10 research outputs found

    Vegetation Dynamics. Natural versus Cultural and the Regeneration Potential. The Example of Sahara-Sahel

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    There is a principal and controversial debate on the so-called ‘Greening-Regreening’ of the Sahel. There still is the old philosophy of an expanding/shrinking ecosystem Sahara versus Sahel. In some concepts, it is presented as annual. Another concept is based on a general degradation of the Sahelian savannas – in some cases with a decline to a lower state of ecological equilibrium after a short period of resilience. Anyhow, there are also signs of still ongoing regeneration processes of vegetation and soil. The main problem, however, lies in the principal lack of terrestrial observation and in the confusion of terms. This mostly concern on vegetation units and their dynamics. The goal of this article is to explain the general nature of the Sahara and the Sahel based on maps and graphs. We try to analyse the dynamics of boundaries during the last 200 years. The main results are the tripartite nature of the Sahara, divided into semidesert, desert and Saharan savanna with relatively stable boundaries. A reconstruction of the vegetation for the last 200 years confirmed the position of these borderlines even under different states of the plant cover. It also revealed the nature of Sahelian savannas as cultural landscapes – in higher diversity and density. It is also possible that the North Sahelian savannas had been for long times under the dynamics of elephant landscapes. A high-resolution sediment and pollen record from the Middle Sahel of Niger evidenced the high diversity and resilience up to the severe drought of the 1970s. It was a definite stroke from which these savannas never reached again their former diversity despite a slide recovery named ‘Regreening’. The various projects for regeneration or conservation in Sahara or Sahel differ in two types of projects. The one is the installation of Nature Reserves/National Parks with special reserves for emblematic animals as keystone organisms and an auto-regeneration of vegetation and soil. The other type consists of pasture rotation projects such as in the Malian Gourma or in the Central Air Mts. The first initiative resulted in the decade-long protection against the severe degradations, which were typical for the surrounding regions. The rotation system was based on timewise open wells and of observed pasture status. It was conceived together with the local populations and has been respected until the invasion of northern cattle keepers during the peak of drought in 1984. After severe quarrels, the system collapsed and the savannas degraded heavily. A comparable project worked in the central Air Mts. for 5 years. Remarkable results have been, but the rebellion of the 1990s, put a sudden end on it. The general insecurity of the last decades caused by civil war and/or various terrrorist groups led to a re-evaluation of a great number of regeneration initiatives including the pharaonic ‘Great Green Wall’, a continent wide forest belt. However, smaller projects on the village level may better develop as they are under the responsability of local population, which can reactivate their long experience. The ‘regreening’ might be restricted to the region of the southern Sahara and the northern Sahel as well as to the traditional park systems. Anyhow, even if a long-time amelioration of production systems will happen, the former must be regarded on the background of a rapidly increasing demography

    Pratiques et contraintes de l’élevage de la chĂšvre rousse de Maradi en milieu rural au Niger

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    Au Niger, l’élevage caprin occupe une place importante dans l’économie des mĂ©nages ruraux. Une Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© conduite dans la rĂ©gion de Maradi afin de caractĂ©riser les pratiques de gestion des Ă©levages des chĂšvres rousses et analyser leurs contraintes. Ainsi, 180 agro-Ă©leveurs rĂ©partis dans 12 villages de la rĂ©gion ont Ă©tĂ© questionnĂ©s. Les thĂšmes abordĂ©s au cours des interviews ont portĂ© sur : les caractĂ©ristiques du mĂ©nage, les objectifs de production, le mode de conduite des animaux, la gestion de l’alimentation, la santĂ© animale ainsi que les contraintes auxquelles les producteurs font face. Les rĂ©sultats ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que la majoritĂ© (72,8%) des propriĂ©taires des caprins sont des femmes. Les caprins sont Ă©levĂ©s en prioritĂ© comme Ă©pargne pour subvenir aux besoins du mĂ©nage. Pendant la saison sĂšche, plus de la moitiĂ© (51%) des Ă©leveurs font recours Ă  l’achat du son de blĂ© pour la complĂ©mentation des animaux. Diverses sources des complĂ©ments minĂ©raux sont utilisĂ©es, notamment le sel de cuisine, les pierres Ă  lĂ©cher, le natron et le sel de Bilma. La pĂ©nurie d’aliments a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e comme la contrainte majeure de l’élevage caprin (57,8%). Elle est suivie par les maladies animales (17,2%) et la stabulation en saison de pluies (7, 8%). L’amĂ©lioration de l’élevage de la chĂšvre rousse passe par la prise en compte de toutes les contraintes de production. English title: Practices and constraints of Maradi red goat breeding in rural areas in Niger In Niger, goat farming plays an important role in the economy of rural households. A study was conducted in the Maradi region to characterize the management practices of red goat farms and analyze their constraints. Thus, 180 agro-pastoralists spread out in 12 villages of the region were questioned. The themes addressed during the interviews included: household characteristics, production objectives, animal husbandry, feed management, animal health and the constraints faced by producers. The results revealed that the majority (72,8%) of goat owners were women. The feeding system is based on natural pastures and crop residues. During the dry season, more than half (51%) of the farmers used wheat bran for animal complementation. Various sources of mineral supplements are used, including cooking salt, lickstones, natron and Bilma salt. Food shortage has been identified as the major constraint to goat farming (57.8%), followed by animal diseases (17.2%) and stalling during the rainy season (7.8%). The improvement of the breeding of the red goat requires the taking into account of all the constraints of production

    Detection of oasis basins in east-central Niger by textural image classification based on the variance

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    peer reviewedCette Ă©tude Ă©value les capacitĂ©s de dĂ©tection des cuvettes oasiennes du centre-est du Niger par analyse texturale d’images-satellites, basĂ©e sur la variance. Ces cuvettes constituent les seuls endroits oĂč l’agriculture irriguĂ©e est pratiquĂ©e durant la saison sĂšche. La mĂ©thode mise au point est une dĂ©tection des cuvettes oasiennes Ă  partir de la bande infrarouge d’une image SPOT5-THX (2,5 m de rĂ©solution spatiale) en analysant la courbe de la frĂ©quence cumulĂ©e des valeurs de variances dĂ©terminĂ©es dans une fenĂȘtre de 5*5 pixels, et en s’appuyant sur une valeur seuil. L’évaluation des rĂ©sultats de la classification d’image a donnĂ© des conclusions satisfaisantes avec un coefficient Kappa Ă©gal Ă  0,96 et un taux de bonne classification des cuvettes de 82,7%. Cette Ă©tude permet de localiser et de mesurer la superficie des cuvettes dans la zone d’étude. L’inventaire de ces cuvettes permettra de les caractĂ©riser et de les suivre afin d’évaluer leurs potentialitĂ©s agricoles

    Etude de la repartition des formations sableuses et interpretation des depots eoliens dans le Liptako oriental (republique du Niger)

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    CNRS T Bordereau / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueSIGLEFRFranc

    Covid-19 et impacts du confinement sur la population de Niamey (Niger)

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    AppelĂ©e « virus chinois » au dĂ©but de sa propagation, la maladie Ă  coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) a bouleversĂ© la planĂšte terre Ă  cause de son ampleur sanitaire, socio-Ă©conomique, culturelle, gĂ©opolitique, etc. Au moment oĂč les pays occidentaux et autres contrĂ©es du monde, en l’occurrence l’AmĂ©rique Latine et quelques pays asiatiques comme la Chine et l’Inde, comptent leurs milliers de morts et millions d’infectĂ©s par cette maladie, en Afrique subsaharienne particuliĂšrement au Niger la Covid-19 a eu trĂšs peu d’impact sanitaire sur la population. Mais pour des mesures prĂ©ventives, les gouvernants nigĂ©riens ont pris des dispositifs coercitifs semblables Ă  ceux des pays fortement touchĂ©s par la pandĂ©mie du coronavirus. Ainsi, il est Ă  constater le confinement d’une importante partie de la population et l’instauration d’un couvre-feu nocturne qui restreint ipso facto les libertĂ©s individuelles fondamentales. Cette restriction n’a pas Ă©tĂ© sans consĂ©quence sur le climat social, provoquant ainsi des remous sociaux, des vives contestations voire la dĂ©sobĂ©issance civile rĂ©sultant par des violences policiĂšres hors normes surtout Ă  Niamey dans la capitale nigĂ©rienne. Cette Ă©tude est essentiellement basĂ©e sur la mĂ©thode qualitative Ă  travers l’usage de la grille d’observation et du guide d’entretien semi-dirigĂ© comme outils d’enquĂȘte pour analyser les impacts du confinement contre la Covid-19 sur les personnes victimes et tĂ©moins des effets du couvre-feu et/ou des violences policiĂšres Ă  Niamey. Leurs perceptions dĂ©terminent des comportements qui banalisent ou non les gestes barriĂšres contre le coronavirus. Quant aux rĂ©sultats de l’étude, ils montrent que les violences policiĂšres reflĂštent le caractĂšre conflictuel de la gestion de cette pandĂ©mie et freinent l’adhĂ©sion pacifique et totale de la population aux mesures prĂ©ventives contre la Covid-19. Ces rĂ©sultats montrent aussi que l’absence des mesures d’accompagnement consĂ©quentes des autoritĂ©s politiques a considĂ©rablement contribuĂ© Ă  l’inobservance desdites mesures par la population de Niamey. Some people name it "Chinese virus" as it spreads. The 2019 coronavirus disease (Covid-19) disrupts our planet earth because of its health, socio-economic, cultural, geopolitical scale, etc. At a time when Western countries and other parts of the world, in this case Latin America and some Asian countries such as China and India, count their thousands of deaths and millions infected by this disease, in Sub-Saharan Africa particularly in Niger, Covid-19 has very little health impact on the population. But, for preventive measures, nigĂ©rien rulers have taken coercive measures similar to those in countries strongly affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Thus, it is to be noted that locking down a large part of the population and setting of a night curfew which ipso facto restrict fundamental individual freedoms. Indeed, this restriction has consequences on social scale by causing for instance social unrest, strong protests and even civil disobedience resulting in extraordinary police violence, especially in Niamey, the capital City of Niger. This study is essentially based on the qualitative method through the use of observation grid and semi-structured interview guide as survey tools to analyze the impacts of locking down against Covid-19 of people who are victims and witnesses of the curfew effects and/or police violence in Niamey. Their perceptions determine behaviors that may or may not trivialize barrier gestures against coronavirus. As for the outcomes of our study, they show that police violence reflects conflictual nature of management of this pandemic and hinders the peaceful and total support of the population for preventive measures against Covid-19. These results also show the absence of subsequent additional measures from political authorities leading considerably to the nonobservance of these measures by the population of Niamey

    Fonctions des mythes dans la gestion traditionnelle des ressources naturelles : le cas du mythe de toula ou â‰Șserpent d\u27eau≫en pays songhay (niger)

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    Studies of anthropogenic factors of the Sahelian ecosystem deterioration often put forward impacts caused by population growth, poverty or land use systems. An often ignored factor is the thorough disintegration which changes the original perception of nature these societies had. The study of the myth of Toula, allowed to assess the role and the weight of the cult of â‰Șwater spirits≫ called â‰Șserpents d\u27eau≫ in the traditional water resources management of natural. Water is the main element structuring natural resources in these semiarid regions. The cult returned in Toula structured the access rules to the water resources by supervising and prioritizing the perception of the social group. The effectiveness of the regulations between intakes and available water resources relied on self-censorship principles and the pertinence of traditional knowledge. The cult is celebrated by children of the matriarchal lineages, creating equilibrium between the political power detained by the men, which is linked to the earth and the spiritual power of the matriarchal lineages linked to water. Around powers several stakes are managed in an integrated way: the management of water in social and mythical environment, the consanguinity and alliances. The fading of the cult since two generations led consequently to a deregulation of the natural resources management system which the desacralized traditional land tenure systems and the current land tenure laws could not still supplant

    DĂ©tection des cuvettes oasiennes du Centre-Est du Niger par classification d’une image texturale basĂ©e sur la variance

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    article publiĂ© en français (p. 24-34), avec un rĂ©sumĂ© Ă©tendu en anglais (p. 35-36), et 8 planches couleur hors-texte (p. 65-71)International audienceThis study assesses the possibility of detection of oasis basins in East-Central Niger through textural analysis of satellite images based on thevariance. Texture analysis serves to find descriptive attributes that quantify images granularity characteristics, directionality or finesse. These textural characteristics are usually related to image objects properties. An image texture analysis provides information about the nature of bjects, constituting the segments of homogeneous regions, and improves image quality. The study area is located in the Sahel-Saharan region of Niger. Note that agriculture and animal husbandry are the main economic activities in this area. Irrigated and rainfed crops guarantee almost all cereal production. Irrigated crops grown in the oasis basins provide a minimum level of output less sensitive to fluctuations in rainfall thanrainfed crops. Oasis basins are closed depressions within which flow is endorheic. These basins are the only places where irrigated agriculture is practiced during the dry season. They therefore constitute the main source of income for farmers in the region.Indeed, no study has previously made an exhaustive inventory of these closed depressions. The only censuses carried were often limited to exploited oasisbasins. In this context this study has been initiated to preserve the oasis basins and assess their socio-economic roles. The developed method detects oasis basins based on the image variance of the grey levels (digital counts) in a 5x5 pixels moving window of the infrared band of a SPOT5-THX image (2.5 m spatial resolution) acquired in November 2013. This procedure is performed in three steps. The first stage analyses the cumulative frequency curve of variance values determined by a threshold value. The high window variance values, representing the contours of the basins, were determined from a threshold adapted to the classification results. This threshold value allowed with the «erase» tool of ArcGIS to make a mask of the oasis basins and their surroundings, and another mask representing the other items: dry valleys, dune edificesand hills. Both masks led to a segmentation of the composite image into two parts. To improve the accuracy of the results, a supervised classification, using the Mahanalobis distance algorithm, was performed on the first part of the image, oasis basins and some surrounding bare soil dunes. The second part of the image, representing dune edifices, dry valleys and hills, was used in step 2. In this step, a second supervised classification, using the same algorithm, was applied on the composite image without cuvettes oasis, hence allowing to distinguish between the various constituent objects. In the third step, the results from step 1 and 2 were combined. Classification evaluation is based on a confusion matrix. The evaluation indicators calculated are: Kappa coefficient, overall accuracy, rate of reliability of a class and correct classification rate. Following thresholding, binarization of the textural channel derived from the infrared band of SPOT 5 THX image first delineates the oasis basins; then this result has been improved through supervised classification of the oasis basins boundaries. The combined results of the two images show four classified geomorphic units: oasis basins (11512 ha or 7.4% of the study area), dry valleys (32386ha or 20.7% of the study area), dune edifices (112499 ha or 71.8% of the study area) and hills (218 ha or 0.1% of the study area). Classification evaluation has given satisfactory conclusions with a Kappa coefficient of 0.96 and a rate of correct oasis basins classificationof 82.7%. Our results confirm several studies showing that the performance of image classification by textural analysis is greater than using simple pixel by pixel analysis. But some confusions remain between classes. These confusions can be explained by the definition of classesidentified in the study, which are geomorphological units. Yet, these geomorphological units may have similar land cover. For example, a temporary water can be located at a top of a hill, in a dry valley or in an oasis basin. However, the performance of the oasis basin detection method can be improved by combining several textural attributes to create a textural composite image. This study demonstrates the possible identification and measurement of the surface of oasis basins in a part of the GourĂ© Department; this could be done even with free remote sensing software allowing computation of a textural channel. The inventory of these oasian basins resources is a necessary first step in their monitoring and the evaluation and management of their agricultural potential.Cette Ă©tude Ă©value les capacitĂ©s de dĂ©tection des cuvettes oasiennes du centre-est du Niger par analyse texturale d’images-satellites, basĂ©e sur la variance. Ces cuvettes constituent les seuls endroits oĂč l’agriculture irriguĂ©e est pratiquĂ©e durant la saison sĂšche. La mĂ©thode mise au point est une dĂ©tection des cuvettes oasiennes Ă  partir de la bande infrarouge d’une image SPOT5-THX (2,5 m de rĂ©solution spatiale) en analysant la courbe de la frĂ©quence cumulĂ©e des valeurs de variances dĂ©terminĂ©es dans une fenĂȘtre de 5*5 pixels, et en s’appuyant sur une valeur seuil. L’évaluation des rĂ©sultats de la classification d’image a donnĂ© des conclusions satisfaisantes avec un coefficient KappaĂ©gal Ă  0,96 et un taux de bonne classification des cuvettes de 82,7%. Cette Ă©tude permet de localiser et de mesurer la superficie des cuvettes dans la zone d’étude. L’inventaire de ces cuvettes permettra de les caractĂ©riser et de les suivre afin d’évaluer leurs potentialitĂ©s agricoles


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    Article publiĂ© en français (p. 32-46) avec un rĂ©sumĂ© Ă©tendu en anglais (p.47-48) et 9 planches couleur hors-texte (p.76-84)International audienceExtended abstract: Located in a semi-arid zone, oasis basins of east-central Niger (plate 1) are high-potential agro-ecosystems (plates 2 and 3). These oasis basins are covered by dense vegetation consisting mainly of Hyphaene thebaica, Phoenix dactylifera, Digitata andasonia reflecting an oasis-like area, thus the name of oasis basin. Oasis basins represent the last areas where farming is possible throughout the year. These areas have experienced many investments from several NGOs and projects in these recent years. However, the oasis basins are still unknown and / underused by development actors due to their extreme diversity and also due to their huge number. In this context, research has been initiated to preserve the oasis basins and assess their socio-economic roles. In order to achieve this goal a thorough knowledge of the variable characteristics of these basin would be necessary. Given their large number and diversity, remote sensing, with its synoptic vision, is a relevant tool to locate and identify and characterize (set up an inventory) these oasis basins. SPOT5-THX images (2.5m resolution) were used in this study (table 1). This study evaluates the performances of three image classification methods in detecting oasian basins in the administrative unit (« DĂ©partment ») of GourĂ© using a confusion matrix tool (table 2). The methods are pixel analysis, textural analysis and object analysis (plate 4). A visual analysis of image mosaics was performed to obtain a preliminary categorization of the study area and to choose a sampling design. A field campaign led to the selection of a set of regions of interest, one part of which was used to develop the classifications and another part to validate the results. As part of this study, four geomorphological classes were defined (oasis basin, dry valley, dune edifice and hill). Table 3 summarizes the number and areas of the basins obtained by the three methods. The analysis by object yielded fewer oasis basins in number while the pixel approach identified more oasis basins and with areas that are far larger than those of the two other methods. This is explained by a strong confusion between the oasis basins and other classes like dry valley, hill and dune edifice (plate 6). The distribution of oasis basins according to their size (plate 7) shows a very high proportion of oasis basins covering less than 0.5 ha. Although the oasis basins with scopes lesser than 0.5ha represent more than fifty percent, those that have an area greater than 1O ha represent more than half of the areas obtained for each method (plate 8). Evaluation of the results (tables 4-6) shows that the approach by object (global precision was 97%, Kappa coefficient was equal to 0.97) is more efficient than the textural method (overall precision 90%, Kappa coefficient 0.90) and the pixel-based approach (overall precision 82%, Kappa coefficient 0.82). Indeed, given the importance of the detected oasis basins and large differences between the results of the three approaches, the performances of the three methods have been validated through a model of prediction to determine the exact number of oasis basins which approaches the ground reality. The oasis basins probability detection (ability of a method to identify oasis basins observed in the field and photo-interpretation) of the three methods gives satisfactory results: 98.3% pixel analysis, textural analysis 98.9% and 99.2% object analysis. However, the false positive rates, which represent the probability that the oasis basin is detected by a method when it does not exist in reality in the field are important (pixel analysis: 31%, textural analysis: 22% and object analysis: 7%). Oasis basins observed in the field or by photo interpretation and which were not detected by the alternative method (false negatives) are fewer at the analysis by object.The critical success index (CSI) has been computed, taking into account the rate of false positive and false negative results, the quality of the agreement between the estimate of the oasis basin identified by a method and true oasis basins observed in the field or by photo-interpretation, apart from random errors. The object analysis gave the highest CSI value (i.e. 0.94). It is unquestionably the method whose results are similar to those observed in the field. Analysis by texture is better than that by pixel. One can even get a further improved performance of the textural analysis by combination the fourteen textural attributes of HARALICK et al. (1973). This study used a single textural attribute i.e. the variance. Our results confirm several studies showing that the performance of image classification by object analysis is greater than textural analysis and simple pixel based analysis. But some confusion remains between mapped classes. This confusion can be explained by the classes identified in the study, which are geomorphological units. Yet, these geomorphological units have similar land cover. For example, a temporary water can be located atop a hill, in a dry valley or in an oasis basin. The study provides a first original information, namely the number, the position and the surface of all the oasis basins on the study area. The total number of oasis basins in the Department of GourĂ© is estimated at 11,300 with an error more or less than 0.06.The inventory of these resources is a first compulsory step for the characterization of oasian basins to be used for the evaluation of their agricultural potential.SituĂ©es en zone semi-aride, les cuvettes oasiennes du centre-est du Niger sont des agroĂ©cosystĂšmes Ă  haute potentialitĂ©. Cependant, elles sont souvent peu connues par ces acteurs du dĂ©veloppement Ă  cause de leur extrĂȘme diversitĂ© et de leur nombre. Cette Ă©tude Ă©value les performances de trois mĂ©thodes de classification d’images dans la dĂ©tection des cuvettes oasiennes (analyse pixellaire, analyse texturale et analyse par objet) Ă  partir des images SPOT5-THX de 2,5m de rĂ©solution spatiale. L’évaluation des rĂ©sultats montre que l’approche par objet (indice critique de succĂšs Ă©gal Ă  0,94) est beaucoup plus performante que celle utilisant la texture (indice critique de succĂšs Ă©gal Ă  0,78) et l’analyse par pixel (indice critique de succĂšs Ă©gal Ă  0,69). L’étude fournit une premiĂšre information originale, Ă  savoir le nombre (11300 cuvettes oasiennes dĂ©tectĂ©es avec une erreur de plus ou moins 6%), la position et la surface de l’ensemble des cuvettes sur la zone d’étude


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    Article publiĂ© en français (p. 32-46) avec un rĂ©sumĂ© Ă©tendu en anglais (p.47-48) et 9 planches couleur hors-texte (p.76-84)International audienceExtended abstract: Located in a semi-arid zone, oasis basins of east-central Niger (plate 1) are high-potential agro-ecosystems (plates 2 and 3). These oasis basins are covered by dense vegetation consisting mainly of Hyphaene thebaica, Phoenix dactylifera, Digitata andasonia reflecting an oasis-like area, thus the name of oasis basin. Oasis basins represent the last areas where farming is possible throughout the year. These areas have experienced many investments from several NGOs and projects in these recent years. However, the oasis basins are still unknown and / underused by development actors due to their extreme diversity and also due to their huge number. In this context, research has been initiated to preserve the oasis basins and assess their socio-economic roles. In order to achieve this goal a thorough knowledge of the variable characteristics of these basin would be necessary. Given their large number and diversity, remote sensing, with its synoptic vision, is a relevant tool to locate and identify and characterize (set up an inventory) these oasis basins. SPOT5-THX images (2.5m resolution) were used in this study (table 1). This study evaluates the performances of three image classification methods in detecting oasian basins in the administrative unit (« DĂ©partment ») of GourĂ© using a confusion matrix tool (table 2). The methods are pixel analysis, textural analysis and object analysis (plate 4). A visual analysis of image mosaics was performed to obtain a preliminary categorization of the study area and to choose a sampling design. A field campaign led to the selection of a set of regions of interest, one part of which was used to develop the classifications and another part to validate the results. As part of this study, four geomorphological classes were defined (oasis basin, dry valley, dune edifice and hill). Table 3 summarizes the number and areas of the basins obtained by the three methods. The analysis by object yielded fewer oasis basins in number while the pixel approach identified more oasis basins and with areas that are far larger than those of the two other methods. This is explained by a strong confusion between the oasis basins and other classes like dry valley, hill and dune edifice (plate 6). The distribution of oasis basins according to their size (plate 7) shows a very high proportion of oasis basins covering less than 0.5 ha. Although the oasis basins with scopes lesser than 0.5ha represent more than fifty percent, those that have an area greater than 1O ha represent more than half of the areas obtained for each method (plate 8). Evaluation of the results (tables 4-6) shows that the approach by object (global precision was 97%, Kappa coefficient was equal to 0.97) is more efficient than the textural method (overall precision 90%, Kappa coefficient 0.90) and the pixel-based approach (overall precision 82%, Kappa coefficient 0.82). Indeed, given the importance of the detected oasis basins and large differences between the results of the three approaches, the performances of the three methods have been validated through a model of prediction to determine the exact number of oasis basins which approaches the ground reality. The oasis basins probability detection (ability of a method to identify oasis basins observed in the field and photo-interpretation) of the three methods gives satisfactory results: 98.3% pixel analysis, textural analysis 98.9% and 99.2% object analysis. However, the false positive rates, which represent the probability that the oasis basin is detected by a method when it does not exist in reality in the field are important (pixel analysis: 31%, textural analysis: 22% and object analysis: 7%). Oasis basins observed in the field or by photo interpretation and which were not detected by the alternative method (false negatives) are fewer at the analysis by object.The critical success index (CSI) has been computed, taking into account the rate of false positive and false negative results, the quality of the agreement between the estimate of the oasis basin identified by a method and true oasis basins observed in the field or by photo-interpretation, apart from random errors. The object analysis gave the highest CSI value (i.e. 0.94). It is unquestionably the method whose results are similar to those observed in the field. Analysis by texture is better than that by pixel. One can even get a further improved performance of the textural analysis by combination the fourteen textural attributes of HARALICK et al. (1973). This study used a single textural attribute i.e. the variance. Our results confirm several studies showing that the performance of image classification by object analysis is greater than textural analysis and simple pixel based analysis. But some confusion remains between mapped classes. This confusion can be explained by the classes identified in the study, which are geomorphological units. Yet, these geomorphological units have similar land cover. For example, a temporary water can be located atop a hill, in a dry valley or in an oasis basin. The study provides a first original information, namely the number, the position and the surface of all the oasis basins on the study area. The total number of oasis basins in the Department of GourĂ© is estimated at 11,300 with an error more or less than 0.06.The inventory of these resources is a first compulsory step for the characterization of oasian basins to be used for the evaluation of their agricultural potential.SituĂ©es en zone semi-aride, les cuvettes oasiennes du centre-est du Niger sont des agroĂ©cosystĂšmes Ă  haute potentialitĂ©. Cependant, elles sont souvent peu connues par ces acteurs du dĂ©veloppement Ă  cause de leur extrĂȘme diversitĂ© et de leur nombre. Cette Ă©tude Ă©value les performances de trois mĂ©thodes de classification d’images dans la dĂ©tection des cuvettes oasiennes (analyse pixellaire, analyse texturale et analyse par objet) Ă  partir des images SPOT5-THX de 2,5m de rĂ©solution spatiale. L’évaluation des rĂ©sultats montre que l’approche par objet (indice critique de succĂšs Ă©gal Ă  0,94) est beaucoup plus performante que celle utilisant la texture (indice critique de succĂšs Ă©gal Ă  0,78) et l’analyse par pixel (indice critique de succĂšs Ă©gal Ă  0,69). L’étude fournit une premiĂšre information originale, Ă  savoir le nombre (11300 cuvettes oasiennes dĂ©tectĂ©es avec une erreur de plus ou moins 6%), la position et la surface de l’ensemble des cuvettes sur la zone d’étude

    Caractérisation morphologique des cuvettes oasiennes du Centre-Est du Niger

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    Situées en zone semi-aride à aride du Niger, les cuvettes oasiennes du département de Gouré sont actuellement menacées d'ensablement en raison de la dégradation du couvert végétal et d'un accroissement de l'efficacité érosive des vents. Afin de comprendre les processus d'ensablement autour de ces cuvettes, une caractérisation de leurs formes et orientations a été entreprise. Le coefficient de compacité de GRAVELIUS a permis de mettre en évidence des cuvettes circulaires (8,5 %), ovales (46,8 %), amiboïdes (10,9 %), étirées (17,6 %) et trÚs étirées à tendance amiboïde (16,1 %). Les cuvettes oasiennes de forme circulaire ou ovale renvoient à des drains partiellement comblés par les apports éoliens. Les formes étirées et trÚs étirées sont liées à un morcÚlement du réseau hydrographique par des édifices dunaires. Enfin, la mesure de l'orientation a permis d'apprécier la distribution entre quatre secteurs majeurs : E-O (22,8 %), N-S (21,4 %), NE-SO (21,6%) et SE-NO (34,3 %). Les cuvettes orientées E-O et NE-SO sont associées à des dunes longitudinales et celles orientées N-S et SE-NO à des dunes transversales