578 research outputs found

    Counting all cubes in {0,1,...,n}^3

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    In this paper we describe a procedure of calculating the number cubes that have coordinates in the set {0,1,...,n}. We adapt the code that appeared in [11] developed to calculate the number of regular tetrahedra with coordinates in the set {0,1,...,n}. The idea is based on the theoretical results obtained in [13]. We extend then the sequence A098928 in the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences to the first one hundred terms.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    A Performance Prediction Model for a Fault-Tolerant Computer During Recovery and Restoration

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    The modeling and design of a fault-tolerant multiprocessor system is addressed in this dissertation. In particular, the behavior of the system during recovery and restoration after a fault has occurred is investigated. Given that a multicomputer system is designed using the Algorithm to Architecture To Mapping Model (ATAMM) model, and that a fault (death of a computing resource) occurs during its normal steady-state operation, a model is presented as a viable research tool for predicting the performance bounds of the system during its recovery and restoration phases. Furthermore, the bounds of the performance behavior of the system during this transient mode can be assessed. These bounds include: time recover from the fault (trec), time to restore the system (tres} and whether there is a permanent delay in the system\u27s Time Between Input and Output (TBIO) after the system has reached a steady state. An implementation of an ATAMM based computer was developed with the Generic VHSIC Spaceborne Computer (GVSC) as the target system. A simulation of the GVSC was also written based on the code used in ATAMM Multicomputer Operating System (AMOS). The simulation is in turn used to validate the new model in the usefulness and accuracy in tracking the propagation of the delay through the system and predicting the behavior in the transient state of recovery and restoration. The model is validated as an accurate method to predict the transient behavior of an ATAMM based multicomputer during recovery and restoration

    Análisis y sistemas de datos poderosos escenario de aprendizaje cultural

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    Esta comunicación muestra un estudio respecto de la representación grafica en la enseñanza de la estadística. Aquí nos centraremos en los antecedentes e investigaciones nacionales e internacionales que han orientado las principales transformaciones del enfoque de la estadística en la enseñanza básica. A partir de una representación grafica lograda de las pruebas SABER mostraremos los escenarios culturales que subyacen desde la lectura y comprensión de graficas estadísticas previstos en el currículo colombiano

    Adults with sedentary lifestyle, overweight, obesity and the risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea hypoapnea syndrome in a sample of the Ecuadorian population

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    Overweight, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle have been associated with poor sleep quality, which includes obstructive sleep apnea-hypoapnea syndrome. The objective of this research was to relate sedentary lifestyle, overweight, and obesity as risk factors for developing obstructive sleep apnea-hypoapnea syndrome in a sample of Ecuadorian adults. For this research, adults over 18 years of age belonging to 17 provinces of Ecuador were considered as the study population, the non-probability sampling technique was used for convenience, and different questionnaires were used for data collection: Berlin questionnaire was used to evaluate the risk of obstructive sleep apnea-hypoapnea syndrome, Epworth sleepiness questionnaire for the study of sleep quality, as well as the IPAQ international physical activity questionnaire. Among the most important results, 61.4% women, 95.2% mestizos, 47.8% people were those who performed high physical activities, 82.4% resided in the urban areas. Participants with normal weight predominated, 57.7%. It was found that 10.3% of the surveyed population presents a high risk of suffering from obstructive sleep apnea-hypoapnea syndrome. When relating it to the physical activity variable, it was observed that sedentary people have 17.3% of suffering from the syndrome of obstructive sleep apnea-hypoapnea, when relating to overweight and obesity we found 10.85% and 63.6%, respectively. These differences were statistically significant p < 0.05. In conclusion, the risk of obstructive sleep apnea-hypoapnea syndrome was related to sedentary, overweight, and obese people. Keywords: obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome sedentary lifestyle, physical activity, overweight, obesity. Resumen En los últimos años se ha asociado al sobrepeso, obesidad y sedentarismo como causas de una mala calidad del sueño que han provocado enfermedades como el síndrome de apneahipoapnea obstructiva del sueño. El objetivo de la investigación fue relacionar el sedentarismo, sobrepeso y obesidad como factores de riesgo para desarrollar el síndrome de apneahipoapnea obstructiva del sueño en una muestra de personas adultas ecuatorianas. Para la investigación se tomó como población de estudio a personas adultas mayores de 18 años pertenecientes a 17 provincias del Ecuador, se utilizó la técnica de muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, para la recolección de datos se utilizó diferentes cuestionarios: cuestionario de Berlín que evalúa el riesgo de padecer síndrome de apnea-hipoapnea obstructiva del sueño, cuestionario de somnolencia de Epworth para el estudio de la calidad del sueño y el cuestionario internacional de actividad física IPAQ. Entre los resultados más importantes se resalta mujeres 61,4%, mestizos 95,2%, personas que realizan actividades físicas altas 47,8%, residen en la zona urbana 82,4%. Predominaron los participantes con normopeso 57,7%. Se encontró que el 10,3% de la población encuestada presenta riesgo alto de padecer síndrome de apnea-hipoapnea obstructiva del sueño, al relacionar con la variable de actividad física se pudo observar que las personas sedentarias tienen un 17,3% de padecer síndrome de apneahipoapnea obstructiva del sueño, al relacionar con el sobrepeso y obesidad encontramos el 10,85% y 63,6% respectivamente, estas diferencias fueron estadísticamente significativas p<0,05. En conclusión, el riesgo de padecer el síndrome de apnea-hipoapnea obstructiva del sueño se relacionó con las personas con sedentarismo, sobrepeso y obesidad. Palabras Clave: Síndrome de Apnea-Hipoapnea Obstructiva del Sueño, SAHOS, Actividad Física, Sobrepeso, Obesidad

    A Performance Prediction Model for a Fault-Tolerant Computer During Recovery and Restoration

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    The modeling and design of a fault-tolerant multiprocessor system is addressed. In particular, the behavior of the system during recovery and restoration after a fault has occurred is investigated. Given that a multicomputer system is designed using the Algorithm to Architecture to Mapping Model (ATAMM), and that a fault (death of a computing resource) occurs during its normal steady-state operation, a model is presented as a viable research tool for predicting the performance bounds of the system during its recovery and restoration phases. Furthermore, the bounds of the performance behavior of the system during this transient mode can be assessed. These bounds include: time to recover from the fault (t(sub rec)), time to restore the system (t(sub rec)) and whether there is a permanent delay in the system's Time Between Input and Output (TBIO) after the system has reached a steady state. An implementation of an ATAMM based computer was developed with the Generic VHSIC Spaceborne Computer (GVSC) as the target system. A simulation of the GVSC was also written based on the code used in ATAMM Multicomputer Operating System (AMOS). The simulation is in turn used to validate the new model in the usefulness and accuracy in tracking the propagation of the delay through the system and predicting the behavior in the transient state of recovery and restoration. The model is validated as an accurate method to predict the transient behavior of an ATAMM based multicomputer during recovery and restoration

    A Performance Prediction Model for a Fault-Tolerant Computer During Recovery and Restoration

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    The modeling and design of a fault-tolerant multiprocessor system is addressed. Of interest is the behavior of the system during recovery and restoration after a fault has occurred. The multiprocessor systems are based on the Algorithm to Architecture Mapping Model (ATAMM) and the fault considered is the death of a processor. The developed model is useful in the determination of performance bounds of the system during recovery and restoration. The performance bounds include time to recover from the fault, time to restore the system, and determination of any permanent delay in the input to output latency after the system has regained steady state. Implementation of an ATAMM based computer was developed for a four-processor generic VHSIC spaceborne computer (GVSC) as the target system. A simulation of the GVSC was also written on the code used in the ATAMM Multicomputer Operating System (AMOS). The simulation is used to verify the new model for tracking the propagation of the delay through the system and predicting the behavior of the transient state of recovery and restoration. The model is shown to accurately predict the transient behavior of an ATAMM based multicomputer during recovery and restoration

    La política coyuntural de la empresa.

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    La definición de la empresa como un sistema abierto que interactúa con el medio social en el que se desenvuelve exige -como parte del proceso administrativo- la inclusión del análisis del entorno tanto en la evaluación de la gestión realizada como en la definición de objetivos y en la proyección de metas. El entorno mismo puede considerarse bajo distintos ángulos: cultural, político, legal, económico, etc.. En el contexto de esta investigación, el énfasis se centra en el aspecto económico, el cual puede examinarse bajo la perspectiva de la temporalidad según sea de corto o de largo plazo. En el primer caso se hará referencia a las características más inmediatas y seguramente más fluctuantes; se hablará, entonces, de coyuntura económica. En el largo plazo se tendrán en cuenta los factores estructurales o más estables que caracterizan el entorno económico

    Morphologic Response of a River Channel to Sand Mining in River Tyaa, Kitui County, Kenya

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    Over 40 billion tons of sand is mined worldwide every year which is estimated to be higher than the natural replacement rates. In Kenya, the rate of sand mining is raising concerns over its environmental effects since it is not regulated. This paper presents findings on the geomorphic effects of sand mining in the ephemeral River Tyaa channel in Kitui County. The study adopts the concept of feedback response mechanism of a natural geomorphic system. Through purposive sampling River Tyaa was selected for the study, where rampant sand mining was reportedly taking place. Random sampling on the five sand mining sites identified came up with a representative site namely Kanginga on which systematic sampling was applied while collecting data at both the active and control sites. Data on channel width, depth and slope angles was obtained through physical measurements while data on quantity of sand mined was obtained from Mwingi Sand Mining Cooperative. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to analyse data whereby the model compared active and control sites. Test results indicated that sand mining had significantly increased river channel’s width (O.R. =1.531), depth (O.R. =1.527) and slope angles (O.R. =1.634) at active mining sites compared to control sites as deduced from the respective Odds Ratios. It concluded that sand mining had altered channel’s morphology resulting to adverse environmental effects such as loss of riparian vegetation and channel incision. It recommended curbing of illegal sand mining through licencing operators and reducing quantity of sand mined by closing some mines. Furthers, it recommended monitoring through regular Environmental Impact Assessment (E.I.A) and Audit (E.A) to inform protection of the river system from degrading
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