52 research outputs found


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    Red tile fish Branchiostegus japonicus meat degrades easily. In market, the small- sized fish is traded at a low price. Additionally, the population of red tile fish in the sea around Japan has reduced. Therefore, for effective utilization of small-sized red tile fish, the effect of endogenous proteases on heat-induced gelation of red tile fish surimi was investigated in the research. Fish gels from red tile fish surimi were prepared at different temperatures between 30 – 90 oC. After heating, the samples were cooled in ice water and then mechanical properties and SDS-PAGE patterns were analyzed. Homogenates prepared from the surimi were mixed with protease inhibitor solutions. The mixtures were incubated in water bathes at 40 or 60 oC. After heating, peptide contents in the supernatant and autolytic protein patterns were determined by the Lowry method and SDS-PAGE respectively. The surimi didn’t form heat-induced gels at 30 - 80 oC and SDS–PAGE showed that proteolysis markedly occurred. Addition of 1, 10-phenanthroline, benzamidine or SBTI prevented proteolysis. These results suggest that red tile fish surimi had extremely low gel- forming ability due to endogenous metalloprotease and trypsin-like serine protease. Keywords: Fish products, Gelation, Protease inhibitor, Surimi


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    Objective evaluation of commercial spicy pollock roes was conducted. Ovary weight, ovary length, ovary membrane thickness, egg diameter, pH, color parameters, chemical composition, mechanical properties and protein composition were included in the evaluation items. The measurements of size, pH, color parameters, chemical composition and free amino acid may be not suitable for assessing the quality of commercial spicy pollock roe in the current industry, as they do not differ much between high-priced and low-priced products. However, we found that most of products showed significant differences in ovary hardness between them. Therefore, we propose the measurements of mechanical properties such as ovary hardness as objective quality assessing methods. Keywords: Alaska pollock roe ,Chemical composition, Ovary hardness


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    In this study, the effect of preparing conditions, such as protein concentrations and glycerol concentrations of film forming solution (FFS) on properties of gelatin film from horse mackerel scale were investigated. Properties of edible film from gelatin was extracted at 70oC for 1 h at various protein concentrations (1, 2, and 3%) in film-forming solution (FFS) were examined.. Films from FFS containing higher protein content showed the higher TS and EAB. WVP of film increased with increasing protein concentration of FFS. The study about the effect of glycerol in FFS on the film property showed that addition of glycerol as a plasticizer into FFS at the concentrations of 0, 10, 15, 20 and 25 % of protein lead to the decline of TS of gelatin film, while both EAB and WVP of film increased. The SDS-PAGE patterns showed that all gelatin films consisted of two different α chains, α1 and α2, as well as a β component and no differences in protein patterns among the protein concentrations and glycerol concentrations of FFS.Keywords: gelatin, films, horse mackerel, scales


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    Chicken egg white is generally used in the industry because of its excellent effect to improve physical property of surimi products. The effects of egg white are believed to be derived from its inhibitory activity on surimi endogenous proteases which reduce gel forming ability. However, there are no detailed investigations about inhibitory effects of egg white on the proteases. The effect of ovalbumin (OVA), which is the main protein of egg white, on trypsin activity was investigated in the present study. N-OVA was purified from fresh chicken egg white by ammonium sulfate fractionation and anion-exchange chromatography (Q-sepharose). S-OVA and I-OVA were prepared by heating N-OVA solution at pH10, 55°C for 24h and at 97°C for 30min (pH was not controlled) respectively. To investigate the effect of OVA on the trypsin activity, casein-trypsin mixture solution was heated with or without OVAs at 40°C and the content of peptide generated from casein was measured. SDS-PAGE of casein was also conducted. The amount of peptide from casein was decreased in the presence of OVAs, regardless of OVA types. SDS-PAGE showed all types of OVA inhibited casein degradation. Those suggest that all types of OVA have inhibitory effect on the trypsin activity. Keywords : Surimi, Ovalbumin, Proteases, Egg white

    Residual Catalatic Activity: a Rapid Screening Tool to Verify Cooking Temperature of Fish and Shellfish Meats

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    Inadequate cooking and improper holding times of processed foods are common causes of food-borne disease outbreaks, therefore, proper cooking is necessary to keep them sate for consumers. Residual catalytic activity test was employed to verify cooking adequacy of fish and shellfish meats between 60 and 90 `C with 5, 15 and 30 min holding times. The catalytic activity defined as the decomposition of H2O2 into H202 and O2, The enzyme catalase retained its full activity up to 66 0C in both fish and shellfish meats. This sensitive test was able to detect cooking temperatures of fish and shellfish meats up to 74 and 72 oC respectively, which are the recommended safe temperatures (USDA-FSIS, 2001). The method provides a rapid and simple means for verifving adequacy of heat-processing of fish and shellfish meats.Key words:. catalatic activity, cooking adequacy. Fish. shellfis

    Basic study of a diagnostic modality employing a new electrical impedance tomography (EIT) method for noninvasive measurement in localized tissue

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    The objective of this study is to develop a device for noninvasive local tissue electrical impedance tomography (EIT) using divided electrodes with guard electrodes and to validate its effectiveness using bioequivalent phantoms. For this purpose, we prepared a measurement device and bioequivalent phantoms, measured the electrical characteristics of the phantoms, and validated the method using the phantoms. Monolayer phantoms mimicking the brain and muscle and bilayer phantoms consisting of muscle and brain layers were prepared. The relative differences between the measured electrical conductivities of the monolayer brain and muscle phantoms and the true values determined by the 4-electrode method were both less than 10%. The relative differences between the measured and true values in the bilayer phantoms were less than 20% in both layers. The biological impedance measurement device that we developed was confirmed to be effective for impedance measurement in bilayer phantoms with different electrical impedances. To develop a device for the early diagnosis of breast diseases, the development of a multi-layer phantom and demonstration of the effectiveness of the device for its examination are necessary. If the device that we developed makes impedance measurement in breast tumors possible, it may be used as a new diagnostic modality for breast diseases

    Китаб Ибрагима Хосеневича из коллекции Национальной библиотеки Республики Беларусь как исторический источник : реферат к дипломной работе / Инна Чеславовна Кевра; БГУ, Исторический факультет, Кафедра источниковедения; науч. рук. Белявский А.М.

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    The construct of individualism–collectivism (IND-COL) has become the definitive standard in cross-cultural psychology, management, and related fields. It is also among the most controversial, in particular, with regard to the ambiguity of its dimensionality: Some view IND and COL as the opposites of a single continuum, whereas others argue that the two are independent constructs. We explored the issue through seven different tests using original individual-level data from 50 studies and meta-analytic data from 149 empirical publications yielding a total of 295 sample-level observations that were collected using six established instruments for assessing IND and COL as separate constructs. Results indicated that the dimensionality of IND-COL may depend on (a) the specific instrument used to collect the data, (b) the sample characteristics and the cultural region from which the data were collected, and (c) the level of analysis. We also review inconsistencies, deficiencies, and challenges of conceptualizing IND-COL and provide guidelines for developing and selecting instruments for measuring the construct, and for reporting and meta-analyzing results from this line of research


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    Strength–Durability Correlation of Osteosynthesis Devices Made by 3D Layer Manufacturing

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    To develop orthopedic implants that are optimized for each patient’s needs or skeletal structure (custom-made implants), evaluations of the bending strength, bending stiffness, and durability of various types of conventional osteosynthesis devices have become important. Four-point bending tests and compression bending tests of osteosynthesis devices (bone plates, intramedullary nail rods, spinal rods, compression hip screws (CHSs), short femoral nails, and metaphyseal plates) were carried out to measure their bending stiffness, bending strength, and durability. The bending stiffness of bone plates, intramedullary nails, spinal rods, CHSs, short femoral nails, and metaphyseal plates increased with increasing bending strength. The durability limit of various types of osteosynthesis devices linearly increased with increasing bending strength. The relationship (durability limit at 106 cycles) = 0.67 × (bending strength) (N·m) (R2 = 0.85) was obtained by regression. The relationship for the highly biocompatible Ti-15Zr-4Nb-4Ta alloy was also linear. The mechanical strength and ductility of specimens that were cut from various osteosynthesis devices were excellent and their microstructures consisted of fine structures, which were considered to be related to the excellent durability. These results are expected to be useful for the development of implants suitable for the skeletal structure of patients using three-dimensional (3D) layer manufacturing technologies