77 research outputs found

    Discursive ideologies in campaign speeches of Cyril Ramaphosa and Julius Malema in the 2019 South African presidential election

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    This work analyses the discursive ideologies embedded in campaign speeches of Cyril Ramaphosa of the African National Congress (ANC) and Julius Malema of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in the period before May 8, 2019, the South African general elections. The study is an attempt to uncover the hidden ideologies the candidates subtly employ to sway voters in their favour. The study employed Critical Discourse Analysis to analyse the campaign messages. The data for the study comprised the campaign exchanges of the two candidates retrieved from www.youtube.com. This study shows that the two presidential contenders, through their campaign speeches, employed different ideologies through which they hoped to sway the electorate in their favour. The incumbent, Cyril Ramaphosa, projects the ideology of renewal and the elements of ‘us’ versus ‘them’ in his campaign speeches. Julius Malema, on the other hand, being a young leader, sells the ideologies of economic liberation, ‘us’ versus ‘them’ and ‘young’ versus ‘old’, depicting that only the youth can lead South Africa to the promised land. The study submits that political discourse is laden with specific ideologies which are intended to convince the voters to vote for them. It is therefore important that the public be well informed so that they can rationally uncover and identify these  ideologies and either accept or reject them. Keywords: discursive, ideology, campaign, South African presidential election

    Growth response, nutrient and mineral retention, bone mineralisation and walking ability of broiler chickens fed with dietary inclusion of various unconventional mineral sources

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    Growth response, nutrient and mineral retention, bone mineral content and walking ability of broiler chicken fed dietary inclusion of various unconventional calcium sources were studied using 160‐day‐old broilers. Four isonitrogenous, isocaloric diets balanced for Ca and P were formulated such that oyster shell, snail shell, wood ash and limestone were used as main non‐phytate (Ca from other sources apart from plant) calcium sources. Each dietary treatment consisted of 40 birds replicated four times with 10 birds per replicate. A single diet was fed to the broilers throughout the duration of the study which lasted for 8 weeks. Broilers fed diet containing oyster shell as calcium sources recorded the highest (p < 0.05) feed intake of 5863.30 g, while those fed diet containing limestone consumed the least intake (p < 0.05) of 5432.56 g. Occurrence of lameness and evidences of gaits were highest (p < 0.05) for broilers fed diet containing wood ash. Lowest (p < 0.05) Ca and ash retention were recorded for broiler fed diet containing wood ash as Ca sources. Similar tibia ash values were recorded for broilers fed oyster shell, snail shell and limestone. Wood ash inclusion resulted in a low Ca availability hence its inclusion in feeds for broilers should be discouraged

    Abatement of Polluting Effects of Waste Dump Leachates using Different Coagulants

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    This study assessed the effectiveness of different coagulants for treating leachates before their release into the environment Three inorganic coagulants ferric chloride ferrous sulphate and alum and one organic coagulant Moringer Oleifera seed MOS were used in a jar test to determine the optimum pH and dosage for the coagulants Raw and treated leachates were analysed for physiochemical parameters such as pH chemical oxygen demand Total solids Pb and Cr The optimum pH for ferric chloride ferrous sulphate alum and MOS was 7 7 6 and 10 respectively While the optimum dosage for each coagulant was 3g L 3g L 5g L and 5g L respectively The analysis of the raw leachate sample showed that it was highly polluted Dry season COD 3000mg L TSS 2369mg L Cr 0 075mg L Pb 0 25mg L and Mn 0 29mg L Wet season COD 3000mg L TSS 2369mg L Cr 0 075mg L Pb 0 25mg L and Mn 0 29mg L Coagulants removal efficiency RE for COD ranges from 12 to 41 with ferric chloride having the highest removal efficiency All the coagulants were efficient in reducing the level of heavy metals in the sample leachate The RE ranges from 55 to 95 6 with MOS having the highest RE of 95 6 for lead The coagulants showed significant difference at P 0 05 in their RE for some of the parameters treated The inorganic coagulants ferric chloride ferrous sulphate and alum showed no significant difference P 0 05 in the removal of COD while the organic coagulant MOS was significantly different at P 0 05 from the inorganic coagulants Over all Alum showed to be a better coagulant than other coagulants in reducing the physiochemical parameters of leachates while MOS is a suitable substitute for alum It was also observed that there was no significance P 0 05 in the removal efficiency of the coagulants in both dry and wet seasons Seasonality has no effect on the effectiveness of the coagulant

    Health insurance status affects hypertension control in a hospital based internal medicine clinic

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    Hypertension is a worldwide disorder that contributes significantly to morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs in both developed and developing communities. A retrospective cohort study of hypertensive patients attending the Internal Medicine continuity clinic at Nashville General Hospital (NGH) between January and December 2007 was conducted. Given the easy access to health care at NGH and affordable Blood pressure (BP) medications, we explored the ability to achieve optimal BP control <140/90 ​mmHg and evaluated which factors are associated. Of the 199 subjects, 59% achieved BP goal <140/90 ​mmHg. The mean BP was 139/80 ​mmHg. Health insurance status was associated with SBP and DBP (All P ​< ​0.046). Patients with health insurance had a 2.2 fold increased odds of achieving BP control compared to patients without health insurance (P ​= ​0.025). Furthermore, the number of BP medications used was significantly associated with SBP and DBP (All P ​< ​0.003). Patients taking more than three BP medications had a 58% reduced odds of achieving optimal BP control compared to patients taking one medication (P ​= ​0.039). Ethnicity was not associated with achieving BP control. Our study revealed the number of BP medications used and health insurance status, are factors associated with achieving BP control

    Prevalence of Parasites Infection of Resident Fish Species in a Tropical Reservoir

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    This study detected, identified and determined the incidence of parasites present in and on Clarias gariepinus, Sarotherodon galilaeus, Oreochromis niloticus and Tilapia zillii in Ero reservoir, a tropical reservoir situated in Ikun-Ekiti, Nigeria. Fish species were randomly obtained from fishermen at the reservoir during the rainy season. Out of 55 fish samples examined, 17 (30.9%) fishes were invaded. 11(20.0%) were infected by Protozoans (Ciliates and Flagellates) and 6(10.9%) were infected by Metazoans (Myxosporean and Nematode). Parasitological examination of the 55 fish samples showed 41.2% incidence for C. gariepinus, 17.6% for S. galilaeus, 29.4% for O. niloticus, and 11.8% for T. zillii. A total of 59 parasites were recovered comprising 36 protozoans and 23 metazoans. Parasite infections were found on the skin, fins, gills, intestine, liver and kidney. Total number and percentage of parasites recovered were tabulated in relation to their host prevalence and location of specificity


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    This study was conducted to investigate the effects of feeding diets containing Neem Leaf Meal (NLM), Garlic Meal (GM) and their combinations (NLM + GM) on growth performance and carcass yield of finishing broiler. A total of 180 day-old Cobb broiler chickens were divided into twelve groups of fifteen chicks with three replicate of five chicks each. The diet contained NLM, GM and NLM + GM at four levels of inclusion (0mg/kg, 500mg/kg, 1000mg/kg and 1500mg/kg). The experiment was arranged in a 3 × 4 factorial layout in a completely randomized design. Additives and levels of inclusion had no significant (P&gt;0.05) influence on performance parameters except feed intake which was influenced (p&lt;0.05) by NLM + GM and 1000mg/kg levels of inclusion. Final live weight (2516.67g/bird), weight gain (1742.00g/bird), daily weight gain (62.2g/bird/day) and feed conversion ratio (2.32) were improved (p&lt;0.05) at 1500mg/kg levels of inclusion of NLM + GM. Thigh (11.68%), wings (8.44), neck (4.23%) and gizzard (2.13%) of birds fed GM were improved (P&lt;0.05) than those of NLM. Carcass weight was influenced (p&lt;0.05) by additives at various inclusion levels with wings (9.01%), head (3.39%), neck (4.52%), shanks (4.49%) and gizzard (2.42%) highest (p&lt;0.05) in birds fed GM at 1500mg/kg levels of inclusion than those of 0mg/kg levels of inclusion. It was concluded that the use of NLM + GM as additives yielded commendable result on performance and carcass weight of finishing broiler birds   This study was conducted to investigate the effects of feeding diets containing Neem Leaf Meal (NLM), Garlic Meal (GM) and their combinations (NLM + GM) on growth performance and carcass yield of finishing broiler. A total of 180 day-old Cobb broiler chickens were divided into twelve groups of fifteen chicks with three replicate of five chicks each. The diet contained NLM, GM and NLM + GM at four levels of inclusion (0mg/kg, 500mg/kg, 1000mg/kg and 1500mg/kg). The experiment was arranged in a 3 × 4 factorial layout in a completely randomized design. Additives and levels of inclusion had no significant (P&gt;0.05) influence on performance parameters except feed intake which was influenced (p&lt;0.05) by NLM + GM and 1000mg/kg levels of inclusion. Final live weight (2516.67g/bird), weight gain (1742.00g/bird), daily weight gain (62.2g/bird/day) and feed conversion ratio (2.32) were improved (p&lt;0.05) at 1500mg/kg levels of inclusion of NLM + GM. Thigh (11.68%), wings (8.44), neck (4.23%) and gizzard (2.13%) of birds fed GM were improved (P&lt;0.05) than those of NLM. Carcass weight was influenced (p&lt;0.05) by additives at various inclusion levels with wings (9.01%), head (3.39%), neck (4.52%), shanks (4.49%) and gizzard (2.42%) highest (p&lt;0.05) in birds fed GM at 1500mg/kg levels of inclusion than those of 0mg/kg levels of inclusion. It was concluded that the useof NLM + GM as additives yielded commendable result on performance and carcass weight of finishing broiler birds Keywords: Neem, garlic, broilers, performance, carcass characteristics.

    Geochemical Appraisal of Termite-Reworked Clay Soils from Basement Complex Terrain: Implications as Landfill Liners

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    The geochemical and mineralogical assessment was prompted by the considerable presence of Termitaria overburden on the Basement Complex outcrops in southwest Nigeria with the goal of determining their suitability as landfill liners. The X-Ray Fluorescene (XRF) and X-Ray Diffraction techniques were used to examine ten soil samples. Major oxides and mineralogical values were analysed to determine the effectiveness of soil engineering. Weathering indices and silica/sesquioxide ratios were also measured. The results of the mineralogical investigation showed that kaolinite clay mineral predominated, which is indicative of non-swelling qualities. The outcomes demonstrated that the soil is a true laterite as well as a lateritic soil. Fair carrying capacity was shown by the stability and shear resistance values of 47.15% and 48.11%, respectively. The weathering indices show severe weathering, high clay fraction, strong plasticity, and low hydraulic conductivity with an average of 95% and 0.59 weight percent, respectively. Additionally, the repackaging of the clay soils by termite activity produced greater interlocking and water film resistance. These characteristics make soils an excellent material for landfill liners due to their improved density and bearing capacity, resilience to chemical attack, and reconstructed structure. Keywords: Landfill liners. Termitaria, Kaolinite, Mineralogy and Geochemical Properties DOI: 10.7176/JEES/13-8-03 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Pattern of Maxillofacial Trauma in the Nigerian Population

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    Introduction: The pattern of trauma to the maxillofacial region differs in various parts of the world. Studies have shown that not only does it differ from one continent to the other, it differs from one country to another within the same continent and from one zone to another within the same country. These have been ascribed to the prevailing socioeconomic, cultural and environmental factors in the study area. It is important that patterns of maxillofacial injuries should be continuously evaluated so that efforts should be put in place to reduce the incidence. The aim of the present study is therefore to describe the patterns of maxillofacial injuries in the Nigerian literature.Methods: The MEDLINE was used to conduct a computerized literature search using for publications on maxillofacial trauma in Nigeria. For this search, the medical subject headings on "maxillofacial fractures" or "mandible fractures" or "middle-third fractures" or "facial fractures" or "zygoma fractures" were combined with "Nigeria". Also, the publications cited in these articles to look for additional important articles but were not found on MEDLINE were searched for.Results: Most of the studies were retrospective while the commonest geopolitical zone where studies were done was the South West region. The commonest cause of maxillofacial injuries was road traffic accident while the commonest age group was the 21-30 years.Conclusion: Road traffic accident is the commonest cause of maxillofacial injuries. It is therefore recommended that the appropriate authorities should enforce seat belt and helmet laws. The government should provide street lights, good roads, pedestrian bridges and traffic lights to reduce vehicular/vehicular and human/vehicular/human collisions. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp


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    A 35- day feeding trial was conducted to study the effects of inclusion of Asystasia gangetica leaf meal (AGLM) on the growth response of broiler chickens. Samples of Asystasia gangetica leaves were sourced from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta environment. The leaves were chopped and wilted, sun dried to reduce the moisture level to the minimal level. The dried leaves were milled to produce leaf meal. Asystasia gangetica leaf meal contain 19.38% crude protein, 15.30% crude fibre, 12.70% ether extract, 1.70% ash and 36.34% NFE.  A total number of 120 day old Marshal Strain of broiler chicks was used. A standard starter diet was fed to the birds prior to the commencement of the experiment. At the end of the 3rd week, birds were allotted into four treatments having three replicates of 10 birds each. Four experimental diets were formulated with varying levels of A. gangetica leaf meal (0, 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 %) respectively.  Final live weight and daily weight gain varied significantly (P&lt;0.05) among treatment groups. The feed intake and feed conversion ratio were not significantly influenced (P&gt;0.05) by dietary treatments. Final weight and weight gain values were found to decrease across the dietary treatments with increasing level of A. gangetica leaf meal. The results of the experiment show that the use of A. gangetica as feed ingredient in broiler production significantly depressed growth.Â

    Health status and blood parameters of weaner rabbits fed diets containing varying dietary fibre and digestible energy levels

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    The maintenance of a good health status in rabbits is hinged upon appropriate balance between dietary fibre and energy level. A 70-day feeding trial was conducted to study the health status and blood parameters of weaner rabbits fed diets containing varying fibre and digestible energy (DE) using a total of ninety 4-weeks-old rabbits. There were 9 dietary treatments laid out in a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement of 3 levels of dietary fibre [low (249-258 g/kg NDF and 149-157 g/kg ADF), optimum (349-381 g/kg NDF and 188-193 g/kg ADF) and high (430-456 g/kg NDF and 249-253 g/kg)] and digestible energy levels [low (8-8.5 MJ/kg), optimum (10.5-11 MJ/kg) and high (12-12.30 MJ/kg)]. Each of the diet was fed to 10 rabbits individually caged in a completely randomized design. Polynomial contrasts were done for linear and quadratic effects. Results indicated that rabbits fed low fibre diets showed high incidence of transitory diarrhoea, total morbidity and symptoms of other sickness. Interaction effect (fibre × digestible energy) indicated that irrespective of the digestible energy level of the diet, mortality, tendency to go off feed and incidence of transitory diarrhoea increased as dietary fibre level increased. Rabbits fed low fibre diets had the least packed cell volume (36.00%) and highest serum uric acid concentration (51.22 mg/dl). Rabbits fed diet containing high fibre + optimum DE recorded the highest packed cell volume (44.00%) and serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (29.00 IU/L). Highest haemoglobin (16.00 g/dl), total serum protein (66.00 g/L) and serum cholesterol concentration (165.00 mg/dl) were recorded with rabbits fed diet containing optimum fibre + optimum DE. It was concluded that feeding low fibre diets increased the susceptibility of rabbits to transitory diarrhoea, morbidity and tendency to go off feed. High fibre diets in rabbit nutrition thus favoured improved health status.   Keywords: Health status, Blood parameters, Weaner rabbits, Dietary fibre, Digestible energ