114 research outputs found

    Employment management policies in single-industry towns in the light of existing issues of precarious employment

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    Purpose: The article aims to study the precarious employment in single-industry towns and to assess the effectiveness of government measures aimed at reducing it and ensuring the protection of economic and social rights of workers. Design/Methodology/Approach: It was revealed that the transition to an information-digital society, which continues to be formatted at the junction of changes in communication technologies and the motivation of employment behavior, has significantly changed the labor market in Russia. There was a massive introduction of non-standard forms of employment, which has not only positive effects, but also negative risks that are most acute in single-industry towns. To minimize these risks, it is necessary to find mechanisms to increase the economic and social security of workers with flexible employment. Findings: The paper proposes to develop an employment management policy in single-industry towns regarding the precarious employment and include measures of solving the issues related to self-employment of the population. Practical Implications: The practical results of the study can be used to develop assumptions for regional authorities to reduce precarious employment in single-industry towns. Originality / Value: The main contribution of this study is that single-industry cities should reduce inefficient “social employment” by creating highly efficient jobs and developing self-employmenpeer-reviewe

    Опорные регионы пространственного развития России: бюджетный аспект

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     The authors investigate the prospects for the spatial development of modern Russia highlighting the supporting regions considered in the budgetary aspect. The relevance of the study is due to the insufficient evidence for the effectiveness of the current policy of “equalization”, as well as the need for breakthrough growth of the Russian economy within the framework of national development goals. The present paper aims to identify one of the key elements of the supporting framework of the spatial organization of Russia in terms of the level of fiscal capacity. The research methodology is based on the use of complex, statistical and comparative analyses. The authors used official data of Rosstat on the population, tax and non-tax revenues, gratuitous receipts in 2010 and 2019 by regions of Russia. The authors highlight the key aspects of the spatial development of the Russian economy in the regional context: human capital development, economic development, the functioning of spatial structures of various types, fiscal capacity, environmental component, location of information and communication infrastructure, and geopolitical position. The influence of the fiscal capacity parameter on the sustainable socio-economic development of the region is justified. The fiscal capacity index of the constituent entities of Russia is analyzed at the end of 2010 and 2019, the main trends are identified. The study presents a cartographic visualization of the Russian regions by per capita fiscal capacity for tax and non-tax revenues of the consolidated budgets in 2019. The authors carried out a comparative analysis of the revenues of consolidated regional budgets on the macro-regional level, as a result of which the leading regions were identified and their budget parameters described.The present paper outlines one of the key elements of the supporting framework of Russian spatial organization from the point of view of fiscal capacity and identifies potential regions supporting spatial development in the context of macro-regions. The authors conclude that the supporting framework of the spatial organization of Russia, formed by the level of fiscal capacity, characterizes the financial potential of the territories, which can contribute to the development of interregional cooperation, including through the use of mechanisms for ensuring “horizontal” inter-budgetary transfers and budget loans. The prospect for further research on this topic consists in assessing and shaping other elements of the spatial development of Russia and identifying, by uniting them, supporting regions that can stimulate the development of not only the semi-periphery and periphery of their macro-regions but also of the entire country.Авторы исследуют перспективы пространственного развития современной России посредством выделения опорных регионов через бюджетный аспект. Актуальность исследования обусловлена недостаточной эффективностью проводимой в настоящее время политики регионального «выравнивания», а также необходимостью осуществления прорывного роста экономики России в рамках достижения национальных целей развития. Цель исследования: выделить один из ключевых слоев опорного каркаса пространственной организации России по уровню бюджетной обеспеченности субъектов Российской Федерации. Методология исследования основана на использовании комплексного, статистического и сравнительного анализов официальных данных Федеральной службы государственной статистики о численности населения, налоговых и неналоговых доходах, безвозмездных поступлениях в 2010 и 2019 гг. по субъектам РФ. Авторы выделили ключевые аспекты пространственного развития экономики России в региональном разрезе: развитие человеческого капитала, экономическое развитие, функционирование пространственных структур различного типа, бюджетная обеспеченность, экологическая составляющая, размещение информационно-коммуникационной инфраструктуры, геополитическое положение. Обосновано влияние параметра бюджетной обеспеченности на устойчивое социально-экономическое развитие региона. Проанализирована бюджетная обеспеченность субъектов Российской Федерации по итогам 2010 и 2019 гг., выявлены основные тенденции. Проведена картографическая визуализация распределения субъектов РФ по уровню среднедушевой бюджетной обеспеченности по налоговым и неналоговым доходам консолидированных бюджетов в 2019 г. Проведен сравнительный анализ доходов консолидированных бюджетов субъектов РФ в разрезе макрорегионов, по итогам которого определены регионы-лидеры и охарактеризованы их бюджетные параметры. Сформирован один из ключевых слоев опорного каркаса пространственной организации России по уровню бюджетной обеспеченности, определены потенциальные опорные регионы пространственного развития России в разрезе макрорегионов. Авторы делают вывод: сформированный по уровню бюджетной обеспеченности опорный каркас пространственной организации России характеризует финансовый потенциал территорий, что может способствовать развитию межрегиональной кооперации, в том числе, за счет использования механизмов предоставления «горизонтальных» межбюджетных трансфертов и бюджетных кредитов. Перспектива дальнейшего исследования данной тематики состоит в оценке и формировании других слоев пространственного развития России и выделении посредством их совмещения опорных регионов, которые могут стать локомотивами развития не только для полупериферии и периферии своих макрорегионов, но и для всего пространства страны

    Efikasnost proizvodnje mesa zeca uz pomoć savremene tehnologije na privatnoj farmi

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    It is proposed to grow rabbits in the modern production technology with the use of the developed technology of using recycled materials in the construction of cages for keeping rabbits. It is also proposed to use interbreed crossing of New Zealand White breed and Flanders, and also breeds Californian and Flanders breed.Predlaže se uzgoj zečeva u savremenoj proizvodnoj tehnologiji uz korišćenje razvijene tehnologije upotrebe recikliranih materijala u izgradnji kaveza za držanje zečeva. Takođe se predlaže korišćenje meleza novozelandske bele rase i flandrijske rase zečeva, kao i meleza kalifornijske i flandrijske rasa

    Effects of diets high in animal or plant protein on oxidative stress in individuals with type 2 diabetes: a randomized clinical trial

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    High-protein diet is a promising strategy for diabetes treatment supporting body weight control, improving glycaemic status, cardiovascular risk factors and reducing liver fat. Here, we investigated effects of diets high in animal (AP) or plant (PP) protein on oxidative stress and antioxidant status in individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). 37 obese individuals (age 64.3 ± 1.0 years) with T2DM were randomized to an isocaloric diet (30 energy(E)% protein, 30E% fat and 40E% carbohydrates) rich in AP or PP for 6 weeks. Markers of oxidative and nitrosative stress and antioxidant status in plasma and nitrate/nitrite levels in urine were assessed. Gene expression in subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) was analyzed by RNA-Seq and real-time PCR.Both AP and PP diets similarly reduced plasma levels of malondialdehyde (P(AP) = 0.003, P(PP) = 1.6x10(-4)) and protein carbonyls (P(AP) = 1.2x10(-4), P(PP) = 3.0x10(-5)) over 6 weeks. Nitrotyrosine (NT) increased upon both AP and PP diets (PAP = 0.005,PPP = 0.004). SAT expression of genes involved in nitric oxide (NO) and oxidative stress metabolism and urine NO metabolite (nitrate/nitrite) levels were not changed upon both diets. Plasma levels of carotenoids increased upon PP diet, whereas retinol, alpha- and gamma-tocopherol slightly decreased upon both diets. AP and PP diets similarly improve oxidative stress but increase nitrosative stress markers in individuals with T2DM. Mechanisms of the NT regulation upon high-protein diets need further investigation

    Прогнозирование социально-экономического развития муниципального образования: бюджетный аспект

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    The article considers the issues associated with the formation of a forecast for the socio-economic development of a municipality in the context of budgetary resources. The relevance of the study is due to the variety of theoretical and practical approaches to forecasting the socio-economic development of municipalities, which are used in the activities of local governments with different degrees of effectiveness, which has a negative impact on strategic planning at the municipal level as a whole. The purpose of the study is to develop an integrated approach to the formation of a forecast for a socio-economic development of a municipality with emphasis on the budgetary sphere. The research methodology is based on the use of complex and statistical analysis, methods of economic and mathematical modeling. Approbation was carried out on the example of the municipality “City of Kirov”. Conceptual scheme for construction of economic and mathematical model of a municipal formation is substantiated and proposed, and also allow to form a forecast of socioeconomic development of a municipality for long-term period, in which factors are identified and influence on the local budget parameters. To build an economic and mathematical model, a municipal statistical base for the city of Kirov was formed for a twenty-year period. On the basis of the collected statistical series, balance ratios and factor dependencies of the model parameters were identified and formalized in accordance with the logic of the relationship of indicators within the model of the socio-economic system of the municipal level by constructing a system of econometric equations and conducting a correlation-regression analysis. On the basis of the constructed economic and mathematical model, a scenario forecast was implemented and estimates of changes in the budget parameters of the city of Kirov for the period up to 2035 were obtained. It is concluded that the approach developed by the authors to the formation of the forecast for a socio-economic development at the municipal level is universal for various types of municipalities in the Russian Federation and can be applied as for municipal socio-economic system as a whole and for its individual subsystems and spheres.В статье рассматриваются вопросы формирования прогноза социально-экономического развития муниципального образования в контексте бюджетных ресурсов. Актуальность исследования обусловлена многообразием теоретических и практических подходов к прогнозированию социально-экономического развития муниципальных образований, которые применяются в деятельности органов местного самоуправления с различной степенью эффективности, что оказывает негативное влияние на стратегическое планирование на муниципальном уровне в целом. Цель исследования: разработка комплексного подхода к формированию прогноза социально-экономического развития муниципального образования с акцентом на бюджетную сферу. Методология исследования основана на использовании комплексного и статистического анализов, методов экономико-математического моделирования. Апробация проведена на примере муниципального образования «Город Киров». Обоснована и предложена концептуальная схема построения экономико-математической модели муниципального образования, позволяющая сформировать прогноз социально-экономического развития муниципалитета на долгосрочный период, в рамках которой определены основные факторы, оказывающие влияние на параметры местного бюджета. Для построения экономико-математической модели сформирована муниципальная статистическая база г. Кирова за двадцатилетний период. На основе собранных рядов статистических данных выявлены и формализованы балансовые соотношения и факторные зависимости параметров модели в соответствии с логикой взаимосвязи показателей в рамках модели социально-экономической системы муниципального уровня посредством построения системы эконометрических уравнений и проведения корреляционно-регрессионного анализа. На базе построенной экономико-математической модели осуществлен сценарный прогноз и получены оценки изменения бюджетных параметров г. Кирова на период до 2035 г. Сделан вывод о том, что разработанный авторами подход к формированию прогноза социально-экономического развития на муниципальном уровне является универсальным для различных видов муниципальных образований в Российской Федерации и может быть применен как для муниципальной социально-экономической системы в целом, так и для ее отдельных подсистем и сфер

    Влияние инфликсимаба на качество жизни пациентов с анкилозирующим спондилитом по данным опросника SF-36

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    Objective: to evaluate the effect of infliximab (INF) on quality of life (QL) in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS), by analyzing the results of a SF-36 questionnaire survey. Subjects and methods. Sixty-six male patients, diagnosed with AS (according to the 1984 modified New-York criteria) in its extensive or end stage with a high activity (BASDAI ≥4.0), were followed up. All the patients were divided into 2 groups according to the option of disease-modifying antirheumatic drug therapy: 1) 16 patients who received combination therapy with INF given as a standard regimen at 0, 2, and 6 weeks followed by a regimen of 5 mg/kg body weight and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in standard doses every 8 weeks; 2) 50 patients who had monotherapy with NSAIDs in the same doses. QL was assessed using the Short-Form 36 (SF-36) questionnaire in patients with AS. Results. The scales evaluating physical health showed the greatest group differences in pain intensity (38.42%; p<0.0001) and the least in the general health status (24.48%; p<0.001). Those assessing mental health displayed statistically significant group differences in vital activity (24.78%; p<0.01).Conclusion. The patients receiving monotherapy with NSAIDs were found to have lower scores in all SF-36 scales than those on combination therapy with INF and NSAIDs.Цель исследования – оценить влияние инфликсимаба (ИНФ) на качество жизни (КЖ) больных анкилозирующим спондилитом (АС) на основании анализа результатов опроса по анкете SF-36. Материал и методы. Под наблюдением находилось 66 пациентов мужского пола с диагнозом АС (согласно модифицированным Нью-Йоркским критериям 1984 г.) в развернутой или поздней стадии заболевания с высокой степенью активности по ВАSDАI ≥4,0. Все больные были разделены на 2 группы в зависимости от варианта базисной терапии. 1-я группа – 16 пациентов, получавших комбинированную терапию ИНФ по стандартной схеме: 0, 2, 6-я недели, далее каждые 8 нед из расчета 5 мг/кг массы тела и нестероидные противовоспалительные препараты (НПВП) в стандартных дозах. 2-я группа – 50 пациентов, получавших монотерапию НПВП в аналогичных дозах. Оценка КЖ больных АС проводилась с помощью опросника SF-36. Результаты исследования. Среди шкал, оценивающих физическое здоровье, наибольшие различия между группами выявлены для интенсивности боли – 38,42% (p<0,0001), наименьшие – по показателю общего состояния здоровья – 24,48% (p<0,001). По шкалам, оценивающим психическое здоровье, выявлены статистически значимые различия между группами для показателя жизненной активности – 24,78% (p<0,001). Заключение. Установлено, что у больных, получавших монотерапию НПВП, отмечались более низкие значения по всем шкалам опросника SF-36, чем у больных, получавших комбинированную терапию ИНФ и НПВП

    The efficiency of the production of rabbit meat with the help of modern technology in the personal subsidary farm

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    It is proposed to grow rabbits in the modern production technology with the use of the developed technology of using recycled materials in the construction of cages for keeping rabbits. It is also proposed to use interbreed crossing of New Zealand White breed and Flanders, and also breeds Californian and Flanders breed

    Hypoxia-induced factor-1α and markers of inflammation in patients with ischemic stroke

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    Ischemic stroke (IS) occurs as a result of local disturbance of hemocirculation and hypoxia in the brain tissue. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), which is involved in the regulation of tissue oxygen levels, plays an important role in the pathophysiology of stroke, including neuronal survival, neuroinflammation, angiogenesis, glucose metabolism, blood-brain barrier permeability, and is important in IS outcomes. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between blood levels of HIF-1α and the degree of neurological deficit in the acute period of IS and the outcome of the disease. We examined 58 people with IS aged 73 (67-81) years. Patients were divided into two groups – discharged and dead. The severity of stroke (NIHSS), neurological deficit, comorbidity index, blood levels of HIF-1α, p53 protein, interleukin-6, cystatin C, CRP, creatinine, hematological parameters were determined at admission, on days 3 and 10 of the disease. At admission the blood levels of HIF-1α was lower than in the comparison group and remained reduced until the 10th day. On day 10 the association of HIF-1α with neurological deficit, comorbidity index and disease outcome was determined. We observed a feedback of HIF-1α with the content of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and hematocrit, which can be regarded as a reflection of the hemic component of mixed hypoxia. In dead patients, an increased blood level of cystatin C was detected, which was associated with HIF-1α concentrations. In all periods of observation of IS, a correlation between cystatin C and creatinine and CRP levels was noted. These results may indicate dysfunction of endotheliocytes, inflammation associated with hypoxia in IS. The prognostic significance of the blood level of HIF-1α on the 10th day for the outcome of IS was AUC = 0.900. Blood levels of HIF-1α in the acute period was associated with the severity of IS and the outcome of the disease

    Physical performance and non-esterified fatty acids in men and women after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI)

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    BACKGROUND: Men and women with valvular heart disease have different risk profiles for clinical endpoints. Non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) are possibly involved in cardio-metabolic disease. However, it is unclear whether NEFA concentrations are associated with physical performance in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) and whether there are sex-specific effects. METHODS: To test the hypothesis that NEFA concentration is associated with sex-specific physical performance, we prospectively analysed data from one hundred adult patients undergoing TAVI. NEFA concentrations, physical performance and anthropometric parameters were measured before and 6 and 12 months after TAVI. Physical performance was determined by a six-minute walking test (6-MWT) and self-reported weekly bicycle riding time. RESULTS: Before TAVI, NEFA concentrations were higher in patients (44 women, 56 men) compared to the normal population. Median NEFA concentrations at 6 and 12 months after TAVI were within the reference range reported in the normal population in men but not women. Men but not women presented with an increased performance in the 6-MWT over time (p = 0.026, p = 0.142, respectively). Additionally, men showed an increased ability to ride a bicycle after TAVI compared to before TAVI (p = 0.034). NEFA concentrations before TAVI correlated with the 6-MWT before TAVI in women (Spearman's rho -0.552; p = 0.001) but not in men (Spearman's rho -0.007; p = 0.964). No association was found between NEFA concentrations and physical performance 6 and 12 months after TAVI. CONCLUSIONS: NEFA concentrations improved into the reference range in men but not women after TAVI. Men but not women have an increased physical performance after TAVI. No association between NEFA and physical performance was observed in men and women after TAVI

    Influence of sodium desoxyribonucleate on anti-infectious protection and hematopoiesis in patients with polytrauma (randomized prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled study)

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    The  aim of the study was to evaluate  the effect of sodium  deoxyribonucleate on anti-infectious resistance and hematopoiesis in patients with polytraumas. A single-center study of sodium  deoxyribonucleate effectiveness approved by the local Ethics Committee (protocol No. 4 05/18/2016), was conducted in 54 patients with polytrauma. The  main  group  included 27 people, at the mean  age of 39 (29-51)  years old; ISS severity score,  26 (22-34). The  comparison group  comprised 27 people, mean  age,  40 years old (26-53), mean  ISS severity score was 25 points (20 to 29). The patients with randomly attributed even numbers were injected with 5 ml preparation from vials of even-numbered series, the patients with odd numbers were treated with preparation from the odd-numbered series. They were injected intramuscularly daily from day 1 to day 10 after the injury. Before treatment, as well as on days 8, 15 after injury, peripheral blood was examined for leukocyte, erythrocyte counts, hemoglobin, total  protein, blood  IL-6, CRP; proportion of CD117+  and  CD34+  mononuclear cells, CD14+ monocytes, CD14+ granulocytes, HLA-DR+  mononuclear cells, defensin + granulocytes.On  the  day  +8,   patients from  the  main  group,  against  the  comparison group  showed  an  increase   in lymphocytes, monocytes, CD117+ and CD34+ cell counts. Serum IL-6 and CRP were decreased in both groups of the patients to a similar  degree. Terms  of hospitalization in the main  group were 32.8 days, against  39.6 in comparison group. The number of complications per 1 case was, respectively, 21 versus 39, thus being 1.8 times less than  in comparison group.  When developing complications, anemia (Hb  < 90 g/l),  or hypoproteinaemia (< 60 g/l) in the main group was, respectively, 2.5and 3.5-fold  less than  in the comparison group.Treatment with sodium  deoxyribonucleate in polytrauma may promote migration of blood precursors to the bloodstream, increase anti-infectious properties of leukocytes, reduce duration of anemia and hypoproteinemia, number of complications and decrease the terms of hospitalization