340 research outputs found

    Dietary fatty acids alter mitochondrial phospholipid fatty acyl composition and proton leak in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Two groups of fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) were maintained on different diets. Mitochondria were isolated, proton leak was measured and phospholipid fatty acid composition determined. Mitochondria from flies fed on corn-base meal (containing high amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids, 18:2(n-6) and 18:3(n-3) and low amounts of monounsaturated fattyacid, 18:1(n-9)) contained more polyunsaturated fatty acids in their membranes than mitochondria from flies fed on yeast-base meal (containing less amount of polyunsaturates and high amount of monounsaturates). The more polyunsaturated mitochondria were leakier toprotons than the more monounsaturated mitochondria

    A Time Integration Method of Approximate Particular Solutions for Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations

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    We consider a time-dependent method which is coupled with the method of approximate particular solutions (MAPS) of Delta-shaped basis functions and the method of fundamental solutions (MFS) to solve nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Firstly, we convert a nonlinear problem into a sequence of time-dependent non-homogeneous boundary value problems through a fictitious time integration method. The superposition principle is applied to split the numerical solution at each time step into an approximate particular solution and a homogeneous solution. Delta-shaped basis functions are used to provide an approximation of the source function at each time step. The purpose of this is to allow a convenient derivation of an approximate particular solution. The corresponding homogeneous boundary value problem is solved using the method of fundamental solutions. Numerical results support the accuracy and validity of this computational method

    Mitochondria as Pharmacological Targets: The Discovery of Novel Anti-Obesity Mitochondrial Uncouplers from Africa’s Medicinal Plants

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    Obesity results from prolonged positive imbalance between energy in take and expenditure. When food intake chronically exceeds the body’s energy need, an efficient metabolism results in the storage of the excess energy as fat. Mitochondria are the main centre for energy production in eukaryotic cells. Mitochondrial proton cycling is responsible for a significant proportion of basal or standard metabolic rate, therefore, further uncoupling of mitochondria may be a good way to increase energy expenditure and hence represent a good pharmacological target for the treatment of obesity. This implies that, any chemical agent or photochemical compound that further uncouples the mitochondria in vivo without having any effect on mitochondria activity could be a potential target in finding treatment for obesity. In the past, uncoupling by 2, 4-dinitrophenol has been used this way with notable success. This paper discusses the mitochondria as targets in the discovery of potential plant natural anti-obesity products from Africa’s rich rainforests.Key words: Uncoupling, Mitochondria, Pharmacology, Medicinal Plants, Obesity

    Physical, chemical and microbiological changes in alcoholic fermentation of sugar syrup from cassava flour

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    Changes in alcoholic fermentation of sugar syrup produced from cassava flour with Saccharomyces cereviseae (baker’s yeast) were investigated. Cassava flour paste was hydrolysed using rice malt toproduce hydrolysate (sugar syrup), which was fermented at 28 – 30°C for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 days. The fermented sugar syrup was analysed for alcohol content, reducing sugars, specific gravity, soluble solids, pH, volatile acids and total acidity using standard analytical methods. Yeast growth was also monitored. Results showed that pH values decreased with increased total acidity with concomitant increase in yeast growth (biomass) and alcohol contents of the fermenting sugar syrup. There were decreases in soluble solid contents, refractive indices of the fermenting medium. Volatile acids (as acetic acids), increased with alcoholic fermentation. Fermentation of sugar syrup from cassava flour is associated with physical and chemical changes that occur in other form of fermentation alongside increased in biomass

    Environmental Factors That Affect The Abundance of Larval Mosquitoes

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    The development of stormwater infrastructure causes an increase in available aquatic habitat for mosquito breeding and larval development, posing drastic human health consequences. It has been observed that a diverse community of predators have been found to decrease mosquito abundance1. Multiple species coexisting with mosquitos was found to decrease the percentage of mosquitoes in wet water communities, strongly highlighting the role that zooplankton play in the assembly of aquatic communities2. Studying stormwater communities will help determine the main contributors to why mosquitoes oviposit in certain urban stormwater ponds.Ope

    Celebrity Endorsement and Consumer Buying Behaviour:Enhancing the Promotion Function of Marketing in the Central Business Area of Accra, Ghana

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    This paper examines the phenomena of celebrity endorsement in advertising as part of marketing promotions. The concept is considered as a measure of positively influencing consumers'  behaviour towards making a purchase of a company's offer. The major considerations in this paper were to unravel the factors or variables considered in selecting a celebrity or making a purchase; the extent to which a celebrity's endorsement influences consumers' purchase or re-buy behaviour; as well as its influence generally on marketing promotions. The reviewed literature and the data captured from about a hundred and forty-eight respondents covering management, internal customers and external customers gives the findings a high level of validity and reliability. The results indicates that company's select celebrities based on credibility, brand match and attractiveness whiles consumers' are influenced by price, celebrity endorsement, quality and packaging. There was overwhelming agreement for a greater extent of influence on behaviour as well as marketing promotions. The paper concluded on the positive relationships celebrity endorsement has with consumer behaviour and marketing promotions in general. It recommended that companies using celebrities should ensure that the celebrities match the brand, that is, the celebrity must have the value and image required to advertise the brand. It is only when adverts are matched up by attractiveness and expertise that the brand attitude would be more favourable, and find greater purchase intentions. We study shall replicate this study in Togo and Nigeria to gauge the regional view of the influences of celebrity endorsement on consumers' purchase behaviour. Key Words: Celebrity Endorsement, Consumer Behaviour, Marketing Promotions

    Diamonds are forever:How myths can contribute to land degradation by small-scale diamond mining in Akwatia, Ghana

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    Conventional literature on land degradation has largely focused on factors such as logging, farming, mining and construction to explain the causes of this phenomenon, paying little attention to what motivates the decisions behind these factors particularly in poor countries. One of the factors that is least explored but promises to shed light on our understanding of and tackling land degradation is myth and how myths motivate decisions made on the exploitation of land resources that result in land degradation. Using qualitative approaches in the study of land degradation caused by small-scale mining operations in Akwatia, we found that the myth that diamonds regenerate and the soul of the dead bring forth diamonds largely contributes to re-mining of already mined sites and reclaimed pits leading to extensive land degradation. Scientific research into these myths and education of the small-scale miners are important in addressing land degradation.  Key words: Small-scale Mining, Diamonds, Land degradation, Myths, Ghan

    Effects of irradiation on the cowpea weevil (Callosobruchus maculates F.) and moisture sorption isotherm of cowpea seed (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp)

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    Cowpeas during storage may be attacked by a number of biological agents (microorganisms, rodents, and insects) which results in losses in the quality and quantity of the stored seeds. One of the means of reducing these losses is through the application of radiation processing. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of gamma irradiation on a major storage insect pest, Callosobruchus maculatus F. and on moisture sorption isotherms of cowpea seeds in storage. The cowpeas were infested with adults C. maculatus and then irradiated at doses of 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 and 1.5 (kGy) at a dose rate of 1.074 kGyhr-1. Samples were stored for 1 month under controlled temperature (27.3-30 oC) and humidity (70-85 %) during which counting of the insects was done every 48 hours and those alive or dead noted. Moisture sorption isotherms of the cowpea samples were equally determined by establishing equilibrium relative humidity (ERH) of 55, 65, 75, 85 and 95 % using a formulation of glycerol-water mixture at temperature of 30+-1 and the weight (loss or gain) of the samples was determined every 2 days. Irradiation at a dose of 0.25 kGy killed the C. maculatus within eight days and therefore 0.25 kGy would be economically beneficial as a control dose. There was significant difference (p is less than 0.05) in the percent mortality between the irradiated and the non-irradiated weevils, and the percent mortality increased with increase in the radiation dose. At moisture content of 14 % the irradiated cowpea samples were safely stored for one month at an equilibrium relative humidity of 60-75 % at a temperature of 29+-2 oC

    Banks and Customer Service Delivery: Attracting and Retaining Customers in the Ghanaian Banking Sector

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    The influx of foreign banks into Ghana has increased the competition in the banking sector. This study explores issues relating to making customer service effective as one important area of competitive advantage for banks within the financial sector. The study used a structured questionnaire as the main primary data collection tool. In addition, related works in this area were also reviewed and used as secondary data to support the primary data in the analysis. The study found three main issues confronting the banks. These are: provision of quick and efficient service, ability of the staffs to resolve problems, and privacy of customers in the process. It also found out that there is effective complaint system in place with frontline staffs tracking customer complaints and the branch and customer service managers enforcing their resolutions. However, most complaints were about pathetic attitude of tellers. The notable positive development has led to customer attraction and retention. The study recommended the discontinuation of the concept of specialization in dealing with specific customers, sufficient training and periodic orientation of staffs, enhancing the privacy of customers through seclusion of one-on-one discussions from the public eye and rewarding high performing staffs to promote good attitude towards customers. Key Words: Customer service; customer attraction; customer retention; customer complaint syste

    The importance of traditional healers in the planning of rural healthcare delivery in Ghana: the case of bone-setting services in Loagri and Wungu

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    There has been increasing debate on whether traditional healers actually matter in planning for healthcare delivery and how their services can be effectively integrated into planning for formal health delivery systems. Whilst many have raised issues of standardization and efficacy against traditional healing, others have acclaimed its efficacy and many Ghanaians are claimed to have confidence in it and use traditional healing simultaneously with orthodox treatment. Detailed qualitative interviews were held with two bone-setters, one in Loagri and one in Wungu, 150 bone patients, 100 community members and 20 health staff. It was revealed that rural healthcare planning must incorporate traditional bone-setters and therefore traditional healers as they offer useful services and are popular because of the proximity one has to such services in relation to clinics and hospitals, the cost of healthcare, socio-cultural beliefs and norms and the confidence the people with bone injuries have in traditional bone-setters. In spite of the importance of traditional bone-setters, the weak collaboration with district hospitals, inadequate accommodation, limited use of modern equipment, and inadequate support and recognition from the District Assembly and the Ministry of Health undermine their role. Effective collaboration between traditional bone-setters and the West Mamprusi District Hospital and the integration of traditional bone-setting into the national public health framework need urgent policy attention. Keywords: Bone-setting, Ghana, planning, healthcare, traditional healer