14 research outputs found

    Usos tradicionales de la vid silvestre euroasiática en la Península Ibérica

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    The Iberian Peninsula constitutes the Western limit of the dioecious Eurasian wild grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris). At present, it is a threatened plant, due to human impacts. This liana has had different uses in this territory from the Paleolithic until the end of the last century, including several medicinal applications, inherited from the classical Greek culture. In order to retrieve the available written information, we carried out an exhaustive bibliographic search of the pharmacopoeia linked to this Vitaceae, from the 16th century to the present day. Current references on chemical composition of different parts of grapevine and their medicinal uses were also covered. In parallel, we conducted research in several archives and made inquiries to historians, anthropologists, and sanitary personnel. We also interviewed elderly people from rural areas of Spain and Portugal where some relic populations of wild grapevine are still conserved. Among the written and oral medicinal uses compiled, the main ones are: the use of the grapevine bleeding water to alleviate eczema and skin eruptions and to combat conjunctivitis and keratitis; the use of must from unripe berries (agua de agraz in Spanish) as liver tonic and to treat digestive diseases; the leaves were used to reduce edema, as antihemorrhoidal, and for menopausal disorders; and finally, the vinegar was used to clean and disinfect wounds both on humans and animals. This paper highlights the tremendous erosion of the traditional knowledge about this relevant plant genetic resource.La Península Ibérica constituye el límite occidental de la euroasiática y dioica vid silvestre (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris). Actualmente la vid silvestre se encuentra amenazada debido al impacto humano. Esta liana tuvo diferentes usos en la península desde el Paleolítico hasta finales del siglo pasado. Entre ellos, como herencia de la cultura griega clásica, aparecen diferentes usos médicos. Para recuperar la información escrita existente, hemos llevado a cabo una búsqueda bibliográfica exhaustiva sobre la farmacopea vinculada a esta Vitaceae, desde el siglo XVI hasta el presente. Incluimos también referencias sobre la composición química de diferentes partes de la vid y sus usos medicinales. Paralelamente, hemos investigado en los archivos de diferentes localidades y realizado consultas a historiadores, antropólogos y personal sanitario. Asimismo, hemos realizado entrevistas a ancianos de diferentes regiones de España y Portugal donde todavía se conservan algunas poblaciones relictas de vid silvestre. Entre la información escrita y oral de los usos medicinales recopilados, mencionaremos el uso del “agua de lloro” de la vid para aliviar eczemas y erupciones cutáneas; para combatir la conjuntivitis y la queratitis; el mosto o “agua de agraz”, como tónico para el hígado y para tratar afecciones digestivas; las hojas para reducir el edema, como antihemorroidales y para trastornos de la menopausia; y por último, el vinagre para limpiar y desinfectar heridas de personas y animales. Este trabajo destaca la tremenda erosión del conocimiento tradicional sobre este recurso fitogenético tan relevante

    Association of blood-based biomarkers with radiologic markers and cognitive decline in atrial fibrillation patients

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    [Background] Atrial fibrillation (AF) has been associated with an increased risk of silent brain infarcts (SBI) and cognitive impairment, even in patients with low embolic risk. We aimed to test the association between 11 blood-biomarkers representing different AF-related pathways, and SBI, white matter hyperintensities (WMH), and cognitive decline in patients with AF and low embolic risk.[Methods] The present study followed a cross-sectional design. 70 patients with a history of AF and CHADS2 score ≤1, and 10 controls with neither AF nor SBI were included. All patients underwent a 3T brain MRI. Cortical and large subcortical ischemic lesions were considered presumed embolic origin lesions. White matter hyperintensities (WMH) were measured according to the Fazekas scale. A subset of patients underwent cognitive evaluation with the MoCA test. Circulating proteins were measured under blind conditions in a laboratory at Roche Diagnostics, Germany.[Results] 45 patients presented SBI in the MRI, and 25 did not. Ang-2, FGF-23, and BMP-10 were increased in patients with SBI. Ang-2 was elevated only in patients with embolic infarcts, whereas FGF-23 and BMP-10 tended to be elevated in patients with both types of infarcts. Ang-2 (OR = 1.56 [0.94-2.59], p = 0.087), and BMP-10 (OR = 4.83 [0.99–23.60], p = 0.052) were the biomarkers that showed the highest association with SBI when entered in a multivariable logistic regression model corrected by age. No biomarker was found associated with WMH or mild cognitive impairment.[Conclusions] BMP-10, and Ang-2 were increased in patients with SBI. Its usefulness to detect SBI in AF patients should be further explored.A Junta de Andalucía grant (PIN-0144-2016) supported partially the study. The Fundación Cajasol contributed to the study. Neurovascular Research Groups at Seville and Barcelona are part of the Spanish Neurovascular Disease Research Network (RICORS-ICTUS, RD21/0006/0007).Peer reviewe

    Mediterranean Diet and its Effects on Silent Brain Infarcts in a Cohort of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation

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    [Background and Aims] The benefits of Mediterranean Diet (MeDiet) in prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in general and ischemic stroke (IS) have been extensively studied and reported. We hypothesize that the consumption of nutrients typical of MeDiet would also reduce the rate of silent brain infarcts (SBI) among AF patients.[Methods and Results] Patients with a history of AF who scored 0 to 1 in the CHADS2 score, ⩾50 years and with absence of neurological symptoms were selected from Seville urban area using the Andalusian electronic healthcare database. A 3T brain MRI was performed to all participants. Demographic and clinical data and food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ) were collected. Of the 443 scanned patients, 66 presented SBI. Of them 52 accepted to be scheduled for a clinical visit and were included in the diet sub study and 41 controls were matched per age and sex. There were no statistically significant differences in baseline characteristics. After logistic regression analysis, we found that a higher consumption of fiber from fruit was independently associated with a lower risk of SBI, while a higher consumption of high glycemic load (GL) foods was associated with a higher risk of SBI in a population with AF[Conclusion] Our findings support that MeDiet could be suggested as a prevention strategy for SBI in patients with AF.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (grant RTC-2016 5300-1), the Junta de Andalucía (grant PIN-0144-2016) and Neuroprotección Avanzada Reposicionando Drogas y Nutraceúticos para el Ictus en Andalucía: Proyecto NARDNIA (PE-0527-2019), the European Project ITRIBIS (registration number REGPOT-2013-1), and Cooperative Cerebrovascular Disease Research Network (INVICTUS+, RD16/0019/0015) supported the study. The Fundación Cajasol also contributed to the study.Peer reviewe

    Preliminary Characterization of Wild Grapevine Populations (<i>Vitis vinifera</i> ssp. <i>sylvestris</i>) Grown Along the Danube River

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    The individuals belonging to three different groups of wild grapevines populations Vitis vinifera L. ssp. sylvestris (Gmelin) Hegi harvested along, or near the Danube River, were described by means of usual ampelographic methods. The twenty standardized descriptors used for morphological analysis revealed obvious differentiation among analyzed populations. Out of 65 individuals, a half produced flowers with separate sex and a high proportion of them were males (70%). Pollen measurements on light microscope provided information on differences in pollen size among inside wild grapevine populations of V. sylvestris with the polar length varying between 15.3 and 23 μm and the equatorial length between 15.5 and 24.4μm. The in vitro regenerative potential from meristematic tissue tested with each phenotype showed that the moment of differentiation, the aspect of proliferative structures and the rate of multiplication varied inside these wild grapevine populations, without any correlation with the location of harvesting. Our results provided valuable information about these Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris populations, possible to be used as starting plant material for research in general and further breeding of cultivars and grapevine rootstocks

    Application of Human Amniotic Membrane in Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis

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    Human amniotic membrane (HAM) has recently been used as an interpositional material to prevent ankylosis or primary re-ankylosis after temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthroplasty. Here, the authors describe an unusual case of a 32-year-old woman who presented with a noninflammatory degenerative osteoarthritis of the TMJ in which a HAM was placed following a high condylar arthroplasty and discectomy and show the clinicoradiological results. The procedure resulted in total pain relief and significant improvement in jaw movements. On the long-term follow-up computed tomography, complete remodeling of the glenoid fossa with formation of new ectopic bone was observed. While the application of a HAM can be an alternative procedure to prevent ankylosis when performing a discectomy and arthroplasty, this clinical report highlights the possibility that it can induce ectopic bone formation at this location

    Cervical dissection diagnoses increase following endovascular treatments

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    Objectives: The detection of cervical arterial dissection (CAD) has been rising in recent years owing to advanced imaging techniques. The aim of this study was to explore whether wide implementation of endovascular treatment for ischemic stroke has an impact on the diagnosis of CAD. Methods: We included all patients with CAD diagnosed at two university hospitals in Seville, Spain from January 2015 to December 2017. We collected clinical variables and information on imaging techniques used for the diagnosis. Implementation of 24 hour/365 day mechanical thrombectomy began in Seville on 15 August 2016. We compared diagnosis rates of CAD performed before and after this date. Results: We identified 41 patients with CAD. We found 13 patients diagnosed before (1.1% of all ischemic strokes) and 28 (2.2%) after implementation of neurointerventional therapy. In 17 patients, diagnosis was made in the acute phase. Dissection was not suspected according to computed tomography angiography in 11 patients owing to small dissections (n = 2) or total occlusion (n = 9). Conclusions: CAD diagnoses have been rising in recent years, essentially owing to continuous improvement in imaging techniques. Rapid access to arteriography for thrombectomy is increasing the diagnoses of CAD, even in patients with a low suspicion of dissection

    Multiple Origins of Cultivated Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. ssp. Sativa) Based on Chloroplast DNA Polymorphisms

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    The domestication of the Eurasian grape (Vitis vinifera ssp. sativa) from its wild ancestor (Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris) has long been claimed to have occurred in Transcaucasia where its greatest genetic diversity is found and where very early archaeological evidence, including grape pips and artefacts of a 'wine culture', have been excavated. Whether from Transcaucasia or the nearby Taurus or Zagros Mountains, it is hypothesized that this wine culture spread southwards and eventually westwards around the Mediterranean basin, together with the transplantation of cultivated grape cuttings. However, the existence of morphological differentiation between cultivars from eastern and western ends of the modern distribution of the Eurasian grape suggests the existence of different genetic contribution from local sylvestris populations or multilocal selection and domestication of sylvestris genotypes. To tackle this issue, we analysed chlorotype variation and distribution in 1201 samples of sylvestris and sativa genotypes from the whole area of the species' distribution and studied their genetic relationships. The results suggest the existence of at least two important origins for the cultivated germplasm, one in the Near East and another in the western Mediterranean region, the latter of which gave rise to many of the current Western European cultivars. Indeed, over 70% of the Iberian Peninsula cultivars display chlorotypes that are only compatible with their having derived from western sylvestris populations.Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid 07G/0045/2000Centro Nacional de Biotecnología RF02-010-C3-1State Planning Organization 2001-K-120–2

    Cervical dissection diagnoses increase following endovascular treatments

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    [Objectives] The detection of cervical arterial dissection (CAD) has been rising in recent years owing to advanced imaging techniques. The aim of this study was to explore whether wide implementation of endovascular treatment for ischemic stroke has an impact on the diagnosis of CAD.[Methods] We included all patients with CAD diagnosed at two university hospitals in Seville, Spain from January 2015 to December 2017. We collected clinical variables and information on imaging techniques used for the diagnosis. Implementation of 24 hour/365 day mechanical thrombectomy began in Seville on 15 August 2016. We compared diagnosis rates of CAD performed before and after this date.[Results] We identified 41 patients with CAD. We found 13 patients diagnosed before (1.1% of all ischemic strokes) and 28 (2.2%) after implementation of neurointerventional therapy. In 17 patients, diagnosis was made in the acute phase. Dissection was not suspected according to computed tomography angiography in 11 patients owing to small dissections (n = 2) or total occlusion (n = 9).[Conclusions] CAD diagnoses have been rising in recent years, essentially owing to continuous improvement in imaging techniques. Rapid access to arteriography for thrombectomy is increasing the diagnoses of CAD, even in patients with a low suspicion of dissection