1,004 research outputs found

    Effect Of Soil Management On The White Grub Population And Damage In Soybean

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    To evaluate the effect of soil management systems on population of white grubs, (Phyllophaga cuyabana Moser), and on its damage in soybean, experiments were set up under no-tillage and conventional tillage (one disk plow, and a leveling disk harrow) areas. Primary tillage equipment, used in other soil management systems, such as moldboard plow, disk plow, chisel plow and heavy duty disk harrow were also tested. Fluctuation of P. cuyabana population and the extent of its damage to soybean was similar under no-tillage and conventional tillage systems. Results comparing a range of primary tillage equipment showed that it affected soil insect populations differently, depending on the time during the season in which tillage was executed. Larval mortality could mostly be attributed to their exposure to adverse factors, soon after tillage, than to changes in soil conditions. Reduction of white grub population was more evident in plots managed by heavier equipment, such as the moldboard plow. Soil tillage could be one component within the soil pest management system in soybean, however, its use can not be generalized.355887894Alvarado, L., (1979) Comparación Poblacional de "Gusanos Blancos" (Larvas de Coléopteros Scarabaeidae) en Tres Situaciones de Manejo, 5p. , Pergamino : INTA/ EERA, (INTA/EERA. Genéralidades Carpeta de Producción Vegetal. Información, 16)Brown, W.R., Gange, A.C., Insect herbivore below ground (1990) Advances in Ecological Research, 20, pp. 1-58. , San DiegoGarcia, M.A., Arthropods in tropical corn field: Effects of woods and insecticides on community composition (1991) Plant-animal Interactions: Evolutionary Ecology in Tropical and Temperate Regions, pp. 619-634. , PRICE, P.LEWINSOHON, T.M.FERNANDES, W.BENSON, W.W. (Eds.). New York: J. WileyGassen, D.N., Corós associados ao sistema de plantio direto (1993) Plantio Direto no Brasil, pp. 141-149. , ALDEIA NORTE (Passo Fundo, RS) (Ed.). Passo Fundo : Embrapa-CNPT/Fundacep Fecotrigo/Fundação ABCHammond, R.B., Stinner, B.R., Seedcom maggots (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) and slugs in conservation tillage systems in Ohio (1987) Journal of Economic Entomology, 80, pp. 680-684. , LanhamHoffmann-Campo, C.B., Parra, J.R.P., Mazzarin, R.M., Ciclo biológico de Sternechus subsignatus Boheman, 1836 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) em soja no norte do Paraná (1991) Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 51, pp. 615-621. , Rio de Janeiro(1976) Manual Agropecuário para O Paraná, 1. , LondrinaOliveira, L.J., (1997) Ecologla Comportamental e de Interações com Plantas Hospedeiras em Phyllophaga Cuyabana (Moser) (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae, Melolonthinae) e Implicações para o Seu Manejo em Cultura de Soja, 148p. , Campinas : Unicamp, Tese de DoutoradoOliveira, L.J., Hoffmann-Campo, C.B., Do Amaral, M.L.B., Nachi, C., (1992) Coró Pequeno da Soja, 4p. , Londrina : Embrapa-CNPSo. (Embrapa-CNPSo. Documentos, 51)Oliveira, L.J., Hoffmann-Campo, C.B., Sistemas de preparo de solo: Efeito sobre populações de larvas de escarabeídeos e Sternechus subsignatus (1996) Resultados de Pesqulsa de Soja 1990/91, pp. 464-468. , EMBRAPA. Centro National de Pesquisa de Soja (Londrina, PR). Londrina, (Embrapa-CNPSo. Documentos, 99)Rincón, M.B.N., Tiscareño, M., Velásquez, M., Diversidad y abundancia de Melolonthidae y Scarabaeidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) asociados a diferentes sistemas de labranza y porcentajes de cobertura vegetal en agrosistemas de maíz del Estado de Michoacan, México (1997) Reunión Latino-americana de Escara-beidologia, 3, pp. 18-19. , Xalapa. Memórias. Xalapa: Institute de Ecologia, 1997Shelton, M.D., Edwards, C.R., Effects of weeds on the diversity and abundance of insects on soybeans (1983) Environmental Entomology, 12, pp. 296-298. , LanhamDa Silva, M.T.B., Grutzmacher, A.D., Ruedell, J., Link, D., Costa, E.C., Influência de sistemas de manejo de suelos y de culturas sobre insectos sub́terraneos (1994) Clência Rural, 24, pp. 247-251. , Santa MariaDa Silva, M.T.B., Klein, V.A., Efeito de diferentes métodos de preparo do solo na infestação e danos de Sternechus subsignatus (Boheman) em soja (1997) Ciência Rural, 27, pp. 533-536. , Santa MariaDa Silva, M.T.B., Klein, V.A., Link, D., Reinert, D.J., Influência de sistemas de manejo de solos na oviposição de Diloboderus abderus Sturm (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) (1994) Anais da Sociedade Entomológica Brasileira, 3, pp. 543-548. , LondrinaSloderbeck, P.E., Yeargen, K.V., Green cloverworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) populations in conventional and double-cropped, no-till soybeans (1983) Journal of Economic Entomology, 76, pp. 785-791. , LanhamSmith, A.W., Hammond, R.B., Stinner, B.R., Influence of rye-cover crop management on soybean foliage arthropods (1988) Environmental Entomology, 17, pp. 109-114. , LanhamStinner, B.R., House, G.J., Arthropods and other invertebrates in conservation-tillage agriculture (1990) Annual Review of Entomology, 35, pp. 299-318. , Palo AltoStrnad, S.P., Bergman, M.K., Movement of first-instar western corn rootworms (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in soil (1987) Environmental Entomology, 16, pp. 975-978. , LanhamToxclair Jr., N.N., Boethel, D.J., The influence of tillage practices and row spacing on soybean insect populations in Louisiana (1984) Journal of Economic Entomology, 77, pp. 1571-1579. , LanhamWinter, J.P., Voroney, R.P., Ainsworth, D.A., Soil microarthropods in long-term no-tillage and conventional tillage corn production (1990) Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 70, pp. 641-653. , Ottaw

    Criação massal da lagarta da soja (Anticarsia gemmatalis).

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    Processos gerais da criacao; Sala de criacao; Gaiolas; Copos descartaveis; Obtencao de ovos; Criacao de lagartas.bitstream/item/23224/1/Doc1.pd

    Effect of soil management on the white grub population and damage in soybean.

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    To evaluate the effect of soil management systems on population of white grubs, (Phyllophaga cuyabana Moser), and on its damage in soybean, experiments were set up under no-tillage and conventional tillage (one disk plow, and a leveling disk harrow) areas. Primary tillage equipment, used in other soil management systems, such as moldboard plow, disk plow, chisel plow and heavy duty disk harrow were also tested. Fluctuation of P. cuyabana population and the extent of its damage to soybean was similar under no-tillage and conventional tillage systems. Results comparing a range of primary tillage equipment showed that it affected soil insect populations differently, depending on the time during the season in which tillage was executed. Larval mortality could mostly be attributed to their exposure to adverse factors, soon after tillage, than to changes in soil conditions. Reduction of white grub population was more evident in plots managed by heavier equipment, such as the moldboard plow. Soil tillage could be one component within the soil pest management system in soybean, however, its use can not be generalized

    Coró pequeno da soja.

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    Aspectos biologicos e comportamento; Controle.bitstream/item/53940/1/51.pd

    Toxicity of neem oil to the cassava green mite Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar) (Acari: Tetranychidae)

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    O artigo não contém o resumo português.Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.)-derived pesticides have been used against a wide range of agricultural pests including tetranychid mites. Approaches combining lethal and sublethal toxicity studies of neem pesticides towards tetranychid mites are necessary to a comprehensive evaluation of such products. Here, we evaluated the lethal and sublethal toxicity of the neem oil Bioneem to the cassava green mite Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar) by integrating lethal concentration (LC) with population growth and biological parameter studies. According to Probit analyses the concentration of neem oil Bioneem which kills 50% of the population (LC50) of M. tanajoa was 3.28 μL cm^-2, which is roughly twice the field concentration recommended of this biopesticide to control pest mites (1.7 μL cm^-2). The growth rate of the cassava green mite steadily decreased with dosages of neem oil. Furthermore, sublethal concentrations of the neem oil corresponding to the LC50 reduced the periods of the immature stages of M. tanajoa resulting in a shorter developmental time. Similarly, the number of eggs per day and the number of eggs per female per day, a proxy for fecundity, were drastically reduced in M. tanajoa females exposed to the LC50 of neem oil. Based on our comprehensive approach we conclude that the neem oil showed lethal as well as sublethal toxicity on growth rate and biological parameters such as duration of immature stages and fecundity of the cassava green mite M. tanajoa and it could be used as an ecological alternative for the management of this pest

    Near-infrared Kerr nonlinearity of Pb(PO3)2–WO3 glasses

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    We report measurements of the nonlinear refractive index, n 2 , and the nonlinear absorption coefficient, α 2 , of Pb ( PO 3 ) 2 – WO 3 glasses. The measurements were performed using 100 fs (17 ps) laser pulses at 800 nm (1064 nm). Positive values of n 2 ∼ 10 − 19 m 2 / W and negligible α 2 were measured. The results show that the nonlinearity is faster than 100 fs and it is observed an increase of n 2 with the increasing of the WO 3 amount in the samples. The Boling, Glass, and Owyoung model, based on the semiclassical harmonic oscillator model, was used to predict the values of n 2 , with basis on the values of the linear refractive index of the samples

    Aspectos biologicos e nutricionais de Anticarsia gemmatalis Hüb. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em diversos genotipos de soja.

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    Estudou-se a influencia de sete genotipos de soja ('Tracy', 'IAC-100', IAC-742832, BR 79-15149, BR 80-25896, BR 82-12547 e 'Davis') sobre a biologia e a nutricao quantitativa de Anticarsia gemmatalis Hub. em laboratorio. O desempenho do inseto foi semelhante em todos os genotipos, exceto em 'IAC-100' onde observou-se um alongamento da fase larval e menor ganho de peso. A taxa de crescimento relativo (RGR), a eficiencia de conversao do alimento ingerido (ECI) e digerido (ECD), foram significativamente menores em 'IAC-100' que nos demais genotipos

    Pragas da soja no Brasil e seu manejo integrado.

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    Pragas da soja; Pragas que atacam as folhas: Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lep.: Noctuidae); Pseudoplusia includens (Lep.: Noctuidae); Coleopteros desfolhadores; Outros organismos que atacam as folhas; Pragas que atacam vagens e graos: Percevejos sugadores de sementes; Lagartas das vagens; Brocas das vagens; Pragas que atacam plantulas, hastes e peciolos: Sternechus subsignatus (Col.: Curculionidae); Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Lep.: Pyralidae); Epinotia aporema (Lep.: Tortricidae); Outros insetos que atacam plantulas, hastes e peciolos; Pragas que atacam as raizes da soja: Coros; Percevejos-castanho-da-raiz; Outros insetos que atacam as raizes; Inimigos naturais das pragas da soja; Predadores: Hemipteros; Coleopteros; Parasitoides: Parasitoides de lagartas; Parasitoides de percevejos; Entomopatogenos: Virus; Fungos; Amostragem das pragas; Controle integrado e nivel de acao; Controle integrado das pragas que atacam as folhas: Anticarsia gemmatalis; Pseudoplusia includens e outros Plusiinae;; Coleopteros desfolhadores; Outros organismos que atacam as folhas; Controle integrado das pragas que atacam as vagens e graos: Percevejos; Lagarta-das-vagens; Broca-das-vagens; Controle integrado das pragas que atacam plantulas, hastes e peciolos: Sternechus subsignatus; Epinotia aporema; Controle integrado das pragas que atacam as raizes: Coros; Percevejo-castanho-da-raiz.bitstream/item/128003/1/ID-6173.pd

    Feeding And Oviposition Preference Of Phyllophaga Cuyabana (moser) (coleoptera: Melolonthidae) On Several Crops

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    Laboratory and greenhouse experiments were carried out to study food and oviposition preference by Phyllophaga cuyabana (Moser) on different plant species as Cajanus cajan L. (pigeon pea), Crotalaria juncea L. (sun hemp), Crotalaria spectabilis Roth (showy crotalaria), Crotalaria ochroleuca G. Don (slenderleaf rattlebox), Glycine max [L.] Merrill (soybean), Gossypium hirsutum L. (cotton), Helianthus annuus L. (sunflower), Stizolobium aterrimum [Mucuna aterrima] Piper & Tracey (velvetbean) and Zea mays L. (mayze). In no-choice experiments, the number of eggs layed in sunflower, C. juncea and soybean was larger compared to cotton. Despite the fact that the adults did not discriminate among plants, in dual-choice test, the proportion of eggs layed and leaf consumption by P. cuyabana adults in soybean were significantly higher than in C. spectabilis. The larval distribution in the soil was at random in multiple-choice, withouth any trend of preference, but in dual-choice, when soybean was the control, larvae always preferred to feed on its roots. P. cuyabana adults had preference for more suitable hosts and that could stand their offspring survival. This behaviour can be usefully exploited in an integrated management program for this pest.365759764Craig, T.P., Itami, J.K., Price, P.W., A strong relationship between oviposition preference and larval performance in a shoot-galling sawfly (1989) Ecology, 70, pp. 1691-1699Diagne, A. 2004. Seasonal occurrence of Phyllophaga species and biological studies of Phyllophaga ephilida (Say) on sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas (1) Lam, in Louisiana. PhD thesis, Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Baton Rouge, 101pMoron, M.A., (1986) El genero Phyllophaga en México: Morfología, distribución y sistematica supraespecifica, , México, Instituto de Ecología, 341pOliveira, L.J., B. Santos, J.R.P. Parra & C.B. Hoffmann-Campo. 2004. Coró-da-soja, p.151-176. In J.R. Salvadori, C.J. Ávila & M.T.B. da Silva (org.), Pragas de solo no Brasil. Passo Fundo, Embrapa Trigo, Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste, Fundacep, 541pOliveira, L.J., Garcia, M.A., Flight, feeding and reproductive behaviour of Phyllophaga cuyabana (Moser) (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) adults (2003) Pesq. Agropec. Bras, 38, pp. 179-186Potter, D.A., Held, D.W., Biology and management of the Japanese beetle (2002) Annu. Rev. Entomol, 47, pp. 175-205Silva, M.T.B. da & J.R. Salvadori. 2004. Coró-das-pastagens, p.191-210. In J.R. Salvadori, C.J. Ávila & M.T.B. da Silva (org.), Pragas de solo no Brasil. Passo Fundo, Embrapa Trigo, Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste, Fundacep, 541pSilva, da, M.T.B., Tarragó, M.F.S., Link, D., Costa, E.C., Preferência de oviposição de Diloboderus abderus (Sturm) por restos de culturas em solo com plantio direto (1996) An. Soc. Entomol. Brasil, 25, pp. 83-87Rausher, M.D., Alteration of oviposition behaviour by Battus philenor butterflies in response to variation in host-plant density (1983) Ecology, 64, pp. 1028-1034Thompson, H.N., Evolutionary ecology of the relationship between oviposition preference and performance of offspring in phytophagous insects (1988) Entomol. Exp. Appl, 47, pp. 3-14Travis, B.V., Habits of the June beetle, Phyllophaga lanceolata (Say), in Iowa (1939) J. Econ. Entomol, 32, pp. 690-69