145 research outputs found

    Orbital parameters, chemical composition, and magnetic field of the Ap binary HD 98088

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    HD 98088 is a synchronised, double-lined spectroscopic binary system with a magnetic Ap primary component and an Am secondary component. We study this rare system using high-resolution MuSiCoS spectropolarimetric data, to gain insight into the effect of binarity on the origin of stellar magnetism and the formation of chemical peculiarities in A-type stars. Using a new collection of 29 high-resolution Stokes VQU spectra we re-derive the orbital and stellar physical parameters and conduct the first disentangling of spectroscopic observations of the system to conduct spectral analysis of the individual stellar components. From this analysis we determine the projected rotational velocities of the stars and conduct a detailed chemical abundance analysis of each component using both the SYNTH3 and ZEEMAN spectrum synthesis codes. The surface abundances of the primary component are typical of a cool Ap star, while those of the secondary component are typical of an Am star. We present the first magnetic analysis of both components using modern data. Using Least-Squares Deconvolution, we extract the longitudinal magnetic field strength of the primary component, which is observed to vary between +1170 and -920 G with a period consistent with the orbital period. There is no field detected in the secondary component. The magnetic field in the primary is predominantly dipolar, with the positive pole oriented approximately towards the secondary.Comment: Accepted for publication by MNRAS, 17 pages, 12 figure

    Magnetic field, chemical composition and line profile variability of the peculiar eclipsing binary star AR Aur

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    AR Aur is the only eclipsing binary known to contain a HgMn star, making it an ideal case for a detailed study of the HgMn phenomenon. HgMn stars are a poorly understood class of chemically peculiar stars, which have traditionally been thought not to possess significant magnetic fields. However, the recent discovery of line profile variability in some HgMn stars, apparently attributable to surface abundance patches, has brought this belief into question. In this paper we investigate the chemical abundances, line profile variability, and magnetic field of the primary and secondary of the AR Aur system, using a series of high resolution spectropolarimetric observations. We find the primary is indeed a HgMn star, and present the most precise abundances yet determined for this star. We find the secondary is a weak Am star, and is possibly still on the pre-main sequence. Line profile variability was observed in a range of lines in the primary, and is attributed to inhomogeneous surface distributions of some elements. No magnetic field was detected in any observation of either stars, with an upper limit on the longitudinal magnetic field in both stars of 100 G. Modeling of the phase-resolve longitudinal field measurements leads to a 3 sigma upper limit on any dipole surface magnetic field of about 400 G.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 11 pages, 9 figure

    Revisiting the Rigidly Rotating Magnetosphere model for σ\sigma Ori E - II. Magnetic Doppler imaging, arbitrary field RRM, and light variability

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    The initial success of the Rigidly Rotating Magnetosphere (RRM) model application to the B2Vp star sigma OriE by Townsend, Owocki & Groote (2005) triggered a renewed era of observational monitoring of this archetypal object. We utilize high-resolution spectropolarimetry and the magnetic Doppler imaging (MDI) technique to simultaneously determine the magnetic configuration, which is predominately dipolar, with a polar strength Bd = 7.3-7.8 kG and a smaller non-axisymmetric quadrupolar contribution, as well as the surface distribution of abundance of He, Fe, C, and Si. We describe a revised RRM model that now accepts an arbitrary surface magnetic field configuration, with the field topology from the MDI models used as input. The resulting synthetic Ha emission and broadband photometric observations generally agree with observations, however, several features are poorly fit. To explore the possibility of a photospheric contribution to the observed photometric variability, the MDI abundance maps were used to compute a synthetic photospheric light curve to determine the effect of the surface inhomogeneities. Including the computed photospheric brightness modulation fails to improve the agreement between the observed and computed photometry. We conclude that the discrepancies cannot be explained as an effect of inhomogeneous surface abundance. Analysis of the UV light variability shows good agreement between observed variability and computed light curves, supporting the accuracy of the photospheric light variation calculation. We thus conclude that significant additional physics is necessary for the RRM model to acceptably reproduce observations of not only sigma Ori E, but also other similar stars with significant stellar wind-magnetic field interactions.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Surface structure of 45 Hercules: An otherwise unremarkable Ap star with a surprisingly weak magnetic field

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    The origin of magnetic fields and their role in chemical spot formation on magnetic Ap stars is currently not understood. Here we contribute to solving this problem with a detailed observational characterisation of the surface structure of 45 Her, a weak-field Ap star. We find this object to be a long-period, single-lined spectroscopic binary and determine the binary orbit as well as fundamental and atmospheric parameters of the primary. We study magnetic field topology and chemical spot distribution of 45 Her with the help of the Zeeman Doppler imaging technique. Magnetic mapping reveals the stellar surface field to have a distorted dipolar topology with a surface-averaged field strength of 77 G and a dipolar component strength of 119 G - confirming it as one of the weakest well-characterised Ap-star fields known. Despite its feeble magnetic field, 45 Her shows surface chemical inhomogeneities with abundance contrasts of up to 6 dex. Of the four chemical elements studied, O concentrates at the magnetic equator whereas Ti, Cr and Fe avoid this region. Apart from this trend, the positions of Fe-peak element spots show no apparent correlation with the magnetic field geometry. No signs of surface differential rotation or temporal evolution of chemical spots on the time scale of several years were detected. Our findings demonstrate that chemical spot formation does not require strong magnetic fields to proceed and that both the stellar structure and the global field itself remain stable for sub-100 G field strengths contrary to theoretical predictions.Comment: 15 pages, 19 figures; Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Stokes IQUV Magnetic Doppler Imaging of Ap stars I. ESPaDOnS and NARVAL Observations

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    In this paper we describe and evaluate new spectral line polarisation observations obtained with the goal of mapping the surfaces of magnetic Ap stars in great detail. One hundred complete or partial Stokes IQUV sequences, corresponding to 297 individual polarised spectra, have been obtained for 7 bright Ap stars using the ESPaDOnS and NARVAL spectropolarimeters. The targets span a range of mass from approximately 1.8 to 3.4 solar mass, a range of rotation period from 2.56 to 6.80 days, and a range of maximum longitudinal magnetic field strength from 0.3 to over 4 kG. For 3 of the 7 stars, we have obtained dense phase coverage sampling the entire rotational cycle. These datasets are suitable for immediate magnetic and chemical abundance surface mapping using Magnetic Doppler Imaging (MDI). For the 4 remaining stars, partial phase coverage has been obtained, and additional observations will be required in order to map the surfaces of these stars. The median signal-to-noise ratio of the reduced observations is over 700 per 1.8 km\s pixel. Spectra of all stars show Stokes V Zeeman signatures in essentially all individual lines, and most stars show clear Stokes QU signatures in many individual spectral lines. The observations provide a vastly improved data set compared to previous generations of observations in terms of signal-to-noise ratio, resolving power and measurement uncertainties. Measurement of the longitudinal magnetic field demonstrates that the data are internally consistent within computed uncertainties typically at the 50 to 100 sigma level. Data are also shown to be in excellent agreement with published observations and in qualitative agreement with the predictions of published surface structure models. This study establishes the performance and stability of the ESPaDOnS and NARVAL high-resolution spectropolarimeters during the period 2006-2010.Comment: 31 pages, 35 figures, 4 tables Accepted in MNRA

    Magnetism, X-rays, and Accretion Rates in WD 1145+017 and other Polluted White Dwarf Systems

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    This paper reports circular spectropolarimetry and X-ray observations of several polluted white dwarfs including WD 1145+017, with the aim to constrain the behavior of disk material and instantaneous accretion rates in these evolved planetary systems. Two stars with previously observed Zeeman splitting, WD 0322-019 and WD 2105-820, are detected above 5 sigma and > 1 kG, while WD 1145+017, WD 1929+011, and WD 2326+049 yield (null) detections below this minimum level of confidence. For these latter three stars, high-resolution spectra and atmospheric modeling are used to obtain limits on magnetic field strengths via the absence of Zeeman splitting, finding B* < 20 kG based on data with resolving power R near 40 000. An analytical framework is presented for bulk Earth composition material falling onto the magnetic polar regions of white dwarfs, where X-rays and cyclotron radiation may contribute to accretion luminosity. This analysis is applied to X-ray data for WD 1145+017, WD 1729+371, and WD 2326+049, and the upper bound count rates are modeled with spectra for a range of plasma kT = 1 - 10 keV in both the magnetic and non-magnetic accretion regimes. The results for all three stars are consistent with a typical dusty white dwarf in a steady-state at 1e8 - 1e9 g/s. In particular, the non-magnetic limits for WD 1145+017 are found to be well below previous estimates of up to 1e12 g/s, and likely below 1e10 g/s, thus suggesting the star-disk system may be average in its evolutionary state, and only special in viewing geometry.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables; accepted to MNRA

    Magnetic chemically peculiar stars

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    Chemically peculiar (CP) stars are main-sequence A and B stars with abnormally strong or weak lines for certain elements. They generally have magnetic fields and all observables tend to vary with the same period. Chemically peculiar stars provide a wealth of information; they are natural atomic and magnetic laboratories. After a brief historical overview, we discuss the general properties of the magnetic fields in CP stars, describe the oblique rotator model, explain the dependence of the magnetic field strength on the rotation, and concentrate at the end on HgMn stars.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, chapter in "Determination of Atmospheric Parameters of B-, A-, F- and G-Type Stars", Springer (2014), eds. E. Niemczura, B. Smalley, W. Pyc

    Comprehensive study of the magnetic stars HD 5797 and HD 40711 with large chromium and iron overabundances

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    We present the results of a comprehensive study of the chemically peculiar stars HD 5797 and HD 40711. The stars have the same effective temperature, Teff = 8900 K, and a similar chemical composition with large iron (+1.5 dex) and chromium (+3 dex) overabundances compared to the Sun. The overabundance of rare-earth elements typically reaches +3 dex. We have measured the magnetic field of HD 5797. The longitudinal field component Be has been found to vary sinusoidally between -100 and +1000 G with a period of 69 days. Our estimate of the evolutionary status of the stars suggests that HD 5797 and HD 40711, old objects with an age t \approx 5 \times 108 yr, are near the end of the core hydrogen burning phase.Comment: 26 pages, 5 Encapsulated Postscript figure