44 research outputs found

    Door Slammed Finger

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    Fluid Shift and Fluid Resuscitation in Burn Patients with the use of Bio-Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy to Monitor Fluid Levels

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    The purpose of this research is to explore the current methods of fluid resuscitation and other possible methods of measuring the body fluid levels of burn patients in order to fully understand the fluid increase patterns in the torso area. This will be done primarily by focusing on the concept of bio-electrical impedance spectroscopy to measure the fluid levels only in the human torso area. Three similar tests were carried out by measuring the resistance values after ingesting 500ml of water. This was repeated until a total of 1500ml of water was ingested. It was found that the resistance in the extracellular fluid (R0) appear to not be significantly affected by the increase in fluid intake but the resistance in the intracellular fluid (R∞) show a greater difference. This can be due to a variety of conditions including the path flow of the ingested water content. The resistance measurements from the back of the torso posed to be more accurate than that of the front of the torso. This can also be connected to the water path flow. In order to further study the chosen electrode placements and understand the cause of the difference between the front and back torso results, more focused tests will be carried out in the future

    Policy Approaches To Address Childhood Obesity

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    Background: Childhood obesity continues to be a serious international public health concern. Unfortunately, there are limited treatment options for obesity. One notable intervention option is the University of Kentucky (UK) Pediatric high BMI clinic intervention for childhood obesity. The Clinic provides intervention for childhood obesity through healthy lifestyle habits. This intervention has been reported to be effective. Even though there is evidence that public health policies that promote healthy behaviors would substantially reduce and prevent the alarming prevalence of childhood obesity, the state of Kentucky does not have well-established practical policies that promote healthy behaviors in children. Studies have shown that a strong tool to reverse childhood obesity may be policies that provide an environment that promotes improved dietary and physical activity behavior. The school environment would be ideal for implementing policies that promote healthy environmental defaults. Replicating the UK Pediatric high BMI clinic intervention for childhood obesity in the school environment through policy changes would address the childhood obesity epidemic in the state of Kentucky. Objectives: This study sought to (1) identify factors that impede the implementation of healthy lifestyle recommendations to children with obesity attending the UK Pediatric high BMI clinic, (2) identify policy changes that could address these factors at the population level, and (3) make recommendations, based on our findings, to policymakers for policy formulation. Methods: Our study design was a qualitative study design employing the grounded theory approach. Our target study population was the healthcare providers to children with obesity attending the UK Pediatric High BMI Clinic. They served as key informants through whose perspectives we got information about the children. We collected data from our key informants through structured in-depth one-on-one interviews, using an interview guide modeled after a validated questionnaire. The questions were based on the Socio-ecological model (SEM). The data analysis involved transcribing the interview sessions professionally, line-by-line coding of the transcripts, and identifying themes consistent with the SEM. Results: We interviewed 15 key informants who all work in various clinics within UK Healthcare. The results are the providers’ perceptions indicative of their actual patient encounters. Based on the SEM levels of influence, we identified barriers to healthy lifestyle habits and policy changes that would address these barriers at the population level. We labeled these barriers and policy changes as themes. The themes include intrapersonal barriers to physical activity (PA) and healthy diet (HD), interpersonal barriers to PA and HD, organizational barriers to PA and HD, community barriers to PA and HD, and public policy changes. Conclusion: Our key informants perceived that the children with obesity that attend the UK pediatric high BMI clinic encounter personal, environmental, and social barriers that impede the implementation of the healthy lifestyle counseling that they receive from the clinic. These barriers could be addressed in the school setting through policy changes that would promote healthy lifestyle habits in the school environment. This strategy would provide a population-based intervention for the obesity epidemic that has plagued the state of Kentucky. Therefore, a school-focused intervention through a mandatory routine of daily physical activity and a healthy diet is a possible solution to childhood obesity in Kentucky

    University Students’ Demeanour Towards the Utilization of Electronic Resources for Learning

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    Students' learning will be aided by the use of e-resources. The study's goals were to: (i) examine undergraduates' demeanour toward using E-resources for learning; (ii) determine the difference between male and female undergraduates' demeanour toward using E-resources for learning; (iii) determine the difference between male and female undergraduates' demeanour towards using E-resources for learning based on specialization; and (iv) examine the difference in undergraduates' demeanour towards using E-resources for learning based on specialization. The survey approach of descriptive research was used by the researcher. For this study, 200 questionnaires were sampled and sent to University of Ilorin students. The obtained data was analyzed using frequency and percentages. The study's findings indicated that undergraduates had a positive demeanour about using e-resources for learning. In addition, there were no significant differences in demeanour about using e-resources for learning among undergraduates depending on gender or level. In addition, there is a considerable variation in undergraduate demeanour regarding using e-resources for learning dependent on Faculty. E-resources, such as e-library, are the most recent development in information technology, according to the research, and they are accessible in a variety of formats, including e-books, online journal magazines, e-learning tutors, online tests, digital, and e-library. As a result, school managers were advised to fully equip schools with excellent internet infrastructure in order to promote flexible online services among student

    Interactive Effect of Score Levels on Students’ Performance in Social Studies

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    Perkembangan teknologi di era modern dapat membantu guru belajar tentang lingkungan belajar yang kolaboratif. Teknologi dapat memotivasi siswa dan memungkinkan mereka untuk terlibat pada tingkat yang sama sekali berbeda dari sebelumnya, itu juga meningkatkan pengalaman akademik siswa. Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh interaktif tingkat skor terhadap prestasi belajar IPS siswa. Pengujian data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan uji ANOVA pada 29 SMP. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menguji pengaruh interaktif tingkat skor audio visual terhadap prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen terhadap 21 siswa SMP yang dijadikan sampel untuk menguji audio visual. Temuan menetapkan bahwa audio-visual meningkatkan kinerja akademik siswa dalam studi sosial. Tidak ada pengaruh interaktif yang signifikan dari tingkat skor pada kinerja siswa dalam IPS. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa audio-visual meningkatkan kinerja studi sosial siswa terlepas dari tingkat skor mereka. Oleh karena itu direkomendasikan bahwa guru IPS harus didorong untuk menggunakan alat bantu audio-visual karena memberikan pembelajaran yang lebih bermakna bagi siswa. Selain itu, Pemerintah harus memperkerjakan guru yang berkualitas dan terampil untuk mengajar mata kuliah, dan perencana kurikulum harus berhati-hati dalam merancang materi untuk mengajar IPS. Kata Kunci: Efek Interaktif; Tingkat Skor; Audio-Visual; Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa; Penelitian Sosial.   Abstract Technological developments in the modern era may help teachers learn about a collaborative learning environment. Technology can motivate students and allow them to be engaged on a completely different level than they have ever before. It also increases student academic experience. This study examined the interactive effect of score levels on students' social studies performance. The data testing in this study was carried out with the ANOVA test on 29 junior secondary schools. This research was conducted by examining the interactive effect of the audio-visual score level on students' academic achievement in social studies subjects. The study employs an experimental research method of these 21 junior secondary school students sampled to test the audio-visual. The findings established that audio-visual improves students' academic performance in social studies. There was no significant interactive effect of score levels on students' performance in social studies. The study concluded that audio-visual improves students' social studies performance irrespective of their score levels. It was thus recommended that social studies teachers be encouraged to use audio-visual aids as it gives more meaningful learning to students. Besides, the Government should employ qualified and well-skilled teachers to teach the course, and the curriculum planner must be careful in designing material to teach social studies

    Effect of laser irradiation on failure mechanism of TiCp reinforcedtitanium composite coating produced by laser cladding

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    Laser cladding is an effective technique to coat a metallic substrate with a layer of a different nature.It has been widely reported that the most important combined parameters controlling the quality ofthe coating are the specific energy (E) and the powder density ( ). In the present work, clad depositsof Ti6Al4V + 60 wt.% TiC were prepared on a Ti6Al4V substrate using an optimum combination of Ec= 24 J/mm2 and c= 3 mg/mm2. These experiments were performed using a laser power of 400 and600 W, in order to study the effect of laser power on the properties of the clad. The microstructure, phasecomposition and nanohardness of the coatings were investigated by optical microscopy, scanning elec-tron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. During laser processing, TiC can be partially converted to TiCX(X = 0.5) due mainly to the TiC dissolution into the laser-generated melting pool and subsequent precipi-tation during cooling. It was observed that the lower laser power limit reduces primary TiC dissolution butit also promotes secondary carbide alignment at the interface. On the other hand, the damage mechanisminduced by high laser power is dominated by primary TiC particle cracking by the high stress concentra-tion at the particle matrix interface followed by ductile failure of the matrix. It is also remarkable thatirradiance affects the TiC/TiCxratio despite Ecand care fixed and it determines hardness distributioninside the coating.Authors thank MINECO funding in special the Training of Research Staff programme with the help BES-2009-013589 and the support of the Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CICYT), Spain, under Grant MAT2012-39124. This work was developed at the Materials Technology Unit of the Polytechnic University of Valencia associated to CSIC through the National Centre for Metallurgical Research (CENIM). Finally, thank the EU for the funding received through the FEDER help in the project UPOV08-3E-005 for the purchase of equipment and the Generalitat Valenciana for the help ACOMP/2012/094.Candel Bou, JJ.; Jiménez, J.; Franconetti Rodríguez, P.; Amigó Borrás, V. (2014). Effect of laser irradiation on failure mechanism of TiCp reinforcedtitanium composite coating produced by laser cladding. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 214(11):2325-2332. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2014.04.035S232523322141