57 research outputs found

    Synthesis, stereochemistry and antimicrobial activity of copper(II) and nickel(II) complexes of 4-phenylsemicarbazones

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    2-Acetylpyridine-(4-phenylsemicarbazone) and o-vanillin-(4-phenylsemicarbazone) have been prepared and characterized on the basis of elemental analyses, infrared, electronic, 1H and 13C NMR spectra. Several nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes have been obtained from these ligands. The IR spectra of the ligands as well as those of their complexes suggest that 2-acetylpyridine-(4-phenylsemicarbazone) is a neutral tridentate molecule while o-vanillin-(4-phenylsemicarbazone) is a monobasic tridentate molecule. On the basis of the analytical data, magnetic moments and spectral data, a square-planar geometry has been proposed for the nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes with these ligands. Some representative complexes of copper(II) and nickel(II) were found to have remarkable antifungal and antibacterial activity.KEY WORDS: 4-Phenylsemicarbazone, Metal complexes, Stereochemistry, Antimicrobial activity Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2011, 25(3), 361-370


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    Background: In recent times, there has been a significant short fall between the production and supply of animal protein to meet the ever increasing population. To meet the increasing demand for animal protein, there is need to focus attention on the production of livestock whose nutritional requirement does not put much strain on the limited sources of feed ingredients to which men subscribe. An example of such livestock is rabbit. Rabbit is a pseudo-ruminant herbivore which utilizes much undigested and unabsorbed feed materials as sources of nutrient for maintenance and production. Thus, this study was conducted to investigate the effects of feeding Aspilia africana as forage on the growth rates of female pseudo-ruminant herbivores (rabbits) at different physiological states. Method: Thirty (30) dutch breed rabbit does of 5 – 6 months of age were used for the experiment which was conducted in a completely randomized design for a period of four (4) months. The rabbits were divided into three treatment groups, ten (10) does per treatment group; which consisted of mixed forages (Centrosema pubescens (200g), Panicum maximum (200g) and Ipomea batatas leaves (100g) without Aspilia africana (T1; control), fresh Aspilia africana (500g/doe/day) (T2) and wilted Aspilia africana (500g/doe/day) (T3). Rabbits in all treatment groups received the same concentrate (300g/animal/day) throughout the period of the study and mixed forages from the commencement of the experiment till the does kindled. After parturition, fresh and wilted Aspilia africana were introduced in treatments 2 and 3 respectively, whereas the control group continued on mixed forages throughout the study. Conclusion: The result of the study revealed that the initial average body weight of the rabbit does was 1.74kg. At mating and gestation periods, the body weights of the does in T2 was significantly higher (P<0.05) than the rest. There were no significant differences (P<0.05) in the body weights of does at kindling between the various treatment groups. During the physiological states of lactation, weaning and re-mating, the control group (T1) had significantly lower body weight than those of the treated groups (T2 and T3). Furthermore, T2 had significantly higher body weight than T3. The study revealed that Aspiliaafricana; particularly the fresh leaves have greater growth stimulating effects when fed to pseudoruminants (rabbits), thereby enhancing body weights of does during lactation and weaning


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    This review examined the effects of nutrition on haematology of rabbits. The physiology of farm animals is influenced by several factors, one of which is nutrition. The nutritional status of an animal is dependent on dietary intake and effectiveness of metabolic processes. Dietary contents affect blood profile of farm animals. Haematological studies represent a useful process in the investigation of the extent of damage to the blood. Examination of blood provides the opportunity to clinically investigate the physiological, nutritional and pathological status of an animal. And changes in haematological parameters are often used to determine stresses due to nutrition. Reports by different researchers indicated that different diets fed to rabbits had different effects on haematological parameters, some of which were detrimental while others improved their haematological indices as they remained within the normal range of values for rabbits

    Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of [Cu(mal)(abpt)(H2O)].3/2H2O and [Cu2(sq)(abpt) 2].2H2O (mal = malonate, sq = squarate, abpt =4-amino-3,5-di-2-pyridyl-4H-1,2,4 triazole)

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    Two new mixed-ligand complexes of formula [Cu(mal)(abpt)(H2O)].3/2H2O (1) and [Cu2(sq)(abpt) 2].2H2O (2) [mal = malonate, abpt = 4-amino-3,5-di-2-pyridyl-4H-1,2,4 triazole and sq = squarate], have been prepared and characterized by X-ray crystal structure determination and magnetic studies. Complex 1 crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group C2/c, with a = 14.0086(2) Å, b = 10.0980(2) Å, c = 25.630(4) Å; β = 97.5900(10) o, and Z = 8. Complex 2 crystallizes in the triclinic system, space group P-1 with a = 7.5696(15) Å, b = 8.4697(17) Å, c = 11.049(2) Å; β = 93.00(3)o,  α = 96.98(3), γ = 90.111(3) and Z = 1. Complex 1 consist of a neutral mononuclear [Cu(mal)(abpt)(H2O)] unit and water molecule of crystallization in a distorted square pyramidal coordination sphere, while complex 2 is viewed as being made up of [Cu(sq)(abpt)2] units with the squarato ligand bridging the two copper(II) cations. Variable temperature magnetic behaviour of the complexes reveals the existence of weak antiferromagnetic interaction for complex 1 and weak ferromagnetic intrachain interaction for complex 2.KEY WORDS: Copper(II) complexes, Mixed-ligand, Magnetic properties, Malonate, Squarate, 4-Amino-3,5-di-2-pyridyl-4H-1,2,4 triazoleBull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2011, 25(1), 53-60

    Productivity improvement in Breweries through line balancing using Heuristic method

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    This paper presents a heuristic procedure for improving productivity in breweries companies. A case study of Champion brewery Plc, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State was adopted. The aim of this paper is to balance the Production line of Champion lager beer. In the course of line balancing, the idle time and the number of workstations on the production line was minimized so as to maximize the efficiency of the production line. All the required data was measured and the parameters such as elapsed time at each work station, efficiencies, number of workers, time of each of the workstations etc. was calculated from the existing line. A new heuristic approach, the Longest Operation Time (LOT) method was used in designing the new production line. After set up of the new production line, the cost of production and effectiveness of the new line was computed and compared with those of the existing one. The new production line was found to have been increased by a significant amount reducing the overall production cost per unit. Keywords: Assembly Line Balancing (AlB), balancing techniques, idle time, Line Efficiency, Task Time, Cycle Time and Bottleneck


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    This study was conducted at the experimental site of Akwa Ibom Agricultural Development Programme (AKADEP), Uyo Zone.  The rate of germination of Gnetum africanum as influenced by different planting materials – treated seeds, root cuttings and vine cuttings was on trial.  Sixty of each set of planting materials were used for the experiment.  Sixty seeds were given germination pre-treatment.  Each set of treatment was raised in the nursery with the polythene pots, using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD).  Twenty Gnetum pre-treated seeds germinated within 75 days out of 60 seeds planted, giving a 20 emergence percentage within 115 days, root cutting had 1 emergence percentage, while the untreated seeds never germinated throughout the experimental period that lasted for 115 days.  The result however showed that the treated seeds germinated earlier (75 days) and more vigorously than the untreated seeds and root cuttings.  The result suggests that Gnetum africanum may be raised through pre-germination treatment for fast development.

    External Reserves and Selected Key Macroeconomic Variables in Nigeria: An Empirical Analysis (2000-2018)

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    The paper determines empirically the interactive influence of external reserves and selected key macroeconomic variables in Nigeria using an autoregressive distributive lag (ARDL) model, cointegration and error correction model anticipated by Pesaran, Shin and Smith (2001) with quarterly data between 2000 and 2018 sourced from Central Bank statistics portal on data warehouse pro platform at https://cbnstatistics.datawarehousepro.com. The paper applied the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root in testing variables stationarity. The Cumulative sum (CUSUM) as well as the Cumulative sum of square (CUSUMSQ) display some recursive outstanding schemes of the external reserve function that remain within the 5% critical positions, and therefore gave an indication of steady external reserve purpose for Nigeria during the study period. The key variables trade openness that captured the total imports and exports by way of proportion of gross domestic product (GDP), exchange rate, direct investment, portfolio investment, oil price, consumer price index, interest rates have correct signs and the ARDL regression analysis indicates that the descriptive variables elucidate and accounted for 99% disparities in external reserves model. The bounds cointegration test exhibited that the variables are cointegrated. The paper demonstrated several empirical supports for the theoretical implications. Precisely, the log of direct investment, portfolio investment, trade openness and interest rate have positive effect, statistically significant and contributes to the external reserves position in Nigeria on the short- run. Jel. Classification Numbers: F21, F32, F34 DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-10-08 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Asymptomatic Bacteremia in Children Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Calabar, South-South, Nigeria

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    Background: Asymptomatic Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infected children are prone to serious bacterial infection as a result of poor immunity.Objective: This was to determine the common pathogenic organisms responsible for bacteremia among asymptomatic HIV infected children attending the outpatient clinics at the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Nigeria.Subjects and Methods: This prospective non randomized cross-sectional study was conducted over 6months from January 1st to 30th June 2014 among cohorts of HIV infected Anti-retroviral (ARV) naive and experienced children attending the clinic. Ethical approval was obtained from the ethical committee of the institution. Blood culture specimens were collected from all HIV infected patients who met the criteria for enrollment. All specimens with isolated bacteria organisms were treated with antibiotics according to the sensitivity pattern, in addition to administered Anti-retroviral drugs.Results: Out of the total of 109 patients recruited, 38(34.9%) had bacteremia. There were more males (57.9%), and most of them (63.2%) had Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART) for more than 24weeks. Bacteremia was inversely proportional to the CD4 count. The commonest organism isolated was unclassified Coliforms (47.3%) followed by Staphyloccocus aureus (39.5%).Conclusions: HIV infected children are prone to bacteremia especially among those with low CD4 count. Coliform was the commonest organism isolated. We recommend that HIV infected children be routinely investigated for bacteremia

    A Survey of Gastrointestinal Helminthes of Local Chickens in Abak Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State

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    Rural Poultry as practiced by the rural population is both for consumption and for income generation during festive seasons. The practice of allowing the birds to scavenge for food in the neighbourhood exposes them to disease. This research was an active surveillance of worms which parasitize these rural birds using saturated the salt floatation method. Two hundred sterile samples of the faeces of 200 rural birds were collected randomly from 10 villages in Abak Local government Area. These were transported immediately for analysis in the laboratory using floatation method with saturated salt solution. Viewing with X10 microscope it was discovered that out of the 200 samples examined for helminthes, Ascaris gallinarium was found in 92 samples or (46%), Heterakis Spp was seen with 62 0r 31% positions, Capillaria Spp was 58 or 29% and Strongyles Spp was 46 or 23%. The least was Raillietina Spp which was found in only 22 (11%). This study to the best of my knowledge is the first attempt to research into the types of worm parasites found in local birds, though it has been conducted in other parts of Nigeria and the World over. It was concluded that there is a light prevalence of helminthes in Abak in rural birds, which will lead to high loses. This we advice for educate the rural community in better husbandry practice to preserve the rural poultry population

    Trends in female sterilization in north central Nigeria

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    Background: Contraception is key to the reduction of maternal mortality. Tubal ligation is a good option for women seeking out a safe, effective, permanent and convenient form of contraceptive. However, due to variety of reasons, there is aversion to it especially in developing world. The objective of this study was to determine the trends, uptake, socio-demographic characteristics of acceptors, indications and complications of bilateral tubal ligation (BTL) in our environment.Methods: A retrospective study of BTL at UATH was conducted over a five year period, from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2019. The records of women who had BTL were retrieved from the medical records department, family planning clinic, and the theatre. The data was analyzed using SPSS 21.Results: The mean age and parity were 36.0±4.0 and 5.0±2.0 respectively. The incidence of BTL was 1.3%. Majority of those that had BTL had at least secondary level of education 100 (83.4%) and 58 (48.3%) were grand multiparous. Majority of cases 87 (72.5%) were done during caesarean section/laparotomy. Postpartum BTL accounted for 15.0%, while interval BTL accounted for 12.5%. Completed family size was the commonest indication 48.3%. No client came back with regrets. There was one case of failed BTL.Conclusions: BTL is a safe and effective method of sterilization. There is an increasing trend in utilization of BTL however the rate is still low
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