2,216 research outputs found
The emergence of quantum capacitance in epitaxial graphene
We found an intrinsic redistribution of charge arises between epitaxial
graphene, which has intrinsically n-type doping, and an undoped substrate. In
particular, we studied in detail epitaxial graphene layers thermally elaborated
on C-terminated - (- ()). We have investigated
the charge distribution in graphene-substrate systems using Raman spectroscopy.
The influence of the substrate plasmons on the longitudinal optical phonons of
the substrates has been detected. The associated charge redistribution
reveals the formation of a capacitance between the graphene and the substrate.
Thus, we give for the first time direct evidence that the excess negative
charge in epitaxial monolayer graphene could be self-compensated by the
substrate without initial doping. This induced a previously unseen
redistribution of the charge-carrier density at the substrate-graphene
interface. There a quantum capacitor appears, without resorting to any
intentional external doping, as is fundamentally required for epitaxial
graphene. Although we have determined the electric field existing inside the
capacitor and revealed the presence of a minigap () for
epitaxial graphene on - face terminated carbon, it remains small in
comparison to that obtained for graphene on face terminated . The
fundamental electronic properties found here in graphene on substrates
may be important for developing the next generation of quantum technologies and
electronic/plasmonic devices.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, available online as uncorrected proof, Journal
of Materials Chemistry C (2016
Theoretical and experimental study of the orientational ordering in the field-induced intermediaite phase from the SmC*FI2 phase in chiral smectic liquid crystals
Under an electric field, chiral smectic liquid crystals transit usually to
the unwound SmC* phase where the helical structure is completely unrolled.
Sometimes the sample transits initially towards an intermediate polar state
before the total destruction of the helix. Based on the extension of the H-T
model, a theoretical study of these field-induced phase transitions was carried
out. Two hypotheses of the dynamics that give rise to the appearance of the
intermediate phase have been discussed. The results of a numerical analysis
confirm the known experimental results; the intermediate phase has a
three-layer periodicity structure
Block to granular-like transition in dense bubble flows
We have experimentally investigated 2-dimensional dense bubble flows
underneath inclined planes. Velocity profiles and velocity fluctuations have
been measured. A broad second-order phase transition between two dynamical
regimes is observed as a function of the tilt angle . For low
values, a block motion is observed. For high values, the velocity
profile becomes curved and a shear velocity gradient appears in the flow.Comment: Europhys. Lett. (2003) in pres
Predictions of selected flavour observables within the Standard Model
This letter gathers a selection of Standard Model predictions issued from the
metrology of the CKM parameters performed by the CKMfitter group. The selection
includes purely leptonic decays of neutral and charged B, D and K mesons. In
the light of the expected measurements from the LHCb experiment, a special
attention is given to the radiative decay modes of B mesons as well as to the
B-meson mixing observables, in particular the semileptonic charge asymmetries
a^d,s_SL which have been recently investigated by the D0 experiment at
Tevatron. Constraints arising from rare kaon decays are addressed, in light of
both current results and expected performances of future rare kaon experiments.
All results have been obtained with the CKMfitter analysis package, featuring
the frequentist statistical approach and using Rfit to handle theoretical
uncertainties.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables. Typos corrected and discussion of
agreement between SM and data update
L’atteinte nerveuse au cours du syndrome de gougerot - sjögren, a propos d’un cas
Description Les complications neurologiques au cours du syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren se voient dans 8,5 à 70 % des cas. Les données de la littérature concernant le système nerveux périphérique sont nombreuses et assez concordantes. En revanche les données concernant les manifestations centrales sont beaucoup plus rares et discordantes. Objectifs Décrire les différentes atteintes neurologiques qui peuvent se voir au cours du syndrome de Gougerot- Sjögren. Résultats Les auteurs rapportent l’observation d’une femme de 67 ans qui présentait une hypertrophie de toutes les glandes salivaires associée à une paralysie du facial droit et une hypoesthésie du territoire du trijumeau homolatéral. Les explorations paracliniques comprenant une biopsie labiale et une IRM cérébrale ont permis de conclure en faveur d’un syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren. La patiente a bénéficié d’un traitement corticoïde par voie générale avec régression totale des atteintes salivaire et nerveuse au bout de 2 mois Conclusion Le syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren est une pathologie chronique auto-immune qui touche essentiellement les glandes exocrines. Il peut associer aussi une atteinte extra-glandulaire. L’atteinte nerveuse est possible mais rarement vue dans le cadre de ce syndrome (20%). L’atteinte des paires crâniennes est encore plusrare et prédomine surtout sur le trijumeau
Averages of b-hadron Properties at the End of 2005
This article reports world averages for measurements on b-hadron properties
obtained by the Heavy Flavor Averaging Group (HFAG) using the available results
as of at the end of 2005. In the averaging, the input parameters used in the
various analyses are adjusted (rescaled) to common values, and all known
correlations are taken into account. The averages include lifetimes, neutral
meson mixing parameters, parameters of semileptonic decays, branching fractions
of B meson decays to final states with open charm, charmonium and no charm, and
measurements related to CP asymmetries
Averages of -hadron, -hadron, and -lepton properties as of summer 2014
This article reports world averages of measurements of -hadron,
-hadron, and -lepton properties obtained by the Heavy Flavor Averaging
Group (HFAG) using results available through summer 2014. For the averaging,
common input parameters used in the various analyses are adjusted (rescaled) to
common values, and known correlations are taken into account. The averages
include branching fractions, lifetimes, neutral meson mixing parameters,
violation parameters, parameters of semileptonic decays and CKM matrix
elements.Comment: 436 pages, many figures and tables. Online updates available at
Setting and analysis of the multi-configuration time-dependent Hartree-Fock equations
In this paper we motivate, formulate and analyze the Multi-Configuration
Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock (MCTDHF) equations for molecular systems under
Coulomb interaction. They consist in approximating the N-particle Schrodinger
wavefunction by a (time-dependent) linear combination of (time-dependent)
Slater determinants. The equations of motion express as a system of ordinary
differential equations for the expansion coefficients coupled to nonlinear
Schrodinger-type equations for mono-electronic wavefunctions. The invertibility
of the one-body density matrix (full-rank hypothesis) plays a crucial role in
the analysis. Under the full-rank assumption a fiber bundle structure shows up
and produces unitary equivalence between convenient representations of the
equations. We discuss and establish existence and uniqueness of maximal
solutions to the Cauchy problem in the energy space as long as the density
matrix is not singular. A sufficient condition in terms of the energy of the
initial data ensuring the global-in-time invertibility is provided (first
result in this direction). Regularizing the density matrix breaks down energy
conservation, however a global well-posedness for this system in L^2 is
obtained with Strichartz estimates. Eventually solutions to this regularized
system are shown to converge to the original one on the time interval when the
density matrix is invertible.Comment: 48 pages, 1 figur
Averages of b-hadron properties at the end of 2006
This article reports the world averages for measurements on b-hadron properties obtained by the Heavy Flavor Averaging Group (HFAG) using the available results at the end of 2006. In the averaging, the input parameters used in the various analyses are adjusted (rescaled) to common values, and all known correlations are taken into account. The averages include lifetimes, neutral meson mixing parameters, parameters of semileptonic decays, branching fractions of B decays to final states with open charm, charmonium and no charm, and measurements related to CP asymmetries.This article reports the world averages for measurements on b-hadron properties obtained by the Heavy Flavor Averaging Group (HFAG) using the available results at the end of 2006. In the averaging, the input parameters used in the various analyses are adjusted (rescaled) to common values, and all known correlations are taken into account. The averages include lifetimes, neutral meson mixing parameters, parameters of semileptonic decays, branching fractions of B decays to final states with open charm, charmonium and no charm, and measurements related to CP asymmetries
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