3,541 research outputs found

    On Dissipation Rate of Ocean Waves due to White Capping

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    We calculate the rate of ocean waves energy dissipation due to whitecapping by numerical simulation of deterministic phase resolving model for dynamics of ocean surface. Two independent numerical experiments are performed. First, we solve the 3D3D Hamiltonian equation that includes three- and four-wave interactions. This model is valid for moderate values of surface steepness only, μ<0.09\mu < 0.09. Then we solve the exact Euler equation for non-stationary potential flow of an ideal fluid with a free surface in 2D2D geometry. We use the conformal mapping of domain filled with fluid onto the lower half-plane. This model is applicable for arbitrary high levels of steepness. The results of both experiments are close. The whitecapping is the threshold process that takes place if the average steepness μ>μcr0.055\mu > \mu_{cr} \simeq 0.055. The rate of energy dissipation grows dramatically with increasing of steepness. Comparison of our results with dissipation functions used in the operational models of wave forecasting shows that these models overestimate the rate of wave dissipation by order of magnitude for typical values of steepness.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Tourmaline Composition of the Kı¸sladag Porphyry Au Deposit,Western Turkey: Implication of Epithermal Overprint

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    The Kışladağ porphyry Au deposit occurs in a middle Miocene magmatic complex comprising three different intrusions and magmatic-hydrothermal brecciation related to the multiphase effects of the different intrusions. Tourmaline occurrences are common throughout the deposit, mostly as an outer alteration rim around the veins with lesser amounts disseminated in the intrusions, and are associated with every phase of mineralization. Tourmaline mineralization has developed as a tourmaline-rich matrix in brecciated zones and tourmaline-quartz and/or tourmaline-sulfide veinlets within the different intrusive rocks. Tourmaline was identified in the tourmaline-bearing breccia zone (TBZ) and intrusive rocks that had undergone potassic, phyllic, and advanced argillic alteration. The tourmaline is present as two morphological varieties, aggregates of fine crystals (rosettes, fan-shaped) and larger isolated crystals and their aggregates. Four tourmaline generations (tourmaline I to IV) have different compositions and substitutions. Tourmaline I in TBZ and INT#1 is distinguished by the highest Fetot and enriched in Fe3+. Tourmalines II and III occur as fine aggregates, accompanied by the formation of isolated crystals and are characterized by lower Fetot and Fe3+. Tourmaline IV is characterized by the lowest Fetot, enriched in Cl, and has the highest proportion of X-site vacancy among all the tourmalines. Tourmaline I may be attributed to the potassic stage in INT#1 and early tourmaline in TBZ. Tourmalines II and III from INT#1 and the TBZ could be referred to the phyllic stage. The low Fe content in tourmaline is caused by the simultaneous deposition of sulfide minerals. Tourmaline IV from the TBZ and tourmaline II from INT#3 are distinguished by the high X-site vacancy proportion up to the formation of X-site vacant species as well as enriched in Cl; they can be attributed to the argillic stage of the hydrothermal process. The textural and especially chemical data of the tourmaline from the Kışladağ Au deposit provide information on the physico-chemical conditions during the porphyry to epithermal transition and subsequent epithermal overprinting

    New high magnetic field phase of the frustrated S=1/2S=1/2 chain compound LiCuVO4_4

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    Magnetization of the frustrated S=1/2S=1/2 chain compound LiCuVO4_4, focusing on high magnetic field phases, is reported. Besides a spin-flop transition and the transition from a planar spiral to a spin modulated structure observed recently, an additional transition was observed just below the saturation field. This newly observed magnetic phase is considered as a spin nematic phase, which was predicted theoretically but was not observed experimentally. The critical fields of this phase and its dM/dH curve are in good agreement with calculations performed in a microscopic model (M. E. Zhitomirsky and H. Tsunetsugu, preprint, arXiv:1003.4096v2).Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Thermal effects versus spin nematicity in a frustrated spin-1/2 chain

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    The spin-nematic phase is an intriguing state of matter that lacks usual long-range dipolar order, yet it exhibits higher multipolar order. This makes its detection extremely difficult and controversial. Recently, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been proposed as one of the most suitable techniques to confirm its existence. We report a 17^{17}O NMR observation of the reduction of the local magnetization in the polarized state of the frustrated spin-1/2 chain β\beta-TeVO4_4, which was previously proposed to be a fingerprint of the spin-nematic behavior. However, our detailed study shows that the detected missing fraction of the magnetization, probed by NMR frequency shift, is thermally activated, thus undermining the presence of the spin-nematic phase in the investigated compound. This highlights the importance of careful considerations of temperature-dependent NMR shift that has been overlooked in previous studies of spin nematicity.Comment: accepted for publication in PRB(R), with supplementar

    Planar SFS Josephson Junctions Made by Focused Ion Beam Etching

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    Superconductor-Ferromagnet-Superconductor (S-F-S) Josephson junctions were fabricated by making a narrow cut through a S-F double layer using direct writing by Focused Ion Beam (FIB). Due to a high resolution (spot size smaller than 10 nm) of FIB, junctions with a small separation between superconducting electrodes (\leq 30 nm) can be made. Such a short distance is sufficient for achieving a considerable proximity coupling through a diluted CuNi ferromagnet. We have successfully fabricated and studied S-F-S (Nb-CuNi-Nb) and S-S'-S (Nb-Nb/CuNi-Nb) junctions. Junctions exhibit clear Fraunhofer modulation of the critical current as a function of magnetic field, indicating good uniformity of the cut. By changing the depth of the cut, junctions with the IcRnI_c R_n product ranging from 0.5 mV to 1μ\sim 1\mu V were fabricated.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, presentation at EUCAS-2003, to be published in Physica

    Efficiency determination of resistive plate chambers for fast quasi-monoenergetic neutrons

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    Composite detectors made of stainless steel converters and multigap resistive plate chambers have been irradiated with quasi-monoenergetic neutrons with a peak energy of 175MeV. The neutron detection efficiency has been determined using two different methods. The data are in agreement with the output of Monte Carlo simulations. The simulations are then extended to study the response of a hypothetical array made of these detectors to energetic neutrons from a radioactive ion beam experiment.Comment: Submitted to Eur.Phys.J. A; upgraded version correcting some typos and updating ref.