable air particulate matter (APM) concentrations in Ashaiman

    Mode transition of plasma expansion for laser induced breakdown in Air

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    High-speed shadowgraph visualization experiments conducted using a 10 J pulse transversely excited atmospheric (TEA) CO2 laser in ambient air provided a state transition from overdriven to Chapman–Jouguet in the laser-supported detonation regime. At the state transition, the propagation velocity of the laser-supported detonation wave and the threshold laser intensity were 10 km/s and 1011 W/m2, respectively. State transition information, such as the photoionization caused by plasma UV radiation, of the avalanche ionization ahead of the ionization wave front can be elucidated from examination of the source seed electrons
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