166 research outputs found

    Online Learning Diaries: The Voices of Allied Health Students During Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought an exceptional transformation in the education system worldwide. Literature indicated the impact of COVID-19 on students’ online learning experience, yet there is limited study on the online learning experience of allied health students. Thus, the study explored the online learning experience of allied health students. The study utilized the qualitative research method. Thirteen respondents participated in the study and were selected using snowball and purposive sampling methods. A semi-structured interview was done to obtain relevant information about the study. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the collected data. The result of the study revealed that students have positive and negative experiences in online learning. Positive experiences include flexible learning opportunities and fosters learning opportunities, while negative experiences include technological factors, teacher factors, student factors, and health factors. The study revealed that the participants used the coping mechanisms: student’s self-efficacy: optimism and time management, staying connected with God, supporting the system, and social and recreational activities. The impact of the online learning experience on their career development includes inadequate clinical competence, worries about the future outcome, and traditional vs. online learning preference. Despite the accessibility and popularity of online learning in today’s world, the study found that allied health students had yet to recognize its value in their professional development. Keywords: skills-based, clinical learning environment, coping strategie

    Analysis of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs): Item and Test Statistics from the 2nd Year Nursing Qualifying Exam in a University in Cavite, Philippines

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    Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) is used extensively as a test format in nursing education.However, making MCQs still remains a challenge to educators. To avoid issues about itsquality, this should undergo item analysis. Thus, the study evaluated item and test qualityusing difficulty index (DIF) and discrimination indices (DI), with distractor efficiency (DE);determined the reliability using Kuder-Richardson 20 coefficients (KR20); and identifiedwhich valid measure was developed. The study was conducted among 41 level two nursingstudents in the College of Nursing. The qualifying examination comprised of 194 MCQs.Data were entered in Microsoft Excel 2010 and SPSS22 and were analyzed. According toDIF, out of 194 items, 115 (59.3%) had right difficulty and 79 (40.7%) were difficult.Regarding DI, 17 (8.8%) MCQs were considered very good items to discriminate the low andhigh performer students. While 21 (10.8%), 32 (16.5%), 24 (12.4%), and 100 (51.5%)demonstrated good, fair quality, potentially poor, and potentially very poor items,respectively. On the other hand, the number of items that had 100% distractor effectiveness is57 (29.4%), as 65 (33.5%), 49 (25.3%), and 23 (11.9%) revealed 66.6%, 33.3% and 0%,respectively. The reliability of the test using KR20 is 0.9, suggesting that the test is highlyreliable with considered good internal consistency. After careful analysis of each item, 55(28.35%) items were retained without revisions. Further, the stem of the 24 (12.37%) items,the distractors of the 66 (34.02%) items and both the stem and distractors of 46 (23.71%)items were modified, and 3 (1.55%) items were removed. The researcher recommends doingan analysis between upper and lower scorers and its relationship to DE. For future study, itwill be beneficial to explore other factors like student’s ability, quality of instructions, andnumber of students in relation to quality of MCQs

    Aplicació de tècniques estadístiques a l'estudi de l'art pictòric dels segles XV-XIX : del renaixement al fauvisme

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    L'estudi de l'art ha seguit el camí habitual de la interpretació crítica de l'época, més o menys encertada, peró sempre basada en la importància de lo conceptual, amb valoracions subjectives de persones de prestigi reconegut. La finalitat d'aquest treball és la determinació objectiva de característiques propies de l'época, del moviment artístic i del propi autor que permetin avaluar quines són les diferéncies técniques que ubiquen una obra dins d'un corrent artístic. D'altra banda les técniques de caire científic que donen suport a les assercions dels estudiosos de l'art resulten, a més de cares, massa agresives pel que fa al caracter destructiu de la presa de mostra i anàlisi. Els resultats obtinguts en aquest treball posibiliten una intervenció mínima d'aquests tests, prenent aleshores un caracter principalment confirmatiu. Algunes de les aplicacions pràctiques derivades d'aquest treball són: •Datació d'obres •Potenciació deis estudis d'autoria dubtosa •Objectivació deis trets diferencials d'un moviment artístic o d'un autor específic •Estudi evolutiu de la técnica i el seu ús al llarg del temps, dins d'un moviment artístic o dins el recorregut artístic d'un pintor. Les técniques estadístiques aplicades en aquest treball són principalment: » Disseny d'experiments i anàlisi de la variança per la verificació de la robustesa de les variables considerant les fonts d'obtenció d'imatges i els factors influents en la seva qualitat. » Regressió lineal per la determinació del model de datació d'obres. » Regressió logística ordinal per la determinació del model de classificació d'estils o moviments artístics. » Regressió logística ordinal sobre mínims quadrats parcial s per l'obtenció d'un segon model de classificació de moviments artístics, l'aplicació de la qual es considera novedosa per tenir un desenvolupament molt recent. » Técniques d'estadística exploratoria i descriptiva

    La arquitectura de la complejidad fundamentos para el método transdisciplinar

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    The present research aims to introduce the Complexity Theory to the architectural discipline. This scientific theory allows us to conceive the idea of self-organization, that is, architecture without architects. If classical science deals with regularities and determinisms, the science of complexity tells us about creation and uncertainty. The so-called paradigm of complexity has its origin in the second scientific revolution of the twentieth century. More than a science, studies around complexity constitute a self-organization of different fields of knowledge that break the traditional disciplinary barriers. In this sense, this study tries to conquer a meta-point of view from which to glimpse the complex network of systemic interactions and feedbacks in which our discipline unfolds, because in first of all it is a question of being aware of, for then, transform the environment with critical awareness. Traditionally we associate the complex with the complicated, however, the complexity, paradoxically, can be described in an easy way. A complex system is one in which the whole is more than the sum of the parts.The complexity highlights the necessity to understand the map of connections, the networks of relationships between elements. Complexty is not the sum of the parts and therefore it cannot be understood by isolating the components of the system, Therefore complexity cannot be understood from a reductionist point of view. Consequently, it is not a homogenizing paradigm but an articulator. Complexity concerns architectural discipline in all its dimensions: thought, practice and product. Complexity is not only present in everything around us but also tends to increase. Certainly, there is a common dynamic that describes the evolution of the biological, social and cultural according to which our biosphere evolves becoming increasingly complex. The theoretical framework of research responds to the principles of the so-called "unity of science". This perspective supports the idea that sciences form a unified whole that can not be dissolved without losing an integral sight. Its central thesis claims that there are common scientific laws applicable to any level of organization (material-life-mind-culture). Understanding the complexity of architecture entails, to begin with, understanding how our discipline is framed at each of these levels. In this sense the research has a tripartite structure. The first part of the research, Natural Complexities, deals with architecture from the physical (self-organizing, thermodynamic) and biological aspects unfailingly linked to the organizational constitution of living beings. In the second part, The Cognitive Instance, we study the aspects related to knowledge and learning. We also observe that these phenomena results from certain self-organizing dynamics. We explore the relationships between the mind and the project, which allows us to bring a little light to that great mystery that, still today, presents the creative process. Finally, we try to acquire the knowledge of criticism through the critique of knowledge. In the third part, Cultural Complexities, we approach architecture from the framework of social and communicational phenomenon, the language, that which makes us more specifically human. With the conceptual apparatus of complexity, we emphasize the self-eco-dependence of architecture. Thanks to these multidimensional considerations we try to reach a privileged position to apprehend and confront architecture in our modern network society.La presente investigación tiene como objetivo introducir la Teoría de la Complejidad a la disciplina arquitectónica. Esta teoría científica permite concebir la idea de autoorganización esto es, arquitectura sin arquitectos. Si la ciencia clásica trata de regularidades y determinismos, la ciencia de la complejidad nos habla de creación e incertidumbre. El llamado paradigma de la complejidad tiene su origen en la segunda revolución científica del siglo XX. Más que una ciencia, los estudios alrededor de la complejidad constituyen una autoorganización de diferentes ámbitos del saber que rompen las tradicionales barreras disciplinarias. En este sentido este estudio trata de conquistar un metapunto de vista desde el cual poder vislumbrar el complejo entramado de interacciones y retroacciones sistémicas en el que se desenvuelve nuestra disciplina, pues en primer lugar se trata de "ser conscientes de" para, luego, poder transformar el entorno con consciencia crítica. Tradicionalmente asociamos lo complejo a lo complicado, sin embargo, la complejidad, paradójicamente, puede ser descrita de manera sencilla. Un sistema complejo es aquel en el que el todo es más que la suma de las partes. La complejidad, pues, hace patente la necesidad de entender el mapa de conexiones, las redes de relaciones entre elementos. Lo complejo no es la suma de las partes y por tanto no puede ser entendido aislando los componentes del sistema, de lo que se deriva que lo complejo no puede ser abarcado desde el reduccionismo. En consecuencia no se trata un paradigma homogeneizador sino articulador. La complejidad atañe a la disciplina arquitectónica en todas sus dimensiones: pensamiento, práctica y producto. La complejidad no sólo está presente en todo lo que nos rodea sino que además tiende a incrementar. Ciertamente, existe una dinámica común que describe la evolución de lo biológico, lo social y lo cultural según la cual nuestra biosfera evoluciona haciéndose cada vez más compleja. El marco teórico de la investigación responde a los principios de la llamada "unidad de la ciencia". Esta perspectiva sustenta la idea de que las ciencias forman un todo unificado que no se puede disolver sin perder la visión de conjunto. Su tesis central afirma que hay leyes científicas comunes aplicables a cualquier nivel de organización (materia-vida-mente-cultura). Entender la complejidad de la arquitectura conlleva, para empezar, entender cómo nuestra disciplina está entramada en cada uno de estos niveles. En este sentido la investigación tiene una estructura tripartita. La primera parte de la investigación, Complejidades Naturales, aborda la arquitectura desde los aspectos físicos (autoorganitzativos, termodinámicos) y biológicos indefectiblemente vinculados a la constitución organizativa de los seres vivos. En la segunda parte, La Instancia Cognitiva, se estudian los aspectos relacionados con el conocimiento y el aprendizaje. Observamos como también estos fenómenos obedecen a ciertas dinámicas autoorganizativas. Exploramos las relaciones entre la mente y el proyectar, lo que nos permite aportar un poco de luz a ese gran misterio que, todavía hoy, presenta el proceso creativo. Finalmente, tratamos de adquirir el conocimiento de la crítica a través de la crítica del conocimiento. En la tercera parte, Complejidades Culturales, afrontamos la arquitectura desde el marco del fenómeno social y comunicacional, del lenguaje, de aquello que nos hace más específicamente humanos. Con el aparato conceptual de la complejidad ponemos de relieve la auto-eco-dependencia de la arquitectura. Gracias a estas consideraciones multidimensionales tratamos de alcanzar una posición privilegiada para aprehender y enfrentar la arquitectura en nuestra moderna sociedad red.Postprint (published version

    Efectos terapéuticos del yoga en la fibromialgia: revisión sistematica. Therapeutic effects of yoga in fibromyalgia: systematic review

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    Introducción: la fibromialgia es una enfermedad crónica caracterizada por dolor, sueño no reparador y fatiga, entre otros, afectando negativamente en la función física y emocional, reduciéndose la calidad de vida. Objetivo: analizar la evidencia científica sobre la efectividaddel Yoga en el abordaje de pacientes con fibromialgia. Metodología: se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica sobre la utilización del yoga como terapia alternativa en pacientes con fibromialgia. Resultados: fueron seleccionados 6 artículos, sólo dos muestranmejoras significativas en los resultados del FIQ. Conclusiones: el Yoga es una terapia alternativa de tratamiento en casos de fibromialgia

    Industry diversification in industrial districts: is it about embedded regional or firm-level capabilities?

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    We analyse whether regionally embedded or firm-level capabilities drive regional diversification in industrial districts, examining the relationship between relatedness and Marshallian agglomerations. We argue that regional diversification lacks an explicit mechanism to explain branching into new products, positing that the origin of regional product branching is based on firm-level heterogeneity of capabilities and diversification, which is overlooked. Using mixed methods and patent analysis(1895-2019;3592patentsandutilitymodels),product diversification in the Toy Valley district in Alicante (Spain) is analysed, showing that firm-level related diversification with extensive local search explains the mechanism of the regional relatedness diversification

    Evaluasi Penerimaan Kas Terhadap Pendapatan Pada PT.Suryagita Nusaraya Cargo Cabang Maumere

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    An accounting information system is a collection of various resources, both human and equipment, which are specially designed to assist processing to convert financial data and other data into information. This study aims to determine whether the accounting information system for cash receipts for package delivery revenue at PT.Suryagita Nusaraya is adequate. The analytical method used is descriptive qualitative method. Research data obtained from interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that the functions, documents, accounting records, and cash receipts accounting information system procedures were still inadequate. The existing functions are based on theory, but in carrying out their functions there is no separation of duties. The documents used are incomplete because the company did not make a packing slip. Accounting records and cash receipt procedures have been implemented properly. The results also show that the main elements of internal control that support the cash receipt process have not been implemented properly. Keywords: Accounting Information Systems, Cash Receipt

    Anatomical study between the correlation of the arcuate eminence and the superior semicircular canal

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    Objective To study the anatomical correlation between the arcuate eminence and the superior semicircular canal. Material and methods A study of the height of the arcuate eminence was carried out in 295 temporal bones. In addition, 30 temporals with different heights of the arcuate eminence (10 flat, 10 prominent and 10 very prominent) were randomly selected and radiological tests were performed by computed tomography (Pöschl projection) and subsequent dissection by milling until the apex of the superior semicircular canal was found, establishing, with both methods, the anatomical relationship with the arcuate eminence. Results The arcuate eminence was classified as: smooth, when there was no relief (1.7%); flat, measured less than 1 mm (20.3%), prominent, measured between 1 and 2 mm, in (62%), and very prominent, measured above 2 mm (12.6%). The tomographic study (CT) and its subsequent dissection by bone milling showed a direct relationship between the arcuate eminence and the semicircular canal only when it was flat, while the rest of the types corresponded to the presence of pneumatized peri-labyrinthine cells and/or cancellous bone without a direct anatomical relationship with the apex of the superior semicircular canal. Conclusion The correlation between the arcuate eminence and the superior semicircular canal is direct only when it is flat (1 mm), being related to peri-labyrinthine cells and/or cancellous bone when the arcuate eminence is prominent or very prominent