7 research outputs found


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    In this article we describe a normative approach towards knowledge-based tutoring. The normative approach resembles the ''meaning is use'' attitude present in the pragmatic analyses of natural language meaning. It exhibits the common projective, empathic attitude towards knowledge modelling as just one interaction game amongst others and not the most profitable one to use in human-computer interaction. The normative approach is the basis of the cooperative RITS (reflexive intelligent tutoring system) methodology that interprets human-computer interaction as regulated by social contracts to which partners in the interaction have to be committed. The approach is demonstrated by a description of the SPELLER system for use in instruction in primary second language spelling. The system is able to diagnose spelling errors, to explain these errors to the learner, and to cooperate with the learner in solving spelling problems. The interaction between the learner and the computer is not based on domain or genetic knowledge specified beforehand. Relevant knowledge is generated through conversational interaction game activities between the system and the user Finally, some observations are made with respect to the use of SPELLER as a remediation tool in a clinical site at our research institute

    Social Media Policies in Intercollegiate Athletics: The Speech and Privacy Rights of Student-Athletes

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    Focusing on the issue of institutional control versus student-athlete rights as students, this paper examines the regulation of student-athletes' social media usage by athletic departments. A central focus of the paper is the consideration of laws passed in 12 states since 2012 that limit the authority of colleges and universities to monitor students' social media activities, with much of the impetus for these laws motivated by the treatment of the student-athlete population

    Toxicidade de materiais de construção: uma questão incontornável na construção sustentável

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    Evitar o uso de materiais de construção tóxicos é um dos princípios da construção sustentável. Os edifícios de habitação contêm muitos materiais tóxicos, alguns deles mesmo em conformidade com normativos regulamentares aplicáveis na Europa e em Portugal. Parte do problema deve-se à falta de formação de arquitetos e engenheiros nessa área, e a outra parte deve-se ao fato de a legislação sobre os limites da toxicidade ser influenciada por questões econômicas. Este artigo discute vários casos de toxicidade de materiais de construção pela revisão da literatura nessa área. Abrange o caso da emissão de compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs), a toxicidade de agentes impregnantes, tintas, vernizes e outros materiais de construção, materiais que libertam fumos tóxicos em caso de incêndio, materiais à base de amianto, materiais radioativos e as canalizações em chumbo