171 research outputs found


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    In this work, we studied the colorimetric characteristics (in the RGB color system) of Portland cement, lime, chalk, fly ash and slag, as well as binary and triple Portland cement systems with mineral additives (5÷30%). Color was evaluated with smartphones (Huawei); several digital software packages for mobile devices were tested for digital image processing. BaSO4 powder was used as a reference sample (white standard). It has been confirmed that digital colorimetry control  using smartphones can be used for the rapid detection of mineral additives in cement that differ from Portland cement in color parameters. To quantify the composition of binary mixtures of cement with chalk and fly ash, linear calibration functions F’I = a  + bW are suitable for all three color components F’R, F’G and F’B with a high approximation reliability value (R2 ≥ 0.95). For mixtures of cement with lime, the slope of the straight lines and the determination coefficient (R2 ≥ 0.92) are also sufficient for quantitative estimates of the content of the additive in the mixture. It is impossible to confidently determine slag additives by the color parameters in cement due to too insignificant difference in the color indicators of cement and slag. For cements containing two mineral additives, their presence can be detected colorimetrically using binomial calibration functions if the composition of the additives is known. It is also possible to evaluate “a lot” or “a little” if the range of color values of cement of the corresponding brand is known. Values above or below this range will indicate the presence of mineral additives. The presented method for controlling the color of cement products is characterized by ease of response, low cost and speed of analysis.Keywords: digital colorimetry, RGB color system, cement, mineral additives DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2020.24.2.003O.B.  Rudakov, O.V. Chernousova, R.G. Cherepakhina, Ya.O. RudakovVoronezh State Technical University,ul. 20-letiya Oktiabria, 84, Voronezh, 394006, Russian FederationИзучены цветометрические характеристики портландцемента, извести, мела, золы уноса и шлака, а также  двойных и тройных систем портландцемента с минеральными добавками, доля которых в системах варьировалась от 5 до 30 % в цветовой системе RGB.  Цветность оценивали с помощью смартфонов двух моделей Huawei, для обработки цифровых изображений опробовано несколько пакетов программного обеспечения для мобильных устройств. В качестве образца сравнения (эталона белизны) применяли порошок BaSO4.Подтверждено, что контроль с помощью цифровой цветометрии с применением смартфонов можно использовать для оперативного обнаружения в цементе минеральных добавок, отличающихся от портландцемента по параметрам цветности. Для количественной оценки состава бинарных смесей цемента с мелом и золой уноса пригодны линейные  градуировочные функции F’i= a  + bW по всем трем компонентам цветности F’R, F’G и F’B с высокой величиной достоверности аппроксимации (R2 ≥ 0.95). Для смесей цемента с известью тангенс угла наклона прямых и коэффициент детерминации (R2 ≥ 0.92) также достаточны для количественных оценок содержания добавки в смеси. Уверенно определять добавки шлака по параметрам цветности в цементе нельзя из-за слишком незначительной разности в показателях цветности цемента и шлака.  Для цементов, содержащих две минеральных добавки, их наличие можно выявить цветометрически, используя биномиальные градуировочные функции, если известен состав добавок, и качественно с оценкой «много-мало», если известен коридор значений цветности цемента соответствующей марки. Значения выше или ниже этого коридора будут указывать на наличие минеральных добавок. Представленный способ контроля цветности цементной продукции характеризуется простотой получения отклика, невысокой стоимостью и быстротой анализа.Ключевые слова: цифровая цветометрия, цветовая система RGB, цемент, минеральные добавкиDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2020.24.2.00

    Influence of gyroscopic moments is on circulating details of spindle knot of machine-tool of parallel kinematics

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    Розглянуто особливості просторового руху шпинделя верстата паралельної кінематики. Показано, що просторовий рух шпинделя обумовлює виникнення гіроскопічних моментів на обертові деталях. Обгрунтовано негативну дію гіроскопічних моментів на тіла кочення підшипників. Визначено, що проблема в загальному вигляді полягає в розробці високоефективних верстатів паралельної кінематики із високою частотою обертання шпинделя. Рекомендовано у верстатах паралельної кінематики не використовувати шпиндель на опорах кочення. Як альтернативний варіант запропонована спеціальна конструкція пневмошпинделя.The features of spatial motion of spindle of machine-tool of parallel kinematics are considered. It is shown that spatial motion of spindle stipulates the origin of gyroscopic moments on rotable components. Negative effect of gyroscopic moments on the rolling bodies of bearing is grounded. For certain, the problem in general lies in development of high-efficiency machine-tools of parallel kinematics with high-frequency of spindle rotation. The aim of research is theoretical determination of loading on the rotable details of spindle knot at its spatial moving and development of measures to offset the negative effects of the rotational motion of the spindle. Tasks of the research are to put mathematical description of the dynamic loading, to establish the effect of these loads on the rotable details of spindle and to develop suggestions on indemnification of negative effects of gyroscopic moments on the spindle knot of machine-tool of parallel kinematics. It is recommended not to use the spindle of bearings rolling in parallel kinematics machines. As an alternative, a special design of pneumatic spindlе is offered.Рассмотрены особенности пространственного движения шпинделя станка параллельной кинематики. Показано, что пространственное движение шпинделя обуславливает возникновение гироскопических моментов на вращающихся деталях. Обоснованно негативное действие гироскопических моментов на тела качения подшипников. Определенно, что проблема в общем виде заключается в разработке высокоэффективных станков параллельной кинематики с высокой частотой вращения шпинделя. Рекомендовано в станках параллельной кинематики не использовать шпиндель на опорах качения. Как альтернативный вариант предложена специальная конструкция пневмошпинделя

    Colorimetric determination of admixtures in cements using mobile devices

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    Изучены цветометрические характеристики портландцемента, извести, мела, золы уноса и шлака, а также двойных и тройных систем портландцемента с минеральными добавками, доля которых в системах варьировалась от 5 до 30 % в цветовой системе RGB. Цветность оценивали с помощью смартфонов двух моделей Huawei, для обработки цифровых изображений опробовано несколько пакетов программного обеспечения для мобильных устройств. В качестве образца сравнения (эталона белизны) применяли порошок BaSO4.Подтверждено, что контроль с помощью цифровой цветометрии с применением смартфонов можно использовать для оперативного обнаружения в цементе минеральных добавок, отличающихся от портландцемента по параметрам цветности. Для количественной оценки состава бинарных смесей цемента с мелом и золой уноса пригодны линейные градуировочные функции F’i= a + bW по всем трем компонентам цветности F’R, F’G и F’B с высокой величиной достоверности аппроксимации (R2 ≥ 0.95). Для смесей цемента с известью тангенс угла наклона прямых и коэффициент детерминации (R2 ≥ 0.92) также достаточны для количественных оценок содержания добавки в смеси. Уверенно определять добавки шлака по параметрам цветности в цементе нельзя из-за слишком незначительной разности в показателях цветности цемента и шлака. Для цементов, содержащих две минеральных добавки, их наличие можно выявить цветометрически, используя биномиальные градуировочные функции, если известен состав добавок, и качественно с оценкой «много-мало», если известен коридор значений цветности цемента соответствующей марки. Значения выше или ниже этого коридора будут указывать на наличие минеральных добавок. Представленный способ контроля цветности цементной продукции характеризуется простотой получения отклика, невысокой стоимостью и быстротой анализа.In this work, we studied the colorimetric characteristics (in the RGB color system) of Portland cement, lime, chalk, fly ash and slag, as well as binary and triple Portland cement systems with mineral additives (5÷30%). Color was evaluated with smartphones (Huawei); several digital software packages for mobile devices were tested for digital image processing. BaSO4 powder was used as a reference sample (white standard). It has been confirmed that digital colorimetry control using smartphones can be used for the rapid detection of mineral additives in cement that differ from Portland cement in color parameters. To quantify the composition of binary mixtures of cement with chalk and fly ash, linear calibration functions F’I = a + bW are suitable for all three color components F’R, F’G and F’B with a high approximation reliability value (R2 ≥ 0.95). For mixtures of cement with lime, the slope of the straight lines and the determination coefficient (R2 ≥ 0.92) are also sufficient for quantitative estimates of the content of the additive in the mixture. It is impossible to confidently determine slag additives by the color parameters in cement due to too insignificant difference in the color indicators of cement and slag. For cements containing two mineral additives, their presence can be detected colorimetrically using binomial calibration functions if the composition of the additives is known. It is also possible to evaluate “a lot” or “a little” if the range of color values of cement of the corresponding brand is known. Values above or below this range will indicate the presence of mineral additives. The presented method for controlling the color of cement products is characterized by ease of response, low cost and speed of analysis

    Gyrokinetic simulations of microinstabilities in stellarator geometry

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    A computational study of microinstabilities in general geometry is presented. The ion gyrokinetic is solved as an initial value problem. The advantage of this approach is the accurate treatment of some important kinetic effects. The magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium is obtained from a three-dimensional local equilibrium model. The use of a local magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium model allows for a computationally-efficient systematic study of the impact of the magnetic structure on microinstabilities

    Differential scanning calorimetry as a method for the control of vegetable oils

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    Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to study the thermophysical properties of oils of amaranth, corn, flax, sunflower, rapeseed, milk thistle, camelina, and pumpkin seed, liquid at room temperature. The characteristic thermal effects of these oils (temperatures of the maxima of endothermic peaks and their areas in the DSC thermograms) were determined. Endothermic peaks of different intensities on the melting curves of liquid vegetable oils in the ranges from -40 to -15°C, from-25 to -8°C, from -19 to +6°C, and from -10 to +4 °C as identification factors are discusse


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    The dependence of the energy consumption decrease on the different feed composition for the separation of C4+ vapor cracking fraction by means of complex columns implementation is investigated. Distillation sequences consisting of simple columns and partially thermally coupled distillation columns are compared. Cases of direct and indirect separation for all the schemes are considered. In order to reduce capital cost and industrial areas the implementation of dividing wall columns was proposed. These dividing wall columns are the thermodynamic analogs of partially thermally coupled distillation flowsheets. Analysis of temperature, liquid and vapor profiles in the partially thermally coupled distillation sequence revealed that only one column in the original flowsheets requires a structural change when converting it to the partially thermally coupled configuration. It is shown that the complex columns provide energy consumption reduction in the reboilers by 3-60% as compared to conventional distillation schemes.Исследована зависимость снижения энергетических затрат на разделение смеси C4+ фракций продуктов пиролиза за счет применения сложных колонн для различного состава сырья. Рассмотрено ректификационное разделение как в последовательностях, состоящих из двухотборных колонн, так и в комплексах с частично связанными тепловыми и материальными потоками, полученных на их основе. Для всех вариантов схем исследованы режимы работы по первому и второму заданным разделениям. С целью снижения капитальных затрат и уменьшения занимаемых производственных площадей предложено использование колонн с перегородками, которые являются термодинамическими аналогами комплексов с частично связанными тепловыми и материальными потоками. Изучено распределение температур, потоков жидкости и пара по высоте колонн; на основе этого показано, что при переходе к комплексам с частично связанными тепловыми и материальными потоками только одна из колонн потребует конструктивных изменений. Выявлено, что использование сложных колонн обеспечивает снижение энергозатрат в кипятильниках на 3-60% относительно схем из простых колонн


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    The interest in relativistic beam-plasma instabilities has been greatly rejuvenated over the past two decades by novel concepts in laboratory and space plasmas. Recent advances in this long-standing field are here reviewed from both theoretical and numerical points of view. The primary focus is on the two-dimensional spectrum of unstable electromagnetic waves growing within relativistic, unmagnetized, and uniform electron beam-plasma systems. Although the goal is to provide a unified picture of all instability classes at play, emphasis is put on the potentially dominant waves propagating obliquely to the beam direction, which have received little attention over the years. First, the basic derivation of the general dielectric function of a kinetic relativistic plasma is recalled. Next, an overview of two-dimensional unstable spectra associated with various beam-plasma distribution functions is given. Both cold-fluid and kinetic linear theory results are reported, the latter being based on waterbag and Maxwell–Jüttner model distributions. The main properties of the competing modes (developing parallel, transverse, and oblique to the beam) are given, and their respective region of dominance in the system parameter space is explained. Later sections address particle-in-cell numerical simulations and the nonlinear evolution of multidimensional beam-plasma systems. The elementary structures generated by the various instability classes are first discussed in the case of reduced-geometry systems. Validation of linear theory is then illustrated in detail for large-scale systems, as is the multistaged character of the nonlinear phase. Finally, a collection of closely related beam-plasma problems involving additional physical effects is presented, and worthwhile directions of future research are outlined.Original Publication: Antoine Bret, Laurent Gremillet and Mark Eric Dieckmann, Multidimensional electron beam-plasma instabilities in the relativistic regime, 2010, Physics of Plasmas, (17), 12, 120501-1-120501-36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3514586 Copyright: American Institute of Physics http://www.aip.org/</p

    Statistical features of edge turbulence in RFX-mod from Gas Puffing Imaging

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    Plasma density fluctuations in the edge plasma of the RFX-mod device are measured through the Gas Puffing Imaging Diagnostics. Statistical features of the signal are quantified in terms of the Probability Distribution Function (PDF), and computed for several kinds of discharges. The PDFs from discharges without particular control methods are found to be adequately described by a Gamma function, consistently with the recent results by Graves et al [J.P. Graves, et al, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 47, L1 (2005)]. On the other hand, pulses with external methods for plasma control feature modified PDFs. A first empirical analysis suggests that they may be interpolated through a linear combination of simple functions. An inspection of the literature shows that this kind of PDFs is common to other devices as well, and has been suggested to be due to the simultaneous presence of different mechanisms driving respectively coherent bursts and gaussian background turbulence. An attempt is made to relate differences in the PDFs to plasma conditions such as the local shift of the plasma column. A simple phenomenological model to interpret the nature of the PDF and assign a meaning to its parameters is also developed.Comment: 27 pages. Published in PPC

    Epidemiological Situation on Tick-Borne Borreliosis in the Russian Federation in 2019 Compared to the Period of 2002–2018

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    Objective: to analyze the epidemiological situation on Ixodidae tick-borne borreliosis in the Russian Federation in 2019 in comparison with the period of 2002–2018.Materials and methods. The paper uses the data contained in Form No. 2 of the state statistical reporting for 2002–2019 and information obtained by the Reference Center for Monitoring Borreliosis of the Omsk Research Institute of Natural Focal Infections from 74 constituent entities of Russia in 2019. The main research method is epidemiological one with the use of modern information technologies.Results and discussion. In Russia, 8048 cases of tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease – LD) were recorded (5.48 0/0000) in 2019. The actual indicators of the LD incidence for the whole country and federal districts (FD) in 2019 were within the confidence limits predicted with linear regression based on the study of the dynamics of the epidemic process in 2002–2018 in the vast majority of cases. A steady upward trend in the LD incidence was observed during 2002–2019 in the Central Federal District due to 10 out of 18 entities (Moscow, Belgorod, Lipetsk, Moscow, Bryansk, Voronezh, Kursk, Ryazan, Tambov, Tula regions); in the Southern Federal District because of the Krasnodar Territory and the Volgograd Region; in the North Caucasus Federal District – because of the Stavropol Territory. Despite the fact that a downward trend in the incidence of LD has been established over the past 18 years in the North-West, Volga and Ural Federal Districts, in some subjects of these regions a trend towards an aggravation of the epidemiological situation is observed (the Komi Republic and Chuvashia, Penza Region). In the absence of a pronounced tendency to change in the incidence rate of LD in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts, Kemerovo Region-Kuzbass, the Republic of Tuva and the Trans-Baikal Territory where a growing trend has been identified require special attention. In the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts, the share of non-erythema forms among laboratory-confirmed cases of LD was higher than in other regions, which merits further study of the genome-specific features of borrelia populations and their carriers. Effective control of the LD epidemiological situation in Russia is possible provided that the control is improved and maintained, and the capacity of preventive measures and zoological-entomological monitoring of the activity and structure of the natural foci of LD is enhanced in the entities with the long-term tendency towards increase in the incidence of the disease