442 research outputs found

    Essential fatty acids (EFA) in haflinger and thoroughbreed mare’s milk

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    SUMMARY Mare milk EFA amounts from Thoroughbreed and Haflinger mares from different lactation period in the first 4 months were evaluated. In Thoroughbreed’s milk samples linoleic acid was 22.77% on total fatty acids in colostrum, with a significative decrease at 10 (16.94%), 20 (15.15%) and 30 days (15.06%) increasing at 60 (17.82%); α- linolenic significantly increased from 4.56% on total FA in colostrum samples, until 8.20% at 30 days, 9.11% at 60 days and 10.58% in 90 days milk samples. LA/ALA ratio decreased from 4.99 in presuckle samples until 1.63 in 3rd month’s. In Haflinger mare’s milk LA amounts were 10.35% on total fatty acids at 30 days, about 1/3 less than corresponding Thoroughbreed samples amounts, with not significative decrease at 105 (8.59%). Alpha-linolenic acid amounts increased between 5.46% at 30 days and 6.01% at 60, until 6.50% at 105. LA/ALA ratio decreased between 1.84 in 30 days samples until 1.29 in 105 days ones. In spite of Thoroughbreed samples, where unsaturated FA prevailed over saturated (sat/unsat 0.57-0.94), in Haflinger samples sat/unsat FA ratio ranged between 1.16-1.39. RIASSUNTO La ricerca ha preso in esame i contenuti in acidi grassi essenziali (EFA) del latte di fattrici Purosangue Inglese ed Avelignese a tempi diversi di lattazione durante i primi 4 mesi. Il contenuto medio di acido linoleico nei campioni di colostro provenienti dai soggetti PSI è risultato pari a 22,77% (sul totale degli acidi grassi), ha presentato un significativo decremento nei prelievi effettuati a 10 giorni di lattazione (16,94%), a 20 (15,15%), a 30 (15,06%), aumentando nei campioni di latte raccolti a 60 giorni (17,82%). L’acido α-linolenico ha evidenziato una costante e significativa tendenza all’aumento, passando da valori di 4,56% nei campioni colostrali a 8,20% in quelli rela- tivi al primo mese, 9,11% a 60 giorni e 10,58% al terzo mese. Il rapporto LA/ALA ha subìto un progressivo decremento da 4,99 nei campioni presuckle a 1,63 nei campioni relativi al terzo mese. Nei campioni di latte delle fattrici di razza Avelignese il contenuto in acido linoleico è risultato pari a 10,35% (circa 1/3 in meno del valore individuato nei corrispondenti campioni raccolti dalle cavalle PSI) ed ha evidenziato un progressivo decremento fino a raggiungere un valore di 8,59% nei campioni di 105 giorni. L’acido α-linolenico si è innalzato da valori di 5,46% nelle campionature del primo mese a 6,01% in quelle del secondo ed a 6,50% a 105 giorni. Il rapporto LA/ALA è diminuito da 1,84 nei campioni di 30 giorni a 1,29 a 105. A differenza dei campioni di soggetti PSI nei quali prevalevano gli acidi grassi insaturi (sat/insat 0,57-0,94), negli Avelignesi tale rapporto è risultato a favore dei saturi (sat/insat 1,16-1,39)

    Capillary electrophoresis of sialylated oligosaccharides in milk from different species

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    Oligosaccharides are relevant components of human milk, which have been quite well studied for their pre-biotic effect and their capacity in stimulating the immune system. Since oligosaccharides from milk of non-human mammals received so far less attention, the aim of this work was the application of capillary electrophoresis (CE) for the analysis of sialylated oligosaccharides in cow, goat and equine (mare and donkey) milk to possibly identify potential sources of oligosaccharides to use as health promoting ingredients in functional foods. Human milk was used as reference milk. A recent CE technique was applied to resolve and quantify 3-sialyllactose (3-SL), 6-sialyllactose (6-SL) and disialyl-lacto-N-tetraose (DSLNT). Analysis of non-human milk samples confirmed differences among species and individuals: DSLNT, which was the most abundant compound in human milk (455–805 g/mL) was missing in most of the samples. In most cases, 3-SL showed to be the most concentrated of the quantified analytes, with values ranging from 12 to 77 g/mL

    Monitoring for cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus infection in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients receiving i.v. fludarabine-cyclophosphamide combination and alemtuzumab as consolidation therapy.

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    The combination of fludarabine and cyclophosphamide (FC) has become the standard of care in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients. Due to the well-recognized F-related immunosuppression,[1][1] a higher risk of opportunistic infections could be expected by adding another immunosuppressive agen

    Latent variable models on performance tests in guide dogs. 1. Factor analysis

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    The research has been conducted on behavioural test results obtained from 143 dogs of pedigreed stock reared in the National Guide Dog School (SNCG) of Scandicci (Firenze, Italy), consisting mostly of Labradors and Golden Retrievers, but also including German Shepherds. All dogs have been reared under quite uniform conditions and tested individually under similar conditions. The results following the 11 administered subtests, [that constitute variables in our analysis], were expressed in scores ranging from 1 to 5 and used after calculation of the rank averaged scores. The analysis of the Pearson and partial correlations between the variables points out a clean distinction in two groups. The first consists of variables related to characters of sociability and to relationship with the han- dler, with expression of dominance/submissiveness and the second to characters of reaction to external stim- uli with expressions of fearfulness/curiosity. Results of factor analysis led us to reject the one factor model and accept a model with two factors, in which: 1) Factor I identifies variables of the group tied to the fearfulness/curiosity; 2) Factor II identifies the vari- ables of the group tied to sociability and to relationship with the handler. The two factors are correlated, indicating the presence of some non negligible, indirect effects. One out of the eleven variables has not shown important evidence of contribution to any of the factors

    The relationship between cognitive maturity and information about health problems among school age children

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    This study of urban, multi-ethnic children was undertaken to explore the relationships between age, cognitive developmental capability (termed ‘cognitive maturity’) and accuracy of information about health problems. A total of 299 children in the first, second and third grades from six public and one private school hi New York City were individually interviewed using an open-ended set of questions. Findings indicated that having accurate health information is not the same as comprehending the abstract internal nature of the ‘facts’. Results supported Piaget\u27s levels of cognitive development applied to the area of health. Findings also showed that age is a better predictor of children\u27s accuracy about health information than their cognitive maturity. The findings underscore the need for those providing health education to place emphasis on the cognitive abilities of children and not to mistake recitation of factual information for understanding of conceptual elements of a health problem

    Long-term Events in Adult Patients with Clinical Stage IA-IIA Nonbulky Hodgkin's Lymphoma Treated with Four Cycles of Doxorubicin, Bleomycin, Vinblastine, and Dacarbazine and Adjuvant Radiotherapy: A Single-Institution 15-Year Follow-up

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    Abstract Purpose: To report on long-term events after short doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine (ABVD) chemotherapy and adjuvant radiotherapy in favorable early-stage Hodgkin's lymphoma. Experimental Design: We monitored late events and causes of death over 15 years (median follow-up, 120 months) in 120 patients with nonbulky stage IA-IIA Hodgkin's lymphoma, treated with four cycles of ABVD and limited radiotherapy. Pulmonary and cardiac function tests were done throughout the follow-up. Outcome measures included cause-specific mortality, standardized mortality ratio, and standardized incidence ratio for secondary neoplasia. Results: Projected 15-year event-free and overall survival were 78% and 86%, and tumor mortality was 3%. Standardized mortality ratio was significantly higher than 1 for both males (2.8; P = 0.029) and females (9.4; P = 0.003). The risk of cardiovascular events at 5 and 12 years was 5.5% and 14%, with a median latent time of 67 months (range: 23-179 months) from the end of radiotherapy. Pulmonary toxicity developed in 8% of patients; all had received mediastinal irradiation and the median time from radiotherapy to pulmonary sequelae was 76 weeks (range: 50-123 weeks). The risk of secondary neoplasia at 5 and 12 years was 4% and 8%, respectively, with no cases of leukemia. Fertility was preserved. Conclusions: Long-term events were mostly related to radiotherapy; the role of short ABVD chemotherapy was very limited, as documented by fertility preservation and lack of secondary myelodysplasia/leukemia. A proportion of patients died from causes unrelated to disease progression and the excess mortality risk was mostly due to the occurrence of secondary neoplasms and cardiovascular diseases. A moderate dose reduction of radiotherapy from 40-44 Gy to 30-36 Gy did not decrease the risk of late complications; abolishing radiotherapy in nonbulky early-stage Hodgkin's lymphoma is being evaluated

    Nutritional index for immune-checkpoint inhibitor in patients with metastatic gastro-esophageal junction/gastric cancer

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    Background: Nutritional status is strongly associated to prognosis in mGOJ/GC patients. The aim of the present study was to develop an ICI-specific nutritional index (NI).Methods: Ten serum and anthropometric nutritional markers derived from blood tests or CT scans were analyzed at baseline in patients treated with second-line ICI and correlated with overall survival (OS). An ICI-specific NI (the NUTRIICI) was developed with its specificity assessed in an independent group of patients treated with standard second-line chemotherapy.Results: From June 2014 to December 2018, 57 mGOJ/GC patients (14 females, 43 males) with a median(m) age of 61 years (range 29-85) received ICI as second-line therapy (Pembrolizumab n=26, Nivolumab n=1 6, Avelumab n=15). Among the 10 analyzed variables, Onodera's prognostic NI (PNI) <= 33 and waist-to-hip (WHR) <1 were independent predictors of OS and used to build the NUTRIICI. Patients with both favorable factors (i.e., PNI >33 and WHR >= 1, comparator group) had a mOS of 18.0 vs. 6.7 months of patients with one unfavorable factor (either PNI <= 33 or WHR <1, Hazard Ratio, HR 3.06), vs. 1.3 months of patients with both unfavorable factors (HR 17.56), overall P<0.0001. In the independent group of patients treated with standard chemotherapy NUTRIICI was not associated with prognosis (P=0.57).Conclusions: NUTRIICI is the first ICI-specific NI for mOGJ/GC patients receiving second-line ICI. A validation in larger cohorts is strongly encouraged
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