435 research outputs found

    SNO 2020 diversity survey: defining demographics, racial biases, career success metrics and a path forward for the field of neuro-oncology

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    Background. Neuro-oncology has grown tremendously since 2010, marked by increasing society membership, specialized clinical expertise, and new journals. Yet, modest improvement in racial/ethnic diversity amongst clinical trial participants, researchers, and clinicians led us to conduct a survey to identify opportunities to enhance diversity and inclusiveness amongst neuro-oncology professionals. Methods. In summer 2020, the Women and Diversity Committee of the Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO) distributed an anonymous online survey to members and affiliates including the European Association of NeuroOncology (EANO), Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology (ASNO), Society for Neuro-Oncology Latin America (SNOLA) and Society for Neuro-Oncology Sub-Saharan Africa (SNOSSA). The survey captured personal and professional characteristics, biases, effective mentorship qualities, career service metrics, and suggested field/society changes. Results were analyzed by geography, profession, age, racial/ethnic, and sexual identity. Standard descriptive statistics characterized the study population. Results. The 386 respondents were predominantly female (58%) with a median age range of 40–49 years (31%), White (65%), and SNO members (97%). Most worked in North America (77%) in a research profession (67%). A majority of White respondents reported never experiencing biases (64%), while the majority of non-White respondents reported unconscious biases/microaggressions, followed by a lack of/limited mentorship. Qualitativ

    Ethnic fractionalization and health in West Africa

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    Artificial borders created during Africa\u27s colonial era have had a lasting impact on the continent, specifically in relation to culture and ethnicity. This study investigates the relationship between ethnic diversity and health outcomes and health care infrastructure in West Africa. I explore the effects of ethnic fractionalization on various health outcomes such as life expectancy and mortality rates, health-related infrastructure and staffing, and disease and immunization levels. This paper will also discuss colonialism and its institutional legacy. The discussion of the findings will include the impact of ethnic fractionalization, GNI per capita, and foreign aid on these outcomes

    Faith, Hope, and Resilience: Unveiling the Spiritual Dimensions of Hope in Christian Education

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    Many people can endure economic hardships and do suffer considerably due to the social and political structures within which they live. One way to understand why such people do not give up in life or stop working hard despite low economic rewards is connected to the element of the Christian faith. It is a spiritual gift that enables people to ‘endure’ challenges in life and grow strong amid adversity. This belief is mentioned in Romans 5:1-5 but does it really work that way? This research explored the possibility of people relying primarily on the word of God and participating in religious activities to cope with life's difficulties. It was significant to have focus group interviews with people living under such conditions of faith and economic hardship to understand how this gift works in real life. From this research carried out in 2022, it was discovered that people who are active in practising their Christian faith could cope with hardships that come their way in life because of a strong sense of hope

    The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment and Aid on Standard of Living: Evidence from West Africa

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    Africa is widely recognized as the birthplace of humankind. It’s the second-largest and second-most-populous continent. The continent holds a large proportion of the world’s natural resources. Historically external forces have pursued access to Africa’s market and resources. China is experiencing rapid economic growth through trade and investment in countries in Africa. What are the implications of trade and investment for Africa, specifically in West Africa as defined by the United Nations? This paper will examine how China’s Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) and Foreign Aid (FAD) have impacted the standard of living in West Africa. It will do this by analyzing data on West African countries’ Human Development Index (HDI) and GDP per capita. The relationship will be evaluated through econometric analysis. The discussion of the findings will include implications of FDI for West African countries and whether FDIs are effective in reducing poverty in this region

    Are there future facts?

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    Sylvester Idemudia Odia, Lecturer, Dept. of Philosophy & Religions, Faculty of Arts, University of BeninFacts are often defined as actual events or states of affairs in the present or in the past. The future is also often conceived as that which is yet to be an event or a state of affair. With these conceptions of facts and future it is taken for granted that there cannot be future facts. The future is bedeviled with contingency and probability. But a critical look at facts shows that facts, be it of the past or the present, are also bedeviled with the problem of contingency, probability, and change in status. So, a critical reformulation of facts coupled with a conception of future that distinguishes between the that of nature in general, and our own future, gives room for the idea of future facts. Though this idea of future facts deals with events or states of affairs yet to be present, it is valid until the future becomes present and the event in question does not occur just as present or past facts remain facts subject to new facts that may render them [email protected]

    Towards a Changing Role of Management Accounting and Management Accountants in Nigeria

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    The paper examines the changing functions of management accounting and roles of management accountants from companies listed in the Nigerian Stock Exchange. The paper builds previous studies by Forsaith,Tilt and Xydias-Lobo (2003),Yazdifar and Tsamenyi (2005) ,and Copper and Dant (2009). To consider how management accountants view their past, present and future roles, tasks/ activities, the tools/techniques used by them as well as the factors and barriers responsible for a change and the barriers in Nigeria. Based on the survey of sixty-two (62) management accountants and the used of analysis of variance (ANOVA) for data analysis, the findings revealed that whereas there were small significant changes in the function of management accounting (planning, strategy formulation and decision making), the roles of management accountants, techniques and the activities or tasks performed by management accountants are likely to be unchanged in the future period. Specifically, management accounting will continue to place more emphasis on information provision, budgeting and controlling whereas management accountants will move away from performing the traditional roles of informational providers, bean counters and corporate police towards the modern roles of becoming business partners, analysts, internal consultants, problem solvers, strategy formulators, decision makers, team player and change agents in the organizations. The major drivers of change were advances in technology, globalization and competition.The implications of the findings for management accounting as a discipline, management accountants, accounting faculties and professional bodies in the training of management accountants as well as (top) management of organizations are also highlighted

    Abiola Irele: A Tribute to the Master

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    Akuntansi dalam Perspektif Islam

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    Indonesia telah mencanangkan akuntansi perspektif islam dengan latar belakang akuntansi (Al-Muhasabah) dalam pandangan islam yang terdiri dari beberapa susunan seperti pendahuluan, akuntansi dalam sejarah islam, akutansi dalam islam yang membahas tentang permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam penerapan akutansi islam. Tulisan ini menganalisis perbandingan teori dengan penerapan akuntansi di masa sekarang sesuai dengan ketentuan syariahnya serta kesimpulan. Di era globalisasi akuntansi tidak lepas dari fenomena yang di latarbelakangi dengan kegagalan akuntansi yang bersifat konvensional dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sekaligus tuntutan lapisan masyarakat terkait informasi keuangan yang jujur, adil dan benar sesuai syarat syariah. Oleh karena itu, dalam meningkatkan kesadaran intelektual muslim perlu adanya akutansi berdasarkan prinsip kebenaran, transparasi dan keadilan, Al-Qur’an merupakan salah satu pedoman yang mengajarkan tentang konsep akutansi kepada pelaku transaksi dan pembuatan laporan keuangan yang mampu menekankan konsep pertanggung jawaban sebagaimana ditegaskan dalam Q.S Al-Baqarah ayat 282. Standar syariah mempermudah penerapan bank islam dalam melayani masyarakat, sehingga dalam hal ini menyajikan informasi yang relevan, sumber akurat bagi para penggunanya. Kata Kunci : Akuntansi Syariah, Al- Muhasabah, Isla
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