66 research outputs found

    Bondar-Pidhurska O.V., Karangwa Charles. Consumer behavior as a basis formation of main trends of innovative activity development of machine-building enterprises. Актуальні тенденції наукових досліджень у сфері розробки і використання моделей економічної поведінки суб’єктів господарювання: збірник тез доповідей Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції здобувачів вищої освіти і молодих учених (6-7 грудня 2021 року, м. Дніпро). Дніпро: УДУНТ, ІПБТ, 2021. 221 с. С. 219-220.

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    Strengthening the role of socio-psychological aspects of the development of innovation is now becoming an important area of behavioral economics and requires additional research results. Today, the basis for the formation of the main trends in the development of innovation in any industry are the needs, desires and requirements of consumers. Therefore, during the study of machine-building enterprises (in particular, vehicles) it is necessary to focus on their capabilities in changing jobs and leisure; travel planning and coordination, enjoyment or whites of movement; improvement of cars for the disabled; take into account the experience of being behind the wheel of a driver. Thus, the implementation of the concept of sustainable development of the XXI century in all socially oriented countries requires taking into account consumer behavior in the management of innovation and increase its efficiency in the automotive industry as one of the basic sectors of the national econom.The selected trends, which are based on the desire of consumers to feel comfortable, should be taken into account when developing and implementing strategies and models of behavior of mechanical engineering enterprises, in particular when managing their innovation activities.

    Bondar-Pidhurska O.V., Karangwa Charles. Socio-psychological aspects of innovation management of automotive companies: the main trends. «Сучасний менеджмент: тенденції, проблеми та перспективи розвитку»: матеріали VІІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (м. Дніпро, 3 грудня 2021 р.) Дніпро: Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля, 2021. 262 с. С.109-110.

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    During the implementation of the goals of sustainable development of the XXI century, the issues of intensification of innovation and improving the efficiency of its management in the automotive industry as one of the basic sectors of the national economy become especially relevant. In addition, strengthening the role of socio-psychological aspects as a direction of behavioral economics now requires additional research results. The main desires of consumers are the basis for the formation of basic trends in the industry, which must be taken into account when managing innovation activities of enterprises. Therefore, it is worth focusing on how autonomous vehicles can change opportunities for work and leisure; how to plan and coordinate travel, sensual pleasures and pain from movement; take into account the experience of joint presence behind the wheel; improving cars for the disabledThese trends should be taken into account in the management of innovation activities of machine-building enterprises, in particular at the stage of basic research and commercialization, as well as in the development and use of models of behavior of economic entities.

    Effect of Cyclic Martensitic γ-ε-γ Transformations on Diffusion Characteristics of Carbon in an Iron–Manganese Alloy

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    Carbon-diffusion characteristics in metastable Г18C2 iron–manganese alloy after the cyclic γ-ε-γ (f.c.c.–h.c.p.–f.c.c.) martensitic transitions were investigated using the radioactive-isotope method. As shown, the process of carbon transport acceleration in the alloy phase-hardened by means of the γ-ε-γ transformations was caused by two independent mechanisms.Методом радиоактивных изотопов исследованы диффузионные характеристики углерода в метастабильном железомарганцевом сплаве Г18С2, наклёпанном циклическими мартенситными превращениями γ-ε-γ (ГЦК–ГПУ–ГЦК).Методою радіоактивних ізотопів досліджено дифузійні характеристики Карбону у метастабільному залізоманґановому стопі Г18С2, наклепаному циклічними мартенситними перетвореннями γ-ε-γ (ГЦК–ГЩП–ГЦК)


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    Innovation is a tool to increase the competitiveness of corporations in the format of the neo-industrial economy, which creates the necessary conditions for achieving the goals of sustainable development of the 21st century. This will make future generations more progressive than they are today.Bondar-Pidgurska O.V., Karangwa Charles, Kalu Robinson Abuchi. Innovative activity as a tool to increase the competitiveness of corporations in conditions non-industrial economy. Інноваційний розвиток та безпека підприємств в умовах неоіндустріального суспільства: матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції учнів, студентів, аспірантів і молодих вчених (27 жовтня 2020 року, м. Луцьк). С. 40-4

    Ion Recrystallization and Spheroidization in Amorphous AlN-TiB2-TiSi2 as a Result of Annealing and Subsequent Implantation by Negative ion Au –

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    This paper presents new results on investigation of the influence of Au- negative ion beam implantation and thermal annealing under 900 °C and 1300 °C on structure and characteristics of AlN-TiB2-TiSi2 coatings prepared by magnetron sputtering. Using scanning electron microscope (SEM) with microanalysis (EDS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-Ray diffraction (XRD), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) investigated the crystal structure, surface topography, microstructure were characterized

    Physical and Mechanical Properties of (Ti-Zr-Nb)N Coatings, Fabricated by Vacuum-Arc Deposition

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    The coatings based on (Ti-Zr-Nb)N were fabricated by vacuum-arc deposition of the Ti+Zr+Nb cathodes in the nitrogen atmosphere. Their physical and mechanical properties as well as tribological characteristics have been studied. The coatings are characterized by a columnar structure, their hardness reaches 44.57 GPa. The adhesion strength of coatings reaches 66.77 GPa, the friction coefficient of the «cover – Al2O3» is 1.1. It has been determined, that the hardness of the investigated coatings significantly depends on the pressure of the reaction gas. The coatings are promising as protective coatings for friction pairs and cutting tools

    Physical and Mechanical Properties of (Ti-Zr-Nb)N Coatings, Fabricated by Vacuum-Arc Deposition

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    The coatings based on (Ti-Zr-Nb)N were fabricated by vacuum-arc deposition of the Ti+Zr+Nb cathodes in the nitrogen atmosphere. Their physical and mechanical properties as well as tribological characteristics have been studied. The coatings are characterized by a columnar structure, their hardness reaches 44.57 GPa. The adhesion strength of coatings reaches 66.77 GPa, the friction coefficient of the «cover – Al2O3» is 1.1. It has been determined, that the hardness of the investigated coatings significantly depends on the pressure of the reaction gas. The coatings are promising as protective coatings for friction pairs and cutting tools

    3-year experience of hyperthermic intravesical chemotherapy use in patients with high risk nonmuscular-invasive bladder cancer

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    Cur rently, the search for additional organ-sparing methods of intravesical therapy for non-muscular-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) is actively continuing, which could become an effective alternative to standard treatment using the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine. The aim of this work was to analyze the safety profile and long-term results of treatment of patients with the high-risk non-muscular-invasive bladder cancer who received adjuvant intravesical chemotherapy using the Combat BRS HIVEC® device for local hyperthermia (HIVEC® therapy group; n=53) in comparison with patients who received adjuvant therapy after transurethral resection of bladder performed with the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine (BCG therapy group; n=54). As a result, the median follow-up was 30 months (range 7-36). According to Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) v 5.0, the most relevant side effects in HIVEC®/BCG therapy groups were adverse events grade 1-2: fever – 1%/8%; dysuria – 9%/13%; bladder spasms – 7%/12%; hematuria – 3%/4% and urinary tract infection – 3%/10%. Tumor recurrence was reported in 23 patients receiving intravesical BCG therapy and in 10 patients receiving intravesical hyperthermic chemotherapy (42.6% versus 18.9%, p=0.008). Tumor progression was recorded in 11 patients receiving intravesical BCG therapy and in 4 patients receiving intravesical hyperthermic chemotherapy (20.4% versus 7.5%, p=0.046). The study allows us to conclude that the method of hyperthermic intravesical chemotherapy has a better safety profile compared to intravesical Bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccine therapy, while such indicators of oncological efficacy as 3-year recurrence-free survival and the incidence of progression were better in the HIVEC® therapy group

    3-year experience of hyperthermic intravesical chemotherapy use in patients with high risk non-muscular-invasive bladder cancer

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    Cur   rently, the search for additional organ-sparing methods of intravesical therapy for non-muscular-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) is actively continuing, which could become an effective alternative to standard treatment using the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine. The aim of this work was to analyze the safety profile and long-term results of treatment of patients with the high-risk non-muscular-invasive bladder cancer who received adjuvant intravesical chemotherapy using the Combat BRS HIVEC® device for local hyperthermia (HIVEC® therapy group; n=53) in comparison with patients who received adjuvant therapy after transurethral resection of bladder performed with the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine (BCG therapy group; n=54). As a result, the median follow-up was 30 months (range 7-36). According to Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) v 5.0, the most relevant side effects in HIVEC®/BCG therapy groups were adverse events grade 1-2: fever – 1%/8%; dysuria – 9%/13%; bladder spasms – 7%/12%; hematuria – 3%/4% and urinary tract infection – 3%/10%. Tumor recurrence was reported in 23 patients receiving intravesical BCG therapy and in 10 patients receiving intravesical hyperthermic chemotherapy (42.6% versus 18.9%, p=0.008). Tumor progression was recorded in 11 patients receiving intravesical BCG therapy and in 4 patients receiving intravesical hyperthermic chemotherapy (20.4% versus 7.5%, p=0.046). The study allows us to conclude that the method of hyperthermic intravesical chemotherapy has a better safety profile compared to intravesical Bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccine therapy, while such indicators of oncological efficacy as 3-year recurrence-free survival and the incidence of progression were better in the HIVEC® therapy group

    Методичне підґрунтя формування цифрового простору виконання підрядних будівельних робіт

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    The article searches for an appropriate methodology for the formation of methodological and formal analytical basis for the modernization of models of construction organization based on BIM models. The leading area of application of BIM-technologies in construction is the transformation of disparate graphic and tabular elements from the design and estimate documentation into a single system of info-graphic graphic modules, which are integrated by a single information retrieval system. However, in the realities of the domestic construction market and construction administration systems, BIM technologies remain an aid to the visual-graphic and analytical presentation of the content of a construction development project as an object of construction and investment. However, the strategic trend of this market is the formation of construction development as a single environment of the construction project and as a format of construction administration. Given such strategic dominants, there is a need to redirect and readjust the functional content and graph-analytical design of VIM-technologies to the peculiarities of preparation and organization of the construction development project cycle (BDP) – from promoting the initial investment product idea to the end of the development contract. BIM-technologies should no longer be considered solely as an additional tool for visualizing the progress of the project cycle. It is substantiated that the digital space of the construction industry (construction projects, construction organizations-participants) in the development of information and communication technologies acquires the characteristics of an alternative construction business, which should function in a certain transformed environment of construction development projects. Technologies directly related to design and construction (BIM, augmented reality, laser scanning, etc.) increase the efficiency of investment and construction projects, while digital data analysis systems contribute to a better understanding of construction market trends.В статті проведено пошук належної методології щодо формування методичної та формально аналітичної основи модернізації моделей організації будівництва на ґрунті BIM–моделей. Провідною сферою застосування BIM-технологій у будівництві є трансформація розрізнених графічних і табличних елементів з складу проектно-кошторисної  документації у єдину систему інфо-графічних графічних модулів, що інтегруються єдиною інформаційно-пошуковою системою. Однак, у реаліях вітчизняного будівельного ринку та систем адміністрування будівництвом BIM–технології лишаються  допоміжним засобом візуально-графічного та аналітичного подання змісту будівельного девелоперського проекту як об’єкту будівництва та інвестування. Проте стратегічною тенденцією даного ринку є становлення будівельного  девелопменту як єдиного середовища будівельного проекту та як формату адміністрування  будівництвом. Враховуючи такі стратегічні домінанти, виникає потреба переспрямування та переналаштування функціонального змісту та графо-аналітичної конструкції ВIM-технологій до особливостей  підготовки та організації циклу будівельного девелоперського проекту (БДП) - від просування  започаткувальної  інвестиційно-продуктової ідеї до завершення дії девелоперського контракту. BIM-технології вже не слід розглядати  виключно як додатковий інструмент візуалізації  ходу проектного циклу. Обґрунтовано, що цифровий простір будівельної галузі (будівельні проекти, будівельні організації-учасники) в умовах розвитку інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій набуває ознак альтернативного будівельного бізнесу, що має функціонувати в певним чином трансформованому середовищ будівельних девелоперських проектів. Технології, безпосередньо пов’язані з проектуванням і будівництвом (BIM, доповнена реальність, лазерне сканування тощо), підвищують ефективність реалізації інвестиційно-будівельних проектів, натомість системи аналізу цифрових даних сприяють кращому розумінню тенденцій будівельного ринку