275 research outputs found

    Instanton-noninstanton transition in nonintegrable tunneling processes: A renormalized perturbation approach

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    The instanton-noninstanton (I-NI) transition in the tunneling process, which has been numerically observed in classically nonintegrable quantum maps, can be described by a perturbation theory based on an integrable Hamiltonian renormalized so as to incorporate the integrable part of the map. The renormalized perturbation theory is successfully applied to the two quantum maps, the H\'enon and standard maps. In spite of different nature of tunneling in the two systems, the I-NI transition exhibits very common characteristics. In particular, the manifestation of I-NI transition is obviously explained by a remarkable quenching of the renormalized transition matrix element. The enhancement of tunneling probability after the transition can be understood as a sudden change of the tunneling mechanism from the instanton to quite a different mechanism supported by classical flows just outside of the stable-unstable manifolds of the saddle on the top of the potential barrier.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Unaltered V̇O2 kinetics despite greater muscle oxygenation during heavy-intensity two-legged knee extension versus cycle exercise in humans

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    Relative perfusion of active muscles is greater during knee extension ergometry (KE) than cycle ergometry (CE). This provides the opportunity to investigate the effects of increased O₂ delivery (Q̇O₂) on deoxygenation heterogeneity among quadriceps muscles and pulmonary V̇O₂ kinetics. Using time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy, we hypothesized that compared with CE the superficial vastus lateralis (VL), superficial rectus femoris and deep VL in KE would have 1) a smaller amplitude of the exercise-induced increase in deoxy[Hb+Mb] (related to the balance between V̇O₂ and Q̇O₂); 2) a greater amplitude of total[Hb+Mb] (related to the diffusive O₂ conductance); 3) a greater homogeneity of regional muscle deoxy[Hb+Mb]; and 4) no difference in pulmonary V̇O₂ kinetics. Eight participants performed square-wave KE and CE exercise from 20 W to heavy work rates. Deoxy[Hb+Mb] amplitude was less for all muscle regions in KE (P<0.05: superficial, KE 17-24 vs. CE 19-40; deep, KE 19 vs. CE 26 μM). Further, the amplitude of total[Hb+Mb] was greater for KE than CE at all muscle sites (P<0.05: superficial, KE 7-21 vs. CE 1-16; deep, KE 11 vs. CE -3 μM). Although the amplitude and heterogeneity of deoxy[Hb+Mb] was significantly lower in KE than CE during the first minute of exercise, the pulmonary V̇O₂ kinetics was not different for KE and CE. These data show that the microvascular Q̇O₂ to V̇O₂ ratio, and thus tissue oxygenation, was greater in KE than CE. This suggests that pulmonary and muscle V̇O₂ kinetics in young healthy humans are not limited by Q̇O₂ during heavy-intensity cycling

    Obstacle Effects on Airflow and Containment Dispersion around a Naturally Ventilated Livestock Building

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    Rosana G. Moreira, Editor-in-Chief; Texas A&M UniversityThis is a Technical Paper from International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR, Commission Internationale du Genie Rural) E-Journal Volume 5 (2003): G. Zhang, A. Ikeguchi, J. Strom, S. Morsing, H. Takai, P. Ravn, and L. Okushima. Obstacle Effects on Airflow and Containment Dispersion around a Naturally Ventilated Livestock Building. Vol. V. December 2003

    Greater (V)over dotO(2peak) is correlated with greater skeletal muscle deoxygenation amplitude and hemoglobin concentration within individual muscles during ramp-incremental cycle exercise

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    Citation: Okushima, D., Poole, D. C., Barstow, T. J., Rossiter, H. B., Kondo, N., Bowen, T. S., . . . Koga, S. (2016). Greater (V)over dotO(2peak) is correlated with greater skeletal muscle deoxygenation amplitude and hemoglobin concentration within individual muscles during ramp-incremental cycle exercise. Physiological Reports, 4(23), 12. doi:10.14814/phy2.13065It is axiomatic that greater aerobic fitness ((V)over dotO(2peak)) derives from enhanced perfusive and diffusive O-2 conductances across active muscles. However, it remains unknown how these conductances might be reflected by regional differences in fractional O-2 extraction (i.e., deoxy [Hb+Mb] and tissue O-2 saturation [StO2]) and diffusive O-2 potential (i.e., total[Hb+Mb]) among muscles spatially heterogeneous in blood flow, fiber type, and recruitment (vastus lateralis, VL; rectus femoris, RF). Using quantitative time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy during ramp cycling in 24 young participants ((V)over dotO(2peak) range: similar to 37.4-66.4 mL kg(-1) min(-1)), we tested the hypotheses that (1) deoxy [Hb+Mb] and total[Hb+Mb] at (V)over dotO(2peak) would be positively correlated with (V)over dotO(2peak) in both VL and RF muscles; (2) the pattern of deoxygenation (the deoxy[Hb+Mb] slopes) during submaximal exercise would not differ among subjects differing in (V)over dotO(2peak). Peak deoxy [Hb+Mb] and StO2 correlated with (V)over dotO(2peak) for both VL (r = 0.44 and -0.51) and RF (r = 0.49 and -0.49), whereas for total[Hb+Mb] this was true only for RF (r = 0.45). Baseline deoxy[Hb+Mb] and StO2 correlated with (V)over dotO(2peak) only for RF (r = -0.50 and 0.54). In addition, the deoxy[Hb+Mb] slopes were not affected by aerobic fitness. In conclusion, while the pattern of deoxygenation (the deoxy[Hb+Mb] slopes) did not differ between fitness groups the capacity to deoxygenate [Hb+Mb] (index of maximal fractional O-2 extraction) correlated significantly with (V)over dotO(2peak) in both RF and VL muscles. However, only in the RF did total [Hb+Mb] (index of diffusive O-2 potential) relate to fitness

    Early Spectroscopy of the 2010 Outburst of U Scorpii

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    We present early spectroscopy of the recurrent nova U~Sco during the outburst in 2010. We successfully obtained time-series spectra at td=t_{\rm d}=0.37--0.44~d, where tdt_{\rm d} denotes the time from the discovery of the present outburst. This is the first time-resolved spectroscopy on the first night of U Sco outbursts. At td∼0.4t_{\rm d}\sim 0.4~d the Hα\alpha line consists of a blue-shifted (−5000-5000 km s−1^{-1}) narrow absorption component and a wide emission component having triple peaks, a blue (∼−3000\sim -3000 km s−1^{-1}), a central (∼0\sim 0 km s−1^{-1}) and a red (∼+3000\sim +3000 km s−1^{-1}) ones. The blue and red peaks developed more rapidly than the central one during the first night. This rapid variation would be caused by the growth of aspherical wind produced during the earliest stage of the outburst. At td=1.4t_{\rm d}=1.4~d the Hα\alpha line has a nearly flat-topped profile with weak blue and red peaks at ∼±3000\sim \pm 3000 km s−1^{-1}. This profile can be attributed to a nearly spherical shell, while the asphericity growing on the first night still remains. The wind asphericity is less significant after td=9t_{\rm d}=9 d.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication of PASJ Letter

    Forgeability of AZ Series Magnesium Alloy produced by Twin Roll Casting

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    Plastic forming of magnesium alloy is hardly reported because of its low forgeability. The productions of magnesium alloy are mainly produced by casting. Typical wrought magnesium alloy is AZ31. Magnesium-aluminum alloy indicates maximum elongation when the composition includes 3% aluminum. When the magnesium alloy includes over 3% aluminum, its elongation slightly decreases. Therefore, AZ31 that include 3% aluminum and 1% zinc is generally used for plastic forming. The more increasing aluminum composition, the larger 0.2% proof stress becomes. However its forgeability is decreasing because of precipitation of β phase such as Mg17Al12. It is supposed that the β phase is refined by rapid cooling casting process such as twin roll casting. In this paper, the magnesium alloy thick sheet of AZ91, AZ121 and AZ131 for hot forging, that include 9%, 12% and 13% aluminum composition respectively, was produced by twin roll strip casting process. And the forgeability of high aluminum containing magnesium alloy was investigated by die forging. As a result, it was possible to forge their magnesium alloys
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