2,599 research outputs found

    Determination Methods Of Defrosted Protein-vegetable Mixtures Parameters Development

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    The aim of the work is to develop methods of investigating the influence of semolina and extruded semolina on quality and quantity parameters of mixtures with milk-protein concentrates in a cycle of freezing-defrost that allows to substantiate resource-saving in semi-products manufacturing.Obtained results of changes of the quality of protein-vegetable mixtures after the effect of negative temperatures confirm cryo-protective properties of carbohydrates of products of wheat processing.There were studied methods of extracting proteins of whey for getting albumin mass and using in the composition of milk-protein concentrates. It was established, that adding collagen-containing ingredients in amount 0,4 % for intensifying thermal coagulation of whey proteins decreases the duration of precipitation to (55±2) and (40±2) min respectively depending on a type of raw material processing. There were studied both native whey and protein concentrate, obtained by the method of ultra-filtration with mass share of dry substances (16±2) %.The method of thermal analysis determined a cryoscopic temperature of sour-milk fatless cheese and also albumin mass, obtained using «Collagen pro 4402». The calculation method, based on cryoscopic temperature indices determined an amount of moisture, frozen out in milk-whey mixtures with wheat processing products. The presented information is enough for estimating traditional modes of freezing milk-protein concentrates objectively.The obtained results of the studies indicate the effectiveness of the offered methods for determining parameters of protein-vegetable mixtures after defrosting. Measurements of quality parameters may be used for correcting mass losses of concentrates effectively

    Inversionless light amplification and optical switching controlled by state-dependent alignment of molecules

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    We propose a method to achieve amplification without population inversion by anisotropic molecules whose orientation by an external electric field is state-dependent. It is based on decoupling of the lower-state molecules from the resonant light while the excited ones remain emitting. The suitable class of molecules is discussed, the equation for the gain factor is derived, and the magnitude of the inversionless amplification is estimated for the typical experimental conditions. Such switching of the sample from absorbing to amplifying via transparent state is shown to be possible both with the aid of dc and ac control electric fields.Comment: AMS-LaTeX v1.2, 4 pages with 4 figure

    Inversionless gain in a three-level system driven by a strong field and collisions

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    Inversionless gain in a three-level system driven by a strong external field and by collisions with a buffer gas is investigated. The mechanism of populating of the upper laser level contributed by the collision transfer as well as by relaxation caused by a buffer gas is discussed in detail. Explicit formulae for analysis of optimal conditions are derived. The mechanism developed here for the incoherent pump could be generalized to other systems.Comment: RevTeX, 9 pages, 4 eps figure

    Промени в подбора на пациентите за кохлеарна имплантация

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    Авторите представят развитието на проблема, основанията и резултатите от прилагането на оперативната интервенция кохлеарна имплантация за лечение на трайни дефицити в чуването. Разглеждат се новите индикации по отношение възрастта, запазване на остатъчния слух, генетичните слухови увреди, едностранната глухота, невропатията и необходимостта от двустранна кохлеарна имплантация при деца и възрастни


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    We analyzed contamination data on mixed infection (Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Herpes simplex virus) in patients with community-acquired pneumonia. It was found that patients with associated infection pneumonia duration had more severe character with negative consequences.Проаналізовано дані інфікованості на мікст-інфекцію (Mycoplasma рneumoniae та Herpes simplex virus) у хворих на негоспітальну пневмонію (НП). Встановлено, що за асоційованої інфікованості перебіг пневмонії був найтяжчим з негативними наслідками

    Physical Culture, Sports and children

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    The physical development of children – one of the most important aspects in lives of parents. Sport helps to develop the most important qualities: endurance, strength, agility, stamina and ability to discipline oneself. Nowadays a large amount of attention is paid to children's sports: school gyms, gaming sections, classes of gymnasticsФизическое развитие у детей – один из самых важных аспектов в жизни родителей. Спорт помогает развить самые важные качества: выносливость, силу, ловкость, стойкость и умение дисциплинировать себя. В наше время большое количество внимания уделяется именно детскому спорту: школьные тренажерные залы, игровые секции, занятия по гимнастик

    Межі здійснення особистих немайнових прав юридичних осіб: зловживання правом на недоторканність ділової репутації юридичної особи

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    Попова, С. О. Межі здійснення особистих немайнових прав юридичних осіб: зловживання правом на недоторканність ділової репутації юридичної особи / С. О. Попова // Проблеми цивільного права та процесу : тези доп. учасників наук.-практ. конф., присвяч. світлій пам’яті О. А. Пушкіна, (м. Харків, 24 трав. 2019 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ ; Харків. обл. осередок Всеукр. громад. організації «Асоц. цивілістів України». — Харків: ХНУВС, 2019. — С. 344-347.Зазначено, що невирішеним залишається питання визначення меж здійснення особистих немайнових прав юридичних осіб, що має пріоритетне значення для досліджень та законодавчого закріплення, адже більш повне регулювання дасть змогу як зменшити кількість правопорушень у сфері діяльності юридичних осіб, а відтак й закріпити позитивний імідж України на міжнародній арені.It was noted that the issue of determining the boundaries of the exercise of personal non-property rights of legal entities, which is of priority importance for research and legislative consolidation, remains unresolved, because more complete regulation will both reduce the number of offenses in the field of activity of legal entities and consolidate the positive image of Ukraine in the international arena.Отмечено, что нерешенным остается вопрос определения границ осуществления личных неимущественных прав юридических лиц, имеющий приоритетное значение для исследований и законодательного закрепления, ведь более полное регулирование позволит как уменьшить количество правонарушений в сфере деятельности юридических лиц, так и закрепить позитивный имидж Украины на международной арене

    Недопустимість дифамації як особисте немайнове право юридичної особи і проблеми його захисту

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    Popova, S. The inadmissibility of defamation as a personal non-property right of a legal entity and the problems of its protection / Sofiia Popova // Visegrad journal on human rights. – 2020. – № 1 (Vol. 3). – P. 168-173.Досліджено питання дифамації, вивчено її поняття, у тому числі визначено недопустимості дифамації як особистого немайнового права юридичної особи. На основі проведеного аналізу встановлено його ознаки та проблеми захисту учасників суспільних відносин від дифамації.The article is devoted to the study of issues of defamation, which requires its concept, then it left inadmissible defamation, as it was non-property legal entities. On the basis of the conducted analysis its signs and problems of protection of participants of public relations from defamation are established.Исследованы вопросы диффамации, изучены ее понятия, в том числе определены недопустимости диффамации как личного неимущественного права юридического лица. На основе проведенного анализа установлены его признаки и проблемы защиты участников общественных отношений от диффамации

    Formation of plasma around a small meteoroid: 1. Kinetic theory

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    This article is a companion to Dimant and Oppenheim [2017] https://doi.org/10.1002/2017JA023963.This paper calculates the spatial distribution of the plasma responsible for radar head echoes by applying the kinetic theory developed in the companion paper. This results in a set of analytic expressions for the plasma density as a function of distance from the meteoroid. It shows that at distances less than a collisional mean free path from the meteoroid surface, the plasma density drops in proportion to 1/R where R is the distance from the meteoroid center; and, at distances much longer than the mean‐free‐path behind the meteoroid, the density diminishes at a rate proportional to 1/R2. The results of this paper should be used for modeling and analysis of radar head echoes.This work was supported by NSF grant AGS-1244842. (AGS-1244842 - NSF

    Concessional lending as a perspective tool of development of agribusiness

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    The aim of the research is to find the solution to the problem of food security in non-food countries, i.e., countries in which conditions for agriculture are unfavorable. The authors offer the hypothesis that solution to this problem requires development of agribusiness, a perspective tool of which is concessional lending. In the process of the research, in order to verify this hypothesis, the authors use the methods of modeling of socio-economic systems, as well as systemic, problem, institutional, and SWOT-analysis. As a result of the research, the authors come to the conclusion that the most important problem of development of agribusiness in non-food countries is lack and low accessibility of financial resources, which is caused by high seasonality of business, its low profitability, and, correspondingly, its low investment attractiveness. Concessional lending allows solving this problem and increasing the accessibility of financial resources for agro-enterprises, which gives them a possibility for modernization of equipment and technology of production, reduction of product cost, and increase of profitability and competitiveness. The article views the peculiarities of crediting agricultural enterprises, determines the role of small enterprises of agribusiness, develops recommendations for provision of concessional lending for agro-enterprises, and describes the mechanism of development of agribusiness by means of concessional lending.peer-reviewe