487 research outputs found

    Motivation for teaching career

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    The article «Motivation for teaching career» analyses the motivation why people choose the didactical career, starting from a theoretical approach to finalise with practical conclusions obtained researching motivation factors in didactical career and modern teacher’s profile in interior of a globalise society, marked by accelerated changes. Thus, the research is designed to determine the similarities and diversity of the motives for choosing this profession. There were between subjects three groups – those without jobs (students who only project their motivation), people who worked for three to fifteen years and people who worked only in the educational public field. There are oppositions between teachers and another categories of people who work regarding motives for doing that career they have. There is a dominant aspect resulted from our research, there is a specific profile of person who choose to become professor, intrinsic motivated and it is pretty similar in all studied counties.L’article «Les motivacions per a la carrera docent» analitza els motius pels quals les persones decideixen fer de professors, partint d'una aproximació teòrica, per acabar amb conclusions pràctiques obtingudes a partir de la investigació dels factors que motiven la carrera didàctica i el perfil del professor modern en el marc d’una societat globalitzada, caracteritzada per canvis accelerats. D’acord amb això, la investigació s’ha dissenyat per tal de determinar les similituds i la diversitat de motius existents per escollir aquesta professió. En la investigació, hem diferenciat tres grups: (a) persones sense pràctica laboral (estudiants que només compten amb la seva motivació), (b) persones amb experiència laboral d’entre tres i quinze anys) i (c) persones que treballen només a l’àmbit educatiu públic. Aprofundirem en la diferència entre mestres amb vocació i altres categories de professors que treballen per altres motius, com, per exemple, la necessitat d’exercir una professió, i es troben obligats a exercir com a docents. Un dels aspectes dominants, resultat de la investigació, és que existeix un perfil específic del professor que escull aquesta professió per motivació intrínseca i aquest perfil es repeteix amb freqüència en tots els països analitzats

    SSP: a simple software process for small- size software development projects

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    A large number of software development projects in Latin- American countries are small-size, poorly defined and time pressured. These projects usually involve under qualified people. Provided that well-known software development models have shown limited applicability in such scenario, developers usually carry out ad-hoc software processes. Therefore, the obtained results are unpredictable. This article presents a Simple Software Process (SSP) for small-size software projects involving under qualified people. The proposal is motivated by current practice in Chile. SSP proposes a step-by-step process which structures the development activities and it improves the process visibility for clients and team members. Furthermore, SSP formally includes “the user/client” as an active role to be played during the project. This process has been used in 22 software projects and the results are encouraging.1st International Workshop on Advanced Software Engineering: Expanding the Frontiers of Software Technology - Session 3: Software Development ProcessRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Analysis and Design of Mobile Collaborative Applications Using Contextual Elements

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    Collaborative mobile applications support users on the move in order to perform a collaborative task. One of the challenges when designing such applications is to consider the context where they will execute. Contextualized applications are easy to adopt by the users; unfortunately the design of contextualized tools is not evident. This paper presents a framework of contextual elements to be considered during the conception, analysis and design phases of a mobile collaborative application. This framework supports developers to identify non-functional requirements and part of the architectural design in order to get contextualized applications. The use of this framework is complementary to any structured software process. A framework use example is also presented as an illustration of its applicability

    Checklist of the Bolivian scorpions (Chelicerata: Scorpiones), with notes on their distribution

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    Se presenta una lista actualizada de los escorpiones de Bolivia. Se mencionan 24 especies (tres de elias con dudas) y una subespecie, pertenecientes a las familias Bothriuridae, Buthidae e luridae. Para cadaespecie se proporciona una referencia bibliografica abreviada, así como la nómina completa de las localidades para las que ha sido citada. Brachistosternus ferrugineus (Thorell) y el genero andino Orobothriurus Maury (Bothriuridae) se citan por prirnera vez para Bolivia. Se discuten los motivos para excluir de la escorpiofauna boliviana a siete especies nominales citadas por autores previos. Se adjunta una lista de las localidades bolivianas, con sus coordenadas, donde se han recolectado escorpiones.An updated checklist of the scorpions of BoIivia is presented. Twenty four species (three of them, with doubts) and one subspecies, belonging to the families Bothriuridae, Buthidae and luridae are listed. For each species, an abbreviated bibliographic reference and the complete list of known localities are given. Brachistosternus ferrugineus (Thorell) and the Andean genus Orobothriurus Maury (Bothriuridae) are mentioned for the first time from Bolivia. Seven nominal species cited by previous authors are excluded from the Bolivian scorpiofauna, and the reasons for these exclusions are discussed. All Bolivian localities where scorpions have been collected are listed in a gazetteer.Fil: Acosta, Luis Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal; ArgentinaFil: Ochoa, José A.. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Cátedra de Diversidad Animal I; Argentin

    Elaboración de una herramienta para la planeación de la producción para la elaboración de carnes frías y embutidos

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    El proyecto realizado tuvo como objetivo el evaluar, mediante la utilización del software FlexSim, los procesos que agregan valor a un producto, siendo este el jamón de cerdo; así como el crear una herramienta de planeación de la producción para la empresa OMEX Alimentaria, empezando durante la etapa final del proyecto de primavera 2018 y al comienzo del proyecto de verano 2018. Para poder cumplir este objetivo se hicieron varias visitas a la empresa OMEX en donde se solicitaba información y se aclaraban las dudas que nos iban surgiendo y donde se presentaron los avances que se tenían hasta esos momentos. Los resultados que obtuvimos fueron satisfactorios, pero no los más esperados debido un poco a la dificultad que se tuvo al obtener la información necesaria.ITESO, A.C

    Simplified qualitative discrete numerical model to determine cracking pattern in brittle materials by means of finite element method

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    This paper presents the formulation, implementation, and validation of a simplified qualitative model to determine the crack path of solids considering static loads, infinitesimal strain, and plane stress condition. This model is based on finite element method with a special meshing technique, where nonlinear link elements are included between the faces of the linear triangular elements. The stiffness loss of some link elements represents the crack opening. Three experimental tests of bending beams are simulated, where the cracking pattern calculated with the proposed numerical model is similar to experimental result. The advantages of the proposed model compared to discrete crack approaches with interface elements can be the implementation simplicity, the numerical stability, and the very low computational cost. The simulation with greater values of the initial stiffness of the link elements does not affect the discontinuity path and the stability of the numerical solution. The exploded mesh procedure presented in this model avoids a complex nonlinear analysis and regenerative or adaptive meshes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Multicultural aspects in HCI-curricula

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    In the developing of any kind of interactive and information applications, multicultural aspects, usually, have not been considered. Therefore, people need to adapt to the interfaces instead the opposite, interfaces adapting themselves to the user characteristics. Designing products for international users all above the world is a non solved challenge and will be one of the main goals for future marketing strategies. HCI area has experimented a growth that has occurred as a result of the generalization of computer use and of problems which originate from use by people who are not specifically trained in these appliances. Despite this growth, multicultural aspects in many cases are not included in the HCI Curricula. In recent years, diverse symptoms have expounded that the Ibero-American market is growing very fast to incorporate professionals with HCI backgrounds and solid knowledge about User Centred Design methods. Indeed, these kind of professionals are currently required when developing or localizing interactive systems in this particular scenario. In this paper, we describe the experience of starting the first HCI master in Spanish language for the wide Spanish speaking context held in the University of Lleida (Catalonia, Spain), where we have included specific courses including the multicultural aspects. They will orient the students to have in mind cross-cultural factors when developing international interfaces. In many cases, even it implies adapting evaluation techniques such as usability heuristics traditionally used in HCI courses.This paper was partially supported by the Microsoft Research Project Fund, Grant R0308LAC00

    Treatment of obesity in children and adolescents. How nutrition can work?

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    Overweight appears when persistent positive energy imbalances occur for long periods of time. Knowledge of dietary risk factors during childhood and adolescence is needed in order to design preventive measures against the increase in the prevalence of obesity and its consequences but is, however, largely missing. Longitudinal studies in children have not found clear causal associations between energy intake or diet composition and overweight development. Research has been ongoing to develop effective intervention studies for obese children but it is not clear which intervention is the most effective in assisting overweight/obese children to improve body composition without affecting growth rates. The objective of this article is to review the available knowledge on dietary risk factors for the development of childhood obesity, to discuss different dietary treatment strategies, and to propose an evidence-based approach to treat obese adolescents

    Un modelo de comunicación para aplicaciones colaborativas

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    Los sistemas colaborativos pertenecen al área de investigación llamada CSCW ("ComputerSupported Cooperative Work"). Estos sistemas apoyan a grupos de personas trabajando en equipo, con el fin de alcanzar metas comunes. Un aspecto fundamental en todo proceso de colaboración es la comunicación. En el presente artículo se propone un esquema de comunicación que permite modelar los mecanismos de distribución de mensajes que se requieren en todos los sistemas colaborativos. Estos mecanismos proveen comunicación tanto entre usuarios como entre procesos del sistema a través del cual se está colaborando.Eje: Ingeniería del software. Computación gráfica y visualizaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Un modelo de comunicación para aplicaciones colaborativas

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    Los sistemas colaborativos pertenecen al área de investigación llamada CSCW ("ComputerSupported Cooperative Work"). Estos sistemas apoyan a grupos de personas trabajando en equipo, con el fin de alcanzar metas comunes. Un aspecto fundamental en todo proceso de colaboración es la comunicación. En el presente artículo se propone un esquema de comunicación que permite modelar los mecanismos de distribución de mensajes que se requieren en todos los sistemas colaborativos. Estos mecanismos proveen comunicación tanto entre usuarios como entre procesos del sistema a través del cual se está colaborando.Eje: Ingeniería del software. Computación gráfica y visualizaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI