739 research outputs found

    A computer program to calculate the resistivity of a thin film deposited on a conductive substrate from four-point probe measurements

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    A series of FORTRAN-77 programs is described which correct for the effect of a conducting substrate when a linear four-point probe is used to measure the resistivity of a thin film. The resistivity of the film is given in terms of the thicknesses of the film and substrate, the known resistivity of the substrate, and the measured delta V/I. A full development is given as well as a complete description of the operation of the programs. The programs themselves can be obtained through COSMIC, and are identified as LEW No. 14381

    Dynamic gas temperature measurements using a personal computer for data acquisition and reduction

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    This report describes a dynamic gas temperature measurement system. It has frequency response to 1000 Hz, and can be used to measure temperatures in hot, high pressure, high velocity flows. A personal computer is used for collecting and processing data, which results in a much shorter wait for results than previously. The data collection process and the user interface are described in detail. The changes made in transporting the software from a mainframe to a personal computer are described in appendices, as is the overall theory of operation

    Regulation of the DNA Damage Response to DSBs by Post-Translational Modifications

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    Damage to the genetic material can affect cellular function in many ways. Therefore, maintenance of the genetic integrity is of primary importance for all cells. Upon DNA damage, cells respond immediately with proliferation arrest and repair of the lesion or apoptosis. All these consequences require recognition of the lesion and transduction of the information to effector systems. The accomplishment of DNA repair, but also of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis furthermore requires protein-protein interactions and the formation of larger protein complexes. More recent research shows that the formation of many of these aggregates depends on post-translational modifications. In this article, we have summarized the different cellular events in response to a DNA double strand break, the most severe lesion of the DNA

    A Sensor Failure Simulator for Control System Reliability Studies

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    A real-time Sensor Failure Simulator (SFS) was designed and assembled for the Advanced Detection, Isolation, and Accommodation (ADIA) program. Various designs were considered. The design chosen features an IBM-PC/XT. The PC is used to drive analog circuitry for simulating sensor failures in real-time. A user defined scenario describes the failure simulation for each of the five incoming sensor signals. Capabilities exist for editing, saving, and retrieving the failure scenarios. The SFS has been tested closed-loop with the Controls Interface and Monitoring (CIM) unit, the ADIA control, and a real-time F100 hybrid simulation. From a productivity viewpoint, the menu driven user interface has proven to be efficient and easy to use. From a real-time viewpoint, the software controlling the simulation loop executes at greater than 100 cycles/sec

    Evaluation of Pd-Cr Wires for Strain Gage Application

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    A newly developed alloy, palladium-13 weight percent chromium (Pd13Cr), was identified by United Technologies Research Center under a NASA contract to be the best material for high temperature strain gage applications. An electrical resistance strain gage that can provide accurate static strain measurement to a temperature higher than that of a commercially available gage is urgently needed in aerospace and aeronautics research. A strain gage made of a 25.4 micron (1 mil) diameter Pd13Cr wire has been recently demonstrated to be usable for static strain measurements to 800 C. This compares to the 400 C temperature limit of the commercially available strain gages. The performance of the Pd-Cr gage, however, strongly depends on the quality of the Pd13Cr wire. Four batches of Pd-Cr wires purchased from three different manufacturers were therefore evaluated to determine the best source of the wire for strain gage applications. The three suppliers were Precious Metal Institute in China, Sigmund Cohn Co., and G & S Titanium, Inc. in the United States. Two batches of wires obtained from Previous Metal Institute in 1987 and 1992, respectively are referred to herein as China87 and China92 wires. The mechanical, chemical and electrical properties of these wires, both as-received and after high temperature exposures at 800 C for 50 hours were analyzed. The elastic modulus and the failure strength of the wires were evaluated using a tensile test machine equipped with a laser speckle strain measurement system. The chemical and microstructural properties of the wires were inspected using a plasma atomic emission spectrometer and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope (EDS). The electrical stability and repeatability of the wires were determined by measuring the electrical resistance of the wires during three thermal cycles to 1000 C and a ten-hour soak at 1000 C. As a result of this study, the wire which has the highest strength, the least impurities content, the best oxidation resistance and the best electrical stability will be selected for upcoming strain gage applications

    Towards a Sustainable Development Licence to Operate for the extractive sector: Consultation paper from the International Resource Panel Working Group on mineral resource governance for sustainable development

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    Mineral resources are a foundation of social and economic development. The 17 Goals and 169 Targets in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognise the importance of these resources, and depend on infrastructure and technologies that use them in vast quantities. Mineral resources present major governance challenges for many countries, in particular for developing countries. The governance architecture of the extractive sector currently suffers from a range of well-documented shortcomings, which undermine its ability to deliver social, economic, environmental and governance benefits. This consultation paper introduces—and seeks feedback concerning—the International Resource Panel's efforts to formulate a new multi-level governance framework for the extractive sector, entitled the Sustainable Development Licence to Operate or SDLO. The SDLO builds on the achievements of the social licence to operate, and is not intended to function as a licence in the regulatory sense. It will instead set out clear principles, policy options and best practice that are intended to function as a common reference point, enabling all public, private and other relevant actors in the extractive sector to make decisions compatible with the 2030 Agenda's vision of sustainable development

    Mobile Sensor Technologies Being Developed

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    The NASA Glenn Research Center is developing small mobile platforms for sensor placement, as well as methods for communicating between roving platforms and a central command location. The first part of this project is to use commercially available equipment to miniaturize an existing sensor platform. We developed a five-circuit-board suite, with an average board size of 1.5 by 3 cm. Shown in the preceding photograph, this suite provides all motor control, direction finding, and communications capabilities for a 27- by 21- by 40-mm prototype mobile platform. The second part of the project is to provide communications between mobile platforms, and also between multiple platforms and a central command location. This is accomplished with a low-power network labeled "SPAN," Sensor Platform Area Network, a local area network made up of proximity elements. In practice, these proximity elements are composed of fixed- and mobile-sensor-laden science packages that communicate to each other via radiofrequency links. Data in the network will be shared by a central command location that will pass information into and out of the network through its access to a backbone element. The result will be a protocol portable to general purpose microcontrollers satisfying a host of sensor networking tasks. This network will enter the gap somewhere between television remotes and Bluetooth but, unlike 802.15.4, will not specify a physical layer, thus allowing for many data rates over optical, acoustical, radiofrequency, hardwire, or other media. Since the protocol will exist as portable C-code, developers may be able to embed it in a host of microcontrollers from commercial to space grade and, of course, to design it into ASICs. Unlike in 802.15.4, the nodes will relate to each other as peers. A demonstration of this protocol using the two test bed platforms was recently held. Two NASA modified, commercially available, mobile platforms communicated and shared data with each other and a central command location. Web-based control and interrogation of similar mobile sensor platforms have also been demonstrated. Expected applications of this technology include robotic planetary exploration, astronaut-to-equipment communication, and remote aerospace engine inspections

    Ethical issues in the use of in-depth interviews: literature review and discussion

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    This paper reports a literature review on the topic of ethical issues in in-depth interviews. The review returned three types of article: general discussion, issues in particular studies, and studies of interview-based research ethics. Whilst many of the issues discussed in these articles are generic to research ethics, such as confidentiality, they often had particular manifestations in this type of research. For example, privacy was a significant problem as interviews sometimes probe unexpected areas. For similar reasons, it is difficult to give full information of the nature of a particular interview at the outset, hence informed consent is problematic. Where a pair is interviewed (such as carer and cared-for) there are major difficulties in maintaining confidentiality and protecting privacy. The potential for interviews to harm participants emotionally is noted in some papers, although this is often set against potential therapeutic benefit. As well as these generic issues, there are some ethical issues fairly specific to in-depth interviews. The problem of dual role is noted in many papers. It can take many forms: an interviewer might be nurse and researcher, scientist and counsellor, or reporter and evangelist. There are other specific issues such as taking sides in an interview, and protecting vulnerable groups. Little specific study of the ethics of in-depth interviews has taken place. However, that which has shows some important findings. For example, one study shows participants are not averse to discussing painful issues provided they feel the study is worthwhile. Some papers make recommendations for researchers. One such is that they should consider using a model of continuous (or process) consent rather than viewing consent as occurring once, at signature, prior to the interview. However, there is a need for further study of this area, both philosophical and empirical

    Integrating open-source technologies to build low-cost information systems for improved access to public health data

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    Effective public health practice relies on the availability of public health data sources and assessment tools to convey information to investigators, practitioners, policy makers, and the general public. Emerging communication technologies on the Internet can deliver all components of the "who, what, when, and where" quartet more quickly than ever with a potentially higher level of quality and assurance, using new analysis and visualization tools. Open-source software provides the opportunity to build low-cost information systems allowing health departments with modest resources access to modern data analysis and visualization tools. In this paper, we integrate open-source technologies and public health data to create a web information system which is accessible to a wide audience through the Internet. Our web application, "EpiVue," was tested using two public health datasets from the Washington State Cancer Registry and Washington State Center for Health Statistics. A third dataset shows the extensibility and scalability of EpiVue in displaying gender-based longevity statistics over a twenty-year interval for 3,143 United States counties. In addition to providing an integrated visualization framework, EpiVue's highly interactive web environment empowers users by allowing them to upload their own geospatial public health data in either comma-separated text files or MS Excel™ spreadsheet files and visualize the geospatial datasets with Google Maps™

    Two-Color Laser Speckle Shift Strain Measurement System

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    A two color laser speckle shift strain measurement system based on the technique of Yamaguchi was designed. The dual wavelength light output from an Argon Ion laser was coupled into two separate single-mode optical fibers (patchcords). The output of the patchcords is incident on the test specimen (here a structural fiber). Strain on the fiber, in one direction, is produced using an Instron 4502. Shifting interference patterns or speckle patterns will be detected at real-time rates using 2 CCD cameras with image processing performed by a hardware correlator. Strain detected in fibers with diameters from 21 microns to 143 microns is expected to be resolved to 15 mu epsilon. This system was designed to be compact and robust and does not require surface preparation of the structural fibers
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