21 research outputs found

    Vitamin K supplementation increases vitamin K tissue levels but fails to counteract ectopic calcification in a mouse model for pseudoxanthoma elasticum

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    Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) is an autosomal recessive disorder in which calcification of connective tissue leads to pathology in skin, eye and blood vessels. PXE is caused by mutations in ABCC6. High expression of this transporter in the basolateral hepatocyte membrane suggests that it secretes an as-yet elusive factor into the circulation which prevents ectopic calcification. Utilizing our Abcc6−/− mouse model for PXE, we tested the hypothesis that this factor is vitamin K (precursor) (Borst et al. 2008, Cell Cycle). For 3 months, Abcc6−/− and wild-type mice were put on diets containing either the minimum dose of vitamin K required for normal blood coagulation or a dose that was 100 times higher. Vitamin K was supplied as menaquinone-7 (MK-7). Ectopic calcification was monitored in vivo by monthly micro-CT scans of the snout, as the PXE mouse model develops a characteristic connective tissue mineralization at the base of the whiskers. In addition, calcification of kidney arteries was measured by histology. Results show that supplemental MK-7 had no effect on ectopic calcification in Abcc6−/− mice. MK-7 supplementation increased vitamin K levels (in skin, heart and brain) in wild-type and in Abcc6−/− mice. Vitamin K tissue levels did not depend on Abcc6 genotype. In conclusion, dietary MK-7 supplementation increased vitamin K tissue levels in the PXE mouse model but failed to counteract ectopic calcification. Hence, we obtained no support for the hypothesis that Abcc6 transports vitamin K and that PXE can be cured by increasing tissue levels of vitamin K

    Detecting Low Frequent Loss-of-Function Alleles in Genome Wide Association Studies with Red Hair Color as Example

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    Multiple loss-of-function (LOF) alleles at the same gene may influence a phenotype not only in the homozygote state when alleles are considered individually, but also in the compound heterozygote (CH) state. Such LOF alleles typically have low frequencies and moderate to large effects. Detecting such variants is of interest to the genetics community, and relevant statistical methods for detecting and quantifying their effects are sorely needed. We present a collapsed double heterozygosity (CDH) test to detect the presence of multiple LOF alleles at a gene. When causal SNPs are available, which may be the case in next generation genome sequencing studies, this CDH test has overwhelmingly higher power than single SNP analysis. When causal SNPs are not directly available such as in current GWA settings, we show the CDH test has higher power than standard single SNP analysis if tagging SNPs are in linkage disequilibrium with the underlying causal SNPs to at least a moderate degree (r2>0.1). The test is implemented for genome-wide analysis in the publically available software package GenABEL which is based on a sliding window approach. We provide the proof of principle by conducting a genome-wide CDH analysis of red hair color, a trait known to be influenced by multiple loss-of-function alleles, in a total of 7,732 Dutch individuals with hair color ascertained. The association signals at the MC1R gene locus from CDH were uniformly more significant than traditional GWA analyses (the most significant P for CDH = 3.11×10−142 vs. P for rs258322 = 1.33×10−66). The CDH test will contribute towards finding rare LOF variants in GWAS and sequencing studies

    Administration of vitamin K does not counteract the ectopic mineralization of connective tissues in Abcc6−/− mice, a model for pseudoxanthoma elasticum

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    Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) is a heritable multisystem disorder manifesting with ectopic calcification of peripheral connective tissues, caused by mutations in the ABCC6 gene. Alterations in vitamin K metabolism have been suggested to contribute to the pathomechanisms of the mineralization process. In this study we administered vitamin K or its glutathione conjugate (K3-GSH) into Abcc6−/− mice that recapitulate features of PXE. Oral administration of vitamin K2, in dosages that vastly exceed the amounts in control diet or the recommended amounts for humans, did not alter the ectopic mineralization in Abcc6−/− mice. Similarly, intravenous administration of K3-GSH did not alter the degree of mineralization. Testing of vitamin K2, K3 and K3-GSH in an in vitro calcification system provided no evidence of mineralization inhibition. Collectively, our data suggest that vitamin K deficiency in the peripheral tissues is not a simple explanation for development of mineral deposits in PXE

    Calcification in dermal fibroblasts from a patient with GGCX syndrome accompanied by upregulation of osteogenic molecules

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    Gamma-glutamyl carboxylase (GGCX) gene mutation causes GGCX syndrome (OMIM: 137167), which is characterized by pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE)-like symptoms and coagulation impairment. Here, we present a 55-year-old male with a novel homozygous deletion mutation, c.2,221delT, p.S741LfsX100, in the GGCX gene. Histopathological examination revealed calcium deposits in elastic fibers and vessel walls, and collagen accumulation in the mid-dermis. Studies of dermal fibroblasts from the patient (GGCX dermal fibroblasts) demonstrated that the mutated GGCX protein was larger, but its expression level and intracellular distribution were indistinguishable from those of the wild-type GGCX protein. Immunostaining and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed an increase in undercarboxylated matrix gamma-carboxyglutamic acid protein (ucMGP), a representative substrate of GGCX and a potent calcification inhibitor, indicating that mutated GGCX was enzymatically inactive. Under osteogenic conditions, calcium deposition was exclusively observed in GGCX dermal fibroblasts. Furthermore, GGCX dermal fibroblast cultures contained 23-and 7.7-fold more alkaline phosphatase (ALP)-positive cells than normal dermal fibroblast cultures (n = 3), without and with osteogenic induction, respectively. Expression and activity of ALP were higher in GGCX dermal fibroblasts than in normal dermal fibroblasts upon osteogenic induction. mRNA levels of other osteogenic markers were also higher in GGCX dermal fibroblasts than in normal dermal fibroblasts, which including bone morphogenetic protein 6, runt-related transcription factor 2, and periostin (POSTN) without osteogenic induction; and osterix, collagen type I alpha 2, and POSTN with osteogenic induction. Together, these data indicate that GGCX dermal fibroblasts trans-differentiate into the osteogenic lineage. This study proposes another mechanism underlying aberrant calcification in patients with GGCX syndrome

    Autosomal recessive cutis laxa syndrome revisited

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    The clinical spectrum of the autosomal recessive cutis laxa syndromes is highly heterogeneous with respect to organ involvement and severity. One of the major diagnostic criteria is to detect abnormal elastin fibers. In several other clinically similar autosomal recessive syndromes, however, the classic histological anomalies are absent, and the definite diagnosis remains uncertain. In cutis laxa patients mutations have been demonstrated in elastin or fibulin genes, but in the majority of patients the underlying genetic etiology remains unknown. Recently, we found mutations in the ATP6V0A2 gene in families with autosomal recessive cutis laxa. This genetic defect is associated with abnormal glycosylation leading to a distinct combined disorder of the biosynthesis of N- and O-linked glycans. Interestingly, similar mutations have been found in patients with wrinkly skin syndrome, without the presence of severe skin symptoms of elastin deficiency. These findings suggest that the cutis laxa and wrinkly skin syndromes are phenotypic variants of the same disorder. Interestingly many phenotypically similar patients carry no mutations in the ATP6V0A2 gene. The variable presence of protein glycosylation abnormalities in the diverse clinical forms of the wrinkled skin-cutis laxa syndrome spectrum necessitates revisiting the diagnostic criteria to be able to offer adequate prognosis assessment and counseling. This paper aims at describing the spectrum of clinical features of the various forms of autosomal recessive cutis laxa syndromes. Based on the recently unraveled novel genetic entity we also review the genetic aspects in cutis laxa syndromes including genotype–phenotype correlations and suggest a practical diagnostic approach