354 research outputs found

    Bio-inspired catalysis in water

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    Theoretical Modeling of Kinetic Phenomena of Atoms and Charge Carriers in Disordered Materials

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    This PhD thesis deals with the computer simulation of III/V semiconductor heteroepitaxy and the description of charge transport in disordered inorganic and organic semiconductors

    Biotopverbundsysteme und Tagebaufolgelandschaft

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    In Sachsen-Anhalt ist im Laufe eines mehr als 100jährigen intensiven Abbaus von Braunkohle im Tagebaubetrieb eine Fläche von ca. 27.000 ha in Anspruch genommen worden. Damit waren extreme Auswirkungen auf den Naturhaushalt und die gewachsenen Kulturlandschaften verbunden. Mit der politischen Wende sank die Bedeutung der Braunkohle als Energiequelle, so dass in den meisten noch aktiven Tagebauregionen die Förderung eingestellt und mit der abschließenden Sanierung begonnen wurde

    Creative Learning: A Curriculum for Preprimary Children: Volume 1

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    CREATIVE LEARNING: A CURRICULUM FOR PREPRIMARY CHILDREN Is the beginning. It is hoped that this curriculum may serve as a resource to others as they guide the learning of young children. It is not a cut and dried, how-to-do-it book. But it is a collection of numerous learning experiences within the context of a unit setting. The various disciplines are not, and cannot, be separated;learning overlaps. With a central theme, young children will have many opportunities to examine, investigate, explore, experience and discover concepts of meaning. As the children approach the same concept from a number of experiences, they will have opportunities to formulate ideas, to test these ideas for validity and meaning, and to draw conclusions relevant for them


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    Küstenschutz umfasst den Schutz der Küste und der Küstengebiete vor Meeresüberflutungen sowie den Schutz gegen Uferrückgang und Erosion einschließlich der Sicherung der Wattgebiete. Erst mit dem Bau von Deichen konnte entlang der Küste ein entwicklungsfähiger Lebens- und Wirtschaftsraum gesichert werden

    Creative Learning: A Curriculum for Preprimary Children. Unit 8, Dinosaur Era and Fossils

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    DINOSAUR ERA AND FOSSILS is one resource unit. It is hoped to serve as a resource to others as they guide the learning of young children. It is not a cut-and-dried, how-to-do-it book. But it is a collection of numerous learning experiences within the context of a unit setting. The various disciplines are not, and cannot, be separated; learning overlaps. With a central theme, young children will have many opportunities to examine, investigate, explore, experience and discover concepts of meaning. As the children approach the same concept from a number of experiences, they will have opportunities to formulate ideas, to test these ideas for validity and meaning, and to draw conclusions relevant for them

    The Southern Boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current

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    Antarctic ice sheet mass loss is a major contributor to global sea level rise. Circumpolar Deep Water, transported by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), contributes heat to amplify ice shelf basal melting, when it accesses the Antarctic continental shelf. The Southern Boundary of the ACC provides the closest connection of warm ACC waters to Antarctica. Strong density gradients across the Southern Boundary constitute a frontal jet and modulate the southward heat transport. Mechanisms modulating the poleward transport of heat are poorly understood. This thesis explores two such mechanisms. Firstly, the frontal structure of the Southern Boundary is investigated with observed hydrographic transects. A global ocean reanalysis is used to identify the interannual and seasonal variability of the Southern Boundary and deep-water temperatures on the Bellingshausen Sea continental shelf. Annual means of potential temperature reveal interannual variability and enable separation into warm and cold regimes with deep-water temperature differences of up to 1°C. The results suggest that the deep-water temperature in the southern Bellingshausen Sea is due to a combination of shelf break heat transport and surface heat fluxes. Surface heat flux variability is related to the variability of the Amundsen Sea Low and its influence on sea ice extent and local formation of cold, dense water in winter. Secondly, the variability of the Southern Boundary at the Greenwich Meridian is investigated using ocean gliders and satellite altimetry. It is demonstrated that a cyclonic eddy near the Southern Boundary increases its density gradients and amplifies its frontal jet. Mixing length scales are suppressed across the frontal jet while the eddy is crossing and increase to about 25 km after the eddy has crossed the Greenwich Meridian. This increase supports an increased exchange of water parcels across the Southern Boundary, implying that the ‘barrier’ properties of the Southern Boundary are reduced

    Creative Learning: A Curriculum for Preprimary Children: Unit 6: The Five Senses

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    THE FIVE SENSES is one resource unit. It is hoped to serve as a resource to others as they guide the learning of young children. It is not a cut-and-dried,how-to-do-it book. But it is a collection of numerous learning experiences within the context of a unit setting. The various disciplines are not, and cannot, be separated; learning overlaps. With a central theme, young children will have many opportunities to examine, investigate, explore, experience and discover concepts of meaning. As the children approach the same concept from a number of experiences, they will have opportunities to formulate ideas, to test these ideas for validity and meaning, and to draw conclusions relevant for them