473 research outputs found

    Impact of Land Use Changes on Soil Quality of a Biosphere Reserve in Southwestern Nigeria

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    Many primary forests in the tropical regions of the world have been converted into degraded secondary or intensively used agricultural areas. Using the Spatial Analogue technique of studying ecosystem dynamics, soil impact of deforestation and conversion was evaluated by comparing soil properties under the natural forest, secondary regrowth of a logged-over forest, monoculture plantation of Cedrela odorata (Linn), and maize/cassava farm at 0 10, 10 20 and 20 30cm soil depths. % sand decreased with soil depth in all the land use types and was significantly different between the natural forest and each of the logged-over forest regrowth, monoculture plantation and farmland except at 0 10cm depth. % Clay increased with soil depth but did not vary significantly among land use types except at 20 30cm depth. Available phosphorus decreased gradually with soil depth in all land use types with the natural forest and farmland having the highest and lowest mean values respectively. Organic matter varied significantly between each of the natural forest, logged-over forest regrowth and monoculture plantation, with the farmland at the three soil depths. Total nitrogen was generally low in all land use types, though, the natural forest compared better than the others. Soil pH, calcium, magnesium, effective cation exchange capacity, and percentage base saturation decreased with soil depth in all land use types with the natural forest having higher mean values than the others. Indices of change computed for organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, effective cation exchange capacity and percentage base saturation, showed that soil management in the introduced land use types, is tending away from sustainability. Inter-cropping with nutrient-regenerating agroforestry trees on the farmland and the use of low-impact logging techniques are suggested for soil conservation

    Finite Temperature Aging Holography

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    We construct the gravity background which describes the dual field theory with aging invariance. We choose the decay modes of the bulk scalar field in the internal spectator direction to obtain the dissipative behavior of the boundary correlation functions of the dual scalar fields. In particular, the two-time correlation function at zero temperature has the characteristic features of the aging system: power law decay, broken time translation and dynamical scaling. We also construct the black hole backgrounds with asymptotic aging invariance. We extensively study characteristic behavior of the finite temperature two-point correlation function via analytic and numerical methods.Comment: 38 pages and 5 figures, expanded discussions on correlator, one mistake is fixed, modified discussion on shear viscosity, to appear in JHE

    A human cancer-associated truncation of MBD4 causes dominant negative impairment of DNA repair in colon cancer cells

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    MBD4 binds to methylated DNA and acts as a thymine DNA glycosylase in base excision repair. Deficiency of MBD4 in mice enhances mutation at CpG sites and alters apoptosis in response to DNA damage, but does not increase tumorigenesis in mismatch repair-deficient mice. However, in humans, frameshift mutation of MBD4, rather than deletion, is what occurs in up to 43% of microsatellite unstable colon cancers. There is no murine equivalent of this mutation. We now show that recombinant truncated MBD4 (MBD4tru) inhibits glycosylase activities of normal MBD4 or Uracil DNA glycosylase in cell-free assays as a dominant negative effect. Furthermore, overexpression of MBD4tru in Big Blue (lacI)-transfected, MSI human colorectal carcinoma cells doubled mutation frequency, indicating that the modest dominant negative effect on DNA repair can occur in living cells in short-term experiments. Intriguingly, the whole mutation spectrum was increased, not only at CpG sites, suggesting that truncated MBD4 has a more widespread effect on genomic stability. This demonstration of a dominant negative effect may be of significance in tumour progression and acquisition of drug resistance

    Degenerate Rotating Black Holes, Chiral CFTs and Fermi Surfaces I - Analytic Results for Quasinormal Modes

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    In this work we discuss charged rotating black holes in AdS5×S5AdS_5 \times S^5 that degenerate to extremal black holes with zero entropy. These black holes have scaling properties between charge and angular momentum similar to those of Fermi surface operators in a subsector of N=4\mathcal{N}=4 SYM. We add a massless uncharged scalar to the five dimensional supergravity theory, such that it still forms a consistent truncation of the type IIB ten dimensional supergravity and analyze its quasinormal modes. Separating the equation of motion to a radial and angular part, we proceed to solve the radial equation using the asymptotic matching expansion method applied to a Heun equation with two nearby singularities. We use the continued fraction method for the angular Heun equation and obtain numerical results for the quasinormal modes. In the case of the supersymmetric black hole we present some analytic results for the decay rates of the scalar perturbations. The spectrum of quasinormal modes obtained is similar to that of a chiral 1+1 CFT, which is consistent with the conjectured field-theoretic dual. In addition, some of the modes can be found analytically.Comment: 41 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX; v2: typos corrected, references adde

    Schr\"odinger Holography with and without Hyperscaling Violation

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    We study the properties of the Schr\"odinger-type non-relativistic holography for general dynamical exponent z with and without hyperscaling violation exponent \theta. The scalar correlation function has a more general form due to general z as well as the presence of \theta, whose effects also modify the scaling dimension of the scalar operator. We propose a prescription for minimal surfaces of this "codimension 2 holography," and demonstrate the (d-1) dimensional area law for the entanglement entropy from (d+3) dimensional Schr\"odinger backgrounds. Surprisingly, the area law is violated for d+1 < z < d+2, even without hyperscaling violation, which interpolates between the logarithmic violation and extensive volume dependence of entanglement entropy. Similar violations are also found in the presence of the hyperscaling violation. Their dual field theories are expected to have novel phases for the parameter range, including Fermi surface. We also analyze string theory embeddings using non-relativistic branes.Comment: 62 pages and 6 figures, v2: several typos in section 5 corrected, references added, v3: typos corrected, references added, published versio

    Kerr/CFT, dipole theories and nonrelativistic CFTs

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    We study solutions of type IIB supergravity which are SL(2,R) x SU(2) x U(1)^2 invariant deformations of AdS_3 x S^3 x K3 and take the form of products of self-dual spacelike warped AdS_3 and a deformed three-sphere. One of these backgrounds has been recently argued to be relevant for a derivation of Kerr/CFT from string theory, whereas the remaining ones are holographic duals of two-dimensional dipole theories and their S-duals. We show that each of these backgrounds is holographically dual to a deformation of the DLCQ of the D1-D5 CFT by a specific supersymmetric (1,2) operator, which we write down explicitly in terms of twist operators at the free orbifold point. The deforming operator is argued to be exactly marginal with respect to the zero-dimensional nonrelativistic conformal (or Schroedinger) group - which is simply SL(2,R)_L x U(1)_R. Moreover, in the supergravity limit of large N and strong coupling, no other single-trace operators are turned on. We thus propose that the field theory duals to the backgrounds of interest are nonrelativistic CFTs defined by adding the single Schroedinger-invariant (1,2) operator mentioned above to the original CFT action. Our analysis indicates that the rotating extremal black holes we study are best thought of as finite right-moving temperature (non-supersymmetric) states in the above-defined supersymmetric nonrelativistic CFT and hints towards a more general connection between Kerr/CFT and two-dimensional non-relativistic CFTs.Comment: 48+8 pages, 4 figures; minor corrections and references adde

    Anomaly Equations and Intersection Theory

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    Six-dimensional supergravity theories with N=(1,0) supersymmetry must satisfy anomaly equations. These equations come from demanding the cancellation of gravitational, gauge and mixed anomalies. The anomaly equations have implications for the geometrical data of Calabi-Yau threefolds, since F-theory compactified on an elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau threefold with a section generates a consistent six-dimensional N=(1,0) supergravity theory. In this paper, we show that the anomaly equations can be summarized by three intersection theory identities. In the process we also identify the geometric counterpart of the anomaly coefficients---in particular, those of the abelian gauge groups---that govern the low-energy dynamics of the theory. We discuss the results in the context of investigating string universality in six dimensions.Comment: 29 pages + appendices, 8 figures; v2: minor corrections, references added; v3: minor corrections, reference adde

    Oestradiol-17β plasma concentrations after intramuscular injection of oestradiol benzoate or oestradiol cypionate in llamas (Lama glama)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Llamas (<it>Lama glama</it>) are induced ovulators and the process of ovulation depends on dominant follicular size. In addition, a close relationship between behavioural estrus and ovulation is not registered in llamas. Therefore, the exogenous control of follicular development with hormones aims to predict the optimal time to mate. Oestradiol-17β (E<sub>2</sub>) and its esters are currently used in domestic species, including camelids, in synchronization treatments. But, in llamas, there is no reports regarding the appropriate dosages to be used and most protocols have been designed by extrapolation from those recommended for other ruminants. The aim of the present study was to characterize plasma E<sub>2 </sub>concentrations in intact female llamas following a single intramuscular (i.m.) injection of two oestradiol esters: oestradiol benzoate (EB) and oestradiol cypionate (ECP).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twelve non pregnant and non lactating sexually mature llamas were i.m. injected on day 0 with 2.5 mg of EB (EB group, n = 6) or ECP (ECP group, n = 6). Blood samples were collected immediately before injection, at 1, 6, 12, 24 h after treatment and then daily until day 14 post injection. Changes in hormone concentrations with time were analyzed in each group by analysis of variance (ANOVA) using a repeated measures (within-SS) design. Plasma E<sub>2 </sub>concentrations and area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) values were compared between groups by ANOVA. In all cases a Least-Significant Difference test (LSD) was used to determine differences between means. Hormonal and AUC data are expressed as mean ± S.E.M.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Peak plasma E<sub>2 </sub>concentrations were achieved earlier and were higher in EB group than in ECP group. Thereafter, E<sub>2 </sub>returned to physiological concentrations earlier in EB group (day 5) than in ECP group (day 9). Although plasma E<sub>2 </sub>profiles differed over time among groups there were no differences between them on AUC values.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The i.m. injection of a single dose of both oestradiol esters resulted in plasma E<sub>2 </sub>concentrations exceeding physiological values for a variable period. Moreover, the plasma E<sub>2 </sub>profiles observed depended on the derivative of oestradiol administered. This basic information becomes relevant at defining treatment protocols including oestrogens in llamas.</p

    Pediatric Bacterial Meningitis Surveillance in Nigeria From 2010 to 2016, Prior to and During the Phased Introduction of the 10-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine

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    Background: Historically, Nigeria has experienced large bacterial meningitis outbreaks with high mortality in children. Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus), Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus), and Haemophilus influenzae are major causes of this invasive disease. In collaboration with the World Health Organization, we conducted longitudinal surveillance in sentinel hospitals within Nigeria to establish the burden of pediatric bacterial meningitis (PBM). Methods: From 2010 to 2016, cerebrospinal fluid was collected from children <5 years of age, admitted to 5 sentinel hospitals in 5 Nigerian states. Microbiological and latex agglutination techniques were performed to detect the presence of pneumococcus, meningococcus, and H. influenzae. Species-specific polymerase chain reaction and serotyping/grouping were conducted to determine specific causative agents of PBM. Results: A total of 5134 children with suspected meningitis were enrolled at the participating hospitals; of these 153 (2.9%) were confirmed PBM cases. The mortality rate for those infected was 15.0% (23/153). The dominant pathogen was pneumococcus (46.4%: 71/153) followed by meningococcus (34.6%: 53/153) and H. influenzae (19.0%: 29/153). Nearly half the pneumococcal meningitis cases successfully serotyped (46.4%: 13/28) were caused by serotypes that are included in the 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. The most prevalent meningococcal and H. influenzae strains were serogroup W and serotype b, respectively. Conclusions: Vaccine-type bacterial meningitis continues to be common among children <5 years in Nigeria. Challenges with vaccine introduction and coverage may explain some of these finding. Continued surveillance is needed to determine the distribution of serotypes/groups of meningeal pathogens across Nigeria and help inform and sustain vaccination policies in the countr