61 research outputs found

    Legal Basis of the Police’s Activity to Ensure the Safety of Road Participants in the Chinese People’s Republic

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    The article provides a general description of the organizational and legal model of the functioning of the police of the People’s Republic of China to ensure the safety of road users. The purpose and structuralfunctional interrelation of a number of state bodies included in the road safety system are considered: the Department of State Security at the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, the Ministry of Public Security (MOB), the transport departments of the MOB and the Traffic Police. The analysis of the laws of the People’s Republic of China “On the People’s Police” and “On measures of road safety”. Attention is focused on the high level of training requirements for the People’s Police of China. Administrative and legal sanctions for violations of road safety rules in the PRC are investigated

    Cryopreservation of raspberry cultivar accessions bred in Russia from the VIR <i>in vitro</i> collection

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    Cryobanks use plant cryocollections for long-term preservation of crops which cannot be preserved in seed collections. These are vegetatively propagated crops, accessions of species which form either a small amount of seeds, or recalcitrant seeds. Shoot tips (apexes) of in vitro plants are used for cryopreservation for most berry crops, therefore maintenance of in vitro collections is very important. The VIR in vitro collection includes 150 accessions of Rubus L. species, 85 of them are raspberry cultivars, 59 of which were bred in Russia. These cultivars reflect a wide ecogeographic diversity. Among them, there are raspberry cultivars created at the end of the 19th – first half of the 20th centuries, including cultivars bred by I.V. Michurin and by the pioneer of northern horticulture V.V. Spirin. More than half of national raspberry varieties (33) are listed in the State Register for Selection Achievements Admitted for Usage. Raspberry cultivars from Russian breeding programs have a very limited representation in foreign genebanks. The first aim of the present work was cryopreservation of mostly folk and old Russian raspberry cultivars received by VIR from 1925 till 1950 and their transfer into the cryobank. The second aim of the work was to monitor post-cryogenic regeneration of raspberry cultivars transferred to the cryobank earlier. A modified protocol of the droplet vitrification method by “DV-biotech” was used for cryopreservation of shoot tips of in vitro plants of 10 raspberry cultivars (7 of which are folk and old Russian ones) from the VIR in vitro collection. Post-cryogenic regeneration was evaluated for 17 raspberry cultivars preserved in the cryobank from one to five years. Ten raspberry cultivars (900 apexes) with an average mean post-cryoregenic regeneration value of 38.2±3.0% determined in control tests, were placed in the cryobank for long-term storage. A statistically significant effect of the genotype on the viability of explants after cryopreservation was noted, while the post-cryogenic regeneration was genotype insensitive. Additionally, levels of post-cryogenic regeneration were evaluated for 17 raspberry cultivars (296 apexes) preserved in the cryobank from one to five years. Post-cryogenic regeneration within the 20-70% range was displayed by four raspberry cultivars preserved in the cryobank for one year, and for 8 cultivars conserved there from three to five years post-cryogenic regeneration was within the 10-50% range. According to the results of monitoring, regeneration displayed by 12 raspberry cultivars was within the 10-70% range, which can be considered as a reliable rate of apex preservation in liquid nitrogen vapors in the VIR cryobank. Monitoring of the post-cryogenic regeneration of the raspberry accessions preserved in the VIR cryobank and cryopreservation of new raspberry cultivars will be continued

    Импульсный нейрон и нейронный клеточный автомат асимптотически эквивалентны

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    In the article, it is established the asymptotic equivalence of dynamics of the neural networks consisting of the impulse neurons and the neural networks built of the neural cellular automata of different kinds (autogenerators and detectors). Such an equivalence takes place for appropriate parameters values and non-intersection of input impacts for each neuron. In the first chapter, we describe the model of impulse autogenerator neuron and two different models of impulse detector neuron. For these models, we prove statements about duration of the latent period for a neuron under impact. In the second chapter, we describe the model of a neural cellular automaton with autogenerator dynamics and a modification of this model with detector dynamics. For these models, we also prove statements about the latent period for a neural automaton under impact. In the third chapter, we prove some statements about asymptotic equivalence of the impulse neurons and neural cellular automata of different kinds.В работе установлена асимптотическая эквивалентность динамики нейронных сетей, состоящих из импульсных нейронов и нейронных клеточных автоматов различных типов (автогенераторов и детекторов) при соответствующем выборе их параметров и при условии неналожения входных воздействий на каждый нейрон. В первом разделе описаны модель импульсного нейрона-автогенератора и две различные модели импульсного нейрона-детектора. Для этих моделей доказываются утверждения относительно величины латентного периода нейрона при единичном внешнем воздействии. Во втором разделе описана модель нейронного клеточного автомата с автогенераторной динамикой и модификация этой модели, имеющая детекторную динамику. Для этих моделей также доказываются утверждения относительно латентного периода нейронного автомата, находящегося под внешним воздействием. В третьем разделе для импульсных нейронов и нейронных клеточных автоматов различных типов сформулированы и доказаны утверждения относительно условий их асимптотической эквивалентности

    Towards a More Complete and Accurate Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data Library (EXFOR): International Collaboration Between Nuclear Reaction Data Centres (NRDC)

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    The International Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres (NRDC) coordinated by the IAEA Nuclear Data Section (NDS) is successfully collaborating in the maintenance and development of the EXFOR library. As the scope of published data expands (e.g., to higher energy, to heavier projectile) to meet the needs from the frontier of sciences and applications, it becomes nowadays a hard and challenging task to maintain both completeness and accuracy of the whole EXFOR library. The paper describes evolution of the library with highlights on recent developments.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure


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    Patients with chronic virus hepatitis (32 patients, 13 with chronic hepatitis B and 19 with chronic hepatitis C) ages from 20 to 72 with elevated levels of bilirubin and active alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma- glutamyl transpeptidase, received ursodeoxycholic acid (Urdoxa) over the course of 12 weeks. During therapy alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, bilirubin and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase levels decreased. Urdoxa demonstrated good tolerance, efficacy and no visible side effects. Thus, Urdoxa could be used in treatment of chronic viral hepatitis with cytolytic and cholestatic syndromes.32 больных с диагнозом «Хронический вирусный гепатит В или С» (13 больных хроническим гепатитом В, 19 больных хроническим гепатитом С) в возрасте от 20 до 72 лет, имеющие повышение уровнябилирубина выше нормальных величин ± повышение уровня гаммаглутамилтранспептидазы (ГГТП), получали урсодеоксихолевую кислоту (препарат «Урдокса») в течение 12 недель. На фоне терапии произошло снижение трансаминаз, билирубина и ГГТП при хорошем уровне переносимости и отсутствии побочных эффектов. Таким образом, препарат «Урдокса» может быть использован в терапии хронических вирусных гепатитов с цитолитическим и холестатическим компонентом

    Противовирусная терапия хронического гепатита C, осложнённого системным криоглобулинемическим васкулитом

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    Literature analysis of published data on mechanisms of infection, disease progression and treatment of chronic hepatitis C, associated with systemic cryoglobulinemic vasculitis and kidney involvement is presented. A clinical case of effective treatment of cryoglobulinemic vasculitis associated with HCV infection is described. Female with HCV infection genotype 1b with liver fibrosis 1 grade Metavir developed clinical picture of essential mixed cryoglobulinemia II type with monoclonal IgM/kappa production. Cryoglobulinemia was presented with skin hemorrhagic vasculitis, proliferative vasculitis of small liver vessels, kidney involvement with III type membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. Treatment with Dasabuvir;Оmbitasvir+Paritaprevir+Ritonavir without immunosuppressive medications or steroids resulted in persistent virologic response by 12 weeks after administration and also dramatic reduction of cryoglobulimenia from 27% to 8%, suppression of detectable IgM/kappa production, diminished skin vasculitis, restoration of glomerular filtration rate, proteinuria and decrease in erythrocyteuria.В статье приводится анализ существующих данных о механизмах развития, прогрессирования и подходах к терапии хронического гепатита С, осложнённого системным криоглобулинемическим васкулитом с поражением почек. Демонстрируется случай хронического гепатита С 1b генотипа с фиброзом 1 степени по Metavir, осложнённый развитием смешанной криоглобулинемии II типа с продукцией моноклонального IgM/каппа, криоглобулинемическим васкулитом с поражением сосудов кожи (геморрагический васкулит), печени (альтеративно-пролиферативный васкулит) и почек (мембрано-пролиферативный гломерулонефрит III типа). Назначение безинтерферонового режима Дасабувир; Омбитасвир+Париапревир+Ритонавир в качестве первой линии терапии без назначения стероидов и/или цитостатиков привело к достижению устойчивого вирусологического ответа к 12-й неделе после завершения терапии, значительному снижению уровня криокрита с 27% до 8%, подавлению продукции парапротеина IgMкаппа, кардинальному уменьшению кожных высыпаний, нормализации скорости клубочковой фильтрации, исчезновению протеинурии и значимому снижению эритроцитурии

    Evolutionary origins of Brassicaceae specific genes in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>All sequenced genomes contain a proportion of lineage-specific genes, which exhibit no sequence similarity to any genes outside the lineage. Despite their prevalence, the origins and functions of most lineage-specific genes remain largely unknown. As more genomes are sequenced opportunities for understanding evolutionary origins and functions of lineage-specific genes are increasing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the origins of lineage-specific genes (LSGs) in <it>Arabidopsis thaliana </it>that are restricted to the Brassicaceae family. In this study, lineage-specific genes within the nuclear (1761 genes) and mitochondrial (28 genes) genomes are identified. The evolutionary origins of two thirds of the lineage-specific genes within the <it>Arabidopsis thaliana </it>genome are also identified. Almost a quarter of lineage-specific genes originate from non-lineage-specific paralogs, while the origins of ~10% of lineage-specific genes are partly derived from DNA exapted from transposable elements (twice the proportion observed for non-lineage-specific genes). Lineage-specific genes are also enriched in genes that have overlapping CDS, which is consistent with such novel genes arising from overprinting. Over half of the subset of the 958 lineage-specific genes found only in <it>Arabidopsis thaliana </it>have alignments to intergenic regions in <it>Arabidopsis lyrata</it>, consistent with either <it>de novo </it>origination or differential gene loss and retention, with both evolutionary scenarios explaining the lineage-specific status of these genes. A smaller number of lineage-specific genes with an incomplete open reading frame across different <it>Arabidopsis thaliana </it>accessions are further identified as accession-specific genes, most likely of recent origin in <it>Arabidopsis thaliana</it>. Putative <it>de novo </it>origination for two of the <it>Arabidopsis thaliana</it>-only genes is identified via additional sequencing across accessions of <it>Arabidopsis thaliana </it>and closely related sister species lineages. We demonstrate that lineage-specific genes have high tissue specificity and low expression levels across multiple tissues and developmental stages. Finally, stress responsiveness is identified as a distinct feature of Brassicaceae-specific genes; where these LSGs are enriched for genes responsive to a wide range of abiotic stresses.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Improving our understanding of the origins of lineage-specific genes is key to gaining insights regarding how novel genes can arise and acquire functionality in different lineages. This study comprehensively identifies all of the Brassicaceae-specific genes in <it>Arabidopsis thaliana </it>and identifies how the majority of such lineage-specific genes have arisen. The analysis allows the relative importance (and prevalence) of different evolutionary routes to the genesis of novel ORFs within lineages to be assessed. Insights regarding the functional roles of lineage-specific genes are further advanced through identification of enrichment for stress responsiveness in lineage-specific genes, highlighting their likely importance for environmental adaptation strategies.</p

    Computational Prediction and Experimental Verification of New MAP Kinase Docking Sites and Substrates Including Gli Transcription Factors

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    In order to fully understand protein kinase networks, new methods are needed to identify regulators and substrates of kinases, especially for weakly expressed proteins. Here we have developed a hybrid computational search algorithm that combines machine learning and expert knowledge to identify kinase docking sites, and used this algorithm to search the human genome for novel MAP kinase substrates and regulators focused on the JNK family of MAP kinases. Predictions were tested by peptide array followed by rigorous biochemical verification with in vitro binding and kinase assays on wild-type and mutant proteins. Using this procedure, we found new ‘D-site’ class docking sites in previously known JNK substrates (hnRNP-K, PPM1J/PP2Czeta), as well as new JNK-interacting proteins (MLL4, NEIL1). Finally, we identified new D-site-dependent MAPK substrates, including the hedgehog-regulated transcription factors Gli1 and Gli3, suggesting that a direct connection between MAP kinase and hedgehog signaling may occur at the level of these key regulators. These results demonstrate that a genome-wide search for MAP kinase docking sites can be used to find new docking sites and substrates