28 research outputs found

    Usporedba dugovječnosti i proizvodnih svojstava holstein i simentalskih krava različitog podrijetla

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    The aim of this research was to establish whether there are differences in the longevity and production characteristics within the studied breeds of cows of different origin. Holstein cows of Slovenian (461) and foreign (356) origin and Simmental cows of Slovenian (261) and foreign (43) origin were studied. Only culled animals that previously had between 1 and 9 lactations were included. The analyzed properties consisted of characteristics related to the longevity and lifetime productivity. Compared with Slovenian cows, imported Holstein cows had a significantly longer calving interval (1210±31 days, 1337±39 days, P=0.008), a longer dry period (172±6 days, 192±7 days, P=0.022), and a significantly lower daily milk yield (23.0±0.2 kg, 22.0±0.3 kg, P=0.002). Significant differences between Simmental cows of Slovenian and foreign origin were observed in functional productivity (1317±52 days, 1808±186 days, P=0.006), longevity (2175±53 days, 2701±145 days, P=0.004), and duration of lifetime lactation (990±38 days, 1265±137 days, P=0.037).Cilj rada bio je utvrditi postoje li razlike u dugovječnosti i proizvodnim karakteristikama između pasmina krava različitog podrijetla. Proučavane su holstein krave slovenskog (461) i stranog (356) podrijetla i simentalske krave slovenskog (261) i stranog (43) podrijetla. Samo krave koje su imale između 1 i 9 laktacija bile su uključene u istraživanje. Analizirana svojstva čine karakteristike vezane za dugovječnost i životnu proizvodnju. U usporedbi sa slovenskim kravama, uvezene holstein krave imale su značajno dulji interval između teljenja (1210±31 dana, 1337±39 dana, P=0,008), dulji suhostaj (172±6 dana, 192±7 dana, P=0,022), i značajno niži prinos mlijeka dnevno (23,0±0,2 kg, 22,0±0,3 kg, P=0,002). Statistički značajne razlike zabilježene su između krava slovenskoga i stranog podrijetla u promatranju funkcionalne produktivnosti (1317±52 dana, 1808±186 dana, P=0,006), dugovječnosti (2175±53 dana, 2701±145 dana, P=0,004) i u trajanju životne laktacije (990±38 dana, 1265±137 dana, P=0,037)

    Can we improve maternal care in sows? Maternal behavioural traits important for piglet survival in loose-housed sow herds

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    Author's accepted version (post-print).This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Journal of Animal Science following peer review. The version of record Ocepek, M., Rosvold, E. M., Andersen-Ranberg, I. & Andersen, I. L. (2017). Can we improve maternal care in sows? Maternal behavioural traits important for piglet survival in loose-housed sow herds. Journal of Animal Science, 95(11), 4708-4717 is available online at: https://doi.org/10.2527/jas2017.1725.Available from 02/11/2018.acceptedVersio

    Management routines influencing piglet survival in loose-housed sow herds

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    Author's accepted version (post-print).Piglet mortality is still a significant welfare and ethical matter in pig production, as well as an economical challenge for the farmer. Most of the mortality occurs early after farrowing, and previous studies have shown that the farm's management routines, especially around farrowing, are important factors to reduce it. When sows are loose-housed at farrowing and in the following lactation period, it puts higher demands on management input from the farmer to keep piglet mortality low. The objective of this study was to assess the importance of different management routines around the time of farrowing, and other farm qualities for piglet survival in loose-housed herds. To study risk factors for herd piglet mortality, a cross-sectional field survey was carried out in Norway in the year 2013, and included 52 commercial herds with hybrid LY sows (Norwegian Landrace x Swedish Yorkshire). The farms were visited once, and the farmers answered a questionnaire about their management practices. The outcome was the average herd pre-weaning mortality in the years of 2012–2013. To include as many management factors as possible into the multivariable linear regression model, we generated a new variable based on 4 management routines: 3 routines at farrowing (presence at 80–100% of the farrowings, drying newborn piglets, and practice split suckling), and one concerning farmer´s contact with the sows. This variable was called “Management type” (M), and were divided into 4 categories with increasing effort; M1 herds without any of the 4 mentioned routines, M2 had contact with sows >2 times per day, M3 performed the 3 routines at farrowing, and M4 combined the high sow contact and the 3 routines. The predicted values of mean herd piglet mortality for M1, M2, M3 and M4 were 20.1%, 17.0%, 16.2% and 13.3% respectively. The farmer's increased management effort was associated with lower piglet mortality (P<0.05). The farmer's effort at critical times together with systematic and important routines, and having frequent contact with the sows, makes a huge difference for piglet survival. The farmers are credited for this work by having lower piglet mortality as a result.acceptedVersio

    Effect of Linseed Supplementation on Carcass, Meat Quality and Fatty Acid Composition in Pigs

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    The effect of linseed supplementation on carcass, meat quality and fatty acid profile of fat tissue was studied. No differences in carcass and meat quality traits were observed, the exception being drip loss that was lower in pigs supplemented with linseed. As regards fatty acids, linseed supplementation led to the increased content of unsaturated, polyunsaturated and n-3 fatty acids and decreased content of saturated fatty acids and n-6/n-3 ratio in the subcutaneous and intramuscular fat of pigs

    The effect of housing system on growth, carcass and meat quality of pigs

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    V poskusu smo primerjali pitovne, klavne lastnosti in kakovost mesa prašičev (n=67) vzrejenih na konvencionalni način (KON) ali po načelih ekološke reje (EKO), ki so pomenila podaljšanje laktacije, več prostora v reji, izpuste in uporabo ekološke krme. Poskus je potekal v raziskovalno pedagoškem centru za rejo prašičev Fakultete za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede, Univerze v Mariboru do starosti prašičev 26 tednov. V času poskusa smo merili mikro klimatske parametre v prostorih KON in EKO skupine, beležili dnevno porabo krme (na skupino) in spremljali rast (tehtanje pri starosti 4, 6, 11, 22 in 26 tednov). Prašiči so bili nato zaklani v bližnji komercialni klavnici po standardnem postopku, kjer smo tudi opravili meritve klavnih lastnosti in kakovosti mesa. Ob primerljivi temperaturi in hitrosti gibanja zraka smo v prostorih KON skupine izmerili višje vsebnosti plinov NH3, CO2 in H2S kot v skupini EKO prašičev. Med EKO in KON skupino pujskov v času laktacije (0-4 tednov) nismo ugotovili značilnih razlik v prirastu. V obdobju od 4. do 6. tedna starosti so prašiči EKO skupine, ki niso bili odstavljeni, priraščali počasneje kot prašiči v kontroli (KON), ki so že bili odstavljeni. Zaostajanje v rasti pri EKO prašičih se je nadaljevalo vse do zadnje faze pitanja (22.-26. teden), v kateri sta obe skupini imeli podoben prirast. Zaradi nižjega dnevnega prirasta v celotnem obdobju pitanja so imeli EKO prašiči ob zakolu nižjo živo maso in maso klavnega trupa, kar se je odrazilo na klavni kakovosti trupa (manjša dolga hrbtna mišica, manjše stegno). Glede lastnosti tehnološke kakovosti mesa smo pri EKO prašičih ugotovili višjo končno vrednost pH ter višjo vsebnost intramuskularne maščobe v dolgi hrbtni mišici. Naši rezultati kažejo, da podaljšanje laktacije pri EKO prašičih lahko vpliva na upočasnitev rasti in posledično slabšo klavno kakovost. Povečanje intramuskularne maščobe pri EKO prašičih pripisujemo učinku kompenzacijske rasti v zadnjem obdobju rasti.The aim of the study was to estimate the effect of rearing system (conventional (CON)organic (ORG) on growth performance, carcass and meat quality traits of pigs. A total of 67 pigs divided in two groups (CONORG) were included. Experiment was conducted on Pig Research Centre of Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Maribor. ORG pigs were reared according to the principles of the organic housing i.e. prolonged lactation, larger space area per pig with access to outdoor area and the use of organic feed. During the study we monitor micro climatic parameters. Pigs were weighed at 4 wk, 6 wk, 11 wk, 22 wk and 26 wk of age and daily gain (DG), and feed conversion efficiency (FCE) per pen was calculated. Pigs were slaughtered at age of 26 wk by the standard procedure in one commercial abattoir where carcass and meat quality characteristics were evaluated. The higher levels of the NH3, CO2 and H2S gases were noticed in CON than ORG facility, despite the fact that no differences were observed in temperature and wind speed between tested production systems. During lactation (1st to 4th week) no significant differences in DG between CON and ORG pigs were observed. In the period between weeks 4 to 6, ORG pigs, still in lactation, exhibited growth stagnation in comparison to CON pigs, already weaned. All over the fattening period ORG pigs had lower DG than CON pigs. Exception was only last fattening period (22 wk to 26 wk) were no significant differences in DG was noticed. Reduced BM and DG during fattening period of ORG pigs resulted in their lower carcass quality (smaller Longissimus dorsi area and lighter ham) in comparison with CON pigs. ORG pigs had higher pH value and content of intramuscular fats than CON pigs. In conclusion, an increase of intramuscular fat deposition in ORG pigs was related to their compensatory growth in the last period of fattening