1,424 research outputs found

    Aging in Primitive Societies: A Comparative Survey of Family Life and Relationships

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    This letter reports about unpatterned ferromagnetic NiFe/AlN multilayer composites used as advanced magnetic core materials for on-chip and interposer integrated inductances. The proposed composite structure reduces RF induced currents and thus pushes the permeability cutoff to beyond 3.7 GHz, which is by a factor of 7.1 higher than for homogeneous NiFe layers of same thickness. To the best knowledge of the authors, we achieve the highest effective relative permeability of 28 at 1 GHz, highest ferromagnetic resonance frequency and highest inductance enhancement factor above 1 GHz ever reported for devices based on on-chip unpatterned NiFe magnetic cores. A single loop inductor is also implemented as a technology demonstrator, achieving an inductance enhancement of 4.8 and a quality factor enhancement of 4.5 at 400 MHz.QC 20141114</p

    Experimenting over a Long Distance - A method to facilitate intercultural experiments

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    We report a new method for Experimenting over a Long Distance (ELD)allowing to simultaneously run decentralized interactive experiments in geographically separated subject pools. Applying ELD to an intercultural trust experiment with participants from Argentina, China and Germany we found a striking evidence for transcontinental trust behavior. In addition to Chinese senders’ discrimination of Argentinean players no discrimination in trust and reciprocity behavior was observed. Neverthe- less, we found significantly different levels of trust and reciprocity in the different national cultures.interactive intercultural experiments, investment game, trust

    Le vote Bayrou:L’échec d’un succĂšs

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    Cet article s’emploie Ă  analyser les ressorts du vote Bayrou lors du premier tour de l’élection prĂ©sidentielle de 2007. À partir des donnĂ©es de sondages de deux enquĂȘtes du Cevipof, la sociologie et les valeurs de cet Ă©lectorat sont dĂ©taillĂ©es. Son « virage Ă  gauche » apparaĂźt nettement, mĂȘme si, sur les thĂšmes Ă©conomiques par exemple, il continue Ă  reprĂ©senter effectivement un entre-deux, entre gauche et droite modĂ©rĂ©es. Une typologie permet de mettre en lumiĂšre ainsi l’importance numĂ©rique des Ă©lecteurs de Bayrou ayant un profil de gauche, plus nombreux que les « libĂ©raux de droite » et les « conservateurs ». Enfin, une analyse de rĂ©gression sur la cristallisation du vote Bayrou parmi son Ă©lectorat potentiel dĂ©montre la portĂ©e de l’image des candidats, mais Ă©galement des affiliations politiques traditionnelles.This article analyses the logics sustaining votes for François Bayrou during the French 2007 presidential election. From data of electoral polls of the Cevipof, the sociology and the values of this electorate are described. Both indicate that votes for Bayrou were more anchored in the left than ever before. However, they are still “middle of the road” between left and right on issues such as economic interventionism. A typology has been computed. It shows the numerical importance of voters with a left wing profile who are more numerous than the “liberals from the right” and the “conservative”. Finally, regressions on the pool of potential voters of Bayrou shed light on the effect of the image of candidates but also on the effect of traditional political allegiances

    Der Nachweis von Endomysium-und Transglutaminase-Antikörpern in der Diagnostik der Zöliakie

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    Vergleich von Endomysium- und Transglutaminase-Antikörpern bei verschiedenen Patientengruppen. Verglichen wurden EmA-IgA- und TG-IgA-Antikörper-Test, wobei fĂŒr den Nachweis von TG-IgA-Antikörper drei Testkits von verschiedenen Anbietern verwendet wurden. Des weiteren wurden EmA-IgG- und TG-IgG-Antikörpertests durchgefĂŒhrt und die Ergebnissse miteinander verglichen. Endomysium- und TG-IgA-Antikörper-Tests zeigten vergleichbar hohe Werte fĂŒr SpezifitĂ€t und SensitivitĂ€t, so dass der aufwendigere Endomysium-Antikörper-Test in der Routinediagnostik durch den Transglutaminase-Test ersetzt werden kann. Der Nachweis der EmA- und TG-IgG-Antikörper ist v.a. bei hĂ€ufig mit Zöliakie assoziertem Verdacht auf IgA-Mangel durchzufĂŒhren

    Entwicklung der aeroben AusdauerleistungsfĂ€higkeit sowie SprintleistungsfĂ€higkeit von Fußballspielern im Altersverlauf

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    Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit befasst sich mit der Entwicklung der aeroben AusdauerleistungsfĂ€higkeit sowie der SprintleistungsfĂ€higkeit von Fußballspielern im Altersverlauf. Dabei soll gezeigt werden, wie sich die Leistungen entwickeln, welche Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Mannschaften bestehen, ob diese signifikant sind, und ob ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen den getesteten Faktoren bestehen. Am Beginn der Studie steht eine eingehende theoretische Auseinandersetzung mit den untersuchungsrelevanten Themen der Ausdauer und Schnelligkeit, sowie der konditionellen Belastungsanforderungen an den Organismus des Fußballspielers. Danach befasst sich diese Arbeit mit der Forschungsfrage. Es gilt herauszufinden, ob es statistisch signifikante Unterschiede in den Leistungsmerkmalen der unterschiedlichen Mannschaften gibt, vor allem beim Wechsel von einer Alterstufe zur nĂ€chsten. Weiters soll herausgearbeitet werden, ob die Faktoren der Schnelligkeit in AbhĂ€ngigkeit zu den Faktoren der aeroben Ausdauerleistung stehen. Die Forschungsaufgabe wurde mittels eines 20 Meter Multistage Shuttle Run Tests durchgefĂŒhrt, fĂŒr die Untersuchung der SprintleistungsfĂ€higkeit, wurde ein Sprinttest ĂŒber eine Distanz von 30 Metern mittels elektronischer Zeitmessung verwendet. Um auch die BeschleunigungsfĂ€higkeit ĂŒber 10 Meter zu erfassen wurde eine weitere Lichtschranke an der 10 Meter Marke aufgestellt. Getestet wurden 105 Spieler der Rennweger Sportvereinigung wobei 98 Spieler beide Tests durchgefĂŒhrt haben(n=98). In jeder Altersklasse haben mindestens 10 Spieler die Tests absolviert Es zeigte sich, dass im Altersverlauf keine signifikanten Unterschiede weder in der aeroben AusdauerleistungsfĂ€higkeit, noch in der SprintleistungsfĂ€higkeit auftreten. Wohl gibt es Unterschiede zwischen den Teams, die vom Alter her weiter auseinander liegen, nicht aber zwischen den benachbarten Mannschaften. Die Ausnahme bildet der Wechsel von den unter 14 JĂ€hrigen zur Mannschaft der unter 16 JĂ€hrigen. Hier zeigt sich in jeder durchgefĂŒhrten Untersuchung ein signifikanter Leistungsanstieg, nicht nur in der Leistung selbst, sondern auch beispielsweise in der errechneten relativen maximalen Sauerstoffaufnahme. Die Ausnahme bildet hier das Ergebnis der 10 Meter Sprintzeit, bei der kein signifikanter Anstieg zu finden war. Auffallend war auch, dass es kaum signifikante Unterschiede zwischen der U16 Mannschaft, des U18 Teams und der Kampfmannschaft, bezĂŒglich der aeroben Ausdauer und der Sprintleistungen gibt. Die Untersuchung, ob ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen der aeroben Ausdauer und der Sprintleistungen bestehen, brachte ein eindeutiges Ergebnis. Alle aufgestellten Hypothesen konnten angenommen werden, das heißt es gab hochsignifikante ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen der aeroben AusdauerleistungsfĂ€higkeit und den Sprintleistungen in allen Altersklassen. Die einzige Hypothese, die verworfen werden musste, war jene nach der Frage des Zusammenhangs zwischen der KöpergrĂ¶ĂŸe und der relativen maximalen Sauerstoffaufnahme. Hier konnte keine Korrelation festgestellt werden.The current diploma thesis deals with the age- rated development of aerobic endurance and sprint velocity of soccer players. The paper’s aim is, to show the development, the differences between the single age groups, and to find out, if those differences are significant. A further goal of this study is to define, if there are any relationships and statistical correlations between the tested factors of aerobic endurance with maximal oxygen uptake and sprint performance. At the beginning of this work is the profound theoretical input, which deals with the terms and structure of endurance, as well as quickness of soccer players. Further content reveals the physical demands and their effects on the organism of soccer players. The theoretical part is followed by thorough research. The examination of the aerobic endurance power was tested by a 20 Meter multistage shuttle run test, the sprinting abilities of 10 meter acceleration and 30 meter speed were measured electronically. 105 subjects participated from which 98 soccer players carried out both tests (n=98), at least ten players were tested in every age group. The results of this study are showing that there are no significant differences in the progress of age concerning the aerobic endurance capacity as well as the sprint times, although there are significant differences between the teams who have an age difference of three years and more. The only exception is the significant change of group from the 14 year old children to the ones who are 16 years old. There is a highly significant difference in aerobic performance and sprinting abilities perceptible, not only watching the measurements, but also in the relative maximum of oxygen uptake (rel. VO2 max), which has been calculated from the shuttle run test. It is remarkable however, that there are no significant differences between the teams of the under 16 and under 18 year old players, and players of the male elite team of the same club. The question of existing correlations between the tested factors of aerobic endurance capacity or sprinting performance came to an impressive answer. Concerning this study, there is a highly significant correlation between the abilities of aerobic endurance and quickness of soccer players. This leads to the result, that those players, who have higher developed aerobic endurance performance, also were the fastest players in testing the acceleration over a distance of 10 meters, as well as the velocity over a distance of 30 meters. This is also valid in the progress of age. Keywords: aerobic endurance performance, sprint, relative VO2 max, shuttle run test, soccer player

    Modeling of Beams’ Multiple-Contact Mode with an Application in the Design of a High-g Threshold Microaccelerometer

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    Beam’s multiple-contact mode, characterized by multiple and discrete contact regions, non-uniform stoppers’ heights, irregular contact sequence, seesaw-like effect, indirect interaction between different stoppers, and complex coupling relationship between loads and deformation is studied. A novel analysis method and a novel high speed calculation model are developed for multiple-contact mode under mechanical load and electrostatic load, without limitations on stopper height and distribution, providing the beam has stepped or curved shape. Accurate values of deflection, contact load, contact region and so on are obtained directly, with a subsequent validation by CoventorWare. A new concept design of high-g threshold microaccelerometer based on multiple-contact mode is presented, featuring multiple acceleration thresholds of one sensitive component and consequently small sensor size

    Structural, conformational and vibrational properties of 1,1,1-Trifluoro-N-(1,1,2,2,2-pentafluoroethyl) methanesulfinimidoyl chloride, CF3CF2NS(Cl)CF3

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    The structural, conformational, and configurational properties of 1,1,1-Trifluoro-N-(1,1,2,2,2-pentafluoroethyl) methanesulfinimidoyl chloride, CF3CF2NS(Cl)CF3 have been studied by vibrational spectroscopy [IR (vapor) and Raman (liquid)] and quantum chemical calculations [B3LYP, MP2 and B3PW91 levels of theory using the 6-311+G(d), 6-311+G(df) and 6-311+G(2df) basis sets]. According to these theoretical approximations, CF3CF2NS(Cl)CF3 exists in the gas phase as a mixture of a favored anticlinal form (CN bond anticlinal with respect to the CSCl bisector) with C1 symmetry and a less abundant syn conformer showing C1 symmetry as well (ΔG° ≈ 1.20 kcal mol-1). Due to the small contribution only a few corresponding vibrational modes of the syn conformer could be assigned confidently in the experimental spectra. Compared to CF3CF2NS(F)CF3, the replacement of F by Cl produces a clear change in NS bond length and the corresponding stretching frequency, without affecting the conformational properties.Fil: Robles, Norma Lis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - TucumĂĄn. Instituto de QuĂ­mica del Noroeste. Universidad Nacional de TucumĂĄn. Facultad de BioquĂ­mica, QuĂ­mica y Farmacia. Instituto de QuĂ­mica del Noroeste; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de TucumĂĄn. Facultad de BioquĂ­mica, QuĂ­mica y Farmacia. Instituto de QuĂ­mica FĂ­sica; ArgentinaFil: Chemes, Doly MarĂ­a. Universidad Nacional de TucumĂĄn. Facultad de BioquĂ­mica, QuĂ­mica y Farmacia. Instituto de QuĂ­mica FĂ­sica; ArgentinaFil: Heinz Oberhammer. Eberhard Karls UniversitĂ€t TĂŒbingen; AlemaniaFil: Cutin, Edgardo Hugo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - TucumĂĄn. Instituto de QuĂ­mica del Noroeste. Universidad Nacional de TucumĂĄn. Facultad de BioquĂ­mica, QuĂ­mica y Farmacia. Instituto de QuĂ­mica del Noroeste; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de TucumĂĄn. Facultad de BioquĂ­mica, QuĂ­mica y Farmacia. Instituto de QuĂ­mica FĂ­sica; Argentin

    Semiconductor-Substrate Integrated 3D- Micromachined W-band Helical Antennas

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    Abstract-This paper investigates for the first time concepts of W-band dielectric-core helix antennas which are fabricated by three-dimensional micromachining into the volume of a semiconductor (high-resistivity silicon) wafer substrate. The maximum antenna gain is achieved by free-etching the antenna but loading the core of the helical antenna with a dielectric-rod tailor-made out of the substrate, and by properly modifying the geometry of the substrate-integrated ground plane. The simulation results show that an optimized antenna concept has a return loss S11 of -22.3 dB at the nominal frequency of 75 GHz, and a 3dB-bandwidth of 2.5 GHz. For the whole band from 69 to 84 GHz, the reflection coefficient is better than -10 dB. A maximum gain of 13.2 dB and a half-power beamwidt
