759 research outputs found

    Design-Time Quantification of Integrity in Cyber-Physical-Systems

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    In a software system it is possible to quantify the amount of information that is leaked or corrupted by analysing the flows of information present in the source code. In a cyber-physical system, information flows are not only present at the digital level, but also at a physical level, and to and fro the two levels. In this work, we provide a methodology to formally analyse a Cyber-Physical System composite model (combining physics and control) using an information flow-theoretic approach. We use this approach to quantify the level of vulnerability of a system with respect to attackers with different capabilities. We illustrate our approach by means of a water distribution case study


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    The paper aims to present the process and partnership building in multicultural project teams through the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) taking into account the Cultour+ communication project management plan to build virtual teams. CULTOUR+  is a Strategic Partnership (SP) of universities, local governments, SMEs and NGOs, that following the mainlines of the Higher Education Modernization Agenda, will offer high quality and innovative courses and tools, integrating innovation, international mobility and cross-border cooperation to enhance capacity building in higher education curricula in the fields of cultural tourism and hospitality, cultural management and shared cultural heritage.  This paper aims to enhance the effective use of ICT in project work by analyzing the way it fits in with various project activities having as an example the Cultour+ project. This approach may facilitate the choice of appropriate tools by each project team and show how ICT can support key processes like leadership, management, communication and co-operation within other European project teams

    Land use change of transhumant drove roads leads to soil quality degradation: a case study in Central Spain

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    Grassland soils, beyond their role as biodiversity reservoirs, actively contribute to the provision of numerous ecosystem services. In the Iberian Peninsula, drove roads, the traditional routes used for seasonal livestock movements in search of the most productive pastures, play a key role in the preservation of semi-natural grasslands and in the protection of the upper soil horizon. However, the absence of transhumant pastoralism has led to the degradation of these natural corridors, with unexplored consequences in terms of soil quality and functioning. To investigate the relationship between the conservation state of these livestock routes and soil characteristics, which had not been researched to date, we selected thirty sites within the Madrid drove road network in central Spain. We established three categories: (i) reference well-preserved drove roads and two degraded states: (ii) overgrown abandoned and (iii) eroded drove roads and collected soil samples at each state. We determined soil physicochemical variables like the percentage of C, total N and P, available K, pH and electrical conductivity. We also measured soil enzyme activity using fluorometric methods and assessed litter decomposition through the Tea Bag Index experiment. Our findings demonstrated that the preservation state of drove roads had a significant impact on soil fertility. The mean carbon percentage was up to ten times lower in eroded drove roads compared to reference sites, while nitrogen content was four times higher in reference sites, and phosphorus and potassium content were twice as high in reference drove roads compared to eroded sites. Litter decomposition rate was also half in eroded soils compared to reference sites. Although the nutrient content and litter decomposition of overgrown abandoned drove roads did not differ from reference sites, enzyme activity was significantly higher in reference soils compared to both degraded states. Arylsulfatase activity was six times higher in reference plots, which also showed twice as much phosphatase activity and up to four times as much β-xylosidase activity. Our results confirmed our hypothesis that drove roads suffering from erosion have the most degraded soils. Additionally, we found that both the excessive accumulation of biomass due to grazing abandonment and the loss of vegetation cover through erosion contribute to the loss of soil functionality within the Madrid drove road network. The lack of use and subsequent degradation of drove roads compromise both the stability of the soil ecosystem and the availability of nutrients for plants. Given the vast surface area covered by this network of corridors, the reintroduction of transhumant and local extensive grazing can be an important tool to improve soil characteristic

    La responsabilidad personal y social durante la práctica deportiva en niños y adolescentes.

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    El MRPS resulta ser una excelente herramienta para la incidencia de valores a partir de la actividad física y la práctica deportiva, siempre y cuando se cuente con una estructura y metodología dentro de las sesiones a llevar a cabo: el MRPS puede llevarse a cabo en clases de Educación Física de primaria y secundaria, así como también en entrenamientos de conjunto (fútbol, basquetbol, volibol, beisbol, etc.) sin importar el contexto. Los valores con el paso del tiempo se han ido perdiendo poco a poco y más en las nuevas generaciones, lo cual en varios años por delante resultará ser un problema por medio de actitudes antisociales o actos delictivos; una manera de ir frenando estos dos elementos que se mencionaron anteriormente es mediante la aplicación del MRPS en cada uno de los municipios del Estado, no se darán de manera rápida los resultados pero si se estaría trabajando en los mismos; resulta ser una estrategia formativa y que involucra el bienestar de los participantes

    Hábitos alimentarios y su relación con la presencia de hipertensión arterial en pacientes del Hospital Distrital Vista Alegre, enero - junio 2020

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    La presente investigación tuvo como finalidad determinar si existió relación entre los hábitos alimentarios y la presencia de hipertensión arterial en pacientes del Hospital Distrital de Vista Alegre en el periodo enero – junio 2020, el estudio fue de tipo básico y de corte transversal y diseño no experimental - descriptivo correlacional simple, la muestra estuvo compuesta de 219 pacientes del Hospital Distrital de Vista Alegre. Para la recolección de datos se aplicó un cuestionario sobre hábitos alimentarios, alimentos hipertensores e hipotensores, asimismo se observaron las historias clínicas para la revisión de las presiones arteriales y para el análisis estadístico se aplicó la prueba estadística de contingencia Chi cuadrado. Se encontró que el 24.2% si fueron hipertensos, a la vez el 54% de los pacientes llevaron hábitos alimentarios inadecuados y el 46% adecuados. La significancia fue de p=0.486; en conclusión, no existió relación entre los hábitos alimentarios y la hipertensión arterial en los pacientes adultos y adultos mayores del Hospital Distrital de Vista Alegre