162 research outputs found

    Biophysical and biochemical characterization of a liposarcoma-derived recombinant MnSOD protein acting as an anticancer agent

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    A recombinant MnSOD (rMnSOD) synthesized by specific cDNA clones derived from a liposarcoma cell line was shown to have the same sequence as the wild-type MnSOD expressed in the human myeloid leukaemia cell line U937, except for the presence of the leader peptide at the N-terminus. These results were fully confirmed by the molecular mass of rMnSOD as evaluated by ES/MS analysis (26662.7 Da) and the nucleotide sequence of the MnSOD cDNA. The role of the leader peptide in rMnSOD was investigated using a fluorescent and/or 68Gallium-labelled synthetic peptide. The labelled peptide permeated MCF-7 cells and uptake could be inhibited in the presence of an excess of oestrogen. In vivo it was taken up by the tumour, suggesting that the molecule can be used for both therapy and diagnosis. The in vitro and in vivo pharmacology tests confirmed that rMnSOD is only oncotoxic for tumour cells expressing oestrogen receptors. Pharmacokinetic studies in animals performed with 125I- and 131I-labelled proteins confirmed that, when administered systemically, rMnSOD selectively reached the tumour, where its presence was unambiguously demonstrated by scintigraphic and PET scans. PCR analysis revealed that Bax gene expression was increased and the Bcl2 gene was down regulated in MCF7 cells treated with rMnSOD, which suggests that the protein induces a pro-apoptotic mechanism

    Recuperação hidrofóbica de polipropileno tratado por VUV ou plasma

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    Tratamentos superficiais por plasma e ultravioleta de vácuo (VUV) foram utilizados para introduzir grupos funcionais contendo oxigênio em amostras de polipropileno, com objetivo de modificar sua molhabilidade. Análises por ATR-FTIR, AFM e ângulo de contato (AC) foram utilizadas para analisar as mudanças químicas e físicas na superfície do PP em função do tempo. Os resultados mostraram que as mudanças na molhabilidade das amostras tratadas por VUV ocorreram principalmente devido à alteração química da superfície. Nas amostras tratadas por plasma, o envelhecimento ocorreu mais rapidamente que as amostras tratadas por VUV. Para ambos os tratamentos, provavelmente ocorreu um rearranjo das cadeias durante o envelhecimento, além de uma possível reticulação da superfície na amostra tratada por VUV

    Laser Induced Surface Modification of Polymers

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