140 research outputs found

    Точки, прямі, площини,....аксіоми і теореми: введення в евклідову геометрію

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    Посилаючись на поняття математичної структури, доповнено істинно важливими аспектами, роз’яснено схему розбудови теорії евклідової геометрії на основі аксіоматики 0.В. Погорєлова, розкрито науковий стиль подання системи аксіом, продемонстровано методичні особливості строго логічного наповнення підручника фактами

    Performance analysis of polling systems with retrials and glue periods

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    We consider gated polling systems with two special features: (i) retrials, and (ii) glue or reservation periods. When a type-ii customer arrives, or retries, during a glue period of station ii, it will be served in the next visit period of the server to that station. Customers arriving at station ii in any other period join the orbit of that station and retry after an exponentially distributed time. Such polling systems can be used to study the performance of certain switches in optical communication systems. For the case of exponentially distributed glue periods, we present an algorithm to obtain the moments of the number of customers in each station. For generally distributed glue periods, we consider the distribution of the total workload in the system, using it to derive a pseudo conservation law which in its turn is used to obtain accurate approximations of the individual mean waiting times. We also consider the problem of choosing the lengths of the glue periods, under a constraint on the total glue period per cycle, so as to minimize a weighted sum of the mean waiting times

    System occupancy of a two-class batch-service queue with class-dependent variable server capacity

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    Due to their wide area of applications, queueing models with batch service, where the server can process several customers simultaneously, have been studied frequently. An important characteristic of such batch-service systems is the size of a batch, that is the number of customers that are processed simultaneously. In this paper, we analyse a two-class batch-service queueing model with variable server capacity, where all customers are accommodated in a common first-come-first served single-server queue. The server can only process customers that belong to the same class, so that the size of a batch is determined by the number of consecutive same-class customers. After establishing the system equations that govern the system behaviour, we deduce an expression for the steady-state probability generating function of the system occupancy at random slot boundaries. Also, some numerical examples are given that provide further insight in the impact of the different parameters on the system performance

    A fluid model for a relay node in an ad-hoc network: the case of heavy-tailed input

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    Relay nodes in an ad hoc network can be modelled as fluid queues, in which the available service capacity is shared by the input and output. In this paper such a relay node is considered; jobs arrive according to a Poisson process and bring along a random amount of work. The total transmission capacity is fairly shared, meaning that, when n jobs are present, each job transmits traffic into the queue at rate 1/(n + 1) while the queue is drained at the same rate of 1/(n + 1). Where previous studies mainly concentrated on the case of exponentially distributed job sizes, the present paper addresses regularly varying jobs. The focus lies on the tail asymptotics of the sojourn time S. Using sample-path arguments, it is proven that P {S > x} behaves roughly as the residual job size, i.e., if the job sizes are regularly varying of index -nu, the tail of S is regularly varying of index 1 - nu. In addition, we address the tail asymptotics of other performance metrics, such as the workload in the queue, the flow transfer time and the queueing delay

    Iterative approximation of k-limited polling systems

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    The present paper deals with the problem of calculating queue length distributions in a polling model with (exhaustive) k-limited service under the assumption of general arrival, service and setup distributions. The interest for this model is fueled by an application in the field of logistics. Knowledge of the queue length distributions is needed to operate the system properly. The multi-queue polling system is decomposed into single-queue vacation systems with k-limited service and state-dependent vacations, for which the vacation distributions are computed in an iterative approximate manner. These vacation models are analyzed via matrix-analytic techniques. The accuracy of the approximation scheme is verified by means of an extensive simulation study. The developed approximation turns out be accurate, robust and computationally efficient