18 research outputs found

    Neutrino oscillations beyond the Standard Model in the future beta-beam experiments

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    In the present work we study the possible effects of physics beyond the standard Model in future neutrino oscillation experiments, where these leptons will be produced in beta decays of accelerated radioactive ions — the so-called beta-beam. Therefore, first we set the limits on the parameters describing new scalar, vector and tensor currents. Then, we use the statistical operator to describe the state of antineutrinos produced in the Fermi and Gamow-Teller nuclear beta decays as such state will be mixed in general. Next, we consider the antineutrinos oscillations in the vacuum and their detection through quasielastic scattering on free protons. Finally, we give a numerical estimate of the possible size of the influence of exotic vector currents on the number of detected antineutrinos, produced in helium-6 decays

    Pulmonary lesions in the course of gastric cancer — two cases of Bard’s syndrome

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    The Bard’s syndrome is a medical condition related to miliary dissemination of gastric cancer to the lungs. Difficulties in diagnosis are associated with the need of differentiation between numerous diseases, which may manifest as disseminated lesions in the lung parenchyma on chest X-ray. Despite the advanced proliferative process, primary focus of neoplasm frequently remains subclinical. Metastatic lesions cause many symptoms in the respiratory system, suggesting primary pulmonary pathology. The Bard’s syndrome should be always taken into account in differential diagnosis of disseminated lesions, particularly due to prevalence of gastric cancer. The study presents two cases of patients with disseminated pulmonary lesions, corresponding to gastric cancer metastases on radiological imaging.The Bard’s syndrome is a medical condition related to miliary dissemination of gastric cancer to the lungs. Difficulties in diagnosis are associated with the need of differentiation between numerous diseases, which may manifest as disseminated lesions in the lung parenchyma on chest radiograph. Despite the advanced proliferative process, primary focus of neoplasm frequently remains subclinical. Metastatic lesions cause many symptoms in the respiratory system, suggesting primary pulmonary pathology. The Bard’s syndrome should be always taken into account in differential diagnosis of disseminated lesions, particularly due to prevalence of gastric cancer. The study presents two cases of patients with disseminated pulmonary lesions, corresponding to gastric cancer metastases on radiological imaging

    Non-planar Feynman integrals, Mellin-Barnes representations, multiple sums

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    The construction of Mellin-Barnes (MB) representations for non-planar Feynman diagrams and the summation of multiple series derived from general MB representations are discussed. A basic version of a new package AMBREv.3.0 is supplemented. The ultimate goal of this project is the automatic evaluation of MB representations for multiloop scalar and tensor Feynman integrals through infinite sums, preferably with analytic solutions. We shortly describe a strategy of further algebraic summation.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the Loops and Legs 2014 conferenc

    Low-symptomatic skeletal muscle disease in patients with a cardiac disease – Diagnostic approach in skeletal muscle laminopathies

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    Mild skeletal muscle symptoms might be accompanied with severe cardiac disease, sometimes indicating a serious inherited disorder. Very often it is a cardiologist who refers a patient with cardiomyopathy and/or cardiac arrhythmia and discrete muscle disease for neurological consultation, which helps to establish a proper diagnosis. Here we present three families in which a diagnosis of skeletal muscle laminopathy was made after careful examination of the members, who presented with cardiac arrhythmia and/or heart failure and a mild skeletal muscle disease, which together with positive family history allowed to direct the molecular diagnostics and then provide appropriate treatment and counseling

    Zmiany płucne w przebiegu raka żołądka — dwa przypadki zespołu Barda

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    Zespół Barda to zespół chorobowy związany z prosowatym rozsiewem raka żołądka do płuc. Stanowi on trudny problem diagnostyczny z uwagi na konieczność różnicowania z wieloma jednostkami chorobowymi manifestującymi się w zdjęciu radiologicznym klatki piersiowej poprzez zmiany rozsiane w miąższu płucnym. Pierwotne ognisko nowotworu w żołądku pozostaje często nieme klinicznie, mimo zaawansowania procesu rozrostowego. Zmiany przerzutowe powodują wiele objawów z zakresu układu oddechowego kierujących proces diagnostyczny w kierunku pierwotnej patologii płucnej. Zespół Barda powinien być zawsze brany pod uwagę w procesie diagnostyczno- różnicowym zmian rozsianych, zwłaszcza z powodu częstości występowania raka żołądka. W pracy przedstawiono dwa przypadki pacjentów, u których w badaniach obrazowych uwidoczniono rozsiane zmiany płucne odpowiadające przerzutom raka żołądka.Zespół Barda to zespół chorobowy związany z prosowatym rozsiewem raka żołądka do płuc. Stanowi on trudny problem diagnostyczny z uwagi na konieczność różnicowania z wieloma jednostkami chorobowymi manifestującymi się w zdjęciu radiologicznym klatki piersiowej poprzez zmiany rozsiane w miąższu płucnym. Pierwotne ognisko nowotworu w żołądku pozostaje często nieme klinicznie, mimo zaawansowania procesu rozrostowego. Zmiany przerzutowe powodują wiele objawów z zakresu układu oddechowego kierujących proces diagnostyczny w kierunku pierwotnej patologii płucnej. Zespół Barda powinien być zawsze brany pod uwagę w procesie diagnostyczno- różnicowym zmian rozsianych, zwłaszcza z powodu częstości występowania raka żołądka. W pracy przedstawiono dwa przypadki pacjentów, u których w badaniach obrazowych uwidoczniono rozsiane zmiany płucne odpowiadające przerzutom raka żołądka

    Lung transplantation in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension: The opinion of the Polish Cardiac Society Working Group on Pulmonary Circulation

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    Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a rare but progressive disease that leads to death. Modern drug treatment slows the progression of the disease and prolongs patients’ lives, but often, even maximal treatment with parenteral prostacyclin does not prevent deterioration. In the case of inadequate clinical response to drug treatment, lung transplantation (LTx) should be considered. This article aims to analyze thoroughly indications to refer a patient for consultation with a transplant center, the optimal timing of listing for LTx, contraindications for the procedure, bridging techniques, as well as tests needed before and after transplantation. We outline the technique of the procedurę and evaluate psychological aspects of LTx

    Moral decision making is robust to physical fatigue: a Process Dissociation analysis

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    This preregistered study examines the effect of physical fatigue on moral decision-making. A sample of N = 107 male participants was subjected to acute physical exercise. Half of the participants were presented with moral dilemmas before the physical exercise, and the other half after the exercise. We measured moral judgement using a shortened version of the Process Dissociation procedure, allowing us not only to investigate decisions in the traditional sacrificial dilemmas but also to capture deontological and utilitarian inclinations independently. The results showed that physical fatigue had no significant effect on moral judgements. This suggests a unique resilience of moral judgments to physical fatigue, in contrast to what is known about cognitive fatigue. All data and materials, data are available at https://osf.io/musc8/?view_only=328aee8087dd4203a9a576e350b12327

    Pulmonary Lesions in the Course of Gastric Cancer—Two Cases of Bard’s Syndrome

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    The Bard’s syndrome is a medical condition related to miliary dissemination of gastric cancer to the lungs. Difficulties in diagnosis are associated with the need of differentiation between numerous diseases, which may manifest as disseminated lesions in the lung parenchyma on chest radiograph. Despite the advanced proliferative process, primary focus of neoplasm frequently remains subclinical. Metastatic lesions cause many symptoms in the respiratory system, suggesting primary pulmonary pathology. The Bard’s syndrome should be always taken into account in differential diagnosis of disseminated lesions, particularly due to prevalence of gastric cancer. The study presents two cases of patients with disseminated pulmonary lesions, corresponding to gastric cancer metastases on radiological imaging