2,413 research outputs found

    5-dim Superconformal Index with Enhanced En Global Symmetry

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    The five-dimensional N=1\mathcal{N}=1 supersymmetric gauge theory with Sp(N) gauge group and SO(2N_f) flavor symmetry describes the physics on N D4-branes with NfN_f D8-branes on top of a single O8 orientifold plane in Type I' theory. This theory is known to be superconformal at the strong coupling limit with the enhanced global symmetry ENf+1E_{N_f+1} for Nf≀7N_f\le 7. In this work we calculate the superconformal index on S1Γ—S4S^1\times S^4 for the Sp(1) gauge theory by the localization method and confirm such enhancement of the global symmetry at the superconformal limit for Nf≀5N_f\le 5 to a few leading orders in the chemical potential. Both perturbative and (anti)instanton contributions are present in this calculation. For Nf=6,7N_f=6,7 cases some issues related the pole structure of the instanton calculation could not be resolved and here we could provide only some suggestive answer for the leading contributions to the index. For the Sp(N) case, similar issues related to the pole structure appear.Comment: 70 pages, references added, published versio

    Hour-glass magnetic spectrum in an insulating, hole-doped antiferromagnet

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    Superconductivity in layered copper-oxide compounds emerges when charge carriers are added to antiferromagnetically-ordered CuO2 layers. The carriers destroy the antiferromagnetic order, but strong spin fluctuations persist throughout the superconducting phase and are intimately linked to super-conductivity. Neutron scattering measurements of spin fluctuations in hole-doped copper oxides have revealed an unusual `hour-glass' feature in the momentum-resolved magnetic spectrum, present in a wide range of superconducting and non-superconducting materials. There is no widely-accepted explanation for this feature. One possibility is that it derives from a pattern of alternating spin and charge stripes, an idea supported by measurements on stripe-ordered La1.875Ba0.125CuO4. However, many copper oxides without stripe order also exhibit an hour-glass spectrum$. Here we report the observation of an hour-glass magnetic spectrum in a hole-doped antiferromagnet from outside the family of superconducting copper oxides. Our system has stripe correlations and is an insulator, which means its magnetic dynamics can conclusively be ascribed to stripes. The results provide compelling evidence that the hour-glass spectrum in the copper-oxide superconductors arises from fluctuating stripes.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Natur

    Local antiferromagnetic exchange and collaborative Fermi surface as key ingredients of high temperature superconductors

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    Cuprates, ferropnictides and ferrochalcogenides are three classes of unconventional high-temperature superconductors, who share similar phase diagrams in which superconductivity develops after a magnetic order is suppressed, suggesting a strong interplay between superconductivity and magnetism, although the exact picture of this interplay remains elusive. Here we show that there is a direct bridge connecting antiferromagnetic exchange interactions determined in the parent compounds of these materials to the superconducting gap functions observed in the corresponding superconducting materials. High superconducting transition temperature is achieved when the Fermi surface topology matches the form factor of the pairing symmetry favored by local magnetic exchange interactions. Our result offers a principle guide to search for new high temperature superconductors.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, 1 supplementary materia

    A massive, quiescent galaxy at redshift of z=3.717

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    In the early Universe finding massive galaxies that have stopped forming stars present an observational challenge as their rest-frame ultraviolet emission is negligible and they can only be reliably identified by extremely deep near-infrared surveys. These have revealed the presence of massive, quiescent early-type galaxies appearing in the universe as early as z∼\sim2, an epoch 3 Gyr after the Big Bang. Their age and formation processes have now been explained by an improved generation of galaxy formation models where they form rapidly at z∼\sim3-4, consistent with the typical masses and ages derived from their observations. Deeper surveys have now reported evidence for populations of massive, quiescent galaxies at even higher redshifts and earlier times, however the evidence for their existence, and redshift, has relied entirely on coarsely sampled photometry. These early massive, quiescent galaxies are not predicted by the latest generation of theoretical models. Here, we report the spectroscopic confirmation of one of these galaxies at redshift z=3.717 with a stellar mass of 1.7Γ—\times1011^{11} MβŠ™_\odot whose absorption line spectrum shows no current star-formation and which has a derived age of nearly half the age of the Universe at this redshift. The observations demonstrates that the galaxy must have quickly formed the majority of its stars within the first billion years of cosmic history in an extreme and short starburst. This ancestral event is similar to those starting to be found by sub-mm wavelength surveys pointing to a possible connection between these two populations. Early formation of such massive systems is likely to require significant revisions to our picture of early galaxy assembly.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. This is the final preprint corresponding closely to the published version. Uploaded 6 months after publication in accordance with Nature polic

    Normal-State Spin Dynamics and Temperature-Dependent Spin Resonance Energy in an Optimally Doped Iron Arsenide Superconductor

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    The proximity of superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in the phase diagram of iron arsenides, the apparently weak electron-phonon coupling and the "resonance peak" in the superconducting spin excitation spectrum have fostered the hypothesis of magnetically mediated Cooper pairing. However, since most theories of superconductivity are based on a pairing boson of sufficient spectral weight in the normal state, detailed knowledge of the spin excitation spectrum above the superconducting transition temperature Tc is required to assess the viability of this hypothesis. Using inelastic neutron scattering we have studied the spin excitations in optimally doped BaFe1.85Co0.15As2 (Tc = 25 K) over a wide range of temperatures and energies. We present the results in absolute units and find that the normal state spectrum carries a weight comparable to underdoped cuprates. In contrast to cuprates, however, the spectrum agrees well with predictions of the theory of nearly antiferromagnetic metals, without complications arising from a pseudogap or competing incommensurate spin-modulated phases. We also show that the temperature evolution of the resonance energy follows the superconducting energy gap, as expected from conventional Fermi-liquid approaches. Our observations point to a surprisingly simple theoretical description of the spin dynamics in the iron arsenides and provide a solid foundation for models of magnetically mediated superconductivity.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, and an animatio

    Multiple shifts and fractional integration in the us and uk unemployment rates

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    This paper analyses the long-run behaviour of the US and UK unemployment rates by testing for possibly fractional orders of integration and multiple shifts using a sample of over 100 annual observations. The results show that the orders of integration are higher than 0 in both series, which implies long memory. If we assume that the underlying disturbances are white noise, the values are higher than 0.5, i.e., nonstationary. However, if the disturbances are autocorrelated, the orders of integration are in the interval (0, 0.5), implying stationarity and mean-reverting behaviour. Moreover, when multiple shifts are taken into account, unemployment is more persistent in the US than in the UK, implying the need for stronger policy action in the former to bring unemployment back to its original level
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