76 research outputs found

    UV albedo of arctic snow in spring

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    International audienceThe relevance of snow for climate studies is based on its physical properties, such as high surface reflectivity. Surface ultraviolet (UV) albedo is an essential parameter for various applications based on radiative transfer modeling. Here, new continuous measurements of the local UV albedo of natural Arctic snow were made at Sodankylä (67.37° N, 26.63° E, 179 m a.s.l.) during the spring of 2007. The data were logged at 1-min intervals. The accumulation of snow was up to 68 cm. The surface layer thickness varied from 0.5 to 35 cm with the snow grain size between 0.2 and 2.5 mm. The midday erythemally weighted UV albedo ranged from 0.6 to 0.8 in the accumulation period and 0.5?0.7 during melting. During the snow melt period, under cases of an almost clear sky and variable cloudiness, an unexpected diurnal decrease of 0.05 in albedo soon after midday, and recovery thereafter, was detected. This diurnal decrease in albedo was found to be asymmetric with respect to solar midday, thus indicating a change in the properties of the snow. Independent UV albedo results with two different types of instruments confirm these findings. The measured temperature of the snow surface was below 0°C on the following mornings. Hence, the reversible diurnal change, evident for ~1?2 h, could be explained by the daily metamorphosis of the surface of the snowpack, in which the temperature of the surface increases, melting some of the snow to liquid water, after which the surface freezes again

    Insulation effects of Icelandic dust and volcanic ash on snow and ice

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    In the Arctic region, Iceland is an important source of dust due to ash production from volcanic eruptions. In addition, dust is resuspended from the surface into the atmosphere as several dust storms occur each year. During volcanic eruptions and dust storms, material is deposited on the glaciers where it influences their energy balance. The effects of deposited volcanic ash on ice and snow melt were examined using laboratory and outdoor experiments. These experiments were made during the snow melt period using two different ash grain sizes (1 phi and 3.5 phi) from the Eyjafjallajokull 2010 eruption, collected on the glacier. Different amounts of ash were deposited on snow or ice, after which the snow properties and melt were measured. The results show that a thin ash layer increases the snow and ice melt but an ash layer exceeding a certain critical thickness caused insulation. Ash with 1 phi in grain size insulated the ice below at a thickness of 9-15 mm. For the 3.5 phi grain size, the insulation thickness is 13 mm. The maximum melt occurred at a thickness of 1 mm for the 1 phi and only 1-2 mm for 3.5 phi ash. A map of dust concentrations on Vatnajokull that represents the dust deposition during the summer of 2013 is presented with concentrations ranging from 0.2 up to 16.6 g m(-2).Peer reviewe

    Diurnal variations in the UV albedo of arctic snow

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    The relevance of snow for climate studies is based on its physical properties, such as high surface reflectivity. Surface ultraviolet (UV) albedo is an essential parameter for various applications based on radiative transfer modeling. Here, new continuous measurements of the local UV albedo of natural Arctic snow were made at Sodankylä (67°22'N, 26°39'E, 179 m a.s.l.) during the spring of 2007. The data were logged at 1-min intervals. The accumulation of snow was up to 68 cm. The surface layer thickness varied from 0.5 to 35 cm with the snow grain size between 0.2 and 2.5 mm. The midday erythemally weighted UV albedo ranged from 0.6 to 0.8 in the accumulation period, and from 0.5 to 0.7 during melting. During the snow melt period, under cases of an almost clear sky and variable cloudiness, an unexpected diurnal decrease of 0.05 in albedo soon after midday, and recovery thereafter, was detected. This diurnal decrease in albedo was found to be asymmetric with respect to solar midday, thus indicating a change in the properties of the snow. Independent UV albedo results with two different types of instruments confirm these findings. The measured temperature of the snow surface was below 0°C on the following mornings. Hence, the reversible diurnal change, evident for ~1–2 h, could be explained by the daily metamorphosis of the surface of the snowpack, in which the temperature of the surface increases, melting some of the snow to liquid water, after which the surface freezes again

    Traveling reference NILU-UV at the Antarctic region: solar UV comparisons at Ushuaia and Marambio in 2002

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    PĂłster elaborado para la EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly celebrada en Niza, los dĂ­as 6-11 de abril de 2003The MAR Project is financed by the National R+D Plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology (National Research Program at the Antarctica) under contract REN2000-0245-C02-02

    Antarctic network of lamp-calibrated multichannel radiometers for continuous ozone and uv radiation data

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    International audienceThree NILU-UV multichannel radiometers have been installed in 1999 at the Argentinian sites of Ushuaia (54S), Marambio (64S) and Belgrano-II (77S) in order to continuously monitor UV radiation, photosynthetically active radiation and total ozone. The measurements were established by INM, Spain in collaboration with FMI, Finland, DNA-IAA, Argentina and CADIC, Argentina to observe and characterize the spatial and temporal evolution of ozone and ultraviolet radiation in the Antarctic region. Special attention has been given to the quality control and quality assurance of the measurements under harsh climatological conditions. The ozone and UV time series of 2000?2006 were calibrated using a polynomial fit for lamp measurements performed every second week all year round. The gaps in these data are minimal, with almost no data missing, and the data products are available from http://www.polarvortex.org in near real time. The data products include the erythemally-weighted UV, UVB and UVA radiation, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), total ozone (O3) and a cloud parameter (CLT). For UV data, dose rates as well as daily doses are available; from these the maximum measured UV indices (UVI), during 2000?2006, were 12.0, 9.7 and 8.1 at Ushuaia, Marambio and Belgrano-II, respectively

    Quality assurance of the Brewer UV measurements in Finland

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    International audienceThe quality assurance of the two Brewer spectrophotometers of the Finnish Meteorological Institute is discussed in this paper. The complete data processing chain from raw signal to high quality spectra is presented. The quality assurance includes daily maintenance, laboratory characterizations, calculation of long term spectral responsivity, data processing and quality assessment. The cosine correction of the measurements is based on a new method, and included in the data processing software. The results showed that the actual cosine correction factor of the Finnish Brewers can vary between 1.08?1.13 and 1.08?1.12, respectively, depending on the sky radiance distribution and wavelength. The temperature characterization showed a linear temperature dependence between the internal temperature and the photon counts per cycle, and a temperature correction was used for correcting the measurements. The long term spectral responsivity was calculated using time series of several lamps using two slightly different methods. The long term spectral responsivity was scaled to the irradiance scale of the Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) for the whole measurement time periods 1990?2006 and 1995?2006 for Sodankylä and Jokioinen, respectively. Both Brewers have participated in many international spectroradiometer comparisons, and have shown good stability. The differences between the Brewers and the portable reference spectroradiometer QASUME have been within 5% during 2002?2007

    Observations from the NILU-UV Antarctic network since 2000

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    Póster elaborado para la SCAR Open Science Conference celebrada en Auckland, Nueva Zelanda los días 25-28 de agosto de 2014Total ozone and UV measurements have been performed with the NILU-UV radiometer at the station of Ushuaia (54◦S), Marambio (64◦S) and Belgrano II (77◦S) since 2000. The network was established in 1999/2000 by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET) in collaboration with the innishMeteorological Institute (FMI), the Argentinian Dirección Nacional del Antártico-Instituto Antártico (DNA-IAA) and Centro Austral de Investigaciones Cientificas (CADIC). The location of the network was chosen in order to monitor total ozone and UV radiation at different sides of the polar vortex: Belgrano II is mostly located inside the vortex, Marambio at various times inside, on the edge of, or outside the vortex, while Ushuaia is mostly outside the vortex.The MAR Project was financed by the National R+D Plan of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (National Research Program in the Antarctic) under contract REN2000-0245-C02-01

    Quality assurance of the Brewer spectral UV measurements in Finland

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    The quality assurance of the two Brewer spectrophotometers of the Finnish Meteorological Institute is discussed in this paper. The complete data processing chain from raw signal to high quality spectra is presented. The quality assurance includes daily maintenance, laboratory characterizations, calculation of long-term spectral responsivity, data processing and quality assessment. The cosine correction of the measurements is based on a new method, and is included in the data processing software. The results showed that the actual cosine correction factor of the two Finnish Brewers can vary between 1.08–1.13 and 1.08–1.12, respectively, depending on the sky radiance distribution and wavelength. The temperature characterization showed a linear temperature dependence between the instruments' internal temperature and the photon counts per cycle, and a temperature correction was used for correcting the measurements. The long-term spectral responsivity was calculated using the time series of several lamps using two slightly different methods. The long-term spectral responsivity was scaled to the irradiance scale of the Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) for the whole of the measurement time-periods 1990–2006 and 1995–2006 for Sodankylä and Jokioinen, respectively. Both Brewers have participated in many international spectroradiometer comparisons, and have shown good stability. The differences between the Brewers and the portable reference spectroradiometer QASUME have been within 5% during 2002–2007

    Quality assurance of the solar UV network in the Antarctic

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    Measuring ultraviolet radiation in the Antarctic region, where weather conditions are extremely challenging, is a demanding task. Proper quality control of the measurements and quality assurance of the data, which are the basis of all scientific use of data, has to be especially well planned and executed. In this paper we show the importance of proper quality assurance and describe the methods used to successfully operate the NILU-UV multichannel radiometers of the Antarctic network stations at Ushuaia, 54S, and Marambio, 64S. According to our experience, even though multichannel instruments are supposed to be rather stable as a function of time, severe drifts can occur in the sensitivity of the channels under these harsh conditions. During 2000–2003 the biggest drifts were 35%, both at Ushuaia and Marambio, with the sensitivity of the channels dropping at different rates. Without proper corrections in the data, this would have seriously affected the calculated UV dose rates. As part of the quality assurance of the network a traveling reference NILU-UV, which was found to be stable, was used to transfer the desired irradiance scale to the site NILU-UV data. Relative lamp tests were used to monitor the stability of the instruments. Each site NILU-UV was scaled channel by channel to the traveling reference by performing solar comparisons. The method of scaling each channel separately was found to be successful, even though the differences between the raw data of the site NILU-UV and the reference instruments were, before the data correction, as much as 40%. After the correction, the mean ratios of erythemally weighted UV dose rates measured during the solar comparisons in 2000–2003 between the reference NILU-UV and the site NILU-UV were 1.007 ± 0.011 and 1.012 ± 0.012 for Ushuaia and Marambio, respectively, when the solar zenith angle varied up to 80. These results make possible the scientific use of NILU-UV data measured simultaneously at quite different locations, e.g., the Antarctic and Arctic, and the method presented is also practicable for other multichannel radiometer networks.S, and Marambio, 64S. According to our experience, even though multichannel instruments are supposed to be rather stable as a function of time, severe drifts can occur in the sensitivity of the channels under these harsh conditions. During 2000–2003 the biggest drifts were 35%, both at Ushuaia and Marambio, with the sensitivity of the channels dropping at different rates. Without proper corrections in the data, this would have seriously affected the calculated UV dose rates. As part of the quality assurance of the network a traveling reference NILU-UV, which was found to be stable, was used to transfer the desired irradiance scale to the site NILU-UV data. Relative lamp tests were used to monitor the stability of the instruments. Each site NILU-UV was scaled channel by channel to the traveling reference by performing solar comparisons. The method of scaling each channel separately was found to be successful, even though the differences between the raw data of the site NILU-UV and the reference instruments were, before the data correction, as much as 40%. After the correction, the mean ratios of erythemally weighted UV dose rates measured during the solar comparisons in 2000–2003 between the reference NILU-UV and the site NILU-UV were 1.007 ± 0.011 and 1.012 ± 0.012 for Ushuaia and Marambio, respectively, when the solar zenith angle varied up to 80. These results make possible the scientific use of NILU-UV data measured simultaneously at quite different locations, e.g., the Antarctic and Arctic, and the method presented is also practicable for other multichannel radiometer networks.S. According to our experience, even though multichannel instruments are supposed to be rather stable as a function of time, severe drifts can occur in the sensitivity of the channels under these harsh conditions. During 2000–2003 the biggest drifts were 35%, both at Ushuaia and Marambio, with the sensitivity of the channels dropping at different rates. Without proper corrections in the data, this would have seriously affected the calculated UV dose rates. As part of the quality assurance of the network a traveling reference NILU-UV, which was found to be stable, was used to transfer the desired irradiance scale to the site NILU-UV data. Relative lamp tests were used to monitor the stability of the instruments. Each site NILU-UV was scaled channel by channel to the traveling reference by performing solar comparisons. The method of scaling each channel separately was found to be successful, even though the differences between the raw data of the site NILU-UV and the reference instruments were, before the data correction, as much as 40%. After the correction, the mean ratios of erythemally weighted UV dose rates measured during the solar comparisons in 2000–2003 between the reference NILU-UV and the site NILU-UV were 1.007 ± 0.011 and 1.012 ± 0.012 for Ushuaia and Marambio, respectively, when the solar zenith angle varied up to 80. These results make possible the scientific use of NILU-UV data measured simultaneously at quite different locations, e.g., the Antarctic and Arctic, and the method presented is also practicable for other multichannel radiometer networks.. These results make possible the scientific use of NILU-UV data measured simultaneously at quite different locations, e.g., the Antarctic and Arctic, and the method presented is also practicable for other multichannel radiometer networks.Fil: Lakkala, K.. Finnish Meteorological Institute; FinlandiaFil: Redondas, A.. Instituto Nacional de Meteorología; EspañaFil: Meinander, O.. Finnish Meteorological Institute; FinlandiaFil: Torres ,Carlos. Instituto Nacional de Meteorología; EspañaFil: Koskela, T.. Finnish Meteorological Institute; FinlandiaFil: Cuevas, Eduardo. Instituto Nacional de Meteorología; EspañaFil: Taalas, P.. Finnish Meteorological Institute; FinlandiaFil: Dahlback, A.. University of Oslo; NoruegaFil: Deferrari, Guillermo Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Edvardsen, K.. Instituto Noruego de Investigación del Aire; NoruegaFil: Ochoa, H.. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Interno y Culto. Dirección Nacional del Antártico. Instituto Antártico Argentino; Argentin

    Antarctic UV measurements since 2000

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    PĂłster elaborado para el Quadrennial Ozone Symposium celebrado en Edimburgo del 4 al 9 de septiembre de 2016.The MAR Project was financed by the National R+D Plan of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (National Research Program in the Antarctic) under contract REN2000-0245-C02-01
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