7 research outputs found

    SEM Investigation of ZnO and CdO–ZnO Layers Grown by Sol-Gel Technology and a Multifractal Analysis of their Surface Depending on Synthesis Conditions

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    Introduction. Super-thin films of zinc oxide regarded as transparent electrodes can be integrated in effective semiconductor heterostructures for use in modern infrared photo electronics and solar power installations. The most important parameter of zinc oxide thin layers is their surface nanorelief, which can be effectively studied using SEM spectroscopy. SEM images allow for a quantitative description of the surface depending on the synthesis conditions using the method of multifractal analysis. Such an approach reveals quantitative relationships between the fractal parameters of the surface topography of the layers in these systems and the temperature regimes used for their final annealing in conventional sol-gel technology.Aim. To reveal quantitative relationships between the fractal parameters of the surface topography of layers in the Zn–O & Zn–Cd–O systems and the temperature conditions of their final annealing. The MFA method was used for a quantitative description of the surface state depending on the synthesis conditions.Materials and methods. Super-thin films in the ZnO and ZnO–CdO systems were synthesized using a modified sol-gel technology. The temperature-concentration ranges of the parameters of the modified technological process, which allows high-quality layers of the material to be reproducibly obtained on a glass substrate, were determined. The surface morphology was investigated by SEM spectroscopy depending on the temperature of the final annealing of the layers. SEM images of the surface served as a basis for multifractal analysis (MFA) of the surface area and volume of nanoforms, which are formed on the surface of the obtained layers thus determining their surface relief.Results. Renyi’s numbers and the parameters of fractal ordering in MFA were chosen as fractal parameters for describing the nano-geometry of the layer surface. MFA was applied to the description of both the surface areas and volumes of nanoforms. Quantitative correlations between Renyi’s numbers, as well as the parameters of fractal ordering for the areas and volumes of surface nanoforms, and the temperature of the final annealing were found.Conclusion. The numerical values of Renyi’s numbers for the surface and volume characteristics of the surface of layers were used to assess the effect of the fractality of the surface on the molar surface energy of the film. Consideration of the fractal geometry of nanoforms with their characteristic sizes smaller than 5·103μm shows the possibility of both an increase in the surface energy of the resulting film and its decrease when changing the characteristic sizes of nanoforms. The latter effect is due to the formation of a highly porous surface at the nano levelIntroduction. Super-thin films of zinc oxide regarded as transparent electrodes can be integrated in effective semiconductor heterostructures for use in modern infrared photo electronics and solar power installations. The most important parameter of zinc oxide thin layers is their surface nanorelief, which can be effectively studied using SEM spectroscopy. SEM images allow for a quantitative description of the surface depending on the synthesis conditions using the method of multifractal analysis. Such an approach reveals quantitative relationships between the fractal parameters of the surface topography of the layers in these systems and the temperature regimes used for their final annealing in conventional sol-gel technology.Aim. To reveal quantitative relationships between the fractal parameters of the surface topography of layers in the Zn–O & Zn–Cd–O systems and the temperature conditions of their final annealing. The MFA method was used for a quantitative description of the surface state depending on the synthesis conditions.Materials and methods. Super-thin films in the ZnO and ZnO–CdO systems were synthesized using a modified sol-gel technology. The temperature-concentration ranges of the parameters of the modified technological process, which allows high-quality layers of the material to be reproducibly obtained on a glass substrate, were determined. The surface morphology was investigated by SEM spectroscopy depending on the temperature of the final annealing of the layers. SEM images of the surface served as a basis for multifractal analysis (MFA) of the surface area and volume of nanoforms, which are formed on the surface of the obtained layers thus determining their surface relief.Results. Renyi’s numbers and the parameters of fractal ordering in MFA were chosen as fractal parameters for describing the nano-geometry of the layer surface. MFA was applied to the description of both the surface areas and volumes of nanoforms. Quantitative correlations between Renyi’s numbers, as well as the parameters of fractal ordering for the areas and volumes of surface nanoforms, and the temperature of the final annealing were found.Conclusion. The numerical values of Renyi’s numbers for the surface and volume characteristics of the surface of layers were used to assess the effect of the fractality of the surface on the molar surface energy of the film. Consideration of the fractal geometry of nanoforms with their characteristic sizes smaller than 5·103μm shows the possibility of both an increase in the surface energy of the resulting film and its decrease when changing the characteristic sizes of nanoforms. The latter effect is due to the formation of a highly porous surface at the nano leve


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    The article deals with topical issues of teaching “Ethics and deontology in pharmacy”, for foreign students who study at the Pharmaceutical Department of Odesa State Medical University in English. The organizational and methodical features of teaching English-speaking students were analyzed, the value of role-playing games in the lesson structure was determined.У статті розглянуто актуальні питання викладання дисципліни “Етика та деонтологія у фармації” іноземцям, які навчаються на фармацевтичному факультеті Одеського національного медичного університету англійською мовою. Проаналізовано організаційно-методичні особливості викладання англомовним студентам, визначено значення рольових ігор у структурі заняття.

    Organizational and methodical approaches of teaching english-speaking foreign students at the pharmaceutical faculty of Odesa national medical university

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    У статті розглянуто актуальні питання викладання дисципліни “етика та деонтологія у фармації” іноземцям, які навчаються на фармацевтичному факультеті Одеського національного медичного університету англійською мовою. Проаналізовано організаційно-методичні особливості викладання англомовним студентам, визначено значення рольових ігор у структурі заняття.The article deals with topical issues of teaching “Ethics and Deontology in Pharmacy”, for foreign students who study at the Pharmaceutical Department of Odesa State Medical University in English. The organizational and methodical features of teaching English-speaking students were analyzed, the value of role-playing games in the lesson structure was determined

    Scientific analysis of pharmaceutical logistics in Ukraine

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    Unhurian L. M., Bielyaieva O. I., Prylypko N. A., Vyshnytska I. V. Scientific analysis of pharmaceutical logistics in Ukraine. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(12):951-967. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.399310 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4358 https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/sedno-webapp/works/812809 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 754 (09.12.2016). 754 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2016; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 05.12.2016. Revised 20.12.2016. Accepted: 25.12.2016. UDK: 615.1:658.7:001.8(477) SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS OF PHARMACEUTICAL LOGISTICS IN UKRAINE L. M. Unhurian, O. I. Bielyaieva, N. A. Prylypko, I. V. Vyshnytska Odessa National Medical University, Odessa Summary Theoretical positions and methodological aspects of pharmaceutical logistics are conceptually generalized. Directions and features of becoming of national pharmaceutical logistics (depth of search – 1956–2005) are determined. The logistic providing of search stages and advancement of drugs is developed. The logistic mechanisms of management of commodity stocks of wholesale pharmaceutical enterprises and pharmacies, and also principles of modeling of logistic flows of pharmaceutical firms are improved. An integral index that characterizes the level of logistic service it is offered. The principles of conception of the logistic management of wastes of pharmaceutical branch are offered. The generalized index of width of development of pharmacy networks is developed. Key words: pharmaceutical logistics, logistic management, logistic approach, logistic service

    Introduction of standards of good pharmacy practice (GPP) in the world

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    Останніми роками в міжнародній аптечній практиці проходять активні процеси, що направлені на підвищення якості професійної діяльності, зокрема запроваджуються стандарти Належної аптечної практики (GPP). Дослідження професійних стандартів аптечної практики розвинених країн світу виявляє різні підходи до нормування такої діяльності, однак незалежно від застосованої моделі стандарти розробляються фармацевтичними асоціаціями та використовуються регуляторними органами, власниками підприємств і фахівцями для контролю якості аптечних послуг, що надаються населенню. Проаналізовано історичні етапи становлення концепції Належної аптечної практики (GPP) у світі та роль Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров’я (ВООЗ) і Міжнародної фармацевтичної федерації (МФФ) у даному процесі. Розглянуто підходи до стандартизації діяльності аптечних закладів в світі, зокрема визначена провідна роль у розробці вимог Належної аптечної практики національних професійних організацій, оскільки саме вони здатні врахувати всі особливості фармацевтичного обслуговування населення в їхніх державах.In recent years there are active processes in the international pharmacy practice aimed on improving the quality of professional work, in particular, standards of the Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) are being introduced. Researches of professional standards of pharmacy practice in developed countries reveals different approaches to the regulation of such activities, however, despite the applicable model standards are developed by the pharmaceutical associations and are used by regulatory bodies, business owners and professionals to control the quality of pharmacy services that are provided to the population. Historical stages of the development of the concept of the GPP in the world and the role of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) in the process were analyzed. The approaches to standardization activities of pharmaceutical institutions in the world were reviewed, in particular the lead role in the development of the requirements of good pharmacy practice of national professional organizations, as they are able to take into account all features of the pharmaceutical services of the population in their countries

    Науковедческий анализ становления фармацевтической логистики в Украине

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    Вперше концептуально узагальнено теоретичні положення та методологічні аспекти фармацевтичної логістики. Наукознавчо визначено напрямки та особливості становлення вітчизняної фармацевтичної логістики (глибина пошуку – 1956–2005 рр.). Удосконалено логістичне забезпечення етапів розробки та просування лікарських засобів, логістичні механізми управління товарними запасами оптових фармацевтичних підприємств і аптек, принципи моделювання логістичних потоків фармацевтичного підприємства. Запропоновано інтегральний показник для характеристики рівня логістичного обслуговування. Обгрунтовано принципи концепції логістичного поводження з відходами фармацевтичної галузі. Розроблено узагальнений показник ширини розвитку аптечних мереж.Theoretical positions and methodological aspects of pharmaceutical logistics are conceptually generalized. Directions and features of becoming of national pharmaceutical logistics (depth of search – 1956–2005) are determined. The logistic providing of search stages and advancement of drugs is developed. The logistic mechanisms of management of commodity stocks of wholesale pharmaceutical enterprises and pharmacies, and also principles of modeling of logistic flows of pharmaceutical firms are improved. An integral index that characterizes the level of logistic service it is offered. The principles of conception of the logistic management of wastes of pharmaceutical branch are offered. The generalized index of width of development of pharmacy networks is developed.Впервые концептуально обобщены теоретические положения и методологические аспекты фармацевтической логистики. Науковедчески определены направления и особенности становления отечественной фармацевтической логистики (глубина поиска - 1956-2005 гг.). Усовершенствовано логистическое обеспечение этапов разработки и продвижения лекарственных средств, логистические механизмы управления товарными запасами оптовых фармацевтических предприятий и аптек, принципы моделирования логистических потоков фармацевтического предприятия. Предложен интегральный показатель для характеристики уровня логистического обслуживания. Обоснованы принципы концепции логистического обращения с отходами фармацевтической отрасли. Разработан обобщенный показатель ширины развития аптечных сете