17 research outputs found

    Ibadan Knee/Hip Osteoarthritis Outcome Measure: Process of Development

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    The development of instruments for the assessment of therapeutic intervention has been an age long practice. However, many of the published instruments do not have detailed information on how the instruments were developed. It is necessary for authors to provide detailed (step by step) information on how measuring scales/instruments are developed. The Ibadan Knee/Hip Osteoarthritis Outcome Measure (IKHOAM) was developed as a  Nigerian-environment and culturefriendly instrument for the assessment of the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions in individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee and/or hip. This article outlines the steps involved in developing an outcome measure using IKHOAM as a template

    Predictors of Health-related Quality of Life in Patients with Non-specific Low Back Pain

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    This study examined the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of patients with non-specific LBP and its predictors at a physiotherapy outpatient clinic in a tertiary health institution located in Abeokuta, southwestern Nigeria. The subjects were asked to complete the SF 36, Oswestry disability questionnaire (ODQ) and Quadruple Visual Analogue scale (QVAS). Socio-demographic and LBP-related information were also obtained using a specially designed proforma. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to examine the influence of the sociodemographic and LBP-related variables on the HRQOL of the respondents. Absence of numbness in the lower limb (p=0.043) and being a female were significant positive predictors of total quality of life (TQOL) score. Increasing age (p=0.005), pain (p=0.038) and level of disability (p<0.0001) were significant negative predictors of TQOL score. Evidence from this study shows that increasing age and level of disability adversely affected the HRQOL of LBP patients more than just the pain (which affects the physical component of HRQOL more). Female patients reported better HRQOL. The presence of numbness in the lower limb is the major symptom that significantly affects all the components of HRQOL adversely. The predictor of HRQOL in this population is not different from that in Asian and Caucasian populations

    Physiotherapy clinical students’ perception of their learning environment: A Nigerian perspective

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    Background. A favourable environment has a positive and significant impact on students’ learning, academic progress and well-being. The present study was undertaken to identify the perceptions of physiotherapy students in their clinical years of their learning environment at the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.Methods. A focus group discussion involving 12 undergraduate  physiotherapy students was used to obtain information about their  perception of their learning environment. Six students from two clinical levels of study were recruited through a simple random sampling  technique. The focus interview guide was developed based on information obtained from the DREEM questionnaire and literature review. The  interviews were analysed using the identified themes from DREEM and grounded theory for emerging subcategories.Results. Five descriptive themes and several subcategories were identified: (i) context of learning (course objectives, student focused/teacher centred, active learning); (ii) context of teachers (knowledgeable teachers, provision of formative assessment, approachable lecturers, cordial teacher-student relationship); (iii) context of students’ perception of their academic skills (understanding the subject); (iv) context of atmosphere (adequacy of facilities, e.g. chairs, classrooms, library, books); and (v) context of social life (religious activities, social functions, school-related social activities).Conclusion. Most students perceived their learning environment as good, especially with regard to student-teacher relationships. Some of the  teachers were described as knowledgeable, and as providing formative  assessment. However, students perceived their learning as being teacher centred. To facilitate an excellent learning environment, particular attention needs to be paid to availability of physiotherapy textbooks in the college library, sufficient appropriate furniture in classrooms, and provision of a functioning departmental library. The findings from this study may provide insights for teachers who wish to enhance the effectiveness of their  teaching and of their students’ learning

    Development, initial content validation and reliability of Nigerian Composite Lifestyle CVD risk factors questionnaire for adolescents

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease risk (CVD) factors affect every age category including adolescents in developing nations. Prevention strategies are effective only when there are epidemiological data for the targeted populations. The collection of such data is only made easy with composite lifestyle CVD risk factors measures that are culturally sensitive and acceptable among the target populations.Objective: The objective of the study was to develop a culturally sensitive and friendly composite lifestyle CVD risk factors questionnaire for adolescents in NigeriaMethods: A systematic review was conducted to identify existing, published questionnaires from which items could be selected. Content and face validation were conducted using an expert panel and a sub-sample of the target population. Data was analyzed qualitatively and reliability was assessed using intra-class correlation and Kappa statistic.Results: Based on the comments received from experts, the questions were restructured, simplified, clarified, formatted, some questions were added and expert reached a consensus. Kappa showed fair to moderate agreement in 65% of the questions and perfect agreement in one question.Conclusion: The CVD risk factors questionnaire has acceptable content validity and reliability and should be used to assess CVD risk factors among adolescents in NigeriaKey words: Cardiovascular disease, risk factors, questionnaire, adolescent

    Pattern and perception of wellbeing, quality of work life and quality of care of health professionals in Southwest Nigeria

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    Background: Personal wellbeing (PW) including quality of life and work life is a very complex concept that influences health professionals’ commitment and productivity. Improving PW may result in positive outcomes and good quality of care. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the pattern and perception of wellbeing, quality of work life (QoWL) and quality of care (QoC) of health professionals (HPs) in southwest Nigeria. Methods: The study was a convergent parallel mixed method design comprising a cross-sectional survey (1580 conveniently selected participants) and a focus group interview (40 purposively selected participants). Participants’ PW, quality of life (QoL), QoWL, and QoC were assessed using the PW Index Scale, 5-item World Health Organization Well-Being Index, QoWL questionnaire, and Clinician QoC scale, respectively. The pattern of wellbeing, QoWL and quality of care of HPs were evaluated using t-test and ANOVA tests. Binary regression analysis was used to assess factors that could classify participants as having good or poor wellbeing, QoWL, and quality of care of HPs. The qualitative findings were thematically analyzed following two independent transcriptions. An inductive approach to naming themes was used. Codes were assigned to the data and common codes were grouped into categories, leading to themes and subthemes. Results: Of 1600 administered questionnaires, 1580 were returned, giving a 98.75% response rate. Only 45.3%, 43.9%, 39.8% and 38.4% of HP reported good PW, QoL, QoC and QoWL, respectively; while 54.7%, 56.1%, 60.2% and 61.6% were poor. There were significant gender differences in PW and QoC in favor of females. With an increase in age and years of practice, there was a significant increase in PW, QoWL and QoC. As the work volume increased, there was significant decrease in QoWL. Participants with master's or Ph.D. degrees reported improved QoWL while those with diploma reported better QoC. PWI and QoC were significantly different along the type of appointment, with those who held part-time appointments having the least values. The regression models showed that participant’s characteristics such as age, gender, designation, and work volume significantly classified health professionals who had good or poor QoC, QoWL, PW and QoL. The focus group interview revealed four themes and 16 sub-themes. The four themes were the definitions of QoC, QoWL, and PW, and dimensions of QoC. Conclusion: More than half of health professionals reported poor quality of work life, quality of life and personal wellbeing which were influenced by personal and work-related factors. All these may have influenced the poor quality of care reported, despite the finding of a good knowledge of what quality of care entails

    Diabetes Mellitus insights and perspectives

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    Please help populate SUNScholar with the full text of SU research output. Also - should you need this item urgently, please send us the details and we will try to get hold of the full text as quick possible. E-mail to [email protected]. Thank you.Geneeskunde en GesondheidswetenskappeFisioterapi

    Physical Activity Levels of Senior Secondary School Students in Ibadan, Western Nigeria

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    Background: Inactivity and low levels of physical activity are predisposing factors to many chronic diseases such as heart disease which are showing an increase in prevalence in Sub-Saharan Africa generally and Nigeria in particular. Physical activity levels have been found to be decreasing among young people in many countries around the world resulting in a state where young people are not found to be sufficiently active in order to safeguard their present and future health and well-being. Objective: This study was designed to assess the physical activity levels of students in governmentowned senior secondary schools located in the South-east Municipality, Ibadan, Western Nigeria, and its association with their physical characteristics and level of study. Subjects and Method: Multi-stage sampling was used to select participants from senior secondary schools. A modified version of the self-reported physical activity questionnaire for adolescents (PAQA) validated for Nigerian adolescents was used for data collection. One thousand and two questionnaires were distributed to the respondents. The questionnaire was designed to collect the respondents’ demographic data and assess their physical activity levels. One thousand (1000) questionnaires were completed. Two of the 1002 questionnaires were not properly completed and were therefore discarded. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics of mean, standard deviation and cumulative percentage. A table was used to present the results. The chi-square test was used to determine the association between physical activity levels and the physical characteristics of the participants. Independent t-test was used to determine the difference in the physical activity levels of the participants. Results: The results indicated that 38% of the participants engaged in low activity levels, 58.8% in moderate activity levels and 3.2% in high activity levels. Furthermore, physical activity levels (PAL) had significant positive associations with the physical characteristics of the participants and males appeared to be significantly more active than females. Conclusion: Adolescents are not involved in adequate physical activities that could safeguard their present and future health and well-being. Therefore, it is recommended that there should be educational programmes in place which emphasize the benefits of exercise, primordial prevention of future chronic and cardiovascular diseases and also the incorporation of physical education in the secondary school curriculum. Keywords: Education, health status, Nigeria, physical activity, students 'Niveles de Actividad Física de los Estudiantes de la Escuela Secundaria Preuniversitaria en Ibadan, Nigeria Occidental" NA Odunaiya, OAAyodele, OO Oguntibeju RESUMEN Antecedentes: La inactividad y los niveles bajos de actividad física constituyen factores de predisposición de muchas enfermedades crónicas tales como las cardiopatías, que en la actualidad experimentan un aumento de prevalencia en el África Subsahariana en general y en Nigeria en particular. Se ha constatado que los niveles de actividad física están disminuyendo entre la gente joven en muchos países alrededor del mundo. A consecuencia de ello, se produce un estado de cosas en el que las personas jóvenes no están suficientemente activas para salvaguardar su salud y bienestar presente o futuro. Objetivo: Este estudio fue diseñado para evaluar los niveles de actividad física de estudiantes en escuelas secundarias preuniversitarias del gobierno, situadas en la Municipalidad Suroriental, Ibadan, Nigeria Occidental, así como la asociación de dichos niveles con las características físicas y nivel de escolaridad. Sujetos y método: Se usó un muestreo por etapas múltiples para seleccionar a los participantes de las escuelas secundarias preuniversitarias. Para la recolección de datos se usó una versión modificada del cuestionario de autoreporte de las actividades físicas para los adolescentes (PAQ-A) validado para adolescentes Nigerianos. Mil dos (1002) encuestas se distribuyeron entre los encuestados. Las encuestas fueron diseñadas para recoger datos demográficos de los encuestados y evaluar sus niveles de actividad física. Se completaron mil (1000) encuestas. Dos de las 1002 encuestas no se completaron correctamente y por lo tanto se descartaron. Los datos fueron analizados mediante estadísticas descriptivas de media, desviación estándar y porcentaje cumulativo. Se usó una tabla para presentar los resultados. La prueba de chi-cuadrado fue usada para determinar la asociación entre los niveles de actividad física y las características físicas de los participantes. La prueba “T” independiente fue usada para determinar la diferencia en los niveles de actividad física de los participantes. Resultados: Los resultados indicaron que 38% de los participantes tenían niveles bajos de actividad, 58.8% Niveles moderados de actividad, y 3.2% niveles altos de actividad. Además, los niveles de actividad (NAF) mostraban niveles significativos de asociaciones positivas con las características físicas de los participantes y los varones parecían ser significativamente más activos que las hembras. Conclusión: Los adolescentes no toman parte en actividades físicas adecuadas que podrían salvaguardar su salud y bienestar presente y futuro. Por consiguiente, se recomienda que se desarrollen programas educativos que enfaticen los beneficios del ejercicio, la prevención primordial de futuras enfermedades crónicas y cardiovasculares, así como la incorporación de educación física en el plan de estudios preuniversitarios. Palabras claves: Educación; estado de salud; Nigerias, actividad física, mujere

    Physical exercise: Knowledge, attitudes and habits of literate women in Western Nigeria

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    This study assessed the knowledge, attitudes and habits of women as it relates to physical exercises and its benefits on health and well-being. The participants were recruited from various workplaces within lbadan North Municipality, Western Nigeria using convenience sampling. A questionnaire with close ended questions was used to collect data. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. A total of 562 women aged 37.2 ± 7.7 years participated in the study. Results of the study indicated that most of the women had sound knowledge (73.65%) of the benefits of exercise and a positive attitude towards exercise, but had poor exercise habits. Slightly over 50% of them did not know the different types of exercise that might benefit them. Based on the outcome of this study, it can be said that the knowledge of women in this region of Nigeria about the benefits of exercise is quite impressive. Not all participants knew about activities that constitute exercise but their attitude towards exercise is positive however their exercise habit is poor.Keywords: Physical fitness, benefits of exercise, positive attitude, habits of women, Ibadan, Nigeria