14 research outputs found

    The economic effects of farm vehicle-related traffic accidents: A comparative analysis of western and northern Serbian municipalities

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    There are numerous and diverse Serbian road users or traffic participants on a daily basis. Farm vehicles are also considered participants. In fact, from all the farm vehicles engaged in traffic, it is tractors that are involved the most in traffic accidents. In this paper, we will present valid data on tractor-related traffic accidents during the 2012-2016 period, with a focus on areas under the jurisdiction of two police administrations from different parts of Serbia - Valjevo and Subotica. By analyzing data on farmsteads and comparing traffic accidents in these areas, we pointed out the multiple negative economic effects and possible measures for their mitigating, as well as the differences between the regions of western and northern Serbia. This data, indicates that there should be more focus on the consequences resulting from these incidents as they indicate the most diverse segments of damage in the area of agriculture

    Histamine index and clinical expression of rheumatoid arthritis activity

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    Background/Aim: Many arguments prove the pathophysiologic role of histamine in the process of remodeling and joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis. The aim of our study was to find out if there was a relation between histamine concentration in synovial fluid and blood with clinical expression of disease activity. Methods: Histamine concentration in synovial fluid and blood was determinated in 19 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Histamine concentration measurement was based on the Shore's fluorometric method. Histamine index (HI) was evaluated as a ratio between histamine concentration in synovial fluid and blood. Disease activity score, DAS 28 (3), with three variables (erythrocyte sedimentation rate, the number of swelled joints and the number of tender joints) was also evaluated. Results: Our results showed that there was no significant difference in concentration of histamine in synovial fluid and blood related to disease activity. However, there was a significiant difference in the histamine index which was increased proportionally with disease activity. Conclusion: Our study indicates that histamine index could be useful in estimation of rheumatoid arthritis activity

    Faktori koji utiču na postoperativni mortalitet kod bolesnika sa prelomom kuka

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    Background/Aim. One of the most significant predictors of mortality after hip fractures is cognitive impairment (dementia). The aim of this study was to report the results of a prospective study of the influence of some factors on sixmonth mortality in elderly patients with hip fractures. Method. The elderly patients with hip fracture were assessed on admission to the hospital using the measures of cognitive function, the mobility before the fracture, and physical comorbidity, the type of fracture and the place of the injury. Six months later, we checked how many of them were still alive. Results. We performed univariate and multivariate analyses in 132 patients and found that the most significant predictors of six-month mortality were dementia, comorbidity, and prefacture mobility. Conclusions. A comprehensive physical and mental health assessment of an elderly patient after hip fracture could predict mortality. A good examination of cognitive functioning could be very useful in choosing the optimal treatment for this type of patients.Uvod/Cilj. U radu su prikazani rezultati prospektivne studije o uticaju nekih faktora na smrtnost starijih bolesnika sa prelomom kuka. Posebno je analiziran uticaj demencije na šestomesečni mortalitet. Metode. Prilikom prijema u bolnicu svakom bolesniku sa prelomom kuka urađena je procena mentalnog statusa (kognicije), procena mobilnosti pre preloma, procena stanja opšteg zdravlja i prisustvo pratećih bolesti, tip preloma, kao i mesto povređivanja. Praćen je šestomesečni mortalitet bolesnika i urađena je univarijantna i multivarijantna regresiona analiza dobijenih rezultata. Rezultati. Obradom podataka kod 132 bolesnika utvrđeni su kao najznačajniji prediktori šestomesečnog mortaliteta: demencija, komorbiditet (prateće bolesti) i mobilnost pre preloma. Zaključak. Celovita procena fizičkog i mentalnog zdravlja je najvažniji činilac u predviđanju ishoda lečenja starih bolesnika sa prelomom kuka. Dobra procena u vezi sa kognitivnim poremećajima, a pre svega demencijom, može biti veoma korisna u odabiru odgovarajućeg načina lečenja bolesnika sa prelomom kuka

    Sh-I-048A, an in vitro non-selective super-agonist at the benzodiazepine site of GABAA receptors: The approximated activation of receptor subtypes may explain behavioral effects

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    Enormous progress in understanding the role of four populations of benzodiazepine-sensitive GABA(A) receptors was paralleled by the puzzling findings suggesting that substantial separation of behavioral effects may be accomplished by apparently nonselective modulators. We report on SH-I-048A, a newly synthesized chiral positive modulator of GABAA receptors characterized by exceptional subnanomolar affinity, high efficacy and non-selectivity. Its influence on behavior was assessed in Wistar rats and contrasted to that obtained with 2 mg/kg diazepam. SH-I-048A reached micromolar concentrations in brain tissue, while the unbound fraction in brain homogenate was around 1.5%. The approximated electrophysiological responses, which estimated free concentrations of SH-I-048A or diazepam are able to elicit, suggested a similarity between the 10 mg/kg dose of the novel ligand and 2 mg/kg diazepam; however, SH-I-048A was relatively more active at and as-containing GABAA receptors. Behaviorally, SH-I-048A induced sedative, muscle relaxant and ataxic effects, reversed mechanical hyperalgesia 24 h after injury, while it was devoid of clear anxiolytic actions and did not affect water-maze performance. While lack of clear anxiolytic actions may be connected with an enhanced potentiation at al-containing GABAA receptors, the observed behavior in the rotarod, water maze and peripheral nerve injury tests was possibly affected by its prominent action at receptors containing the as subunit. The current results encourage further innovative approaches aimed at linking in vitro an in vivo data in order to help define fine-tuning mechanisms at four sensitive receptor populations that underlie subtle differences in behavioral profiles of benzodiazepine site ligands

    Factors which influence postoperative mortality after hip fracture

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    Background/Aim. One of the most significant predictors of mortality after hip fractures is cognitive impairment (dementia). The aim of this study was to report the results of a prospective study of the influence of some factors on sixmonth mortality in elderly patients with hip fractures. Method. The elderly patients with hip fracture were assessed on admission to the hospital using the measures of cognitive function, the mobility before the fracture, and physical comorbidity, the type of fracture and the place of the injury. Six months later, we checked how many of them were still alive. Results. We performed univariate and multivariate analyses in 132 patients and found that the most significant predictors of six-month mortality were dementia, comorbidity, and prefacture mobility. Conclusions. A comprehensive physical and mental health assessment of an elderly patient after hip fracture could predict mortality. A good examination of cognitive functioning could be very useful in choosing the optimal treatment for this type of patients.Uvod/Cilj. U radu su prikazani rezultati prospektivne studije o uticaju nekih faktora na smrtnost starijih bolesnika sa prelomom kuka. Posebno je analiziran uticaj demencije na šestomesečni mortalitet. Metode. Prilikom prijema u bolnicu svakom bolesniku sa prelomom kuka urađena je procena mentalnog statusa (kognicije), procena mobilnosti pre preloma, procena stanja opšteg zdravlja i prisustvo pratećih bolesti, tip preloma, kao i mesto povređivanja. Praćen je šestomesečni mortalitet bolesnika i urađena je univarijantna i multivarijantna regresiona analiza dobijenih rezultata. Rezultati. Obradom podataka kod 132 bolesnika utvrđeni su kao najznačajniji prediktori šestomesečnog mortaliteta: demencija, komorbiditet (prateće bolesti) i mobilnost pre preloma. Zaključak. Celovita procena fizičkog i mentalnog zdravlja je najvažniji činilac u predviđanju ishoda lečenja starih bolesnika sa prelomom kuka. Dobra procena u vezi sa kognitivnim poremećajima, a pre svega demencijom, može biti veoma korisna u odabiru odgovarajućeg načina lečenja bolesnika sa prelomom kuka

    Histamine index and clinical expression of rheumatoid arthritis activity

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    Background/Aim. Many arguments prove the pathophysiologic role of histamine in the process of remodeling and joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis. The aim of our study was to find out if there was a relation between histamine concentration in synovial fluid and blood with clinical expression of disease activity. Methods. Histamine concentration in synovial fluid and blood was determinated in 19 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Histamine concentration measurement was based on the Shore's fluorometric method. Histamine index (HI) was evaluated as a ratio between histamine concentration in synovial fluid and blood. Disease activity score, DAS 28 (3), with three variables (erythrocyte sedimentation rate, the number of swelled joints and the number of tender joints) was also evaluated. Results. Our results showed that there was no significant difference in concentration of histamine in synovial fluid and blood related to disease activity. However, there was a significant difference in the histamine index which was increased proportionally with disease activity. Conclusion. Our study indicates that histamine index could be useful in estimation of rheumatoid arthritis activity

    Sexual rehabilitation after myocardial infarction and coronary bypass surgery: Why do we not perform our job?

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    Background/Aim. There is a perception that in patients with heart diseases in Serbia sexual rehabilitation does not exist. Why do we not perform our job? A kind of resistance to sexual rehabilitation is common for heart disease patients. Prejudices regarding patients' sexuality, fear and limited knowledge are not rare among the members of medical staff. The aim of this study was to assess knowledge on sexual rehabilitation, inner sense during conversation on sexual rehabilitation and quality of sexual life in patients with myocardial infarction (MI) and bypass surgery (BPS). Also, we wanted to assess an opinion of the medical staff members about that. Methods. We performed a prospective nonrandomized clinical study, which involved 40 participants: ten patients, six partners and twenty four medical staff members. All participants were tested by the self-created questionnaires. The main issues of observation were: knowledge about sexual rehabilitation, quality of sexual life and inner sense during conversation on sexual rehabilitation. The data were analyzed by the Shapiro-Wilk test, Kolmogorov Smirnov test, Mann Whitney Exact test and Fishers Exact test. Statistical significance was set up to p < 0.05. Results. There was a statistically significant difference among the participants regarding an attitude when sexual activity should be resumed after MI or BPS. The members of medical staff had a significantly different opinion about the most important team members responsible for sexual rehabilitation performance. There was a statistically significant difference (p = 0.01) in quality of patient's sexual life after MI or BPS (score: 14.2 ± 5.5) in relation to conditions before them (score: 21.3 ± 3.1). The members of medical staff had significantly (p = 0.05) worse inner sense (score: 3.8 ± 0.7) during and after fulfilling the questionnaires than the patients (score: 4.6 ± 0.5). Conclusion. Ignorance and prejudices are reasons why we do not perform our job

    The <i>A</i>. <i>actinomycetemcomitans</i> DO15 isolate and its gene product CdtB210 are not genotoxic to eukaryotic cells.

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    <p>(A, B) The <i>A</i>. <i>actinomycetemcomitans</i> strains D7S, its isogenic knockout D7S ΔcdtB, and DO15 (A) or their supernatants (B) were incubated with HeLa cells. Effects on the HeLa morphology and immunocytochemistry staining for γH2AX were monitored 24 h post-infection. Cellular distention of HeLa was evident by infection with the D7S strain coding for CdtB, while the DO15 isolate harboring CdtB210 did not cause cellular distention or H2AX phosphorylation. Cell medium was used for the control. (C) Transfection of HeLa cells was performed as described in Materials and Methods. Genotoxic effects (i.e., staining for γH2AX) were observed only in cells transfected with the plasmid coding for mCherry-CdtB. (D) Quantification of the infected HeLa cells (n = 100) and transfected (two experiments with standard error, n = 90) HeLa cells, as in (A, B) and (C), respectively. Cells with more than 5 foci of γH2AX were considered positive. Genotoxicity was only seen for the D7S strain and for CdtB.</p

    CdtB210 lacks the critical catalytic residue H160, and does not form a holotoxin.

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    <p>(A) Genetic map of the genomic island of the <i>A</i>. <i>actinomycetemcomitans</i> isolate DO15 that harbors <i>cdtB210</i> with the aligned CdtB amino-acid sequences expanded. Flanking genes, chromosomally encoded genes (green), genomic island genes (orange), and <i>cdt</i> operon determinants (blue) are marked. The two red boxes designate the regions absent on genomic island of the DO15 strain. First red box: 219 bp missing in <i>cdtB210</i>. The deletion includes part of the nuclear localization signal (underlined) and the catalytic H160, critical for DNase activity. The H160, D199, E66 and H274 involved in catalysis are shown (red). The first 22 amino-acid residues in italics designate the signal sequence. The shaded residues were identified by mass spectrometry peptide mapping. Peptides spanning the deletion were identified only in the secretome of the CdtB-producing strain. (B) Structure of <i>A</i>. <i>actinomycetemcomitans</i> CdtB (blue, PDB 2f2f, chain B) with the region missing in CdtB210 (cyan). Residues involved in catalysis (red sticks, and at the bottom) and substrate/ metal binding (yellow sticks) are shown. The contacts between the CdtB, CdtA, and CdtC proteins in the holotoxin are presented schematically. (C) Analysis of the oligomeric state of CdtB and CdtB210 premixed (equimolar) with CdtA and CdtC. CdtA plus CdtC was used as the control. Molecular mass analysis of the CDT complexes was performed on a Superdex 200 column. F1 to F8: fractions assayed using SDS-PAGE analysis (shown right), which indicated that CdtB, but not CdtB210, formed the tripartite complex.</p