50 research outputs found

    Ionizing Radiation Effects on Food Vitamins - A Review

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Ionizing radiation has been widely used in industrial processes, especially in the sterilization of medicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetic products, and in food processing. Similar to other techniques of food processing, irradiation can induce certain alterations that can modify both the chemical composition and the nutritional value of foods. These changes depend on the food composition, the irradiation dose and factors such as temperature and presence or absence of oxygen in the irradiating environment. The sensitivity of vitamins to radiation is unpredictable and food vitamin losses during the irradiation are often substantial. The aim of this study was to discuss retention or loss of vitamins in several food products submitted to an irradiation process.52512671278Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Influencia da nutrição sobre a qualidade do pescado: especial referência aos ácidos graxos.

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    Reconhecida como uma fonte de proteína de alta qualidade, a carne de pescado tem sido objeto de inúmeras pesquisas relacionadas à sua composição em ácidos graxos, dentre os quais se encontram os popularmente conhecidos como ômega-3, os quais estão diretamente associados à saúde humana pelo seu efeito protetor, principalmente contra doenças cardiovasculares e reumatismo. Nesse sentido, um dos grandes desafios da aquicultura é apresentar ao consumidor um produto final que se assemelhe, em termos nutricionais e sensoriais, aos peixes capturados na natureza que são ricos em ácidos graxos. Este documento faz uma revisão da influência da nutrição nos peixes cultivados sobre a composição de ácidos graxos e a importância dessa como ferramenta para melhorar a qualidade nutricional e agregar valor ao pescado.bitstream/item/101804/1/DOC124.pd

    Tecnologia do pescado de água doce: aproveitamento do pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus)

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    "Pacu" (Piaractus mesopotamicus), a freshwater fish, was used with the purpose of studying its quality when smoked, salted and dried, and canned. Waste flour was also analysed. Fish from a fish farm of Piracicaba,SP was used. The intended final use was children's school meal. The results of the analysis of the final products for moisture, protein, lipids, ash and NaCl, in percent, were, respectively, 11.36; 52.53; 18.31; 17.76; 16.25 for the salted and dried fish; 70.25; 23.80; 2.69; 3.13; 1.17 for smoked fish; 62.19; 18.59; 14.34; 2.79; 1.29 for canned fish and 15.73; 42.94; 20.91; 20.42 (NaCl not available) for the waste flour. The smoked and the canned fishes were submitted to taste panels. For the canned product the results were: aspect in the can: 89% excellent and 11% good; aspect on plate: 56% excellent and 44% good; odor: 67% excellent and 33% good; taste: 56% excellent, 33% good and 11% regular and texture: 22% excellent, 56% good and 22% regular (none of the above got the not acceptable note). For the smoked fish the results were, aspect: 45% excellent and 55% good; odor: 35% excellent, 60% good and 5% regular; taste: 25% excellent, 55% good and 20% regular and texture: 50% excellent and 50% good (none got not acceptable grade)

    Designing And Validating The Methodology For The Internet Assessment Of Fish Consumption At A University Setting

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    Assessing fish consumption is complex and involves several factors; however, the use of questionnaires in surveys and the use of the Internet as tool to collect data have been considered promising approaches. Therefore, the objective of this research was to design a data collection technique using a questionnaire to assess fish consumption by making it available on a specific home page on the Internet. A bibliographical survey or review was carried out to identify the features of the instrument, and therefore pre-tests were conducted with previous instruments, followed by the Focus Group technique. Specialists then performed an analysis and conducted an online pre-test. Multivariate data analysis was applied using the SmartPLS software. The results indicate that 1.966 participants belonging to the University of São Paulo (USP) community participated in the test, and after the exclusion of some variables, a statistically significant results were obtained. The final constructs comprised consumption, quality, and general characteristics. The instrument consisted of behavioral statements in a 5-point Likert scale and multiple-choice questions. The Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient was 0.66 for general characteristics, 0.98 for quality, and 0.91 for consumption, which indicate good reliability of the instrument. In conclusion, the results proved that the Internet assessment is efficient. The instrument of analysis allowed us to better understand the process of buying and consuming fish in the country, and it can be used as base for further research.342315323Bargas-Avila, J.A., Lotscher, J., Orsini, S., Opwis, K., Intranet satisfaction questionnaire: Development and validation of a questionnaire to measure user satisfaction with the Intranet (2009) Computers In Human Behavior, 25 (6), pp. 1241-1250. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2009.05.014Batagelj, Z., Vehovar, V., Technical and methodological issues in surveys (1998) Proceedings of the 53° Annual Conference of the American Association For Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), , http://www.ris.org/ris98/stlouis, St. Louis. Retrieved fromBliven, B., Kaufman, S., Spertus, J.A., Electronic collection of health-related quality of life data: Validity, time, benefits and patient preference (2001) Quality Life Research, 10 (1), pp. 15-22. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1016740312904Boeckner, L., Pullen, S.C.H., Walker, S.N., Abbott, G.W., Block, T., Use and realiability of Word Wide Web Version of the block health habits and history questionnaire with older rural women (2002) Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 34, pp. S20-S24. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1499-4046(06)60307-2Cantrell, M.A., Lupinacci, P., Methodological issues in online data collection (2007) Journal of Advanced Nursing, 60 (5), pp. 544-549. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2648.2007.04448.xChang, L., Krosnick, J.A., Comparing oral interviewing with self-administered computerized questionnaires an experiment (2010) Public Opinion Quarterly, 74 (1), pp. 154-167. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/poq/nfp090Chin, W.W., The partial least squares approach to structural equation modeling (1998) Modern Methods For Business Research, pp. 295-336. , In G. A. Marcoulides (Ed.), Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum AssociatesCronk, B.C., West, J.L., Personality research on the Internet: A comparison of web based and traditional instruments in take-home and in-class settings (2002) Behavior Research Methods Instruments and Computers, 34 (2), pp. 177-180. , http://dx.doi.org/10.3758/BF03195440Falk, R.F., Miller, N.B., (1992) A Primer For Soft Modeling, , New York: Akron Presshttp://www.brasilfoodtrends.com.br/Brasil_Food_Trends/index.html, Federação das Industrias do Estado de São Paulo-FIESP. (2010), Brasil food trends, São Paulo: FIESP. Retrieved fromFerri, P., Cavalli, N., Costa, E., Mangiatordi, A., Mizzella, S., Pozzali, A., Scenini, F., Italian university students and digital technologies: Some results from a field research (2009) Communications In Computer and Information Science, 49 (3), pp. 357-365. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-04757-2_38(2009) The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA), , Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations-FAO, Rome: FAOGefen, D., Straub, D.W., Boudreau, M.C., Structural equation modeling and regression: Guidelines for research practice (2009) Communications of the Association For Information Systems, 4 (1), pp. 1-77Hair Jr., J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J., Anderson, R.E., Tatham, R.L., (2009) Análise Multivariada De Dados, , 6. ed.). Porto Alegre: BookmanHanning, R.M.D., Royall, J.E., Toews, L., Blashill, L., Wegener, J., Driezen, P., Web-based food behaviour questionnaire: Validation with grades six to eight students (2009) Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research, 70, pp. 172-178. , http://dx.doi.org/10.3148/70.4.2009.172Hanscom, B., Lurie, J.D., Homa, K., Weinstein, J., Computerized questionnaires and the quality of survey data (2002) Spine, 27 (6), pp. 1797-1801. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/00007632-200208150-00020Hershberger, S.L., Marcoulides, G.A., Parramore, M.M., Structural equation modeling: An introduction (2003) Structural Equation Modeling: Applications In Ecological and Evolutionary Biology, , http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511542138.002, In B. H. Pugesek, A. Tomer & A. V. Eye (Eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University PressKlem, L., Structural equation modeling (2006) Reading and Understanding More Multivariate Statistics, pp. 227-260. , In L. G. Grimm & P. R. Yarnold (Eds.), Washington: American Psychological AssociationMalhotra, N., (2008) Pesquisa De Marketing: Uma Orientação Aplicada, , 5. ed.). Porto Alegre: BookmanMaruayama, G.M., (1998) Basic of Structural Equation Modeling, , Thousand Oaks: Sage PublicationsMatthys, C., Pynaert, I., de Keyzer, W., Henauw, S., Validity and reproducibility of an adolescent Web-based food frequency questionnaire (2007) Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 107 (4), pp. 605-610. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jada.2007.01.005Mina, K., Fritschi, L., Knuiman, M., A valid semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire to measure fish consumption (2007) European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 61, pp. 1023-1031. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602617Morgan, D., (1997) Focus Group As Qualitative Research, pp. 80-88. , London: Sage Publications. Qualitative Research Methods Series 16Mueller, R.O., Structural equation modeling: Back to basics (1997) Structural Equation Modeling, 4 (4), pp. 353-369. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10705519709540081Oetterer, M., (2002) Industrialização Do Pescado Cultivado, , Guaíba: AgropecuáriaPasquali, L., (2003) Psicometria: Teoria Dos Testes Na Psicologia E Na Educação, , Petrópolis: VozesPerez, G., Zwicker, R., Fatores determinantes da adoção de sistemas de informação na área de saúde: Um estudo sobre o prontuário médico eletrônico (2010) Revista De Administração Mackenzie, 11 (1), pp. 174-200. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1678-69712010000100008Ribeiro, R.C.L., Panato, E., Silva, M.M.S., Rosado, L.E.F., Rosado, G.P., Validade relativa de um questionário de freqüência alimentar para utilização em adultos (2009) Revista De Nutrição, 22 (1), pp. 81-95. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1415-52732009000100008Rodrigues, D.S., Ramos, R.A.R., Mendes, J.F.G., A system to evaluate and monitor quality of life in a University Campus (2005) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference On Computers In Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM), , http://repositorium.sdum.uminho.pt/bitstream/1822/5064/1/Rodrigues_CI_1_2005.pdf, London. 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Universidade de São Paulo, PiracicabaSoriano, J.M., Molto, J.C., Manes, J., Dietary intake and food pattern among university students (2000) Nutrition Research, 20 (9), pp. 1249-1258. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0271-5317(00)00217-7Stanton, J.M., Rogelberg, S.G., Using Internet/intranet web pages to collect organizational research data (2001) Organizational Research Methods, 4 (3), pp. 200-217. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/109442810143002Touvier, M., Kesse-Guyot, E., Méjean, C., Pollet, C., Malon, A., Castetbon, K., Hercberg, S., Comparison between an interactive web-based self-administered 24 h dietary record and an interview by a dietitian for large-scale epidemiological studies (2001) British Journal of Nutrition, 105 (7), pp. 1055-1064. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0007114510004617Trondsen, T., Scholderer, J., Lund, E., Lund, E., Eggen, A., Perceived barriers to consumption of fish among Norwegian women (2003) Appetite, 41 (3), pp. 301-314. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0195-6663(03)00108-9(2010) Anuário Estatístico, , http://sistemas3.usp.br/anuario, Universidade de São Paulo-USP, Brasil: USP. Retrieved fromVanderslice, J., Laflamme, D.M., Wynkoop-Simmons, K., Comparing fish consumption information collected via a telephone survey and a food frequency questionnaire (2008) Epidemiology, 19 (6), pp. S315Veiga, L., Gondim, S.M.G., A utilização de métodos qualitativos na ciência política e no marketing político (2001) Opinião Pública, 2 (1), pp. 1-15Vinholis, M.M.B., Azevedo, P.F., Segurança do alimento e rastreabilidade: O caso BSE (2002) RAE Eletrônica, 1 (2), pp. 1-19. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1676-56482002000200008Zwicker, R., Souza, C.A., Bido, D.S., (2008) Uma Revisão Do Modelo Do Grau De Informatização De Empresas: Novas Propostas De Estimação E Modelagem Usando PLS (Partial Least Squares), , In Anais do 32° Encontro da ANPAD, Rio de Janeiro. CD-RO

    Enriquecimento de tilápias alimentadas com fontes de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados da série N-3.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho, a composição química e a composição em ácidos graxos de tilápias vermelhas (Oreochromis sp.) alimentadas com dietas enriquecidas com fontes de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados

    Application Of Exploratory Factor Analysis To Assess Fish Consumption In A University Community [aplicação De Análise Fatorial Exploratória Para Avaliar O Consumo De Pescado Em Uma Comunidade Universitária]

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    The objective of this research was to use the technique of Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) for the adequacy of a tool for the assessment of fish consumption and the characteristics involved in this process. Data were collected during a campaign to encourage fish consumption in Brazil with the voluntarily participation of members of a university community. An assessment instrument consisting of multiple-choice questions and a five-point Likert scale was designed and used to measure the importance of certain attributes that influence the choice and consumption of fish. This study sample was composed of of 224 individuals, the majority were women (65.6%). With regard to the frequency of fish consumption, 37.67% of the volunteers interviewed said they consume the product two or three times a month, and 29.6% once a week. The Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was used to group the variables; the extraction was made using the principal components and the rotation using the Quartimax method. The results show clusters in two main constructs, quality and consumption with Cronbach Alpha coefficients of 0.75 and 0.69, respectively, indicating good internal consistency.33199106Alves, A.L.S., Padrão alimentar de mulheres adultas (2006) Revista De Saúde Pública, 40 (5), pp. 865-873. , PMid:17301909Anastasi, A., Urbina, S., (2000) Testagem Psicológica, p. 575. , 7. ed. Porto Alegre: ArtMedBlank, L., Community based lifestyle interventions: Changing behaviour and improving health (2007) Public Health Nutrition, 29 (3), pp. 236-245. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/pubmed/fdm041, PMid:17601764(2010), http://www.mpa.gov.br/mpa/seap/html/Comercializacao/semana_do_peixe_int2 009.html, BRASIL. Ministério da Pesca e Aquicultura. A campanha vai ressaltar os benefícios do consumo de pescado e o seu prepare MPA, 2010a. 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Porto Alegre: BookmanDijk, H.V., Perceptions of health risks and benefits associated with fish consumption among Russian consumers (2011) Appetite, 56 (2), pp. 227-234. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2010.12.008, PMid:21147191Dillon, W.R., Goldstein, M., (1984) Multivariate Analysis: Methods and Applications, p. 608. , USA: John Wiley and sons, Inc(2009) The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA): 2008, p. 196. , FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION - FAO, FAOFilho, F.D.B., Silva Jr., J.A., Visão além do alcance: Uma introdução à análise fatorial (2010) Opinião Pública, 16 (1), pp. 160-185. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0104-62762010000100007Hair Jr., F., (2009) Análise Multivariada De Dados, p. 688. , 6. ed. Porto Alegre: BookmanHarris, C.A., Knight, S., Worosz, M.R., Shopping for food safety and the public trust: What supply chain stakeholders need to know about consumer attitudes (2006) Food Safety Magazine, pp. 52-59. , http://www.foodsafetymagazine.com/articleFF.asp?id=723&sub=sub1, Disponível em, Acesso em: 19 marHonkanen, P., Olsen, S.O., Verplanken, B., Intention to consume seafood - the importance of habit (2005) Appetite, 45 (2), pp. 161-168. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2005.04.005, PMid:16011859Johnson, R.A., Wichern, D.W., (2000) Métodos Mutivariados Aplicados De Análise De Dados, , México: International Thomson EditoresMaciel, E.S., Inquérito sobre o consumo de pescado em feira comemorativa da "Semana do Peixe" em cidade do interior de São Paulo (2009) Revista Ciência E Tecnologia - UNIMEP, 31 (16), pp. 59-68Malhotra, N., (2006) Pesquisa De Marketing Uma Orientação Aplicada, p. 720. , Porto Alegre: BookmanMichels, I.L., Prochmann, A.M., (2010) Estudo Das Cadeias Produtivas De Mato Grosso Do Sul: Piscicultura, p. 152. , http://pt.scribd.com/doc/14791838/Cadeia-Produtiva-Da-Piscicultura-Em-MS -2003, UFMS, 2002, Disponível, em, Acesso em: 08 novMunõz, M.A., Adherence to the Mediterranean diet is associated with better mental and physical health (2009) British Journal of Nutrition, 101 (12), pp. 1821-1827. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0007114508143598, PMid:19079848Oetterer, M., (2002) Industrialização Do Pescado Cultivado, p. 200. , Guaíba: Editora AgropecuáriaOlsen, S.O., Exploring the relationship between convenience and fish consumption: A cross-cultural study (2007) Appetite, 49 (1), pp. 84-91. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2006.12.002, PMid:17261344Pasquali, L., Extração dos fatores (2005) Análise Fatorial Para Pesquisadores, pp. 55-86. , PASQUALI, L. 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    Recomendações técnicas para o processamento da tilápia.

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    A tilápia nilótica (Oreochromis niloticus) é uma espécie bastante promissora quanto ao cultivo e deve garantir a disponibilidade de pescado em qualquer região do Brasil. Foi introduzida no Brasil em 1971, em açudes do Nordeste, e difundiu-se para todo o País. Seu cultivo está crescendo rapidamente, em função da sua rusticidade, da possibilidade de seu cultivo com baixos níveis de proteínas das rações, das elevadas taxas de crescimento que podem ser obtidas em diferentes regimes de criação, inclusive em altas densidades, da elevada resistência a doenças, da sua boa aceitação no mercado, em virtude da qualidade de sua carne, da excelente textura e paladar, do rendimento na filetagem e da ausência de espinhos intramusculares em seu filé. Em apenas três anos, sua produção dobrou e hoje, produz-se, aproximadamente, 132 mil de toneladas/ano. Desse modo, este documento vai tratar exclusivamente da elaboração de um programa de rastreabilidade e das tecnologias aplicadas à depuração, desenvolvimento de produtos e embalagens e elaboração de coprodutos que contribuam para o estabelecimento da tilapicultura brasileira. Esse manual foi baseado nas pesquisas desenvolvidas pela equipe do GETEPE - Grupo de Estudos e Extensão em Inovação Tecnológica e Qualidade do Pescado da ESALQ-USP, com apoio da Embrapa, por meio do projeto AQUABRASIL.bitstream/item/83628/1/Doc-213-Rastreabilidade-com-capa.pd