5 research outputs found

    The differences in RCAS1 and DFF45 endometrial expression between late proliferative, early secretory, and mid-secretory cycle phases.

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    RCAS1 expression is related to the regulation of activated immune cells and to connective tissue remodeling within the endometrium. DFF45 seems to play an important role in the apoptotic process, most likely by acting through the regulation of DNA fragmentation. Its expression changes within the endometrium seem to be related to the resistance of endometrial cells to apoptosis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate RCAS1 and DFF45 endometrial expressions during ovulation and the implantation period. RCAS1 and DFF45 expression was assessed by the Western-blot method in endometrial tissue samples obtained from 20 patients. The tissue samples were classified according to the menstrual cycle phases in which they were collected, with a division into three phases: late proliferative, early secretory, and mid-secretory. The lowest level of RCAS1 and the highest level of DFF45 endometrial expression was found during the early secretory cycle phase. Statistically significantly higher RCAS1 and statistically significantly lower DFF45 endometrial expression was identified in the endometrium during the late proliferative as compared to the early secretory cycle phase. Moreover, statistically significantly higher RCAS1 and statistically significantly lower DFF45 expression was found in the endometrium during the mid-secretory as compared to the early secretory cycle phase. The preparation for implantation process in the endometrium is preceded by dynamic changes in endometrial ECM and results from the proper interaction between endometrial and immune cells. The course of this process is conditioned by the immunomodulating activity of endometrial cells and their resistance to immune-mediated apoptosis. These dynamic changes are closely related to RCAS1 and DFF45 expression alterations


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    Background: Many prognostic factors have been identified in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) but new ones are still desired. The biological characterization of CLL is now being translated into novel treatment strategies. One new prognostic factor, and therapeutic target, may be BFL1. It is both a serum and a molecular marker that contributes to the progression of CLL and its resistance to chemotherapy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prognostic value of BFL1 and to assess its correlation with other known prognostic markers in CLL for the cladribine and cyclophosphamide regimen (CC). Methods: qPCR TaqMan® Low Density Array was used for gene expression measurements. Assessment of CD38, ZAP70 and BFL-1 proteins expression was done by means of flow cytometry. Serum TK activity was measured by immunoassay. Results: Protein BFL1 expression was found to be significantly higher in CLL patients than healthy volunteers (p=0.001). Moreover its level was significantly higher in patients with no response (NR) to CC therapy (p=0.009). The expression of BFL1 was considerably down regulated during CC treatment and BFL1 mRNA levels were inversely correlated with apoptotic response. In addition, protein BFL1 expression was found to be similar to thymidine kinase (TK) concentration regarding treatment response. As far as other markers are concerned, a positive correlation was identified between BFL1 and TK (r=0.52, p=0.01). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that BFL1 contributes to chemoresistance and may be a co-existing prognostic factor in CLL in the future

    Budżetowanie działalności jednostek gospodarczych Teoria i praktyka. Część V

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    Z wprowadzenia: "Przekazujemy do rąk Czytelników część monografii dotyczącej budżetowania jednostek gospodarczych. Jej przygotowanie zbiegło się z ukazaniem się manifestu Precz z budżetami Jeremiego Норе’а i Robina Frasera. Autorzy poddają tam ostrej krytyce dotychczasowe praktyki stosowania budżetowania kosztowego. Stąd niniejsza publikacja - między innymi - dlatego różni się istotnie od poprzednich. Od pewnego czasu - także w Polsce - pojawiały się głosy wskazujące na istotne niedoskonałości budżetowania kosztowego, na przykład J. Gierusz [Materiały konferencyjne 2001], G. H. Świderska [Rachunkowośćzarządcza i rachunek kosztów, 2002]. Nie odnosiły one jednak skutku. Nie zauważono też dotąd narastającej listy zarzutów wytaczanych przeciw finansowym jednostkom miary stosowanym w budżetowaniu kosztowym, na przykład G. K. Świderska [jak wyżej], M. Sierpińska, B. Niedbała [Controllingoperacyjny wpnedsiębiorstwie, 2003]. Bez echa pozostało postawione przez autora pytanie: „zmierzch czy rozwój budżetowania?” [„Controlling i rachunkowość zarządcza” 9/2002], gdzie jednoznacznie wskazano, że budżetowanie kosztowe obejmuje jedynie jedną sferę działalności przedsiębiorstwa i tym samym nie może stanowić wystarczającej podstawy do sterowania przedsiębiorstwem. Zwolennicy budżetowania kosztowego nawet zgadzali się ze stawianymi zarzutami, jednak nie reagowali na propozycje zmian w filozofii i metodologii budżetowania."(...