129 research outputs found

    Relaciones intergubernamentales y materialización de las políticas inclusivas en el contexto de los gobiernos progresistas en Argentina

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    En este artículo abordaremos los márgenes de acción y los alcances de la autonomía que se presentan en las relaciones intergubernamentales, entre el Estado Nacional y los Estados Provinciales en los procesos de discusión, diseño y materialización de las políticas educativas, en el contexto de la década pasada en Argentina. El artículo aborda algunas negociaciones entre el Estado Nacional y la Provincia de Córdoba para la materialización de algunas políticas de inclusión educativa que se desplegaron durante los llamados gobiernos progresistas 2003-2015.

    Improving design processes in the nuclear domain–Insights on organisational challenges from safety culture and resilience engineering perspectives

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    Design flaws have been contributing to major industrial accidents. However, design activities are understudied in human and organisational factors studies. In the nuclear power domain, both pre-operational design and design of modifications depend on a network of organizations, and aim at developing solutions which meet different criteria. Nuclear power companies often outsource the design work to organisations, which might not be hitherto familiar with the safety requirements of nuclear industry. The final phase of SADE project focused on testing and evaluating the results of the first two phases through in depth analysis of case studies conducted in Finland and Sweden. The study aimed at providing insights on the inter-organizational challenges related to design activities, which could potentially affect safety of the Nordic nuclear power plants. In 2013 we carried out 14 semi-structured interviews with representatives of power plant organisations, design organisations and regulators. Interviews of the Finnish case studies were complemented by one group interview each. The study indicated that design-related challenges in the nuclear domain are mainly inter-organizational. This implies that safety management and safety culture approaches should take better into account the inter-organisational nature of work processes. For some of the challenges (e.g. coordination) many coping practices exist throughout the network, whereas for others (e.g. shared understanding) just a few were mentioned. This signifies that design organisations have learned the consequences of insufficient coordination in previous projects, while reaching a shared understanding proves to be challenging. The design process involves both rational and creative approaches to deal with real-life problems. In nuclear industry, designers face the need to balance between fulfilling requirements and doing an extensive amount of paperwork, and creating new, safe and functional solutions. To better manage safety culture in design activities in a networked context, nuclear power companies and design supply chains need to reach a shared understanding on achieving this balance. Finally, the study provides a set of recommendations to support and improve the design process and to help anticipate emerging risks in the nuclear industry

    Section 27 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 as a Violation of the Equality Clause of the Constitution of South Africa: A Critical Analysis

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    The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, is regarded as one of the most progressive constitutions in the world. As the supreme law in South Africa, it applies to all law and conduct. All South African laws must be consistent with the Constitution. Where there is an alleged violation of constitutional provisions, that law or conduct must be evaluated to establish whether or not it is consistent with the values of an open and democratic society based on fundamental human rights such as human dignity and the right to equality. The Insolvency Act and section 27 in particular which is the focus of this paper must be consistent with the Constitution. Section 27(1) provides: "No immediate benefit under a duly registered antenuptial contract given in good faith by a man to his wife or any child to be born of the marriage shall be set aside as a disposition without value, unless that man's estate was sequestrated within two years of the registration of that antenuptial contract." This section protects benefits arising from an antenuptial contract and given by a man to his wife or to a child born of their marriage, from being set aside as dispositions without value during sequestration proceedings. The same protection is not afforded however, to benefits given by the wife under an antenuptial contract. This also excludes benefits given by those in a same sex marriage, and limits the benefits available to children born of that form of marriage. As the right to equality in section 9 of the Constitution seeks to provide equal benefits before the law to persons in the same or similar positions by prohibiting unfair discrimination, the limitations in section 27 render it vulnerable to constitutional review. As the Insolvency Act has not been amended as a whole to accommodate the equality provisions in the Constitution, in its current form, section 27 seems to violate section 9(3) of the Constitution on the grounds of sexual orientation, marital status and birth. However, certain proposals have been made in the report by the South African Law Reform Commission on the Review of the Law of Insolvency to develop section 27 to comply with the Constitution. Further developments have been proposed by the Department of Justice and Constitutional Developments in its presentations to the Labour Market Chamber in 2003 and 2006. This paper examines section 27 of the Insolvency Act as it currently reads, within the context of the right to equality in section 9 of the Constitution. Current developments in respect of section 27 will be considered to illustrate progress made in reforming the section and whether the reform measures proposed will protect all those affected by the discrimination arising from section 27. The discussion opens with a consideration of the current dispensation and the question whether section 27 violates section 9(3) of the Constitution. Current developments will then be discussed in the light of the current proposals.      &nbsp

    Pyrkivätkö turvallisuuskriittiset organisaatiot oppimaan kokemuksistaan? Kokemustiedon käsittelyä ohjaavat oletukset ydinvoimateollisuudessa ja terveydenhuollossa

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    Turvallisuuskriittisillä organisaatioilla on systemaattisia menettelytapoja esiin tulleiden turvallisuusongelmien raportointiin ja käsittelemiseen. Kirjallisuudessa tämän niin sanotun kokemustiedon käsittelyn tavoitteeksi nähdään organisaation oppiminen ja sitä kautta toiminnan kehittyminen turvallisemmaksi. Entä käytännössä? Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan ydinvoimateollisuutta ja terveydenhuoltoa. Ydinvoima-alalla laadullisen tarkastelun aineistona olivat viranomaisohjeet, voimalaitosten dokumentit ja tapahtuma-analyysiraportit sekä haastattelut ja alan toimijoiden yhteinen seminaaripäivä. Terveydenhuollossa potilaiden turvallisuuteen liittyvien vaaratapahtumien käsittelyä ohjaavia taustaoletuksia analysoitiin ryhmähaastatteluiden ja työpajatyöskentelyn pohjalta. Molemmilla aloilla korostetaan oppimisen konkreettista lopputulosta – korjaavaa toimenpidettä tai tapahtuma-analyysiraporttia – yhteisen tiedonrakentelun sijaan. Oppiminen kohdistuu usein yksilöiden tehtäviin välittömästi liittyviin tekijöihin, esimerkiksi tekniikkaan tai tehtäväkohtaisiin ohjeisiin. Turvallisuuden kehittymisen kannalta tällainen oppiminen on kuitenkin rajallista, sillä turvallisuus on pohjimmiltaan monimutkainen ilmiö, joka syntyy systeemin eri osien vuorovaikutuksessa. Turvallisuus ei ole pelkästään tapahtumien tai onnettomuuksien puuttumista, vaan jotakin sellaista jota tehdään jatkuvasti päivittäisessä työssä. Kokemustiedon käsittelyssä tulisikin tarttua välittömän, paikallisen toiminnan lisäksi myös toimintaa ohjaaviin tekijöihin ja muokata pitkäjännitteisesti organisaation toimintaprosesseja siten että ne edistävät hyvää turvallisuuskulttuuria

    Safety Management and Organisatorial Learning (MANOR):MANOR summary report

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    Turvallisuuskriittisten organisaatioiden erityispiirteet

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    Special characteristics of safety critical organizations:Work psychological perspective

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