62 research outputs found

    Вивчення нанорозмірних плівок золота методом скануючої тунельної мікроскопії

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    It was shown that despite the difference in the morphology of thin gold films obtained by different methods and on different substrates, the films mainly consist of spherical nanoparticles. The linear dimensions of individual surface objects were determined using the example of a gold film on mica. Analysis of the surface morphology showed that its structural formations are evenly distributed and have sizes from 250 nm to 500 nm. Upon receipt of gold nanofilms by magnetron sputtering on a glass substrate, the size of individual gold nanoparticles ranges from 20 nm to 80 nm. When ion spraying on a substrate of polished monocrystalline silicon, the size of individual gold nanoparticles ranges from 2 nm to 10 nm. The union of individual nanoparticles into large elongated nanoobjects up to 20-40 nm in size is observed. Thus, having the opportunity to compare data on the mode of vacuum deposition (substrate temperature, beam density, deposition time, etc.), as well as surface relief, you can develop technologies for obtaining a surface with a given set of properties, as well as develop new methods of gold deposition on different surfaces. The obtained results are very important for application in biology and medicine. They make it possible to create different types of sensors and diagnostic tests. Pages of the article in the issue: 42 - 45 Language of the article: UkrainianУ роботі вивчали морфологію поверхні тонких золотих металевих плівок на слюдяній підкладці за допомогою скануючого тунельного мікроскопа. Наведено результати дослідження структури наночастинок золота на поверхні скла та полірованого монокристалічного кремнію, отриманих різними методами напилення. Визначено характерні лінійні розміри рельєфу поверхні. Показано, що незважаючи на різницю в морфології тонких золотих плівок, отриманих різними методами та на різних підкладках, плівки в основному складаються із сферичних наночастинок. Таким чином, маючи дані про режим розпилення у вакуумі, а також про рельєф поверхні, можна отримати поверхню з заданим набором властивостей

    Prediction of the stochastic behaviour of nonlinear systems by deterministic models as a classical time-passage probabilistic problem

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    International audienceAssuming that the behaviour of a nonlinear stochastic system can be described by a Markovian diffusion approximation and that the evolution equations can be reduced to a system of ordinary differential equations, a method for the calculation of prediction time is developed. In this approach, the prediction time depends upon the accuracy of prediction, the intensity of turbulence, the accuracy of the initial conditions, the physics contained in the mathematical model, the measurement errors, and the number of prediction variables. A numerical application to zonal channel flow illustrates the theory. Some possible generalizations of the theory are also discussed

    Lagrangian predictability of high-resolution regional models: the special case of the Gulf of Mexico

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    The Lagrangian prediction skill (model ability to reproduce Lagrangian drifter trajectories) of the nowcast/forecast system developed for the Gulf of Mexico at the University of Colorado at Boulder is examined through comparison with real drifter observations. Model prediction error (MPE), singular values (SVs) and irreversible-skill time (IT) are used as quantitative measures of the examination. Divergent (poloidal) and nondivergent (toroidal) components of the circulation attractor at 50m depth are analyzed and compared with the Lagrangian drifter buoy data using the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) decomposition and the measures, respectively. Irregular (probably, chaotic) dynamics of the circulation attractor reproduced by the nowcast/forecast system is analyzed through Lyapunov dimension, global entropies, toroidal and poloidal kinetic energies. The results allow assuming exponential growth of prediction error on the attractor. On the other hand, the <it>q</it>-th moment of MPE grows by the power law with exponent of 3<it>q</it>/4. The probability density function (PDF) of MPE has a symmetrical but non-Gaussian shape for both the short and long prediction times and for spatial scales ranging from 20km to 300km. The phenomenological model of MPE based on a diffusion-like equation is developed. The PDF of IT is non-symmetric with a long tail stretched towards large ITs. The power decay of the tail was faster than 2 for long prediction times


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    Electrical power scheme of rectifier unit of actuation based on thyristors has been unchangeable for more than 45 years. Analysis of electric locomotives’ operation under the regenerative braking has shown that the use of thyristors in the arms of rectifier units of actuation, as well as the adopted methods of control are one of the causes of reduction of capacity factor of locomotives, using recuperative braking (till not more than 0,65 during operation). The article suggests changing of power circuit of rectifier unit of actuation, using new circuitry and control technique, which will allow to raise power factor of AC electric locomotive at recuperative braking by 5%.Электрическая принципиальная силовая схема выпрямительной установки возбуждения (ВУВ) на базе тиристоров остаётся неизменной уже более 45 лет. Анализ работы электровозов в режиме рекуперативного торможения показал, что использование тиристоров в плечах ВУВ, а также принятые сегодня методы управления стали одной из причин снижения коэффициента мощности локомотивов при рекуперативном торможении (не более 0,65 в эксплуатации). Статья предлагает изменение силовой цепи выпрямительной установки возбуждения с использованием новой элементной базы и способа управления, которые позволяют повысить энергетические показатели электровоза переменного тока в режиме рекуперативного торможения примерно на 5%.

    The course of gout in a patient with Cushing’s disease after successful surgical treatment

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    Endogenous  hypercortisolism  is a severe endocrine  disease characterized by prolonged  exposure to excessive amounts of glucocorticoid hormones, accompanied by a wide range of symptoms and complications, including immunosuppression. Timely surgical treatment in most cases allows to save the patient’s life, significantly improve its quality. However, restoration of the normal concentration of glucocorticoid  hormones can become a trigger factor in the development or exacerbation of autoimmune and auto-inflammatory diseases. We present a clinical case of atypical gout in a patient with hypercortisolism and a progressive increase in symptoms of the disease after successful surgical treatment for Cushing’s disease and achieving stable remission. The issues of diagnosis and treatment of this group of autoinflammatory diseases are highlighted, the leading clinical and radiological  symptoms are considered, the differential diagnosis  of microcrystalline (metabolic) arthritis is presented. Despite the widespread, the diagnosis and treatment of this group of diseases still cause difficulties for specialists. A competent choice of drug therapy allows to fully control diseases considered in the article, including when they are combined, and thereby improve the quality of life of the patient

    First description of a type v osteogenesis imperfecta clinical case with severe skeletal deformities caused by a mutation p.119C> T in IFITM5 gene in Russia

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a hereditary connective tissue disorder. Main clinical manifestations include recurring pathological fractures and progressive skeletal deformation. Five types of OI are distinguished based on clinical symptoms. In most cases, the disease is caused by mutations in the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes, leading to a defect of type 1 collagen synthesis, which is the main component of the bone matrix. Up to 5% of patients with OI have a mutation in IFITM5 gene, which leads to the development of OI type V. Approximately 150 cases of the OI type V are described in the literature, and mutation c.-14C T in IFITM5 gene is found in most of the cases. Only 5 patients have a c.119C T: p.S40L.mutation. Pathogenesis of OI type V is not fully understood. It is assumed that mutations in the IFITM5 gene cause impaired osteoblastogenesis, decreased bone mineral density and multiple low-traumatic fractures. There is probably a phenotype-genotypic correlation in cases with different mutations of the IFITM5. However, it is currently difficult to assess the relationship in view of the variability of the characters and the low prevalence of the OI type V. We present the first description in Russia of the clinical case of an adult patient with OI type V due to a rare mutation p.119C T: p.S40L in the IFITM5 gene

    Features of COVID-19 course in patients with obesity and dysglycemia

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    Aim. To study the features of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in patients with different severity of carbohydrate metabolism disorders (CMDs), taking into account the possible role of obesity in the acceleration of clinical and laboratory disorders.Material and methods. There were 137 consecutive patients admitted to the infectious disease hospital for COVID-19patients. Three 3 groups were formed: group 1 — 42 patients with concomitant type 2 diabetes (T2D); group 2 — 13 patients with concomitant prediabetes; group 3 — 82 patients without concomitant CMDs.Results. Patients with T2D tended to have a more severe disease course according to the SMRT-CO algorithm (p=0,089), which was associated with the longest hospital stay (p=0,038), the most pronounced (p=0,011) and prolonged (p=0,0001) decrease in oxygen saturation, the maximum percentage of lung injury at the beginning (p=0,094) and at the end (p=0,007) of hospitalization, the greater need for intensive care unit (p=0,050), as well as the highest increase in C-reactive protein and fibrinogen (hypercoagulability and systemic inflammation were noted in all groups). Patients with prediabetes in terms of COVID-19 severity occupied an intermediate position between those with T2D and without CMDs; at the same time, they most often needed the prescription of biological preparations (p=0,001). In the first and second groups, there were larger, compared with the control, proportions of obese people (61,9%, 53,8% and 30,5%, respectively, p=0,003). Prediabetes group had a strong correlation between the severity of viral pneumonitis according to SMRT-CO and the presence of obesity (R=0,69, p=0,009).Conclusion. In patients with impaired carbohydrate metabolism of any severity, COVID-19 is more severe. At the same time, persons with overt T2D are prone to the most severe COVID-19 course, while patients with prediabetes in terms of disease severity occupy an intermediate position between them and those without CMDs. Obesity is a strong risk factor for severe COVID-19 among patients with initial CMDs (prediabetes), which is partly mediated by prior liver dysfunction associated with the metabolic syndrome. The increase in proinflammatory changes and hypercoagulability is associated with COVID-19 severity in patients with and without CMDs. These disorders had the greatest severity and persistence in patients with T2D

    Качество жизни пациентов с хронической обструктивной болезнью легких и определяющие его факторы

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    Summary. The aim of this study was to investigate quality of life (QoL) in patients with COPD and relationships of QoL with bronchial obstruction, pulmonary hypertension (PH), myocardial remodeling, and systemic inflammation. The study involved 56 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 25 healthy controls. We assessed QoL by SF-36 questionnaire. PH, sizes of right and left ventricles and atria (RV, LV, RA, LA) and their dynamics during 2-year follow-up were assessed using echocardiography. Also, TNF-α and IL-6 concentrations were measured and spirometry was performed. Correlation analysis was performed. Patients were categorized as having "poor QoL" (n = 12) or "better QoL" (n = 44) and compared. All parameters of QoL were lower in COPD patients compared with controls (p &lt; 0.001), especially in the Role-Physical Functioning domain (by 58.9 %, р &lt; 0.0001). Poor QoL was associated with rapid and significant dilatation of LV, RA, and LA, diastolic LV dysfunction, elevated levels of serum TNF-α, IL-6, and creatinine; polycithaemia and lower FEV1 (p &lt; 0.05) but not with PH. Therefore, all the QoL parameters were impaired in patients with COPD, especially physical health component. Heart remodeling, systemic inflammation, bronchial obstruction, polycythaemia and renal dysfunction appear to contribute to the QoL worsening. The impact of PH on QoL was less significant.Резюме. Целью исследования явилась оценка качества жизни (КЖ) при хронической обструктивной болезни легких (ХОБЛ) и его взаимосвязи с выраженностью бронхиальной обструкции, легочной гипертензией (ЛГ), ремоделированием миокарда и системным воспалением. Были обследованы 56 больных ХОБЛ и 25 здоровых лиц (контрольная группа). КЖ изучали с помощью анкеты SF-36, определяли уровень ЛГ, размеры правого и левого желудочков и предсердий (ПЖ, ЛЖ, ЛП, ПП) по показателям эхокардиографии и динамику этих параметров за 2 года. Исследовали содержание фактора некроза опухоли-α (TNF-α), интерлейкина-6 (IL-6), показатели спирометрии. Использовали корреляционный анализ и сравнивали больных ХОБЛ с низким (n = 12) и более высоким (n = 44) КЖ. У больных ХОБЛ оказался сниженным весь комплекс показателей КЖ относительно контрольной группы (p &lt; 0,001), особенно по шкале роли физических проблем в ограничении жизнедеятельности (на 58,9 %; p &lt; 0,0001). Низкое КЖ ассоциировано с выраженной и быстрой дилатацией ЛП, ПП, ЛЖ, нарушениями диастолы ЛЖ, высокой концентрацией IL-6, TNF-α, креатинином, полицитемией и снижением объема форсированного выдоха за 1-ю с (p &lt; 0,05 во всех случаях), но не с ЛГ (p &gt; 0,05). Снижению КЖ способствуют высокие темпы и степень ремоделирования сердца, активация иммуновоспалительных систем, бронхообструктивный синдром, наличие дисфункции почек и полицитемии. ЛГ прямого негативного влияния на КЖ не оказывает

    Ремоделирование сердца при хронической обструктивной болезни легких с разной степенью легочной гипертензии при применении ингибиторов АПФ

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    Summary. The aim of this study was to investigate inhibitory effect of 2-year course of ACE inhibitors on cardiac remodeling in patients with COPD and pulmonary hypertension (PH). The study involved 104 patients aged 35–78 yrs with COPD I to III stage. We performed echocardiography using VIVID 7 scanner at the start of the study and 2 years (24.7 ± 7.14 months) later according to standard recommendations. Commonly, patients with COPD and mild or no PH a baseline demonstrated increase in pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) associated with the right heart remodeling. Further increase and stabilization of PAP could lead to expansion of remodeling to the left heart. RAAS activation was typical at all stages of the process and appears to contribute to worsening of PH and heart remodeling. ACE inhibitors may inhibit heart remodeling both in mild and severe PH.Резюме. Целью исследования была оценка антиремоделирующего действия ингибиторов ангиотензин-превращающего фермента (иАПФ) при хронической обструктивной болезни легких (ХОБЛ) с разной степенью легочной гипертензии (ЛГ) при 2-летнем наблюдении. В динамике были обследованы 104 пациента в возрасте 35–78 лет с ХОБЛ I–III степени тяжести. Всем исходно и в среднем через 2 года (24,7 ± 7,14 мес.) вне обострения проводилась эхокардиография на аппарате Vivid 7 по стандартной методике. У больных ХОБЛ без ЛГ в динамике происходит нарастание ЛГ, сопряженное с ремоделированием правых отделов сердца. В дальнейшем, по мере увеличения и стабилизации ЛГ, процессы ремоделирования сердца начинают активно захватывать и левые отделы. На всех этапах компоненты ренин-ангиотензин-альдостероновой системы активно участвуют в прогрессировании ЛГ и сердечно-сосудистом ремоделировании. Применение иАПФ оказывает сдерживающее влияние на ремоделирование сердца как при минимальной, так и при выраженной ЛГ


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    The incidence of chronic myeloid leukemia from 2004 to 2018 amounted to 0.63 per 100 000 people per year. The prevalence of chronic myeloid leukemia over the past 15 years has increased from 1.88 to 7.02 case per 100 000 people. We have analyzed the therapy outcomes of chronic myeloid leukemia of patients, received imatinib treatment for more than 12 month (165 patients). Complete hematologic response is attained in 88.5 % cases (146 patients), complete cytogenetic response (CCR) (ph+&lt;0 %) – in 72.1 % cases (119 patients), major molecular response (MMR) – in 50.3 % cases (83 patients). The primary resistance to imatinib is observed in 21.8 % cases (36 patients), secondary – in 6.1 % cases (10 patients – 7 patients have lost the complete hematologic response and CCR and 3 patients have lost the CCR and MMR). The thirteen patients of those, who have primary or secondary resistance to imatinib have been treated with second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors (nilotinib, dasatinib) and in 93,3 % cases (14 patients) CCR have been obtained, 10 patients (66.7 %) have attained the CCR and 9 patients (60 %) have achieved MMR. Among all those patients treated with I and II generations tyrosine kinase inhibitors, we have carried out the overall survival (OS) analysis and obtained following results: the median of OS have not been achieved, 5-year OS rate is estimated as 90 %, 10-year OS rate – more than 77 %, calculated 15-year OS – more than 60 %