4 research outputs found


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    Los autores ofrecen una reinterpretaci贸n de concepciones martianas acerca de la ense帽anza del lenguaje, desde una聽 visi贸n did谩ctica contempor谩nea, con el prop贸sito de demostrar la validez y trascendencia de postulados que son motivo permanente de inspiraci贸n y caudal de saberes.PALABRAS CLAVE: pensamiento; lenguaje; actividad; significatividad; interacci贸n; di谩logo.CONTEMPORANEITY OF MARTI IDEAS ABOUT THE TEACHING OF LANGUAGEABSTRACTThe authors offers a reinterpretation of Marti鈥檚 conceptions on language teaching, from a contemporary didactics vision, with the purpose of showing the validity and transcendence of postulates which are the constant reason of inspiration and source of knowledge.KEYWORDS: thought; language; activity; significance; interaction; dialogue


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    In the work they intend activities related with the poems that integrate the collection Bestiarium of Dulce Mar铆a Loynaz, as contribution to the education for the conservation and sustainable use of the biodiversity in the formation of professors of the area of Natural Sciences. It is carried out an analysis of the content of this work, of the meanings that it possesses and of their potentialities to sensitize the students in the care and conservation of the fauna, so that during their treatment a significant learning takes place and with personal sense. The activities were designed from an interdisciplinary, reflexive perspective and on the base of the textual understanding. The validation in the pedagogic practice in the third year of the careers Biology-Geography and Biology-Chemistry during a course corroborated, in a first approach, their effectiveness demonstrated in the domain of the contents, in the motivational-affective expression and in the practical-pedagogic projection reached by the students.En el trabajo se proponen actividades relacionadas con los poemas que integran la colecci贸n Bestiarium de Dulce Mar铆a Loynaz, como contribuci贸n a la educaci贸n para la conservaci贸n y uso sostenible de la biodiversidad en la formaci贸n de profesores del 谩rea de Ciencias Naturales. Se realiza un an谩lisis del contenido de esta obra, de los significados que posee y de sus potencialidades para sensibilizar a los estudiantes en el cuidado y conservaci贸n de la fauna, de modo que durante su tratamiento se produzca un aprendizaje significativo y con sentido personal. Las actividades se dise帽aron desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria, reflexiva y sobre la base de la comprensi贸n textual. La validaci贸n en la pr谩ctica pedag贸gica en el tercer a帽o de las carreras Biolog铆a-Geograf铆a y Biolog铆a-Qu铆mica, durante un curso corrobor贸, en un primer acercamiento, su efectividad demostrada en el dominio de los contenidos, en la expresi贸n motivacional-afectiva y en la proyecci贸n pr谩ctico-pedag贸gica alcanzada por los estudiantes


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    Resumen En el trabajo se proponen actividades relacionadas con los poemas que integran la colecci贸n Bestiarium de Dulce Mar铆a Loynaz, como contribuci贸n a la educaci贸n para la conservaci贸n y uso sostenible de la biodiversidad en la formaci贸n de profesores del 谩rea de Ciencias Naturales. Se realiza un an谩lisis del contenido de esta obra, de los significados que posee y de sus potencialidades para sensibilizar a los estudiantes en el cuidado y conservaci贸n de la fauna, de modo que durante su tratamiento se produzca un aprendizaje significativo y con sentido personal. Las actividades se dise帽aron desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria, reflexiva y sobre la base de la comprensi贸n textual. La validaci贸n en la pr谩ctica pedag贸gica en el tercer a帽o de las carreras Biolog铆a-Geograf铆a y Biolog铆a-Qu铆mica, durante un curso corrobor贸, en un primer acercamiento, su efectividad demostrada en el dominio de los contenidos, en la expresi贸n motivacional-afectiva y en la proyecci贸n pr谩ctico-pedag贸gica alcanzada por los estudiantes. ABSTRACT In the work they intend activities related with the poems that integrate the collection Bestiarium of Dulce Mar铆a Loynaz, as contribution to the education for the conservation and sustainable use of the biodiversity in the formation of professors of the area of Natural Sciences. It is carried out an analysis of the content of this work, of the meanings that it possesses and of their potentialities to sensitize the students in the care and conservation of the fauna, so that during their treatment a significant learning takes place and with personal sense. The activities were designed from an interdisciplinary, reflexive perspective and on the base of the textual understanding. The validation in the pedagogic practice in the third year of the careers Biology-Geography and Biology-Chemistry during a course corroborated, in a first approach, their effectiveness demonstrated in the domain of the contents, in the motivational-affective expression and in the practical-pedagogic projection reached by the students

    Bestiarium. Una colecci贸n a favor de la educaci贸n para la conservaci贸n de la fauna

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    In the work they intend activities related with the poems that integrate the collection Bestiarium of Dulce Mar铆a Loynaz, as contribution to the education for the conservation and sustainable use of the biodiversity in the formation of professors of the area of Natural Sciences. It is carried out an analysis of the content of this work, of the meanings that it possesses and of their potentialities to sensitize the students in the care and conservation of the fauna, so that during their treatment a significant learning takes place and with personal sense. The activities were designed from an interdisciplinary, reflexive perspective and on the base of the textual understanding. The validation in the pedagogic practice in the third year of the careers Biology-Geography and Biology-Chemistry during a course corroborated, in a first approach, their effectiveness demonstrated in the domain of the contents, in the motivational-affective expression and in the practical-pedagogic projection reached by the students.En el trabajo se proponen actividades relacionadas con los poemas que integran la colecci贸n Bestiarium de Dulce Mar铆a Loynaz, como contribuci贸n a la educaci贸n para la conservaci贸n y uso sostenible de la biodiversidad en la formaci贸n de profesores del 谩rea de Ciencias Naturales. Se realiza un an谩lisis del contenido de esta obra, de los significados que posee y de sus potencialidades para sensibilizar a los estudiantes en el cuidado y conservaci贸n de la fauna, de modo que durante su tratamiento se produzca un aprendizaje significativo y con sentido personal. Las actividades se dise帽aron desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria, reflexiva y sobre la base de la comprensi贸n textual. La validaci贸n en la pr谩ctica pedag贸gica en el tercer a帽o de las carreras Biolog铆a-Geograf铆a y Biolog铆a-Qu铆mica, durante un curso corrobor贸, en un primer acercamiento, su efectividad demostrada en el dominio de los contenidos, en la expresi贸n motivacional-afectiva y en la proyecci贸n pr谩ctico-pedag贸gica alcanzada por los estudiantes