451 research outputs found

    <Short Report>Age-related Changes in Serum Lipids and Longevity in Hepatectomized Rats

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    The life span and serum lipids of Sprague-Dawley rats was examined following partial hepatectomy. Adult Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two groups. One group received a 30% partial hepatectomy (30H) and the other underwent sham-surgery(control). Moreover, group 30H rats were divided into two subgroups based on length of survival ; a short life span group (30HS, n=4), and a long life span group (30HL, n=4). Blood was collected at 24 weeks after partial hepatectomy, and effects on serum biochemical parameters and longevity were evaluated. The 30HS group gained weight more rapidly than the 30HL group. Serum lipids in the 30HS group were higher than those in the 30HL group. These results indicate that survival rate may be related to early changes in lipid metabolism after partial hepatectomy

    Development of exploration methods for novel hypoxia response pathways using open data

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    広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(理学)Doctor of Philosophy in Sciencedoctora

    Grapefruit : A Book of Instructions

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    1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations. First printing Originally published in a limited edition of 500 copies by the Wunternaum Press in Tokyo in 1964. This new edition contains material from the original, and pieces and drawings done in subsequent years by Yoko Ono. Gift of Glenn Gissler.https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/specialcollections_artistsbooks/1300/thumbnail.jp


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    The effects of aluminum (Al) on the cytotoxicity of ferrous iron (Fe(Ⅱ)), copper(Cu) and cadmium(Cd) were studied. Log-phase cells were treated with either FeSO4,CuSO4, or CdCl2 in the presence or absence of AlCl3(120μM) for 18h at pH 4.0. After the treatment, the viability was determined as relative growth of the metal-treated cells to the untreated control cells during the post-treated culture. A single treated with either Al, Fe(Ⅱ) or Cd did not inhibit the growth at the metal concerntrations up to 300 μM, 200 μM and 500 μM, respectively, whereas the growth was markedly inhibited at 15 μM Cu. Thus,the cells were relatively insensitive to Al, Fe(Ⅱ) and Cd and sensitive to Cu. When cells were treated with both Fe(Ⅱ)(120 μM)and Al(120μM), the growth was significantly inhibited and the cellular contents of both Al and Fe increased synergistically. After the treatment with Cu(0 to 10 μM) with or without Al, the cells grew more vigorously when they were treated in the presence of Al, althrouh the Cu content of the cells were not alterd by Al. The presence of Al during the treatmemt with Cd(0 to 2 μM) had no effect on the degree of growth inhibition by Cd. Thus, Al interacts with the toxicity of Fe(Ⅱ), Cu and Cd in different manners; synergistic with Fe(Ⅱ), antagonistic with Cu and apparently no effeco on Cd.二価鉄[Fe(Ⅱ)]、銅(Cu)およびカドミウム(Cd)の細胞毒性に対するアルミニウム(Al)の効果について検討した。120μM AlCl3の存在もしくは非存在下において、対数増殖期の細胞をFeSO4,CuSO4,CdCl2で各々18時間、pH4.0で処理した。処理後の生存率は、処理後の細胞を増殖させたのちに、未処理細胞(コントロール)の増殖に対する金属で処理した細胞の相対増殖率で求めた。Al,Fe(Ⅱ),Cdの単独処理による増殖阻害は、各々300μM、200μM、500μMの濃度まで観察されなかったが、Cuでは15μMで大きく阻害された。このように、タバコ細胞は相対的にAl、Fe(Ⅱ)、Cdには感受性が低く、Cuには感受性が高かった。細胞をFe(Ⅱ)およびAlの両方で処理すると、増殖は著しく阻害され、AlおよびFeの細胞内含量も相乗的に増加した。Cuで処理した場合、Alを加えることにより逆に増殖率が増加した。しかし、細胞内Cu含量はAlの影響を受けなかった。Cd処理の場合、Alを加えてもCdによる増殖阻害の程度は変わらなかった。このように、AlはFe(Ⅱ)、Cu、Cd毒性に対して各々異なる相互作用を示し、Fe(Ⅱ)に対し、相乗効果を、Cuに対しては拮抗的な阻害を示したが、Cdに対してはみかけ上効果がなかった

    Characterization of Nuclear and Satellite DNA from Trypanosomes

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    Adsorption and removal of strontium in aqueous solution by synthetic hydroxyapatite

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    Hydroxyapatite (HAP) is a main mineral constituent of bone and tooth and has an outstanding biocompatibility. HAP is a possible sorbent for heavy metals in wastewater due to its high adsorption capacity and low water solubility. We developed a removal system of 90Sr from aqueous solution by HAP column procedure. More than 90 % of 90Sr was adsorbed and removed from the 90Sr containing solution. Divalent cations, Ca2+, had little effect on the removal of 90Sr up to a concentration of 1 mmol L−1. This clearly indicates that the HAP column technique is advantageous with respect to the capacity to adsorb 90Sr from water present in the environment

    Anti-damping spin transfer torque through epitaxial Nickel oxide

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    We prepare the high quality epitaxial MgO(001)[100]/Pt(001)[100]/NiO(001)[100]/FeNi/SiO2 films to investigate the spin transport in the NiO antiferromagnetic insulator. The ferromagnetic resonance measurements of the FeNi under a spin current injection from the Pt by the spin Hall effect revealed the change of the ferromagnetic resonance linewidth depending on the amount of the spin current injection. The results can be interpreted that there is an angular momentum transfer through the NiO. A high efficient angular momentum transfer we observed in the epitaxial NiO can be attributed to the well-defined orientation of the antiferromagnetic moments and the spin quantization axis of the injected spin current