23 research outputs found

    Kemampuan Menghambat dan Sifat Hambatan Analog Kurkumin Terhadap Aktivitas Enzim Siklooksigenase

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    ABSTRACT Curcumin analogues are compounds that were synthesized based on curcumin structure modified with substitution of dimethyl group at the two aromatic rings and C-a ketone cyclisation. The curcumin analogues employed were PGV-0 (Pentagamavunon-O), PGV-1 (Pentagamavunon-1) and HGV-1 (Heksagamavunon-1) with the respective molecule structures of C2]H20O5/ C^H^Oj and C24H26O3 The aim of this study was to find out the effect and the types of inhibition of curcumin analogues on cyclooxigenase enzyme activity. The experiments were performed using human platelets obtained from fresh human blood as a source of cyclooxygenase. The inhibitory effect of cyclooxygenase was calculated as the percentage of inhibitions in the presence of 0,1,5,10,15,20 yM of PGV-0 and 0,1,5,10,15 uM of PGV-1 and HGV-1 in the final concentration. The concentration of the substrate was 3 M-M. The type of inhibition on cyclooxygenase was determined from the Lineweaver-Burk plots with a concentrations of 0,5,10,15 mM of PGV-0 and 0,5,10 uM of PGV-1 and HGV-1. The concentration of the substrate were 1,3,5,7,9 |xM. Apparent Ki constants were calculated using the equation for competitive inhibition. The results of this study showed that the three curcumin analogues have the inhibitory potentiality on cyclooxygenase enzyme activity in the order of potentiality respectively PGV-0 was smaller than PGV-1, and PGV-1 had about the same potency of HGV-1. The types of inhibition on cyclooxygenase activity for the three curcumin analogues were competitive. Keywords: PGV-0 - PGV-1 -HGV-1 - cyclooxygenas


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    Operasional pembangkit listrik dengan bahan bakar batubara merupakan kegiatan penyediaan pasokan energi yang memberikan dampak crucial yaitu berupa debu. Berdasarkan Amdal PLTU Tanjung Jati B Jepara (4 x660 MW) dan PLTU Jawa Tengah I Rembang (2x315 MW) belum melakukan identifikasi dampak potensial dan prediksi serta evaluasi dampak debu ukuran kecil dalam fly ash dari emisi cerobong pembangkit. Dengan demikian Amdal mengalami ketidakcukupan (inadequacy) dalam pengelolaan dampak kegiatan tahap operasional PLTU yang menghasilkan debu ukuran kecil yaitu debu halus (PM2.5) dan debu kasar (PM2.5-10). Tujuan dari penilitian ini untuk mengetahui kinerja pengelolaan dampak partikel debu ukuran kecil di PLTU sehingga dapat melakukan pencegahan pencemaran dan perbaikan berkelanjutan. Sesuai rekomendasi studi Amdal (analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan) sebagai indikator manajemen adalah penggunaan air pollution control device berupa ESP (electrostatic presipitator) dan kombinasi ESP dengan W-FGD (wet-flue gas desulfuritation), serta melaksanakan pemantauan pada lokasi pengelolaan dampak debu. Evaluasi kinerja dengan menetapkan indikator kondisi lingkungan dengan berupa kajian terhadap emisi debu halus (PM2.5) dan debu kasar (PM2.5-10) dalam fly ash dari cerobong PLTU. Analisis yang dilakukan meliputi analisis unsur logam dengan menggunakan ICP-MS (Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry); analisis kontribusi dengan PMF (Positive Matrix Factorization); analisis resiko kesehatan dengan pedoman Analisa Resiko Kesehatan Lingkungan dari Direktorat Jenderal PP. dan PL., Kementrian Kesehatan tahun 2012; analisis persepsi dan respon masyarakat dengan metode wawancara; serta analisis pola sebaran debu halus (PM2.5) dan debu kasar (PM2.5-10) dengan menggunakan AERMOD VIEW. Hasil analisis karakterisasi sebagian besar unsur logam dalam debu halus dan kasar didominasi oleh trace element ; pada udara ambien kontribusi PLTU pada R1-R6 berkisar antara 15-31%; resiko kesehatan dari unsur karsinogenik dan non karsinogenik masih pada nilai aman namun dengan lamanya umur operasional PLTU paparan logam dalam PM2.5 dan PM2.5-10 perlu dikelola; masyarakat pada wilayah sebaran debu halus dan kasar sebagian besar tidak mengetahui risiko kesehatan PM2.5 dan PM2.5-10 (60-78.6%) dan respon masyarakat untuk upaya mengelola dampak dengan memakai masker didapatkan nilai yang rendah (1-11.7%). Model sebaran debu menunjukkan bahwa dalam Amdal belum mengantisipasi wilayah yang akan terkena dampak sebaran debu ukuran kecil. Sebagai rekomendasi penelitian diusulkan model pengelolaan debu dengan pengaturan prosedur pengelolaan yaitu menetapkan baku mutu baru untuk emisi pembangkit yaitu PM2.5 dan PM2.5-10 dan tolok ukur baru dalam pengelolaan dan pemantauan debu emisi yaitu terdiri dari 1). menetapkan analisa kontribusi PLTU berdasarkan PM2.5 dan PM2.5-10 ; 2). analisa risiko kesehatan akibat unsur logam dalam PM2.5 dan PM2.5-10; 3). analisis persepsi dan respon masyarakat akibat risiko kesehatan; (4). analisis sebaran PM2.5 dan PM2.5- 10 untuk mengantisipasi dampak pada pemukiman masyarakat. Kata kunci : pembangkit listrik tenaga uap; debu halus dan kasar; sebaran; resiko kesehatan, model pengelolaan Energy supply activities of coal-fired power plant operation creates crucial impact in the form of dust. Based on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Tanjung Jati B Power Plant (4 x 660MW) and Jawa Tengah I Rembang Power plant (2 x 315 MW), both of the power plants have not conducted an identification of potential impact and prediction, as well as impact evaluation of fine dust in fly ash from the emission of the stacks. Thus, the EIA is considered as inadequacy in managing the impact of the operational activities which generates fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM2.5-10) particles. The objective of this study is to determine the performance in managing the impact of fine particles in the power plants to be able to prevent pollution and for sustainable improvements. In accordance with the recommendation of the EIA, the management indicator is air pollution control devices namely electrostatic precipitator (ESP) and the combination of ESP and wet-flue gas desulfurization (W-FGD), the monitoring of the study site was also conducted. The evaluation of the performance is conducted by determining the environmental condition indicators in the form of study of fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM2.5- 10) particles emission in fly ash from the stacks. Several analysis were conducted namely metal element analysis by using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS); contribution analysis by using Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF); health risk analysis by using Environmental Health Analysis guidelines of Diektorat Jendral PP and PL of The Ministry of Health 2012; communities ‘perception and response analysis by using interview method; and for the dust distribution pattern of fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM2.5-10) particles was using AERMOD VIEW. Most of the results of metal element characterization in fine and coarse particles are dominated by trace elements; Power plant contribution in R1-R6 is 15-31%; health risks due to carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic are still in the safe threshold, but due to the length of the operational life of power plants, metal exposure in PM2.5 and PM2.5-10 need further management. The community in fine and coarse particle dispersion area did not know the health risks of PM2.5 and PM2.5-10 (60-78.6%) and the response of the community for the impact management by using facemask is found to be low (1-11.7%). Dust dispersion model shows that the EIA has not anticipate some area that will be effected by the fine dust dispersion. For the future studies, this study recommends new quality standards for power plant emission namely PM2.5 and PM2.5-10 and new benchmark for emission monitoring and management which consist of 1). Determining contribution analysis of power plant based on PM2.5 and PM2.5-10 ; 2). Health risk analysis due to metal element in PM2.5 and PM2.5-10 ; 3). Perception and response analysis due to health risk; (4). Dispersion analysis PM2.5 and PM2.5-10 to anticipate the impact in the residential area. Keywords: Coal-fired power plant, Fine and coarse particle, Dispersion, Health risk, management mode

    Dispersion Model of Total Suspended Particulate from Tanjung Jati B Jepara Coal-Fired Power Plant’s Chimneys

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    The study of dispersion model of total suspended particulate at Tanjung Jati B Jepara coal-fired power plants chimney. The chimney is using coal as the del with 4 (four) unit with 4 X 660 MW capacity. In 2016, the wind direction was dominant from east- southeast with 5, - 8.8 m/s speed,, and in 2017,, the wind direction was dominant to the southeast with 5,7-8.8 m/s speed. The analysis of dispersion is using AEROMOD model. The result of the dispersion model of total suspended particulate in two years from all chimney is expanding with the maximum ground level consentration increasing from 11.4 μg/m3 to 19,5 μg/m3 . The result of the dispersion is spreading till the residential area near the power plant

    Dispersion Model of Total Suspended Particulate from Tanjung Jati B Jepara Coal-Fired Power Plant’s Chimneys

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    The study of dispersion model of total suspended particulate at Tanjung Jati B Jepara coal-fired power plants chimney. The chimney is using coal as the fuel with 4 (four) unit with 4 X 660 MW capacity. In 2016, the wind direction was dominant from east- southeast with 5, - 8.8 m/s speed,, and in 2017,, the wind direction was dominant to the southeast with 5,7-8.8m/s speed. The analysis of dispersion is using AEROMOD model. The result of the dispersion model of total suspended particulate in two years from all chimney is expanding with the maximum ground level consentration increasing from 11.4 μg/m3 to 19,5 μg/m3. The result of the dispersion is spreading till the residential area near the power plant

    Effects of curcumin on cytochrome P450 and glutathione S-transferase activities in rat liver.

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    The stability of curcumin, as well as the interactions between curcumin and cytochrome P450s (P450s) and glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) in rat liver, were studied. Curcumin is relatively unstable in phosphate buffer at pH 7.4. The stability of curcumin was strongly improved by lowering the pH or by adding glutathione (GSH), N-acetyl L-cysteine (NAC), ascorbic acid, rat liver microsomes, or rat liver cytosol. Curcumin was found to be a potent inhibitor of rat liver P450 1A1/1A2 measured as ethoxyresorufin deethylation (EROD) activity in β-naphthoflavone (βNF)-induced microsomes, a less potent inhibitor of P450 2B1/2B2, measured as pentoxyresorufin depentylation (PROD) activity in phenobarbital (PB)-induced microsomes and a weak inhibitor of P450 2E1, measured as p-nitrophenol (PNP) hydroxylation activity in pyrazole-induced microsomes. K(i) values were 0.14 and 76.02 μM for the EROD- and PROD-activities, respectively, and 30 μM of curcumin inhibited only 9% of PNP-hydroxylation activity. In ethoxyresorufin deethylation (EROD) and pentoxyresorufin depentylation (PROD) experiments, curcumin showed a competitive type of inhibition. Curcumin was also a potent inhibitor of glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity in cytosol from liver of rats treated with phenobarbital (PB), β-naphthoflavone (βNF) and pyrazole (Pyr), when measured towards 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) as substrate. In liver cytosol from rats treated with phenobarbital (PB), curcumin inhibited GST activity in a mixed-type manner with a K(i) of 5.75 μM and K(i) of 12.5 μM. In liver cytosol from rats treated with pyrazole (Pyr) or β-naphthoflavone (βNF), curcumin demonstrated a competitive type of inhibition with K(i) values of 1.79 μM and 2.29 μM, respectively. It is concluded that these strong inhibitory properties of curcumin towards P450s and GSTs, in addition to its well-known antioxidant activity, may help explain the previously observed anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic, and cytoprotective effects of this important natural compound and food constituent

    Heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn) concentrations in edible bivalves harvested from Northern Coast of Central Java, Indonesia

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    This study measured the concentration of Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn in bivalves captured from the northern coast of Central Java, Indonesia. We also evaluated the hazard level posed by the metals in relation to the maximum acceptable limit (MAL) for human consumption and to estimate the weekly intake and compare it with the provisional tolerable weekly intake. The highest Cd levels were recorded in Amusium pleuronectes (16.32 mg Cd/kg) and the lowest levels of Cd were observed in Perna viridis (0.18 mg Cd/kg). A. granosa contained the highest level of Pb (9.050 mg Pb/kg) and P. viridis contained the lowest level of Pb (1.07mg Pb/kg). The lowest Cu level was observed in A. granosa (1.49 mg Cu/kg) and the highest Cu level was noted in C. gigas (86.21 mg Cu/kg). The levels of Zn in all species were relatively higher compared to other metals, ranged from 33.56 to 846.81 mg Zn/kg. The Cd level in bivalves was below the MAL of WHO and FAO (2 mg/kg), except in A. pleuronectes from Tegal city. The level of Pb in bivalves was exceeded the MAL value of the various existing authorities. Cu level in C. gigas (59.2 mg Cu/kg) exceeded the MAL of Indonesian authority and WHO. Zn levels in C. gigas, A. pleuronectes and A. granosa exceeded the MAL of various authorities. In order to avoid the impact of metals on people health, then safely weight of bivalves were allowed to be consumed were 0.10 kg/week for A. granosa, 0.10 kg/week for C. gigas, 0.16 kg/week for M. lyrata, 0.36 kg.week for P. viridis and 0.03 kg/week for A. pleuronectes. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd