324 research outputs found

    Проблематика спадкування нерухомого майна у міжнародних договорах України про правову допомогу в цивільних справах

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    Самойлов, М. О. Проблематика спадкування нерухомого майна у міжнародних договорах України про правову допомогу в цивільних справах / М. О. Самойлов // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2007. - Вип. 37. - С. 359-367.Розглянута проблематика спадкування нерухомого майна у міжнародних договорах України про правову допомогу в цивільних справах. Рассмотрена проблематика наследования недвижимого имущества в международных договорах Украины о правовой помощи по гражданским делам. The problem of inheritance of immovable property in international treaties of Ukraine on legal aid in civil cases is considered

    Sterile neutrino and dark matter

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    We consider the equation that describes the dynamics of the sterile neutrino density in primeval plasma. The analysis of this equation results in the 5% contribution of the sterile neutrino with mixing parameters Δm142=7.3eV2\Delta m^2_{14} = 7.3\text{eV}^2 and sin22θ14=0.33\sin^2 2\theta_{14} = 0.33 to the energy density of the Universe. The considered parameters of the sterile neutrino correspond to the warm dark matter.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figure

    Щодо сутності та місця принципу автономії волі в міжнародному приватному праві

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    Самойлов, М. О. Щодо сутності та місця принципу автономії волі в міжнародному приватному праві / М. О. Самойлов // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2007. – Вип. 38. - С. 222-227Визначено зміст та місце одного з найважливіших принципів міжнародного приватного права, метою якого є визначення матеріально-правових норм, що застосовуються, а саме автономії волі сторін у виборі застосовуваного до їхніх відносин права. Определено содержание и место одного из важнейших принципов международного права, целью которого является определение материально-правовых норм, которые применяются, а именно автономии воли сторон в выборе применимого к их отношениям права. The content and place of one of the most important principles of international law, the purpose of which is to determine the substantive rules that apply, namely the autonomy of the will of the parties in choosing the law applicable to their relations, is determined

    Колізійні питання спадкового права у сучасному українському законодавстві

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    Самойлов, М. О. Колізійні питання спадкового права у сучасному українському законодавстві / М. О. Самойлов // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ.- 2006.- Вип. 35.- С. 277 - 284Досліджується встановлення сутності механізму врегулювання спадкових правовідносин та їх відповідності сучасним тенденціям розвитку приватного права. Исследуется установления сущности механизма урегулирования наследственных правоотношений и их соответствия современным тенденциям развития частного права. The essence of the mechanism of regulation of hereditary legal relations and their correspondence to the modern tendencies of development of private law is investigated

    Non linear flux flow in TiN superconducting thin film

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    We have studied the superconducting behavior of 100 nm Titanium Nitride (TiN) thin film in a perpendicular magnetic field. We found a zero field transition temperature of 4.6 K and a slope in the H-T plane of -0.745 T/K. At 4.2 K, we have performed careful transport measurements by measuring both the differential resistivity and voltage as a function of a DC current. Our results are analyzed in the framework of linear and non linear flux flow behavior. In particular, we have observed an electronic instability at high vortex velocities and from its dependence with respect to the applied magnetic field, we can exctract the inelastic scattering time and diffusion length of the quasiparticles

    Dipole nanolaser

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    A "dipole" laser is proposed consisting of a nanoparticle and a two-level system with population inversion. If the threshold conditions are fulfilled, the dipole interaction between the two-level system and the nanoparticle leads to coherent oscillations in the polarization of the particles, even in the absence of an external electromagnetic field. The emitted radiation has a dipolar distribution. It does not need an optical cavity, and has a very small volume, 0.1 mu m(3), which can be important for applications in microelectronics. Estimates of the threshold conditions are carried out for a dipole laser composed of a quantum dot and a silver nanoparticle

    The phenomenon of the home: Metaphysics of the innermost (as illustrated by the modern Russian culture)

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    The relevance of the problem under study is based on the influence of the expanding globalization processes that affect the view of life of a modern man: the internal balance is lost due to feeling of chaos, rhythm of life and constant changes. In these conditions there is a tendency to de-humanize the living environment, depersonalization of living space and desacralization of human dwelling which leads to re-thinking of the Home that ensures human existence in the world. The purpose of the article is to state the necessity of new understanding of the Home as the phenomenon of culture which would confront the absolute priority of the rational, pragmatic and utilitarian through the notion of “the innermost”, through studying the transformation of the innermost within the historical context and through revealing the dialectics of the innermost and the explicit in living space of the modern culture. The lead method for studying this problem is the interdisciplinary approach that provides the possibility of comprehensive consideration of the results of philosophical, cultural, architectural and other studies. The article reveals the essence and the main philosophical-cultural characteristics of the Home and the essence of the innermost as a special super-value, specifies the traditional image of the innermost in living space related to the Home as the centre of existence and reveals the attributes of transformation of the innermost in the Home resulting from the processes which are characteristic of the modern age. The materials of the article can be useful for developing the scientific-methodological support of general and special courses, for conducting lessons in philosophical-cultural disciplines and for usage for designing and modeling the living environment. © 2016 Shupletsova et al

    Effective viscosity of confined hydrocarbons

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    We present molecular dynamics friction calculations for confined hydrocarbon films with molecular lengths from 20 to 1400 carbon atoms. We find that the logarithm of the effective viscosity ηeff for nanometer-thin films depends linearly on the logarithm of the shear rate: logηeff=C−nlogγ˙, where n varies from 1 (solidlike friction) at very low temperatures to 0 (Newtonian liquid) at very high temperatures, following an inverse sigmoidal curve. Only the shortest chain molecules melt, whereas the longer ones only show a softening in the studied temperature interval 0<T<900  K. The results are important for the frictional properties of very thin (nanometer) films and to estimate their thermal durability