2,543 research outputs found

    Quantum Hysteresis in Coupled Light-Matter Systems

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    We investigate the non-equilibrium quantum dynamics of a canonical light-matter system, namely the Dicke model, when the light-matter interaction is ramped up and down through a cycle across the quantum phase transition. Our calculations reveal a rich set of dynamical behaviors determined by the cycle times, ranging from the slow, near adiabatic regime through to the fast, sudden quench regime. As the cycle time decreases, we uncover a crossover from an oscillatory exchange of quantum information between light and matter that approaches a reversible adiabatic process, to a dispersive regime that generates large values of light-matter entanglement. The phenomena uncovered in this work have implications in quantum control, quantum interferometry, as well as in quantum information theory.Comment: 9 pages and 4 figure

    Dynamics of Entanglement and the Schmidt Gap in a Driven Light-Matter System

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    The ability to modify light-matter coupling in time (e.g. using external pulses) opens up the exciting possibility of generating and probing new aspects of quantum correlations in many-body light-matter systems. Here we study the impact of such a pulsed coupling on the light-matter entanglement in the Dicke model as well as the respective subsystem quantum dynamics. Our dynamical many-body analysis exploits the natural partition between the radiation and matter degrees of freedom, allowing us to explore time-dependent intra-subsystem quantum correlations by means of squeezing parameters, and the inter-subsystem Schmidt gap for different pulse duration (i.e. ramping velocity) regimes -- from the near adiabatic to the sudden quench limits. Our results reveal that both types of quantities indicate the emergence of the superradiant phase when crossing the quantum critical point. In addition, at the end of the pulse light and matter remain entangled even though they become uncoupled, which could be exploited to generate entangled states in non-interacting systems.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics B, special issue Correlations in light-matter interaction

    Arqueología rural de época moderna y contemporánea en el entorno de Huelva : el asentamiento de "La Almagra"

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    En este trabajo se hace una valoración histórica y arqueológica de la Fase de ocupación de época moderna/ contemporánea documentada en la excavación del asentamiento de La Almagra, situado en los actuales terrenos del Campus universitario de El Carmen en su extremo con la Avenida de Andalucía. Es este un enclave que presenta una ocupación diacrónica que sin solución de continuidad arranca en época romana y se mantiene en funcionamiento hasta mediados del pasado siglo, donde se reproduce un modelo de poblamiento rural que parece ser el propio de la Tierra Llana onubense basado en un esquema villa rústica romana alquería islámica cortijo moderno/ contemporáneo.___________________________In this paper we make an archaeological valuation of the modern and contemporary phase of occupation in the settlement kwown as La Almagra, located in the current areas of the university of Huelva -Campus ElCarmen- and the Avenue of Andalucía. This settelement shows us a continued chronological sequence form roman period (villa rustica) to islamic and modern/contremporary age (farmhouse). The most significant feature in this place is the continous exploitation of architectonical resources leaved by every previous moment

    Carbon-based nanomaterials for gold (III) recovery: kinetics and loading investigations

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    Currently, the development of different smart technology to recover or eliminate strategic or toxic metals from liquid effluent is constant. Among the different process developed to the treatment of liquid effluents bearing these types of metallic elements, include chemical or electrochemical precipitation, membrane based technology, ion exchange and adsorption. Adsorption is a high efficiency, cost-effectiveness and easily handing method to recover pollutants or strategic metals. Nowadays a research challenge is the development of new adsorbents. Among nanomaterials, carbon nanomaterials have adequate properties to be used as metal adsorbent. On the other hand gold is one of the most precious elements in the world. The price in 2015 of this strategic metal is 1.376 $/kg. Besides its uses in jewellery it is highly used in different industries, so it is important the gold recovery from liquid effluents generated from these various industries. The adsorption method is a way to treat these types of effluents, characterized for their low gold concentration. The aim of this research was to optimize various operational parameters, and thus obtain efficient carbon nanotubes processing for gold (III)-bearing effluents. The adsorption of gold (III) by carbon nanofibers (CNF), carbon multiwalled (MWCN) and carbon multiwalled with carboxyl group (MWCN_ox) systems were investigated. The experimental parameters which may influence gold adsorption were investigated, i.e. stirring speed of the aqueous solutions, adsorbent dosage, acid concentration, temperature etc. Figure 1 shows the effect of the acid concentration on the Au(III) adsorption to the three adsorbent. It can be seen that the adsorption Au(III) decreases with the increase of HCl concentration. Probalby it is due the existence of other gold species, such as HAuCl4, at the higher hydrochloric solution against the presence of the predominant AuCl4- species in the more dilute HCl solutions which are more adsorbable than the gold-acid form. SEM studies of gold loaded carbon nanomaterials show on the surface dark particles, Figure 2. The EDS of the dark particles show two peaks for Lα(9.7 keV) and Mα (2.1 keV) characteristic of metallic gold. Probably this reduction occurs on the carbon surface, related with the metal reduction. The isotherm and kinetic studies of the carbon nanomaterial-Au(III) system show a different behavior in function of the carbon nanomaterial used as adsorbent. The experimental data obtained using the MWCNT and CNF fit better to a pseudo second order equation and an isotherm Freundlich model. The three carbon nanomaterials, appeared to be a promising material for recovery of Au(III) from this type of acid solutions in the optimal experimental for each one of them condition.Peer reviewe

    Las células presentadoras de antígeno y su papel en el síndrome reproductivo y respiratorio porcino

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    Las células presentadoras de antígeno son aquellas células encargadas de capturar, procesar y presentar antígenos con la finalidad de lograr una respuesta inmune efectiva por parte del organismo. Su papel, como centinelas, es crucial durante el transcurso de diversas enfermedades infecciosas. El estudio de estas células tras la infección con el virus del Síndrome Reproductivo y Respiratorio Porcino nos da información para abordar nuevas estrategias de control frente a esta enfermedad.Antigen presenting cells are able to capture, process and present antigens in order to develop an effective immune response. The role of these cells during infectious diseases is crucial to control the disease. Thus, the study of these cells after the infection with Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus gives us useful information on how to control this disease

    Bases de la respuesta inflamatoria en la forma respiratoria del PRRS

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    El Síndrome Reproductivo y Respiratorio Porcino (PRRS) es una enfermedad de distribución mundial que causa graves pérdidas económicas al sector porcino. Este virus no sólo es importante como agente causal del PRRS sino también por su participación en el desarrollo del Complejo Respiratorio Porcino. Su interacción con las defensas pulmonares, la alteración de la respuesta inmune y su persistencia en los órganos linfoides conlleva a que los cerdos tengan dificultades para luchar contra la enfermedad.Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) is considered as the most economically important disease of the modern swine industry. The importance of this virus lies in not only being the causative agent of PRRSV, but also due to its implication in the onset of the Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex. The interaction of the virus with pulmonary defenses, the impairment of the immune response as well as the viral persistence in lymphoid organs make overcoming the disease diffi cult to infected pigs

    Las industrias de salazones del litoral onubense : los casos de "El Eucaliptal" (Punta Umbría), y "El Cerro del Trigo" (Doñana, Almonte)

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    Una de las actividades que mejor definen la economía de época romana en el Golfo de Cádiz es la industria relacionada con la producción y comercialización de salsas de pescado (salazones). Según los testimonios arqueológicos, los orígenes de esta producción se remontan a momentos prerromanos en ámbitos geográficos relacionados con el comercio gaditano. Dado el escaso número de este tipo de instalaciones conocidas en la costa onubense durante el período romano, donde hasta la fecha sólo existían escasas referencias bibliográficas, se presentan en este trabajo los nuevos yacimientos dedicados a la producción de salazones descubiertos en prospecciones y excavaciones por el Área de Arqueología de la Universidad de Huelva, y se hace hincapié en una mayor abundancia de este tipo de instalaciones, que fenómenos geomorfológicos recientes, principalmente los donares, impiden valorar en su verdadera dispersión._____________________________One of the activities which better define the economy of Roman period in the Gulf of Cadiz is the industry related to the production and marketing sauce of fish (fish-salting). According to the archaeological testimonies, the origins of this production go back to preroman moments, in areas related to the Cadiz trade. In view of the scanty number of this type of facilities know in Huelva coast during the Roman period, where up to the date only scanty bibliographical references existed, there appear in this work the new deposits dedicated to the production of saltings discovered in explorations and excavations for the Area of Archaeology of the University of Huelva. And it is emphisized a bigger abundance of this type of factories, which geomorphological phenomenon, principally the littoral dunes system, prevent valuing at its real dispersion

    Non-Stick Coatings in Aluminium Molds for the Production of Polyurethane Foam

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    The manufacturing of polyurethane foam is a process of great industrial importance in the automotive and furniture sector. The operation of demolding is the most delicate, since the foam sticks firmly to the walls of the mold onto which it has spread. In order to avoid the use of demolding agents, the proposal is to coat the inside of the molds with non-stick coatings. In this work, three types of different coatings were studied: fluoropolymers, ceramics, and elastomers. After carrying out different tests in the laboratory, two fluoropolymer coatings (PFA (perfluoroalkoxy) and PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene)) were selected for a test at the industrial level and, after 1500 cycles of demolding, it was experimentally proven that the PFA coating is the most adequate for the use studie