9 research outputs found

    Bullying y Convivencia escolar en los estudiantes del 6to grado de primaria de un colegio Nacional de Jaén, Cajamarca, 2020.

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    Actualmente, a nivel mundial el Bullying está clasificado como una problemática de salud pública, que continúa deteriorando emocionalmente a los estudiantes, siendo imprescindible valorar e identificar conductas de violencia dentro de las aulas, y donde padres, maestros y educandos, deberán crear y compartir una cultura de convivencia en valores humanos. El Objetivo determinar el nivel de correlación de las variables Bullying y Convivencia en escolares del 6° de primaria, de un colegio nacional de Jaén, Cajamarca. La Metodología utilizada fue de corte transversal, no experimental, correlacional, cuantitativa. La Población estuvo compuesta por 60 escolares pertenecientes al 6to grado de primaria. Instrumentos: Se aplicó dos instrumentos: El Bullying que consignó 4 dimensiones: física, verbal, social, psicológica, con 56 preguntas y la Escala de Convivencia escolar que consignó 3 dimensiones: normas de convivencia, comunicación y relaciones interpersonales, con 37 preguntas; ambos instrumentos con una escala de Likert, fueron validados por 5 expertos, logrando una fiabilidad de A. de Cronbach 0.82 y 0.79 respectivamente. En referencia a Resultados, las evidencias encontraron una relación inversa débil en la variable Bullying y las dimensiones consideradas en el estudio para la variable Convivencia escolar. Conclusiones: Las autoridades educativas deberán considerar la necesidad de seguimiento y control para identificar conductas de violencia, entre los escolares dentro y fuera del aula, continuar aplicando estrategias educativas a partir del diálogo y el acatamiento de las normas de convivencia, con la finalidad de corregir las inequívocas relaciones interpersonales que se generan entre escolares, lo que permitirá elevar el potencial de su desarrollo personal, socioemocional y su calidad de vida

    Hábitos de estudio y aprendizaje significativo en universitarios de una institución privada de Lima Este, 2022

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    El presente estudio planteó como objetivo general determinar la relación entre los hábitos de estudio y el aprendizaje significativo en universitarios de una institución privada de Lima Este, 2022 La metodología empleada fue básica, con un enfoque cuantitativo, nivel descriptivocorrelacional, diseño no experimental, de corte transversal. La población fue de 174 universitarios de posgrado, se aplicó un muestreo aleatorio simple, la técnica que se empleó fue la encuesta y el instrumento el cuestionario, que se elaboró considerando las variables del estudio y la realidad actual; validado por 4 jueces expertos y se utilizó en la muestra de 120 universitarios, luego sometido a prueba estadística KR-20, alcanzando ambos alta confiabilidad 0.7, y el análisis de proceso de los datos se efectuó mediante el Microsoft Excel y SPSS v-25. Los resultados corroboraron un moderado coeficiente de correlación entre las variables, alcanzando un Rho de Spearman=0,57, un nivel de significativa 0,01 (bilateral), asimismo, la dimensión forma de estudio alcanzó (0,572), resolución de tareas (0,537), preparación de exámenes (0,614), forma de escuchar las clases (0,596), acompañamiento al estudio (0,582). Concluyendo que, si hay directa y significativa relación entre las variables analizadas, evidenciando que, a mayores hábitos de estudio, mejores índices de aprendizaje significativo

    Bullying y autoestima de adolescentes en el nivel secundaria de un colegio público, Lima

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    Objetivo: Determinar las asociaciones entre el bullying y la autoestima en los estudiantes. Metodología: Se tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, causal, de corte transversal y de diseño no experimental. Se encuestó a una muestra de 292 estudiantes, mediante dos cuestionarios para medir el bullying y la autoestima. Los resultados se clasificaron independientemente mediante un clúster jerárquico. Las pruebas inferenciales se realizaron con la prueba de Chi cuadrado. Resultados:  Se determinó una asociación significativa entre el bullying y la autoestima, observándose esta misma tendencia en tres de las cinco áreas evaluadas. Conclusión: La asociación entre las variables ratifican la necesidad de aplicar acciones preventivas, involucrando a todos los actores para reconocer y evitar todas las formas de bullying dentro y fuera del aula Fortaleciendo la autoestima e incrementando buenas prácticas de convivencia que permitan el desarrollo personal y las potencialidades de los estudiantes

    Mental Health Projects for University Students: A Systematic Review of the Scientific Literature Available in Portuguese, English, and Spanish

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    The mental health of college students has been the source of research, projects, and public policies involving education, health, and psychology professionals. Having as its axis the study of mental health and the phenomenon of psychological illness, this systematic review aims to characterize mental health programs directed to college students, as well as the forms of interventions offered to reduce the incidence of psychological disorders. From the proposal, a survey was conducted in the databases Scopus, Lilacs, and the repository Alicia, in the period between 2010 and 2021, choosing the search phrase “Programas de saúde mental para universitários” in Portuguese, “Mental health projects for university students” in English, and “Proyectos en salud mental para estudiantes universitarios” in Spanish. The research areas spanned humanities and social sciences, with peer-reviewed and open access articles. The questions that instigated the study were as follows: What are the mental health problems affecting college students? What type of strategy has been adopted to map the demands of university students in relation to mental illness? How can the university space reorganize itself to work on interventional-preventive aspects, according to the studies? Initially, 740 203 articles were obtained, and after sifting through 13 productions, using the PRISMA systematization. Despite several research interrelating mental health and university space, most were dedicated to data collection, using questionnaires, inventories, and scales, standardized and non-standardized. Only three studies described intervention projects and programs to reduce the problems of psychological distress in college students. Unanimously, the investigations emphasize the need for monitoring the higher education population regarding mental health and, in parallel, the implementation of institutional public policies to meet the students' demands and reduce the rates of problems in the educational field

    Educational policies in response to the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus in Latin America: An integrative documentary review

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    Educational policies in the face of the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus took an unexpected turn in Latin America. Virtuality constituted a key opportunity for the continuity of basic fundamental services in the citizen’s right to education. The objective of this research was to analyze the educational public policies adopted by governments in Latin America in the face of the pandemic. The methodology was an integrative documentary review of the main international organizations whose documents provided relevant information on the actions to be implemented in fourteen Latin American countries. The results obtained show that the priority was to reestablish the continuity of educational services using mass communication resources, such as radio, television, digital platforms, making visible the inequity in the access to the Internet at home. It was also identified a deficiency in the competencies and digital resources of the educational community, dis-crimination and inclusion of people with some type of disability or different languages, especially in urban or rural areas because they do not have technological means. It was concluded that the educational policies in Latin America proposed during the COVID-19 period were designed with-out a real situational diagnosis in each country, to meet the demands of urban and rural areas in an equitable manner with the will of governments, providing budgets and resources that benefit the educational community, as an achievement of state policies

    University teachers' self-perception of digital research competencies. A qualitative study conducted in Peru

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    Previous research warns about the limitations that some university teachers in Ibero-America have in relation to digital research competencies. The objective of this research was to analyze the research competencies from the university teacher's self-perception, contrasted with the classroom evaluation. The study had a qualitative approach. Interviews were conducted via the Zoom virtual platform, and recordings (of an average of 4 h each) of classes delivered by 10 teachers with an average age of 58 years old, in charge of scientific research courses at the postgraduate level in Peruvian universities were analyzed. The instruments used included an in-depth interview guide and a checklist. The results show that university teachers perceive themselves as specialists in the area of research, however, they present limitations when transmitting knowledge during the teaching-learning process. There is evidence of a lack of pedagogy, as well as limitations in the use of digital resources and technological tools due to their resistance to change. The conclusions reveal that it is key to make teachers aware of the paradigm shift, with a teaching that includes as digital competencies: knowing how to create and manipulate data, knowing how to use programs and information systems, knowing how to socialize and collaborate in digital environments, knowing how to exercise and respect a digital citizenship, knowing how to manage knowledge assertively, and, as we propose in this paper, knowing how to be a researcher in a digital environment

    Data_Sheet_1_University teachers' self-perception of digital research competencies. A qualitative study conducted in Peru.docx

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    Previous research warns about the limitations that some university teachers in Ibero-America have in relation to digital research competencies. The objective of this research was to analyze the research competencies from the university teacher's self-perception, contrasted with the classroom evaluation. The study had a qualitative approach. Interviews were conducted via the Zoom virtual platform, and recordings (of an average of 4 h each) of classes delivered by 10 teachers with an average age of 58 years old, in charge of scientific research courses at the postgraduate level in Peruvian universities were analyzed. The instruments used included an in-depth interview guide and a checklist. The results show that university teachers perceive themselves as specialists in the area of research, however, they present limitations when transmitting knowledge during the teaching-learning process. There is evidence of a lack of pedagogy, as well as limitations in the use of digital resources and technological tools due to their resistance to change. The conclusions reveal that it is key to make teachers aware of the paradigm shift, with a teaching that includes as digital competencies: knowing how to create and manipulate data, knowing how to use programs and information systems, knowing how to socialize and collaborate in digital environments, knowing how to exercise and respect a digital citizenship, knowing how to manage knowledge assertively, and, as we propose in this paper, knowing how to be a researcher in a digital environment.</p